Zone1 What is a person?

One of my favorite theories and the premise of his best selling book Sapiens, Yuval Harari supposes it's our ability to tell and believe in fiction. Other animals have cultures and language. Monkey's can communicate with one another to say hey look out! there's a lion prowling or a falcon circling over head. What they don't have is the ability to suggest that there is a lion in our wardrobe, he is our lord and savior and that we should worship him.
It could also be that in having a soul, humans are able to see (however minutely) beyond the physical aspects of earth into the spiritual realm. We are also able to not only learn and to remember the history of our entire species, but to pass it on to future generations.
How many genes do all animals share. What teh difference between humans and other animals -- gene wise?
Different species to have a varying number of genes. What I find fascinating is that my chinchillas and I have ninety percent of the same DNA. We are only a percent or two away from sharing the same DNA as chimpanzees.

The only real difference is that humans have larger brains and we've evolved to make ourselves think we have a purpose so we don't go around committing suicide.

We're not here for any reason at all.
Then there is no reason not to commit suicide, or follow lemmings off a cliff.
It could also be that in having a soul, humans are able to see (however minutely) beyond the physical aspects of earth into the spiritual realm. We are also able to not only learn and to remember the history of our entire species, but to pass it on to future generations.
But do we have souls? In order for me to accept that premise you have to prove it. Also no, you don't remember the history of our entire species which is over 300,000 years old. The oldest records for any human civilization only goes back around 5,000 years.
But do we have souls? In order for me to accept that premise you have to prove it. Also no, you don't remember the history of our entire species which is over 300,000 years old. The oldest records for any human civilization only goes back around 5,000 years.
"Proof" means, "Provide me with physical evidence." The soul is one's spirit, and the spiritual realm is spirit, so no physical proof. Asking for such would be similar to people of old saying, "If you want me to sail off on that boat, first prove to me there is something other than a cliff out there."

What you can contemplate is your own mind. You have a problem or a choice before you, and your mind presents you with several alternatives to consider. Who is that 'you' that selects that choice?
"Proof" means, "Provide me with physical evidence."
Yep. That's typically how we prove things are real rather than figments of our imaginations.
The soul is one's spirit, and the spiritual realm is spirit, so no physical proof.
So no proof then? Then why should I believe you any more than I would someone imploring me to believe in unicorns or leprechauns, or Santa Claus?
Asking for such would be similar to people of old saying, "If you want me to sail off on that boat, first prove to me there is something other than a cliff out there."
I don't understand the analogy. The sentiment you are expressing above is fear of the unknown. Someone eventually did it and thus gave proof to everyone else it could be done and then we were off to the races.
What you can contemplate is your own mind.
No.... what I contemplate are ideas. I use my mind to accomplish this.
You have a problem or a choice before you, and your mind presents you with several alternatives to consider. Who is that 'you' that selects that choice?
It's the rational side of me that requires rational evidence before I believe something is real.
So no proof then? Then why should I believe you any more than I would someone imploring me to believe in unicorns or leprechauns, or Santa Claus?
Correct. No physical proof. Spirituality is in the realm of what is beyond the physical realm.
I don't understand the analogy. The sentiment you are expressing above is fear of the unknown. Someone eventually did it and thus gave proof to everyone else it could be done and then we were off to the races.
The analogy is that some are explorers despite the unknowns (lack of proof/evidence). Some are settlers, happy with what they know real need to know more or go beyond the familiar.
It's the rational side of me that requires rational evidence before I believe something is real.
Correct. Many are settlers, not explorers.
What makes a person different from any other animal/mammal?

the liar moses ...

Then they said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

the garden of eden as taught by jesus ... the repudiation of judaism.
Human kind is the only animal we know of who is aware of other species that it has never experienced or seen.

really, does that ^ make any sense ...

all beings have a metaphysical, physiological presence that is made possible by its unique spiritual content ... all are equal with unique attributes that may enable them to live past their physiological presence and reside as free spirits in the everlasting.
Correct. No physical proof. Spirituality is in the realm of what is beyond the physical realm.
The question remains. Is there indeed a spiritual realm? I don't believe in one.
The analogy is that some are explorers despite the unknowns (lack of proof/evidence). Some are settlers, happy with what they know real need to know more or go beyond the familiar.

