What Is American Socialism, Communism, and Marxism: Open Q&A

How do you justify your statements? You're saying they don't work. How do they not work? You're also ignoring what I am saying, with respect to the government's role in production. The government doesn't "own" businesses or industries in communism. There are no "businesses" in communism. It's the people who own the industries and resources, not the government. The government only acts as a general manager, under the authority of the worker-councils or "soviets" (A Russian word, that means "council").
How do the people just kind of organically create a business? Not that there is a business in communism I guess. But whatever they do will be general managed by the government. So you have a BBQ with some friends and decide hey man, we could make some serious government mandated wages by mowing some lawns. We will need to buy some lawn mowers from the government. But they aren’t making any because the guy who knows how to make lawn mowers can’t make any money other than the government wage, can’t hire anyone because the government wage is too high and getting the steel to make one and the engine from the government engine people… so fuck we aren’t getting lawn mowers. But if we use hand clippers! We can make exactly the same as if we sat on our ass and just collected a check for being a person. We can’t out earn a regular person. That would be unfair.

Anyway, enjoy the BBQ, there’s no meat just government cheeses and some rice. But at least our BBQ isn’t any better than anyone else’s because…fairsee’s!
How do the people just kind of organically create a business? Not that there is a business in communism I guess. But whatever they do will be general managed by the government. So you have a BBQ with some friends and decide hey man, we could make some serious government mandated wages by mowing some lawns. We will need to buy some lawn mowers from the government. But they aren’t making any because the guy who knows how to make lawn mowers can’t make any money other than the government wage, can’t hire anyone because the government wage is too high and getting the steel to make one and the engine from the government engine people… so fuck we aren’t getting lawn mowers. But if we use hand clippers! We can make exactly the same as if we sat on our ass and just collected a check for being a person. We can’t out earn a regular person. That would be unfair.

Anyway, enjoy the BBQ, there’s no meat just government cheeses and some rice. But at least our BBQ isn’t any better than anyone else’s because…fairsee’s!

Missouri Mike
Sounds like capitalism. Capitalist employers steal our labor, by paying us less than what we produce. They call it "surplus value", but it's really a racket.

That's you exposing your ignorance about socialism/communism.

In Missouri Mike's mind, yes. That's the only place where that's the "basis of socialism".

Sounds exactly like capitalism. A tiny wealthy privileged elite living off of the labor of others like parasites.

Haiti is a great example of socialism. Those people are fleeing because only the government can do business and the government will take what you earn for the benefit of themselves and maybe some who didn’t work as hard as you.

In Haiti there are plenty of privately owned businesses, so you don't know what you're talking about. Haiti is a capitalist-run failed state.

That's the case only in Missouri Mike's active imagination.

I never said all capitalist countries are poor. You're now creating what is called a "straw man argument". Those Haitians are trying to enter the capitalist empire, the "big kahuna"/USA, that will be in its own serious crisis in a few years due to advanced automation, taking tens of millions of jobs. The tech apocalypse is coming.
Geezus H Christ you’re retarded. I mean holy fuck retarded. It’s fucking amazing to run across someone this stupid. It’s almost a fucking privilege to find someone like you.

In a shocking development you as an employee actually get paid less than the product you made sold for. What a fucking crazy concept. It’s almost as if you didn’t invest anything to make it other than show up to work and do your job.
They ceased being able to produce any oil. The government took over and production stopped. The government told you how much you could make, produce, ship, ship to who, for how much. That wasn’t our fault. Chavez did that. He took the oil companies away from the people who knew how to run it. But it did work out. The oil business is swimming in socialism where everyone is equal. They’re all poor and produce nothing. The owners are now equal with the workers in their poverty. Socialism worked perfectly.
Without US sanctions they could have gotten the experts in and sold oil on the world market. We totally screwed them because we don't know the difference between socialism and Communism. Same thing happened in Nicaragua Bolivia Chile Argentina. Wake Up and smell the coffee
Interesting. You couldn’t tell me how in a socialist country a person could start something as simple as a lawn service. Yet in the US many do and make a lot of money.

