What Is a woman?

I am not casting dispersions on anything, just stating the facts.

No you aren't. You're distorting them either through ignorance or intentionally in an effort to disparage the Bible, God, the person you're arguing with, or maybe all three. I sense it's the latter which makes it not worth the time to discuss the issue with you as you don't really want to have a discussion.

You are getting very defensive, why is that? What do you fear?

If one is to dumb to know what a woman is no one can help them. Wearing fake tits, makeup and dressing in women’s clothes does not make you a woman. You want to identify as a woman or this or that go ahead it doesn’t make you that and no one is obligated to call you that.
This was back in 1986 and still is a funny scene. :)
No you aren't. You're distorting them either through ignorance or intentionally in an effort to disparage the Bible, God, the person you're arguing with, or maybe all three. I sense it's the latter which makes it not worth the time to discuss the issue with you as you don't really want to have a discussion.

You are being very defensive. There is nothing I said that is untrue nor disparaging, that you think it is seems to be a weakness in your own faith.
Why does it worry you so much what someone prefers to be called? Tards like YOU are the ones making it an issue.

It's no skin off my nose if someone born as a male wants to be called a woman.

So you should be the one telling us why it is such an issue for you.
I don't care what anyone wants to call themselves. But I refuse to call you "Mr President" just because you believe you are Abe Lincoln.
Seriously. Will one of you snowflakes please explain why it hurts your widdle feewings if someone wants their pronouns to be she/her.

How is this a threat to you?
Because they are not content with just calling themselves a woman, they demand, under threat of legal and sometime violent means that everyone else conform to their version of “science” and demand that others deny their own view of science, and also call them by their desired pronoun. They believe there are infinite number of genders and that everyone else has to recognize them as whatever of those genders they are.

If they want to call themselves whatever, that’s fine, but they also need to recognize that others may not agree, other believe in 2 genders.
Because they are not content with just calling themselves a woman, they demand, under threat of legal and sometime violent means that everyone else conform to their version of “science” and demand that others deny their own view of science, and also call them by their desired pronoun. They believe there are infinite number of genders and that everyone else has to recognize them as whatever of those genders they are.

If they want to call themselves whatever, that’s fine, but they also need to recognize that others may not agree, other believe in 2 genders.
You and I and everyone else knows this is not about "science". With the New Right, it is ALWAYS about HATE.
It’s not what people feel they are, want to be, or wish to feel different
We have to stop this dismissing of reality. It is erosive of American fabric from many angles.
Assuming you're male and straight, would you marry a “trans woman”.

Nobody who defends the insane bullshit that it “transgenderism” seems to want to answer this.
No, actually, they have a word for it, I think -----

Transphobic. Or cisobsessive or cisphilic, maybe. Normal people who do not want to marry trannies. We're supposed to be the baddies.

Good luck with that.
You and I and everyone else knows this is not about "science". With the New Right, it is ALWAYS about HATE.
Oh bull, you lefties always do that, any time there is a counter argument, you all deflect to hate. Sure, there are some people who don’t agree with homosexuality, yeah, that’s going to happen, but there is no evidence whatsoever that all these right wingers are being hateful. I’d dare say, the vast majority of people on the right don’t care what others do, as long as it doesn’t involve children.

The only reason that this is a big deal now is because of the trans community and their outreach to children, people taking young children to drag shows, and those kids being around people who are dressed inappropriately and dancing suggestively. All these bills like “don’t say gay” never said you couldn’t say gay, they just wanted to keep people from talking about their personal lives to young kids. They wanted to ban sexually explicit books from schools. I mean, hell, he didn’t even ban the topic of personal relationships totally, just for children under a certain age.

If parents want to take their kids to drag shows, that’s their right, just make sure the kids are old enough to understand what’s going on, and never anything lewd.

The left is brainwashed into thinking every move the right makes is fueled by hate, and that’s not true. To them, there is no possible way that they do anything for just a simple disagreement or for good reasons. The left believes the only option is that it must be hate.

I don’t even know why I’m typing this, it’s not like you’ll ever consider any other option, in your mind, everyone not in your corner is just all about hate.

I think your blanket statements about republicans are based in hate…

Does hate exist, yes, and I’m sure you’ll go out and find some examples for us, but that doesn’t mean or indicate that the majority of republicans are engaged in their rhetoric.
I don't care what anyone wants to call themselves. But I refuse to call you "Mr President" just because you believe you are Abe Lincoln.
I'm surprised more hasn't been made of this good point in general: that there are a lot of delusions, a lot of people with delusions, and we don't normally support their delusions.

Like that guy who thought people were running a child-sex crime site in the basement of a D.C. pizza place that A. didn't have a basement, and B. wasn't. He shot the place up, IIRC, because of his strange delusion, but the police didn't say, oh, never mind, he can be a pizza-parlor-shooter if he wants to, he's free to do that.

Lots of stalkers have the delusion that their victim "really" loves them and is somehow just pretending she doesn't, or if they keep trying for years, that'll work, or that they should just knife her because she isn't showing him the love she ought to give him. Stalking is MORE frequent than trannies, but nobody now is saying, Oh never mind, if he wants her he ought to get her and she'd better do what he says, too!

Delusions are frequent in psychosis, like the ones who think they are Jesus or God. I knew a God once on a forum (iamHe was his handle) and the forum owner finally got so creeped out she banned him for it.

Just this past week a man ran down a lot of people in California with a vehicle because, he said, he thought "he saw an invisible object," and he was desperately trying to get away from it.

The delusion that someone is "really" a woman even though he's a man is no different from any of the psychotic delusions above, and there are many more. Encouraging young people that they can get status and lots of attention from pushing such delusions and insisting on them and getting their bodies mutilated ---- that has to be one of the strangest cultural degenerations in history.
Assuming you're male and straight, would you marry a “trans woman”.

Nobody who defends the insane bullshit that it “transgenderism” seems to want to answer this.
I too would like to see this answered, and they can’t answer it because to do so would mean they would have to deny the assertion that the man is actually a female. It’s a conundrum.

If they truly believe that a person with male traits and features is actually a female, then they would have to answer your question, “yes”. If they answer “no”, then they indicate that they themselves do not actually believe it’s a female, but they believe that the trans gender person believes they are female.

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