Correct. Many are settlers, not explorers.
Explorers brought back answers, you have none for me.
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I do like Richard Bach's assessment as to why we are here. To him (and without dismissing God) it all boils down to two things:
  • To learn
  • To have fun
I wish I could, but I can't boil it down to quite that simple though. While my personal intellectual and emotional makeup embraces pure recreation for no other purpose than the enjoyment of it--riding a roller coaster, zip lining, watching a good movie, playing a computer game etc.--I also need to believe I am here for some greater reason than Bach's philosophy. In other words, not purely for my own benefit. But who knows? I hope we get to find out these things in Heaven.
The question remains. Is there indeed a spiritual realm? I don't believe in one.

Explorers brought back answers, you have none for me.
Just as people back in the day did not believe in anything beyond the sea.

I have brought back an answer: There is a spiritual realm for you to explore. Your choice whether to explore it or not. Back in the day...when explorers said there was land beyond the sea, did everyone go in search of it? Actually, only a small percentage.
I wish I could, but I can't boil it down to quite that simple though. While my personal intellectual and emotional makeup embraces pure recreation for no other purpose than the enjoyment of it--riding a roller coaster, zip lining, watching a good movie, playing a computer game etc.--I also need to believe I am here for some greater reason than Bach's philosophy. In other words, not purely for my own benefit. But who knows? I hope we get to find out these things in Heaven.
I explained badly then. Bach was suggesting you look at everything you do. Are you learning from it? Do you enjoy what you are doing? For example, think of having a family. Does anyone always enjoy cleaning up after, etc. Of course not. You do it because you enjoy your family. We might enjoy a meal more than the preparation of that meal, but the reason we do the prep is for the fun/enjoyment in store.
I explained badly then. Bach was suggesting you look at everything you do. Are you learning from it? Do you enjoy what you are doing? For example, think of having a family. Does anyone always enjoy cleaning up after, etc. Of course not. You do it because you enjoy your family. We might enjoy a meal more than the preparation of that meal, but the reason we do the prep is for the fun/enjoyment in store.
I can appreciate that. And thank you for that explanation. (You didn't explain badly. You just assumed your reader knew what you knew. LOL. )

I think though that sometimes we do something just for the pure enjoyment of it. Again I use the example of a roller coaster. What purpose does that have other than just having fun? But just having harmless fun now and then, fun that teaches nothing, contributes nothing, provides nothing than pure entertainment, is okay now and then too. (P.S. roller coasters are not 'fun' for me and I avoid them like the plague. But some folks so enjoy them so much that example always comes to mind to illustrate something that has no measurable value but is okay to do for the pure pleasure of it.)
Just as people back in the day did not believe in anything beyond the sea.
But now we do because we have evidence. See how that works? Or maybe you don't? Maybe that's the problem...
I have brought back an answer: There is a spiritual realm for you to explore. Your choice whether to explore it or not. Back in the day...when explorers said there was land beyond the sea, did everyone go in search of it? Actually, only a small percentage.
It's not a very good answer. It doesn't tell me what this spiritual realm is, how I'd know if I was in it, what it's boundaries are.... you really haven't given me any evidence it actually exists, unlike explorers who came back with answers to our questions.
Which begs the question, "What is the purpose of this "clump of cells?" If there is no purpose, then there is no reason to be the best we can be.
It may be that the “purpose” (if there is one) is simply beyond our capacity to comprehend. But even if there were no purpose, maybe we should still strive for excellence for the sake of all of us.
God is complete within himself. Also, he has angels, who are pure spirit. It may have more to do with God's nature, which is pure love. He created us out of love...what is it about us that is lovable? Did God create us to teach how to love as he loves? If so, how are we doing? :)
If God has decided to enjoy the company of a companion and we are the material out of which He will eventually fulfill that objective, I don’t believe the purity of His spirit makes any difference.
Different species to have a varying number of genes. What I find fascinating is that my chinchillas and I have ninety percent of the same DNA. We are only a percent or two away from sharing the same DNA as chimpanzees.
thank you

science can be viewed as threatening to some because of their belief systems, and can also be seriously informative on what we as a species are actually made up of, how we work...
and the religious ones here blaspheme and mock their own stated beliefs -- strange -- looks like the cafeteria style Catholics are not alone

Science of today troubles religious beliefs based on the science of thousands of years ago. Most religious texts if written today would be looked at as the beliefs of the Heaven's Gate cult is.

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