What Is American Socialism, Communism, and Marxism: Open Q&A

The American 'green' movement is a good example of socialism and budding communism in the U.S. because it seeks to take private property for the 'greater good' of something called 'climate change.' Of course a strong central government is needed to mandate this taking before it is turned over to 'The Collective' which will never happen.
Private property isn't personal property. American communists don't want to take your home or any of your other personal possessions. Private property is used to make a profit or to produce goods and services. That's what is collectively owned by the public, not your house, computer, car, fruit of the looms, tooth brush.
Private property isn't personal property. American communists don't want to take your home or any of your other personal possessions. Private property is used to make a profit or to produce goods and services. That's what is collectively owned by the public, not your house, computer, car, fruit of the looms, tooth brush.
The very first thing communists do is confiscate privately owned guns. If you have a 'green' identified feature on YOUR privately owned land, the government will either take it or make it impossible for you to improve it.
All of those places have warlords promising the idiots a socialist paradise if they give them all the power and money.
Those warlords want markets and money. They're not Marxists. Provide me with evidence that these warlords you're referring to are actual communists. Anyways, it's irrelevant. The fact is that those countries and others like it are dirt poor, and yet they have capitalist economies. So if you want to play this game, where socialist countries have to be perfect or bastions of prosperity and extreme abundance, to prove socialism is a viable mode of production, then we can turn the tables and apply the same arbitrary, bullshit metric to capitalism as well. Be fair and consistent.


Haitians fleeing Haiti, a capitalist-run country.

  • Amendments to End Slavery
    : Prior to the Civil War, there were no amendments proposed to the Constitution that would have ended slavery. The 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, was passed by Congress in January 1865 and ratified by t

This is disinformation. I think you're reading the wrong history books.

John Quincy Adams, for instance, introduced an amendment to the Constitution every time he went to Congress after he served as President to make it very clear that slavery would be abolished.

In fact, there was another amendment to abolish slavery in 1860, I think it was, whgich did not get support from Lincoln.

  • Lincoln's Desire for War: It's a gross oversimplification to say that Lincoln "wanted to have a war." Lincoln's primary goal was to preserve the Union. While he personally opposed slavery and expressed his desire to see it end, he initially approached the issue cautiously to avoid alienating the border states that still practiced slavery but hadn't seceded. The outbreak of the Civil War was a result of deep-seated tensions between the North and South, particularly over the issue of slavery, but it's misleading to suggest that Lincoln desired or instigated the war.

What you're calling ''saving the union'' was, applicably speaking, overthrowing the original intent of the Framers. Again, Lincoln was a Hamiltonian.

So far as his views on slavery, he certainly wasn't against it.

The man himself said that ''If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.''

Lincoln's Relationship with Marx: While Karl Marx did write a letter to Lincoln congratulating him on his re-election in 1864, there's no evidence to suggest that the two had a "friendly, often agreeable relationship." They never met, and their correspondence was limited. Furthermore, Marx's views on the American Civil War were rooted in his belief that the conflict was a struggle against the slaveholding bourgeoisie, not necessarily an endorsement of Lincoln's policies.

Depends on what books you're reading, I suppose. I think you're reading the wrong books, presonally.

  • Hamilton and the "Living Document": The idea of the Constitution as a "living document" is a modern interpretation suggesting that the Constitution's meaning can evolve and adapt over time. While Alexander Hamilton was an advocate for a strong federal government and a broad interpretation of the Constitution, it's anachronistic to attribute the "living document" philosophy directly to him. Moreover, the term "skulduggery" implies deceit or underhanded behavior, which is a subjective and contentious way to describe Hamilton's constitutional interpretation.

Yeah, no, Hamilton is the main culprit.

Today Washington is basically nothing but Hamiltonians.

And, yes, he was a scoundrel and functioned antitetically to the original intent in the Constitution, so skulduggery was, in my view, the correct language.
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The very first thing communists do is confiscate privately owned guns. If you have a 'green' identified feature on YOUR privately owned land, the government will either take it or make it impossible for you to improve it.

