What is a hate crime in progressive America?

a hate crime is something only a white looking person can be charged with.

no matter what a minority does they will never be charged with a hate crime.

Leftist have completely legalized racism against white people and are happy they have achieved such a high level of bigotry. Just look at all the riots they have caused since bo took Ofc.
Youre a fucking idiot too I see.

FBI Offenders

By race
In 2011, the races of the 5,731 known hate crime offenders were as follows:

  • 59.0 percent were white.
  • 20.9 percent were black.
  • 7.1 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (multiple races, group).
  • 1.4 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander.
  • 0.8 percent were American Indian/Alaskan Native.
  • 10.8 percent were unknown. (Based on Table 9.)"
a hate crime is something only a white looking person can be charged with.

no matter what a minority does they will never be charged with a hate crime.

Leftist have completely legalized racism against white people and are happy they have achieved such a high level of bigotry. Just look at all the riots they have caused since bo took Ofc.
Youre a fucking idiot too I see.

FBI Offenders

By race
In 2011, the races of the 5,731 known hate crime offenders were as follows:

  • 59.0 percent were white.
  • 20.9 percent were black.
  • 7.1 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (multiple races, group).
  • 1.4 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander.
  • 0.8 percent were American Indian/Alaskan Native.
  • 10.8 percent were unknown. (Based on Table 9.)"
so, only 60% of the time is a white person charged with the added 'hate' crime

gee, that really makes a huge difference or not, considering the crime rates of each race.
There is no such things as hate crime. Either it is crime or not. So you can say to me with impunity that I am a motherfucker and in return I cannot say to you nigga because it is a hate crime, that's what you are saying?
Yes there is a such thing as a hate crime moron. Its a law. Did you forget that?

There is no law against you calling me a nigga. You really are an idiot arent you?
Look fuckhead.. I would not call you nigga unless you behaved like one. I worked with very nice black persons and I would go to bat for them.
I know you wouldnt call me one to my face more than once but what does that have to do with the fact you are ignorant of the law? Lets not deflect from the issue. There is no law that keeps you from calling me names.
Getting strong there aren't you? We are not deviating from the issue. Hate crime is defined by the words we utter.
I stay strong. Just who I am. We werent deviating from the issue but you were. Hate crime is not defined by the words you utter. Its defined by intent moron. If that was the case it would be a hate crime for you to call me a nigga.
If it is a crime against humanity or narrow it down for you affecting your person it is crime and that's that.. I kill you, you are dead. I did not say but I thought nigga>>>it is a crime. If I kill you and utter the word nigga>>>it is a hate crime.
a hate crime is something only a white looking person can be charged with.

no matter what a minority does they will never be charged with a hate crime.

Leftist have completely legalized racism against white people and are happy they have achieved such a high level of bigotry. Just look at all the riots they have caused since bo took Ofc.
Youre a fucking idiot too I see.

FBI Offenders

By race
In 2011, the races of the 5,731 known hate crime offenders were as follows:

  • 59.0 percent were white.
  • 20.9 percent were black.
  • 7.1 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (multiple races, group).
  • 1.4 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander.
  • 0.8 percent were American Indian/Alaskan Native.
  • 10.8 percent were unknown. (Based on Table 9.)"
so, only 60% of the time is a white person charged with the added 'hate' crime

gee, that really makes a huge difference or not, considering the crime rates of each race.
What does that have to do with your moronic claim that only whites were charged with hate crimes?
Crimes against persons
A total of 4,631 known hate crime offenders committed crimes against persons in 2011. Of these offenders:

  • 38.7 percent committed simple assault.
  • 36.9 percent intimidated their victims.
  • 23.6 percent committed aggravated assault.
  • 0.2 percent murdered their victims.
  • 0.2 raped their victims.
  • 0.4 percent committed other types of offenses, which are collected only in the UCR Program’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). (Based on Table 2.)


look how far down the chain they had to go to get those numbers
Yes there is a such thing as a hate crime moron. Its a law. Did you forget that?

There is no law against you calling me a nigga. You really are an idiot arent you?
Look fuckhead.. I would not call you nigga unless you behaved like one. I worked with very nice black persons and I would go to bat for them.
I know you wouldnt call me one to my face more than once but what does that have to do with the fact you are ignorant of the law? Lets not deflect from the issue. There is no law that keeps you from calling me names.
Getting strong there aren't you? We are not deviating from the issue. Hate crime is defined by the words we utter.
I stay strong. Just who I am. We werent deviating from the issue but you were. Hate crime is not defined by the words you utter. Its defined by intent moron. If that was the case it would be a hate crime for you to call me a nigga.
If it is a crime against humanity or narrow it down for you affecting your person it is crime and that's that.. I kill you, you are dead. I did not say but I thought nigga>>>it is a crime. If I kill you and utter the word nigga>>>it is a hate crime.
If you kill me they will get you for murder. The fact you said nigga would be used as evidence of your motive. Just like if you killed a woman and called her a bitch. It would still be murder but your words would be used as an evidence of your motive. You arent very well informed about this are you?
Crimes against persons
A total of 4,631 known hate crime offenders committed crimes against persons in 2011. Of these offenders:

