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What in God’s green is going on in broward county FL?

So a 67 county machine recount has been ordered by the Secretary of State a Rick Scott appointee. Is everyone going to be satisfied with the outcome? lol
Marc Caputo on Twitter

Does this make any sense to anybody here, that somehow more people showed up to vote for the agricultural commissioner than they did in the state wide senate race?!?!?

Really, they care more about the agricultural commissioner...but decide to abstain from voting on a senator? This also just so happens to be the county that was fined in 2016 for voting violations. The same county today that isn’t reporting ballots hourly as they’re supposed too, but for some reason dumping all their results in nighttime hours. Someone explain this one to me.
What is going on is democrats are ignoring a judges order and continuing to steal the election.

So send in law enforcement and do arrests, I'm sure The Donald could send in Federal Law Enforcement to arrest Brenda Snipes.
Isn't Broward county where the democrat Sheriff hid while Cruz murdered the school and then went national for more gun bans? If so, he won't do shit.
So it makes sense to you, in an election with a historical turnout, that more people voted for the agricultural commissioner, than they did a senator...does that make any sense whatsoever

Poor ballot design. The Ag race was at the top, the senate race in the bottom corner.

Oh, did your conspiracy theory just fall apart?

This lady Snipes is the very same

The very Republican officials of the state of Florida investigated and found no wrongdoing

Dang, your conspiracy theory isn't doing well at all.
So a 67 county machine recount has been ordered by the Secretary of State a Rick Scott appointee. Is everyone going to be satisfied with the outcome? lol

Democrats will. That's how we roll. As long as all the votes are counted, we accept the outcome.

Republicans go the other way. They will only be satisfied if the Republican wins. The two sides are totally different in that regard.
There was a time in America when Americans took up arms to keep Democrat thugs from stealing an election.

Going full banana-Republican thug on us now are, we? I mean, you're calling for armed force to stop votes from being counted. You really can't get more jackbooted than that.

Why is it that nearly every Republican gets massively triggered by the concept of "counting the votes"? Is there some kind of Stalinist gene in their DNA? We Democrats are obviously much better Americans.
Apparently you did not read the article you cite. Nate Silver says two issues are at play in Broward County. The ballot design and faulty optical reading machines. Both of which have nothing to do with fraud, and the latter which, when ballots are counted by hand, will most likely increase Democratic votes which in turn will cause Pubs like you to go hysterical....again.

There is nothing inherently faulty in Optical reading machines. Certainly nothing at all that would bias the results. They are far superior in technical reliability to touch screen voting. They leave a completely traceable trail and the voter gets a receipt for their ballot number. With touch screen voting, NOTHING can be traced to ACTUAL VOTER ACTIONS.

Apparently, ballot design is BEYOND THE COMPETENCE of the Broward county officials. If they couldn't fix that in 18 fucking years -- they are just completely incompetent.

I blame Repubs as well for this. Should have seen it coming. Should have ACTED TO REMOVE the rats nest of partisan incompetence in these places. Too many actual laws been broken, too many continuing snafus.

Repubs shouldn't be behind on this. Should have gotten AHEAD of it.. That's why I vote Repub or Dem if I can possibly avoid it..

VOTING is one of the handful of PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES of govt. Not pandering, not squabbling, not fear mongering. And both parties consistently fail at MOST of their primary duties. Budgeting, elections, borders, punishing the political pranksters.

You have a narrowly contested race and all of sudden the county that has election corruption and incompetence all over it.......produces a bunch of "extra" votes.


It IS bullshit.. But what's the excuse for this KNOWN ISSUE of corruption and incompetence to EXIST for 18 years since it made world news? Why didn't Scott address it as governor??? I'll tell you why...

REPUB leaders are giant pussies.. That's a heavily Dem district and cleaning it up would result in SHRIEKS OF HORROR in the press and the media as REPUBS get accused of "suppressing the vote" and disenfranchising voters...

Some battles need to fought BEFORE the problem becomes a giant pissing match. And you got to have the stones and competence to NAIL CARCASSES TO THE FUCKING WALL on legal charges and do the "swamp cleaning" BY THE BOOK...

That's apparently too contentious and too hard for ANY political leaders to do these days considering "playing it safe" is JOB SECURITY...

Ditch all those bastards. Get elected officials like Mike Rowe who LOVE and HONOR the "dirty jobs" and can find work if they DONT get re-elected. America would be better off..

Well, let's see....

She's black and she works in a heavily black county which leans democratic.

She's gotten away with murder over the years.

Try to clean it up and out will come the race card.

