What is agenda 21?

YES they Do as do the other 49 SOVERIGN STATES in this Union asswipe.:eusa_hand:

Their law stops at their border, whereas the US law on these matters permeates every court in AL.
Uh huh...so WHY is this FOREIGN AGENDA being perpetrated? NICE dodge Fakey. YOU fail YET again.:eusa_hand:

That makes no sense, The T. How does treaty law hurt AL? How is it illegal? AL has no constitutional power in foreign affairs, so who cares what its lege says?
Agenda 21 is a NON - BINDING AGREEMENT that has zero impact on anything happening in the US. Unless our legislator writes Agenda 21 into US law then worrying about it is pointless.

Writing state laws to stop Agenda 21 is like preparing for a zombie apocalypse.
What is it? Wingnut conspiracy nonsense as far as I can tell

Really, once they started getting push back on agenda 21 the changed the name to sustainable development. The international property codes being used in FL to evict a woman who choses to live off the grid is part of it. Google is your friend on this one, do a little reading before you really make a fool of yourself.

Well hell, you found it on the interwebz? Then it must be true! Yeeeehaaaw!!!

Stay ignorant, I don't give a shit. Your stupidity may not effect you much, but I hope you don't have children. But think about this, the smart grid is an agenda 21 pet, along with smartmeters they can monitor every watt of electricity you use and when. New smart appliances can be controlled by the smart grid, if you are using too much electricity at any given time they will have the ability to adjust your thermostat or just turn you shit off. All this can be done from a remotely monitored surveillance device called a smartmeter. Plus how much do you think your life style patterns would be worth to businesses or the government. Every bit of this technology is being produced or available right now.

Edit: BTW if your children are sleeping near the smartmeter you may get to bury them prematurely. The RF emissions haven't been proven safe for long term exposure, they don't have the UL label.
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Their law stops at their border, whereas the US law on these matters permeates every court in AL.
Uh huh...so WHY is this FOREIGN AGENDA being perpetrated? NICE dodge Fakey. YOU fail YET again.:eusa_hand:

That makes no sense, The T. How does treaty law hurt AL? How is it illegal? AL has no constitutional power in foreign affairs, so who cares what its lege says?
To YOU? Logic makes no sense. I suggest YOU revamp, re-read...and take a remedial course. :eusa_hand:
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Ever since John Edward Douchebag and FakeSmarmy joined the discussion.
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Pretending that any of this is real, what are any of you going to do about it?

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