  • 38.7 percent committed simple assault.
  • 36.9 percent intimidated their victims.
  • 23.6 percent committed aggravated assault.
  • 0.2 percent murdered their victims.
  • 0.2 raped their victims.
  • 0.4 percent committed other types of offenses, which are collected only in the UCR Program’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). (Based on Table 2.)


look how far down the chain they had to go to get those numbers
What does that have to do with your moronic claim that only whites were charged with hate crimes?
Look fuckhead.. I would not call you nigga unless you behaved like one. I worked with very nice black persons and I would go to bat for them.
I know you wouldnt call me one to my face more than once but what does that have to do with the fact you are ignorant of the law? Lets not deflect from the issue. There is no law that keeps you from calling me names.
Getting strong there aren't you? We are not deviating from the issue. Hate crime is defined by the words we utter.
I stay strong. Just who I am. We werent deviating from the issue but you were. Hate crime is not defined by the words you utter. Its defined by intent moron. If that was the case it would be a hate crime for you to call me a nigga.
If it is a crime against humanity or narrow it down for you affecting your person it is crime and that's that.. I kill you, you are dead. I did not say but I thought nigga>>>it is a crime. If I kill you and utter the word nigga>>>it is a hate crime.
If you kill me they will get you for murder. The fact you said nigga would be used as evidence of your motive. Just like if you killed a woman and called her a bitch. It would still be murder but your words would be used as an evidence of your motive. You arent very well informed about this are you?
So, the result is the same on the first trial. Then when I am vindicated as self defense, the feds come in and try me again for the same "offense" because I uttered the word nigga while I was doing the same thing as the first scenario. so, the double jeopardy is gone
I know you wouldnt call me one to my face more than once but what does that have to do with the fact you are ignorant of the law? Lets not deflect from the issue. There is no law that keeps you from calling me names.
Getting strong there aren't you? We are not deviating from the issue. Hate crime is defined by the words we utter.
I stay strong. Just who I am. We werent deviating from the issue but you were. Hate crime is not defined by the words you utter. Its defined by intent moron. If that was the case it would be a hate crime for you to call me a nigga.
If it is a crime against humanity or narrow it down for you affecting your person it is crime and that's that.. I kill you, you are dead. I did not say but I thought nigga>>>it is a crime. If I kill you and utter the word nigga>>>it is a hate crime.
If you kill me they will get you for murder. The fact you said nigga would be used as evidence of your motive. Just like if you killed a woman and called her a bitch. It would still be murder but your words would be used as an evidence of your motive. You arent very well informed about this are you?
So, the result is the same on the first trial. Then when I am vindicated as self defense, the feds come in and try me again for the same "offense" because I uttered the word nigga while I was doing the same thing as the first scenario. so, the double jeopardy is gone
I already told you they cant try you for the same offense twice if you are acquitted. What is confusing you about this concept?
The definition of a hate crime is freely available. You must be an idiot not to know what it is. :laugh:

Do you have Asperger's or are you just too stupid to understand nuance?
Life is more pleasant with that one on ignore.
I do not do ignore. I am amused by their stupidity. I know they are so conditioned that they would never admit their folly, yet it is OK to tell them they are fucking imbeciles.
Getting strong there aren't you? We are not deviating from the issue. Hate crime is defined by the words we utter.
I stay strong. Just who I am. We werent deviating from the issue but you were. Hate crime is not defined by the words you utter. Its defined by intent moron. If that was the case it would be a hate crime for you to call me a nigga.
If it is a crime against humanity or narrow it down for you affecting your person it is crime and that's that.. I kill you, you are dead. I did not say but I thought nigga>>>it is a crime. If I kill you and utter the word nigga>>>it is a hate crime.
If you kill me they will get you for murder. The fact you said nigga would be used as evidence of your motive. Just like if you killed a woman and called her a bitch. It would still be murder but your words would be used as an evidence of your motive. You arent very well informed about this are you?
So, the result is the same on the first trial. Then when I am vindicated as self defense, the feds come in and try me again for the same "offense" because I uttered the word nigga while I was doing the same thing as the first scenario. so, the double jeopardy is gone
I already told you they cant try you for the same offense twice if you are acquitted. What is confusing you about this concept?
Yep.. Rodney King case.. "cannot we just all get along?" then the fucker got busted again after got millions from the city.
The definition of a hate crime is freely available. You must be an idiot not to know what it is. :laugh:

