Zone1 What is a person?

From a true prophet of God, "God's purpose is to bring to past the immortality and eternal life of mankind." We are literally spirit children of our Heavenly Father. And, through the atonement of Jesus Christ, we are literally his children as well because he redeemed us.
What makes a person different from any other animal/mammal?

What is your purpose?
Why do you suppose you are here?
One of my favorite theories and the premise of his best selling book Sapiens, Yuval Harari supposes it's our ability to tell and believe in fiction. Other animals have cultures and language. Monkey's can communicate with one another to say hey look out! there's a lion prowling or a falcon circling over head. What they don't have is the ability to suggest that there is a lion in our wardrobe, he is our lord and savior and that we should worship him.
I think we have many purposes but chief among them is to use our talents to know and create and to pass it on.

I think we are here to share in God's experience. Not for His benefit but for our benefit.
Yes. Plus, we are in a position to give to and to serve others. God is glorious. It's part of our own nature to want to share what is good about ourselves with others. God is glory, and I see in him (as made in his image) the desire to share and to give that glory to us.
Some people believe (or claim to believe) that it is “just a clump of cells.”
Which begs the question, "What is the purpose of this "clump of cells?" If there is no purpose, then there is no reason to be the best we can be.
What makes a person different from any other animal/mammal?

What is your purpose?
Why do you suppose you are here?


The only real difference is that humans have larger brains and we've evolved to make ourselves think we have a purpose so we don't go around committing suicide.

We're not here for any reason at all.
Maybe God chose to create a life form that might someday achieve the distinction of being on the same plane as God. Divine companionship?
God is complete within himself. Also, he has angels, who are pure spirit. It may have more to do with God's nature, which is pure love. He created us out of love...what is it about us that is lovable? Did God create us to teach how to love as he loves? If so, how are we doing? :)
Except there are animals that are self-aware, use tools, and have learned culture.
Not to the extent that humans can. My chinchillas are fascinating little rodents. If I give one a treat, s/he will immediately accept it and run off to eat it in private. Sharing never crosses that little rodent mind. On the other hand, I often wonder if there isn't some semblance of politeness in running off, so as not to brag they have something another doesn't. One day, the male had to go to the vet. It wasn't a pleasant experienced, and when I brought him home, he huddled in a corner of the cage. The female went over to sniff him, then ran off to the other side of the cage. She dragged one of the hay feedbags over to him.

Anyway, I am in no way downplaying animals or the animal kingdom, but humans clearly have something in addition to what other animals have.
Why God chose me to be here I don't have a clue. (But it's on my list of questions I hope to take to heaven with me. :) )
I do like Richard Bach's assessment as to why we are here. To him (and without dismissing God) it all boils down to two things:
  • To learn
  • To have fun

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