What is a small government libertarian?

Oh you change it to utopian? Sorry. Misunderstood that. US 1945-1980? Around 30% unionized, SHARED increase in wages and standards, growing middle class, education system #1 in the world, forward thinking, etc

Then, Reaganomics (myths and fairy tales) took hold

Socialist paradises? ANOTHER premise in one post? Weird.

Are you honestly saying things were just swell from 1945-1980?

Why did we need the "War on Poverty" and the "Great Society" then? Why did we need to start Medicare? Why did Kennedy advocate for a massive income tax cut?

Were the Carter years good in your opinion?

Weird, you don't think an economy where ALL are improving is better than the past 33 years of Renominates where the VAST majority of benefits go to the 1%ers?

War on poverty and great society were GOOD PROGRAMS to assist the most needy, the opposite of Reaganomics!

All those things you list? BENEFITED a LARGE proportion of US society. Reaganomics? Not so much

LBJ had a demand side tax cut. Carter had 9+ million private sector jobs in 4 years to Reagan's 14 million in 8 and yes, Nixon/Fords wage and price controls harmed him, as did OPEC...

ALL you have are false premises, distortions and lies. I'm shocked

If things were so great we would not have needed those massive government programs. That things are worse today means those government programs haven't worked, unless you define success of a government program by the number of people on it.

But since you think Carter was a success and blame Nixon and Ford just shows your partisan bias.


How much of the 5.5 million investment was a subsidy from

a) the State of Minnesota, __________________________%

b) from the federal government _____________________%


Got it, YOU can''t be honest

If Minnesota sold the rail road at the market price, then J.J. Hill didn't benefit from government subsidies. He paid cash for the value of any subsidies. If Minnesota sold for less than the market price, then no one is to blame other than the state of Minnesota. How does the fact that the government of Minnesota was stupid mean that Hill received a subsidy? People sell stuff at less than it's worth in the market all the time.
I have a hard time seeing them as fiscal conservatives either, depending on exactly who you're talking about. Most seem more than willing to turn a blind eye to our insane military budget.

The military budget is a fraction of what it used to be.

A Century of Defense Spending

You graph shows that the defence budget is the smallest it has ever been since WW II.
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Nope, he just wiretapped without court orders and tortured people....

Which became OK to you when the R after the Presidents name turned to a D and he did the same thing

Yeah, that's why the REAL critics of his admin are left leaning, instead of made up crap like birth certs, Ben-Gazzzzi, E/O's, IRS, etc... lol

You're right about the birthers. Why did Obama accuse himself of being born in Kenya? Wow, what a whack job.
Somalia is a collapsed Marxist nation, not anarchy. The crony-capitalism didn't work and now the politicos run their own fiefdoms.

You just said Somalia's not anarchy, it's anarchy. Independent fiefdoms are not contradictory to anarchy, they are anarchy. Think about it.

Anarchy is the lack of government creating lawlessness. Instead of a central government, warlords have their own system in its place. It's not anarchy.

Obviously in anarchy people will join together in packs. Two people working together doesn't end anarchy. You thought people just run around in anarchy ignoring each other like zombies in the Walking Dead? You are not thinking this through. Anarchy leads to Somalia. There is no common defense, law enforcement, land recognition, prisons. Just fiefs that protect their own with their own weapons fighting other fiefs doing the same thing.
Small government is what the US started with when the constitution was drafted and ratified.

It is the only option we had at the time. We had a marginal economy and massive debt
Nope, he just wiretapped without court orders and tortured people....

Which became OK to you when the R after the Presidents name turned to a D and he did the same thing

Yeah, that's why the REAL critics of his admin are left leaning, instead of made up crap like birth certs, Ben-Gazzzzi, E/O's, IRS, etc... lol

So a "real critic" is someone who believes he wasn't left-wing enough?
unless you define success of a government program by the number of people on it

That's exactly what they do. They have been crowing since Obama took over how he's dramatically increased food stamp rolls. They brag about the number of people getting government subsidies on Obamacare. Social security, medicare, medicaid, it's their goal. The more dependent on government checks, the more successful we are!
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You graph shows that the defence budget is the smallest it has ever been since WW II.

LOL, Dad didn't think that one through...

you think it through and extrapolate the current figures adjusted for inflation ...


OMG, that's funny. So you're going to take a measurement of a percent of GDP and extrapolate those and adjust it for inflation? First, that isn't what "extrapolation" means, second, how do you take a number adjusted for GDP and adjust it again for inflation? What does that even mean?
LOL, Dad didn't think that one through...

you think it through and extrapolate the current figures adjusted for inflation ...


OMG, that's funny. So you're going to take a measurement of a percent of GDP and extrapolate those and adjust it for inflation? First, that isn't what "extrapolation" means, second, how do you take a number adjusted for GDP and adjust it again for inflation? What does that even mean?

in 1940 a Coke cost .05... $20 then was worth a little over 1$

quit laughing and do the math... I even gave you the inflation factor.

to form an opinion or to make an estimate about something from known facts. ex·trap·o·lat·
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You graph shows that the defence budget is the smallest it has ever been since WW II.

LOL, Dad didn't think that one through...

you think it through and extrapolate the current figures adjusted for inflation ...


your factor is 16.7 or very close to it

have an expensive day.

Adjusting for inflation means current spending on defence is even lower than what's displayed in the graph.
you think it through and extrapolate the current figures adjusted for inflation ...


OMG, that's funny. So you're going to take a measurement of a percent of GDP and extrapolate those and adjust it for inflation? First, that isn't what "extrapolation" means, second, how do you take a number adjusted for GDP and adjust it again for inflation? What does that even mean?

in 1940 a Coke cost .05... $20 then was worth a little over 1$

quit laughing and do the math... I even gave you the inflation factor.

to form an opinion or to make an estimate about something from known facts. ex·trap·o·lat·

Swish, completely over your head.

Do you know what spending as a percentage of GDP means?
LOL, Dad didn't think that one through...

you think it through and extrapolate the current figures adjusted for inflation ...


your factor is 16.7 or very close to it

have an expensive day.

Adjusting for inflation means current spending on defence is even lower than what's displayed in the graph.

He's not even close enough to grasp that. He thinks he's going to take numbers adjusted for GDP and adjust those for inflation.
you think it through and extrapolate the current figures adjusted for inflation ...


OMG, that's funny. So you're going to take a measurement of a percent of GDP and extrapolate those and adjust it for inflation? First, that isn't what "extrapolation" means, second, how do you take a number adjusted for GDP and adjust it again for inflation? What does that even mean?

in 1940 a Coke cost .05... $20 then was worth a little over 1$

quit laughing and do the math... I even gave you the inflation factor.

to form an opinion or to make an estimate about something from known facts. ex·trap·o·lat·

You just don't get it. What does it mean when the figure is stated as a percentage of GDP? Does inflation affect that percentage?

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