There are laws in place to prevent this from happening and they are now actively defying them.

We know all that. I said that. So why is it that several Repub governors and the high ranking State AGs have not had to balls to face up to the task and take on the attacks from the media? Is their careers more important than punishing the guilty?

They would be totally right to indict on ANY election crime. I repeat -- Repubs are spineless pussies when it comes to any controversy or shouting match over principles...
The situation is if you cannot win an election on the issues then you have to accept that, you should not resort to stealing elections.

Excellent. You're finally understanding that you should try to win on the issues instead of stealing elections.

It's not the Democrats demanding that votes be put in the garbage without counting them. That's all your doing, and it's pretty blatant cheating on your part.

So send in law enforcement and do arrests, I'm sure The Donald could send in Federal Law Enforcement to arrest Brenda Snipes.

And we clearly have another banana-Republican goosestepper.
There was a time in America when Americans took up arms to keep Democrat thugs from stealing an election.

Going full banana-Republican thug on us now are, we? I mean, you're calling for armed force to stop votes from being counted. You really can't get more jackbooted than that.

Why is it that nearly every Republican gets massively triggered by the concept of "counting the votes"? Is there some kind of Stalinist gene in their DNA? We Democrats are obviously much better Americans.

The left, after two years of out and out howling about Trump....talks about someone being triggered.
Marc Caputo on Twitter

Does this make any sense to anybody here, that somehow more people showed up to vote for the agricultural commissioner than they did in the state wide senate race?!?!?

Really, they care more about the agricultural commissioner...but decide to abstain from voting on a senator? This also just so happens to be the county that was fined in 2016 for voting violations. The same county today that isn’t reporting ballots hourly as they’re supposed too, but for some reason dumping all their results in nighttime hours. Someone explain this one to me.

Then again EVERY FIGURE is different. Oh, oh, oh, must be fraud. In a LOGICAL WORLD these figures would all be the same.

Perhaps people have reasons for not voting in the Senate. Perhaps they don't CARE about federal politics.
If anything senator should be much much much higher, either people pick straight R or D, or they pick the names they know, and skip the ones they don’t care about. That’s the discrepancy, and this is a county where the ballot commissioner was already charged with voter fraud 2 years ago for throwing away votes. Not a lot of farmers in broward county. So why is it people really got out there to make sure they got the agricultural commissioner they really wanted?

I don't know. You're asking me questions you should KNOW before you start making accusations, don't you think?
I don't think so. Here it would be the responsibility of the county mayor.

Counties do not have mayor's only cities. Clarified yes there may be many mayors within a county but a mayor cannot fire a county official.
Counties in Tennessee have mayors as do incorporated cities inside those counties. Broward county Florida also has a mayor. Beam Furr is the current mayor.
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we need a 100% ban of paper ballots

What?! No.. we need to go back to punch cards and start voting receipts. They must have rigged the computers here, you simply cannot convince

me that people voted to tax themselves more 3x and then to ban dog racing. Bullshit! Whoever counted the

votes here rigged the machines to say what they wanted.

No one I talk to anywhere voted the way the "election results" are.

Nobody. 20 people thus far, wtf? Everyone is shocked.
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The situation is if you cannot win an election on the issues then you have to accept that, you should not resort to stealing elections.

Excellent. You're finally understanding that you should try to win on the issues instead of stealing elections.

It's not the Democrats demanding that votes be put in the garbage without counting them. That's all your doing, and it's pretty blatant cheating on your part.

So send in law enforcement and do arrests, I'm sure The Donald could send in Federal Law Enforcement to arrest Brenda Snipes.

And we clearly have another banana-Republican goosestepper.
As an enemy of the state may you reap what you sow. They are recounting and are NOT allowing the "magic" votes to be counted. lol
Marc Caputo on Twitter

Does this make any sense to anybody here, that somehow more people showed up to vote for the agricultural commissioner than they did in the state wide senate race?!?!?

Really, they care more about the agricultural commissioner...but decide to abstain from voting on a senator? This also just so happens to be the county that was fined in 2016 for voting violations. The same county today that isn’t reporting ballots hourly as they’re supposed too, but for some reason dumping all their results in nighttime hours. Someone explain this one to me.

Then again EVERY FIGURE is different. Oh, oh, oh, must be fraud. In a LOGICAL WORLD these figures would all be the same.

Perhaps people have reasons for not voting in the Senate. Perhaps they don't CARE about federal politics.
If anything senator should be much much much higher, either people pick straight R or D, or they pick the names they know, and skip the ones they don’t care about. That’s the discrepancy, and this is a county where the ballot commissioner was already charged with voter fraud 2 years ago for throwing away votes. Not a lot of farmers in broward county. So why is it people really got out there to make sure they got the agricultural commissioner they really wanted?