Do you have Asperger's or are you just too stupid to understand nuance?
Life is more pleasant with that one on ignore.
Sorry I stressed you out so bad you had to put me on ignore..
I stay strong. Just who I am. We werent deviating from the issue but you were. Hate crime is not defined by the words you utter. Its defined by intent moron. If that was the case it would be a hate crime for you to call me a nigga.
If it is a crime against humanity or narrow it down for you affecting your person it is crime and that's that.. I kill you, you are dead. I did not say but I thought nigga>>>it is a crime. If I kill you and utter the word nigga>>>it is a hate crime.
If you kill me they will get you for murder. The fact you said nigga would be used as evidence of your motive. Just like if you killed a woman and called her a bitch. It would still be murder but your words would be used as an evidence of your motive. You arent very well informed about this are you?
So, the result is the same on the first trial. Then when I am vindicated as self defense, the feds come in and try me again for the same "offense" because I uttered the word nigga while I was doing the same thing as the first scenario. so, the double jeopardy is gone
I already told you they cant try you for the same offense twice if you are acquitted. What is confusing you about this concept?
Yep.. Rodney King case.. "cannot we just all get along?" then the fucker got busted again after got millions from the city.
What does that have to do with double jeopardy? Try to concentrate.
If it is a crime against humanity or narrow it down for you affecting your person it is crime and that's that.. I kill you, you are dead. I did not say but I thought nigga>>>it is a crime. If I kill you and utter the word nigga>>>it is a hate crime.
If you kill me they will get you for murder. The fact you said nigga would be used as evidence of your motive. Just like if you killed a woman and called her a bitch. It would still be murder but your words would be used as an evidence of your motive. You arent very well informed about this are you?
So, the result is the same on the first trial. Then when I am vindicated as self defense, the feds come in and try me again for the same "offense" because I uttered the word nigga while I was doing the same thing as the first scenario. so, the double jeopardy is gone
I already told you they cant try you for the same offense twice if you are acquitted. What is confusing you about this concept?
Yep.. Rodney King case.. "cannot we just all get along?" then the fucker got busted again after got millions from the city.
What does that have to do with double jeopardy? Try to concentrate.
The officers were acquitted of the charges than they were tried again and convicted.
"What is a hate crime in progressive America?"

There is no 'progressive America,' there is only one America, and we are all Americans, citizens of one Nation.

There is also no such thing as a 'hate crime,' as one cannot be 'prosecuted' for an emotion, and citizens are at liberty to express their ignorance, stupidity, and hate as they so desire – you and others on the right demonstrate that fact daily on this forum.

When hate manifest in criminal acts, however, where the race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation of the victim is a factor motivating the committing of a crime, judges are authorized by the Constitution to engage in enhanced sentencing, to render a more severe penalty when the evidence indeed indicates that race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation was a motivating factor. See Wisconsinv. Mitchell (1993)
"What is a hate crime in progressive America?"

There is no 'progressive America,' there is only one America, and we are all Americans, citizens of one Nation.

There is also no such thing as a 'hate crime,' as one cannot be 'prosecuted' for an emotion, and citizens are at liberty to express their ignorance, stupidity, and hate as they so desire – you and others on the right demonstrate that fact daily on this forum.

When hate manifest in criminal acts, however, where the race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation of the victim is a factor motivating the committing of a crime, judges are authorized by the Constitution to engage in enhanced sentencing, to render a more severe penalty when the evidence indeed indicates that race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation was a motivating factor. See Wisconsinv. Mitchell (1993)
go suck some dick leftie
The definition of a hate crime is freely available. You must be an idiot not to know what it is. :laugh:

Do you have Asperger's or are you just too stupid to understand nuance?
No I dont have Aspergers. Nuance is defined as a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound. Perhaps you were looking for the word sarcasm?

I think your Asperger's went undiagnosed.
I think your education went uncompleted.

That was probably as good of a comeback as you'll ever have (one of the few that is/will be sensible). Nonetheless, you should quit while you're behind (not ahead).
The definition of a hate crime is freely available. You must be an idiot not to know what it is. :laugh:

Do you have Asperger's or are you just too stupid to understand nuance?
Life is more pleasant with that one on ignore.
I do not do ignore. I am amused by their stupidity. I know they are so conditioned that they would never admit their folly, yet it is OK to tell them they are fucking imbeciles.
There are 3 on my list. They are unteachable, thick-headed people who when proven wrong, refuse to acknowledge facts or yell that you're arguing wrongly. I've been banned twice because I lost it due to frustration caused by one of them.

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