Can you explain the difference?
Yes, the answer is easy. In modern, high-tech communism, you don't need to start a lawn service business, because the robots will mow everyone's lawn. Either you own the autonomous mower and keep it at home, with you or you go to the community center and check out a robot mower. You can also just do it yourself, without a robot, and get some exercise and some sun. Just mow your lawn. There are no markets or a need for money in communism. People work 20 hours weekly and they have access to a long list of goods and services. Their standard of living is higher than ours is today, under our current system,.
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Without US sanctions they could have gotten the experts in and sold oil on the world market. We totally screwed them because we don't know the difference between socialism and Communism. Same thing happened in Nicaragua Bolivia Chile Argentina. Wake Up and smell the coffee
What fucking oil expert is going to work for minimum wage? They can go anywhere in the fucking world and do that. Why would they do it for the same amount of money as the fucking field hand?
Sounds like capitalism. Capitalist employers steal our labor, by paying us less than what we produce. They call it "surplus value", but it's really a racket.

That's you exposing your ignorance about socialism/communism.

In Missouri Mike's mind, yes. That's the only place where that's the "basis of socialism".

Sounds exactly like capitalism. A tiny wealthy privileged elite living off of the labor of others like parasites.

Haiti is a great example of socialism. Those people are fleeing because only the government can do business and the government will take what you earn for the benefit of themselves and maybe some who didn’t work as hard as you.

In Haiti there are plenty of privately owned businesses, so you don't know what you're talking about. Haiti is a capitalist-run failed state.

That's the case only in Missouri Mike's active imagination.

I never said all capitalist countries are poor. You're now creating what is called a "straw man argument". Those Haitians are trying to enter the capitalist empire, the "big kahuna"/USA, that will be in its own serious crisis in a few years due to advanced automation, taking tens of millions of jobs. The tech apocalypse is coming.
Haiti is a good example of extreme poverty and lawlessness and that is all socialism if you want socialism look at France scandinavia Italy Spain Germany Denmark Netherlands.
What fucking oil expert is going to work for minimum wage? They can go anywhere in the fucking world and do that. Why would they do it for the same amount of money as the fucking field hand?
It's not communism, it's socialism. people in oil would get paid like everywhere else although they might have to pay something out of it for all the benefits of a socialist country like healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. Socialism is democratic, as long as you confuse socialism and communism you'll not understand the world, like most Republicans..... Stop arguing about Haiti and Venezuela or other 3rd world countries at this point, let's talk about France and Scandinavia Italy Spain et cetera et cetera. They are socialist modern countries we should compare ourselves with. We are the richest country in the world and this gop giveaway to the rich crap is BS. You are distracted by the Fox Etcetera BS vaccine hoax election fraud pedophilia all kinds of crap About commies
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I agree with what you say but it is not politics it is science fiction

The long wall of text you've posted is a disjointed collection of statements, possibly from various sources or contexts. It touches on a range of topics, from ice cream trucks to baseball, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and a criminal case.

I will address a few general points:

  1. Economic Strains on Small Businesses: The mention of ice cream trucks and the financial burden they face is a common argument against regulations. However, from a socialist perspective, regulations are often in place to ensure public safety, worker rights, and environmental protection. The goal isn't to burden businesses but to ensure a fair and safe society. If small businesses struggle, the solution in a socialist system would be to provide them with support, not to remove necessary regulations.
  2. Fall of the Berlin Wall and Collapse of the Soviet Union: The USSR had its own unique challenges, and its collapse doesn't negate the potential benefits of a socialist system implemented differently under much better conditions, especially in the 21st century with all of the advanced technology that we have today.
Geezus H Christ you’re retarded. I mean holy fuck retarded. It’s fucking amazing to run across someone this stupid. It’s almost a fucking privilege to find someone like you.

In a shocking development you as an employee actually get paid less than the product you made sold for. What a fucking crazy concept. It’s almost as if you didn’t invest anything to make it other than show up to work and do your job.

You get paid less than what you produce, in capitalism. You also spend much of your waking hours in an absolute dictatorship. When was last time you participated in an election at work? Never, right? You pretend to care about "freedom" and don't give a hoot about the fact that under capitalism, the workplace isn't run democratically, but as an absolute dictatorship.

The truth is that those who work the business should own and run it. Business enterprises should be run democratically and they should be owned by the workers, not the parasite capitalist, who wants to live off of other people's labor. You defend the leeches because you're probably a leech yourself. All unelected leaders who are not directly accountable to the workers who they manage, and who elected them, are illegitimate, non-accountable leaders.
Yes, the answer is easy. In modern, high-tech communism, you don't need to start a lawn service business, because the robots will mow everyone's lawn. Either you own the autonomous mower and keep it at home, with you or you go to the community center and check out a robot mower. There are no markets or a need for money in communism. People work 20 hours weekly and they have access to a long list of goods and services. Their standard of living is higher than ours is today, under our current system,.
High tech communism eh? Who is building the mower you just go check out? Who is maintaining it? Who is inventing it?