I don't know. You're asking me questions you should KNOW before you start making accusations, don't you think?
So you don’t have a logical explanation for something highly irregular, in a county that had already been caught red handed with voter shenanigans 2 years ago...and you’re asking the OP, who posed this question, to give a logical explanation for something that makes absolutely no sense. The only explanation, outside of the obvious, would be that for some reason broward county folks vote unlike any other county in the US, and really really care about who their Agricultural commissioner. Must be something in the water over there I suppose
So it makes sense to you, in an election with a historical turnout, that more people voted for the agricultural commissioner, than they did a senator...does that make any sense whatsoever

Poor ballot design. The Ag race was at the top, the senate race in the bottom corner.

Oh, did your conspiracy theory just fall apart?

This lady Snipes is the very same

The very Republican officials of the state of Florida investigated and found no wrongdoing

Dang, your conspiracy theory isn't doing well at all.
Terrible ballot design may have decided Florida’s Senate race

This shows the voter ballot, AG race was not at the top, not even close, senate race was the first box to check. Pretty much the exact opposite of what you just said. You could MAYBE make an argument that people started with governor and worked their way down...but that’s an extreme stretch since there’s a very clear senate box to be checked right there next to AG commissioner. You’d have to get 5% of people to make a very stupid mistake for that to be the case, and that would require EVERYONE doing so to vote the entire ballot, and not just pick the names they know and skip the rest. This ballot is similar to almost every other ballot in the State/US, so I guess broward county folks are just 5% stupider?

And she absolutely was charged with illegally destroying votes, as well as fined 200,000 for it. She was let off the hook for releasing early voting results too early, because that was done by a contractor.

Looks like your conspiracy theory, calling this OP a conspiracy theory, is falling apart.
So it makes sense to you, in an election with a historical turnout, that more people voted for the agricultural commissioner, than they did a senator...does that make any sense whatsoever

Poor ballot design. The Ag race was at the top, the senate race in the bottom corner.

Oh, did your conspiracy theory just fall apart?

This lady Snipes is the very same

The very Republican officials of the state of Florida investigated and found no wrongdoing

Dang, your conspiracy theory isn't doing well at all.
Terrible ballot design may have decided Florida’s Senate race

This shows the voter ballot, AG race was not at the top, not even close, senate race was the first box to check. Pretty much the exact opposite of what you just said. You could MAYBE make an argument that people started with governor and worked their way down...but that’s an extreme stretch since there’s a very clear senate box to be checked right there next to AG commissioner. You’d have to get 5% of people to make a very stupid mistake for that to be the case, and that would require EVERYONE doing so to vote the entire ballot, and not just pick the names they know and skip the rest. This ballot is similar to almost every other ballot in the State/US, so I guess broward county folks are just 5% stupider?

And she absolutely was charged with illegally destroying votes, as well as fined 200,000 for it. She was let off the hook for releasing early voting results too early, because that was done by a contractor.

Looks like your conspiracy theory, calling this OP a conspiracy theory, is falling apart.
I just read that George Soros has sent lawyers to defend the Voters of Elections in Broward, I wonder if he has something to do with the law breaking going on. I know he was a money giver to Gilliam.
Marc Caputo on Twitter

Does this make any sense to anybody here, that somehow more people showed up to vote for the agricultural commissioner than they did in the state wide senate race?!?!?

Really, they care more about the agricultural commissioner...but decide to abstain from voting on a senator? This also just so happens to be the county that was fined in 2016 for voting violations. The same county today that isn’t reporting ballots hourly as they’re supposed too, but for some reason dumping all their results in nighttime hours. Someone explain this one to me.
They're Democrats.
They're cheating.
Update: the democratic lawyers, who are openly asking the courts to ignore the canvassing laws designed to protect against voter fraud...Are the same exact lawyers who petitioned for these laws to be put into place for the Democrats for the 2016 election.

So the laws they petitioned for, they are now openly breaking, and continuously trying to make it legal for them to break. The transparency they were mandated with after their shenanigans in 2016 was openly ignored to the point where they had to be taken to court and get a judge to make them comply. We catch them mixing in illegal ballots in with legal ones. After the election they magically find 16,000 more votes in the trunks of activists cars, just enough to trigger a recount btw, and the left is not only saying there is no reason for suspicion...but actually turning it around and claiming the right is guilty of voter fraud.