No, we are for firearm ownership, including combat rifles. Every healthy male between the ages of 18 and 60, must own a combat rifle and 1000 rounds of ammunition (provided by the government). They're part of the nation's CDF or Civil Defense Forces (Auxiliary - reserves).
Venezuela voted themselves right into poverty and misery. That wasn’t a dictatorship to begin with. They voted for it. How did that work out for them?
it might have something to do with the United States sanctions against them which made it impossible for them to sell oil DUHHH and of course some covert action from Republicans. Not a fair choice. Like I continue to say, Venezuela decided they wanted to be socialist with fair capitalism and a good safety net and under Hugo Chavez literacy went from 50% to 97% or something and they were doing alright for a little while. Americans thought he was a socialist and that is Communist and too bad for Venezuela. Now one of the biggest countries wanting asylum in the United States. Great job.
Private property isn't personal property. American communists don't want to take your home or any of your other personal possessions. Private property is used to make a profit or to produce goods and services. That's what is collectively owned by the public, not your house, computer, car, fruit of the looms, tooth brush.
You got a real good chance here l o l....
If Europe is your model sales point you’re fucked.
If you are brainwashed and scared of Europe, try the UK Canada Australia and New Zealand. Are all socialist even if they do have to call it social democracy or labor or progressive or whatever. They have health care day care help cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. And we don't.
This is disinformation. I think you're reading the wrong history books.

John Quincy Adams, for instance, introduced an amendment to the Constitution every time he went to Congress after he served as President to make it very clear that slavery would be abolished.

In fact, there was another amendment to abolish slavery in 1860, I think it was, whgich did not get support from Lincoln.

What you're calling ''saving the union'' was, applicably speaking, overthrowing the original intent of the Framers. Again, Lincoln was a Hamiltonian.

So far as his views on slavery, he certainly wasn't against it.

The man himself said that ''If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.''

Depends on what books you're reading, I suppose. I think you're reading the wrong books, presonally.

Yeah, no, Hamilton is the main culprit.

Today Washington is basically nothing but Hamiltonians.

And, yes, he was a scoundrel and functioned antitetically to the original intent in the Constitution, so skulduggery was, in my view, the correct language.
  1. John Quincy Adams and Slavery: While John Quincy Adams consistently presented anti-slavery petitions, it's an exaggeration to say he introduced a constitutional amendment to abolish slavery every time he was in Congress. Precision in historical references is crucial.
  2. Lincoln's Views on Slavery and the Union: Lincoln's statement about saving the Union reflects his primary goal of preserving the nation, not an endorsement of slavery. His actions, especially the Emancipation Proclamation, clearly indicate his evolving stance against the institution.
  3. Lincoln's Relationship with Marx: A single letter from Marx to Lincoln doesn't imply a close relationship or shared ideology. It's speculative to suggest a deeper connection based on limited correspondence.
  4. Hamilton and the "Living Document": Hamilton's advocacy for a strong federal government doesn't make him solely responsible for the modern 'living document' interpretation of the Constitution. The Constitution's adaptability is a testament to its framers' foresight.
Lastly, it's essential to note that the U.S. Constitution, while foundational, isn't an immutable scripture. It was crafted by individuals of a specific era, with their own biases and interests. Arguing that it should never be amended ignores its inherent design to evolve with the needs of the nation. We aren't eternally bound by the perspectives of 18th-century landowners and slaveholders. The Constitution serves the American people, not the other way around.
You got a real good chance here l o l....
You "democratic socialists" have always been tools of the bourgeoisie. They play you like a fiddle and the working class are never liberated of their control and abuse. The capitalists continue destroying Europe politically and economically, thanks to your form of "socialism".
China or Russia or ANY country that is ruled by a DICTATOR, is in my way of thinking NO GOOD for AMERICA.
WE SHOULD NEVER want to be Ruled by one.

Communism is the exact opposite. You can't be Communist and be ruled by a dictator.... Communism comes from commune and common and leadership is something that is shared, without any one person being designated a leader.

People actually think China is Communist.
26 minutes ago


Diamond Member · From NY 26th FINALLY DEM!

Why do you find that funny? In American communism, the populace is armed. The government is under the heel of the people, through its worker-councils. We believe in direct democracy, through local and regional worker-councils:



Electing delegates to both local, state, and federal governments. What's wrong, you don't like democracy, with an armed populace? Haven't you read Marx? The working class WILL NOT BE DISARMED.
You "democratic socialists" have always been tools of the bourgeoisie. They play you like a fiddle and the working class are never liberated of their control and abuse. The capitalists continue destroying Europe politically and economically, thanks to your form of "socialism".
They're doing just fine thank you very much, considering they don't have our natural resources and the Republicans keep destroying the world economy with corrupt deregulation bubbles and busts (Or the worst pandemic response anywhere). Maybe I should talk about New Zealand and Australia because they are socialist also even if they don't know it LOL. I'm more for better regulation that they need perhaps. Socialism rather than communism.... State owned industry And planned economy doesn't work very well my friend... And I will take democracy every time which I don't think will ever stand for state owned business and industry.... And I am just a plain old socialist which means democratic. Francois Mitterrand. Resistance fighter good socialist and two wives and families showed up at his funeral LOL....
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Communism is the exact opposite. You can't be Communist and be ruled by a dictator.... Communism comes from commune and common and leadership is something that is shared, without any one person being designated a leader.