I don’t get how nobody had to worry about mowing their lawn the government robots would do it but they are available to rent. Why the fuck would I go rent a mower if the government robot us coming by to do it?

I don’t need to start a lawn service because the government will do it. Then where the fuck do I work for 20 hours.

Why am I working 20 hours? I have a long list of goods and a life better than mine now but I go to what job for 20 hours to accomplish what?

I obviously have no skills. Do I go work the lawnmower rental desk where nobody will come because the government mows their lawns? Is that my new profession? I rent lawn mowers to nobody because they don’t need them.

Kinda makes me wonder if lawn mowers are so unnecessary who’s making all of these goods and services that are so plentiful?

We must have slaves somewhere making all of this happen.
You get paid less than what you produce, in capitalism. You also spend much of your waking hours in an absolute dictatorship. When was last time you participated in an election at work? Never, right? You pretend to care about "freedom" and don't give a hoot about the fact that under capitalism, the workplace isn't run democratically, but as an absolute dictatorship.

The truth is that those who work the business should own and run it. Business enterprises should be run democratically and they should be owned by the workers, not the parasite capitalist, who wants to live off of other people's labor. You defend the leeches because you're probably a leech yourself. All unelected leaders who are not directly accountable to the workers who they manage, and who elected them, are illegitimate, non-accountable leaders.
It's not communism, it's socialism. people in oil would get paid like everywhere else although they might have to pay something out of it for all the benefits of a socialist country like healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. Socialism is democratic, as long as you confuse socialism and communism you'll not understand the world, like most Republicans..... Stop arguing about Haiti and Venezuela or other 3rd world countries at this point, let's talk about France and Scandinavia Italy Spain et cetera et cetera. They are socialist modern countries we should compare ourselves with. We are the richest country in the world and this gop giveaway to the rich crap is BS. You are distracted by the Fox Etcetera BS vaccine hoax election fraud pedophilia all kinds of crap About commies
If that’s such a good idea and works so well.

Why aren’t France, Scandinavia, Italy or Spain the richest countries in the world?
You get paid less than what you produce, in capitalism. You also spend much of your waking hours in an absolute dictatorship. When was last time you participated in an election at work? Never, right? You pretend to care about "freedom" and don't give a hoot about the fact that under capitalism, the workplace isn't run democratically, but as an absolute dictatorship.

The truth is that those who work the business should own and run it. Business enterprises should be run democratically and they should be owned by the workers, not the parasite capitalist, who wants to live off of other people's labor. You defend the leeches because you're probably a leech yourself. All unelected leaders who are not directly accountable to the workers who they manage, and who elected them, are illegitimate, non-accountable leaders.
You can’t run a fucking lemonade stand like that.
If that’s such a good idea and works so well.

Why aren’t France, Scandinavia, Italy or Spain the richest countries in the world?
well because they don't have the natural resources of the richest country in the world, the USA. however they are a lot happier than we are according to those surveys, and Norway might be the richest country in the world they all get so much money from North Sea oil Etcetera... How can I get through to you LOL? We are the only modern country that doesn't have at least a one month paid vacation after 1 year of work. In France they get 6 weeks. And everyone has cheaper college and training than we have. we would be a lot better off than they are too because we are the richest. Also have to remember those countries well France has 60 million or so spain 45 Etcetera like that. Also we like England have a huge advantage in having the English channel and the Atlantic Ocean so we didn't really need an army until recently. and did not get conquered like the continental types. The fact that we think we are special makes for us being the most obnoxious people in the world according to many L O L... It is time for the English and Americans to get along..... In the age of the small world and the age of information.... It is happening.. Sure the Republicans and the Tories will go last kicking and screaming imperialist BS L O L
High tech communism eh? Who is building the mower you just go check out? Who is maintaining it? Who is inventing it?

I don’t get how nobody had to worry about mowing their lawn the government robots would do it but they are available to rent. Why the fuck would I go rent a mower if the government robot us coming by to do it?

I don’t need to start a lawn service because the government will do it. Then where the fuck do I work for 20 hours.

Why am I working 20 hours? I have a long list of goods and a life better than mine now but I go to what job for 20 hours to accomplish what?

I obviously have no skills. Do I go work the lawnmower rental desk where nobody will come because the government mows their lawns? Is that my new profession? I rent lawn mowers to nobody because they don’t need them.

Kinda makes me wonder if lawn mowers are so unnecessary who’s making all of these goods and services that are so plentiful?

We must have slaves somewhere making all of this happen.
He is very theoretical and hypothetical and Dreamy lol

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