Jesus, H, Christ. This shit is getting Orwellian. It’s like any time the right accuses the left of impropriety, the left says no, you’re the ones guilty. It’s bizarre. Like when the right said the left was appointing activist judges, the left turned around and said that the right was appointing activist judges because a textualist is an activist...Or like when the right would say the left is politicizing tragedy, the left turns around and says the right is now politicizing the tragedy for saying the left is politicizing tragedy. Now the left is using pre-crime to say trump is using the DOJ to give himself political cover, when THATS EXACLTY WHAT THE OBAMA ADMINISTRSTION DID FOR YEARS OUT IN THE OPEN. Like wtf, it’s like the left is capable of Jedi mind tricks with their own base, and just think they can make these hypocritical claims (more than hypocritical because the rights claims are actually based), but it doesn’t work on the right, but the left just doesn’t understand why the right can’t stand mainstream media. Like WTF, the IRS under Obama actually went after thousands of political groups on the right, and shut down their non-profit status until convientiently after the election, AND THEN ADMITTED IT, then destroyed the supbeoned evidence...and no one went down for it. It is the most egregious abuse of federal power against hundreds of thousands of citizens, not including the millions who considered themselves part of the tea party, and ITS ADMITTED. But trump had sex with stormy Daniels, and paid her hush money, impeach him. Trump is obstructing justice, even though his AG has recused himself, is now fired, and still has yet to fire mueller. I can’t stand trump, and his stupid twitter, but I’m finding myself incredulous at how bad the left has gotten and am seriously considering voting GOP for the first time after McCain/Obama (when I was 18 and didn’t follow politics). Like Nixon had a list of maybe 100 individuals deemed political enemies that he wanted the IRS to target, that’s what he went down for (as well as the cover up of all that). The IRS ACTUALLY targeted thousands of political non-profits for nothing other than political gain, and admitted it (but did try to downplay it as a few bad actors in Cincinnati, which it wasn’t, and only after it was clear the news was going to break anyway). Granted we don’t have any proof to link the IRS Ddirectly to the Obama administration (because the hardrives with evidence for it convienantly crashed and were thrown in a wood chipper), but during this 2 year period the amount of meetings with IRS heads and the administration quadrupled for the normal amount of that or any other administration. Just imagine for one second if this happened under the Trump administration for blacks lives matter, the resistance, or antifa....the left would be calling for heads to roll and 100% rightfully so. I’d be calling for trumps immediate impeachment even if it was clear he had no knowledge, he did put those people in place. Instead what we got from the left is a downplaying, minimal coverage, and the spin that this was just the right politicizing hit job (ironically over the IRS admittedly going after politically opposed groups, and decimating their ability to fundraise as non-profits). Now we hear, “jeez, wasn’t it so nice having scandal free Obama administration.” “The only scandal Obama had was wearing a brown suit.” Really??? Maybe it didn’t seem that way to some on the left with how the media was silent and spinned these scandals more than DJ Jazzy Jeff y’all with a vinyl. AND the fact Obama’s DOJ covered for him and vis versa. Bet the left doesn’t really recall how Holder was held in contempt of Congress for not turning over the evidence of his involvement in the fast and furious (that 2 years later confirmed his involvement that he denied and purjoured himself), then Obama came in and declared that evidence as Executive privileged info retro-actively. That’s not obstruction of justice???

To the left: get objective, stop covering for your side. I am perfectly happy with bashing trump on his many shortcomings. He’s bad for this current political climate. At the same time, he’s also the one calling out the left and the media for their BS. I however can’t bash him and the right when the left crying wolf on hitler, and actually manufacturing shit, while ignoring even worse things from their own side. I’m now at the point where Trump may be a necassary evil to hasten the coming death of the dinosaur media platform, idk, I wish there was a better messenger for that. How is it, with all these “inconsistencies” with Florida and broward, not only is the left not batting an eyelash, they’re taking it a step forward and are convinced of no impropriety, and accusing the right? Where there’s smoke there fire. Not only is there smoke in this instance, you can see an orange glow in the smoke...hey, there is probably a fire there. It’s more than just a few inconsistencies.
Marc Caputo on Twitter

Does this make any sense to anybody here, that somehow more people showed up to vote for the agricultural commissioner than they did in the state wide senate race?!?!?

Really, they care more about the agricultural commissioner...but decide to abstain from voting on a senator? This also just so happens to be the county that was fined in 2016 for voting violations. The same county today that isn’t reporting ballots hourly as they’re supposed too, but for some reason dumping all their results in nighttime hours. Someone explain this one to me.
Ah think they're counting all them ballots that Kemp tossed out in Georgia. (-:

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