People actually think China is Communist.
That's the real world definition of communism- dictatorship that owns all business and industry. Democracy will never stand for that... Your definition of communism is pie in the sky and will not happen. Socialism will do thank you, the United States ought to try it- everybody else already does even if the UK canada New Zealand and Australia don't know it. The UK english speaker Savage capitalist brainwash is very strong with them too.....
If you are brainwashed and scared of Europe, try the UK Canada Australia and New Zealand. Are all socialist even if they do have to call it social democracy or labor or progressive or whatever. They have health care day care help cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. And we don't.

You can't remain with market socialism FOREVER. You have to gradually move into non-market socialism and then to communism, or you will see everything collapse when advanced automation and artificial intelligence eliminates wage-labor. Without wages, there's no consumer base or markets. Society needs to eventually adopt a non-profit system of production, to meet everyone's needs when technology automates production.
View attachment 81254226 minutes ago


Diamond Member · From NY 26th FINALLY DEM!

Why do you find that funny? In American communism, the populace is armed. The government is under the heel of the people, through its worker-councils. We believe in direct democracy, through local and regional worker-councils:

Electing delegates to both local, state, and federal governments. What's wrong, you don't like democracy, with an armed populace? Haven't you read Marx? The working class WILL NOT BE DISARMED.
Soviets, these councils, they do not work the way you would like LOL. Terribly sorry but communism is not on the way, nor the state owning business and industry. It doesn't work.... Good luck though lol.
You can't remain with market socialism FOREVER. You have to gradually move into non-market socialism and then to communism, or you will see everything collapse when advanced automation and artificial intelligence eliminates wage-labor. Without wages, there's no consumer base or markets. Society needs to eventually adopt a non-profit system of production, to meet everyone's needs when technology automates production.
There already is talk of a basic salary or whatever they call it, with no work. That will be interesting if it happens....
They're doing just fine thank you very much, considering they don't have our natural resources and the Republicans keep destroying the world economy with corrupt deregulation bubbles and busts. Maybe I should talk about New Zealand and Australia because they are socialist also even if they don't know it LOL. I'm more for better regulation that they need perhaps. Socialism rather than communism.... State owned industry And planned economy doesn't work very well my friend... And I will take democracy every time which I don't think will ever stand for state owned business and industry.... And I am just a plain old socialist which means democratic. Francois Mitterrand. Resistance fighter good socialist and two wives and families showed up at his funeral LOL....

Socialism is the early stage of communism. You obviously don't have a clue about socialism. Private property is eventually abolished due to necessity, not hubris. As automation technology advances, society is forced by the circumstances, to adopt a centrally planned, non-profit system of production, that is heavily automated and high-tech. The government is just a tool under the authority of the worker councils, providing logistical data to the factories:


Worker-run factories in collaboration with the government's Central Logistics Department.

Workers know how many units of a particular product have to be manufactured to meet consumer demand, within the parameters set democratically by the worker councils and the People's Congress. Mass production is a social endeavor, not a private one, especially when advanced automation eliminates wage labor. The dissolution of markets and your type of fake socialism is necessary for people to survive and thrive, with full automation.
That's cold war propaganda. Full of half-truths and even complete fabrications. Hear what these former CIA officers have to say about creating false propaganda against communists:

Death toll arguments don't work, because capitalism doesn't have the moral high ground when it comes to death and destruction.
Yes it does.
Soviets, these councils, they do not work the way you would like LOL. Terribly sorry but communism is not on the way, nor the state owning business and industry. It doesn't work.... Good luck though lol.

How do you justify your statements? You're saying they don't work. How do they not work? You're also ignoring what I am saying, with respect to the government's role in production. The government doesn't "own" businesses or industries in communism. There are no "businesses" in communism. It's the people who own the industries and resources, not the government. The government only acts as a general manager, under the authority of the worker-councils or "soviets" (A Russian word, that means "council").

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