What Is a woman?

Why does it worry you so much what someone prefers to be called? Tards like YOU are the ones making it an issue.

It's no skin off my nose if someone born as a male wants to be called a woman.

So you should be the one telling us why it is such an issue for you.
If it's no issue, then why is someone wanting to make it an issue by wanting to change sex (which is impossible).
Seriously. Will one of you snowflakes please explain why it hurts your widdle feewings if someone wants their pronouns to be she/her.

How is this a threat to you?
Its not just pronouns. They want on the sports team of their choice, and even locker rooms and rest rooms. THAT is a whole different ballgame. And if we have to, as a society, believe in "pretend", what happens if someone(and they will), decide, as a fifty year old, to identify as a 65 year old and demand social security?

Reality is objective, not subjective. You cannot change reality because if you do, you open a pandora's box of problems.
Assuming you're male and straight, would you marry a “trans woman”.
Nobody who defends the insane bullshit that it “transgenderism” seems to want to answer this.
I too would like to see this answered, and they can’t answer it because to do so would mean they would have to deny the assertion that the man is actually a female. It’s a conundrum.

If they truly believe that a person with male traits and features is actually a female, then they would have to answer your question, “yes”. If they answer “no”, then they indicate that they themselves do not actually believe it’s a female, but they believe that the trans gender person believes they are female.

I put up a poll thread, sometime ago, posing this very question.

Of seventeen responses not one indicated a willingness to marry a tranny.

I've brought the question up at least a few other times, unconnected with my poll. I do not think I've ever seen anyone indicate a willingness to accept a “transgender” spouse.

It seems that when it comes to putting their life where their mouth is, even those who most loudly defend this madness do not really believe it. Even they know that a “trans…” anything is not an acceptable substitute for the real thing.
Allow? ALLOW!?!
You're sick in the head.

Says a mentally-fucked-up freak that doesn't know the difference between boys and girls.

Oh bull, you lefties always do that, any time there is a counter argument, you all deflect to hate. Sure, there are some people who don’t agree with homosexuality, yeah, that’s going to happen, but there is no evidence whatsoever that all these right wingers are being hateful. I’d dare say, the vast majority of people on the right don’t care what others do, as long as it doesn’t involve children.

The only reason that this is a big deal now is because of the trans community and their outreach to children, people taking young children to drag shows, and those kids being around people who are dressed inappropriately and dancing suggestively. All these bills like “don’t say gay” never said you couldn’t say gay, they just wanted to keep people from talking about their personal lives to young kids. They wanted to ban sexually explicit books from schools. I mean, hell, he didn’t even ban the topic of personal relationships totally, just for children under a certain age.

If parents want to take their kids to drag shows, that’s their right, just make sure the kids are old enough to understand what’s going on, and never anything lewd.

The left is brainwashed into thinking every move the right makes is fueled by hate, and that’s not true. To them, there is no possible way that they do anything for just a simple disagreement or for good reasons. The left believes the only option is that it must be hate.

I don’t even know why I’m typing this, it’s not like you’ll ever consider any other option, in your mind, everyone not in your corner is just all about hate.

I think your blanket statements about republicans are based in hate…

Does hate exist, yes, and I’m sure you’ll go out and find some examples for us, but that doesn’t mean or indicate that the majority of republicans are engaged in their rhetoric.
The left is driven by emotion, not rational thought.
I put up a poll thread, sometime ago, posing this very question.

Of seventeen responses not one indicated a willingness to marry a tranny.

I've brought the question up at least a few other times, unconnected with my poll. I do not think I've ever seen anyone indicate a willingness to accept a “transgender” spouse.

It seems that when it comes to putting their life where their mouth is, even those who most loudly defend this madness do not really believe it. Even they know that a “trans…” anything is not an acceptable substitute for the real thing.
Trans women ARE women! Until they’re sticking their dick in your ass. Then not so much.

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