What is an "assault rifle"?

The OP mockingly claims......You are unable to define an assault weapon

I am merely providing an enforceable definition
One round per second

Rate of fire is definable and enforceable
And eliminates all guns have xcept muskets.

Like I said, keep showing why compromises will never happen.
OK....lets compromise

3 shots every 2 seconds
That’s 15 shots in ten seconds
Why would anyone need more?

What's wrong with one round per trigger pull?

Opens up too much ambiguity

The OP and other gun enthusiasts mockingly say you can’t define an Assault Weapon
I’m saying limit magazine capacity and firing rate and you have a definition
No it doesn't

Almost every firearm in existence today fires one round per trigger pull

WHat you are trying to do is label every single firearm as an "assault" weapon

The actual definition has been given

And assault rifle is a military weapon with the capability of burst and or fully automatic fire
As usual, some people must redefine term to meet their limited capabilities.
And eliminates all guns have xcept muskets.

Like I said, keep showing why compromises will never happen.
OK....lets compromise

3 shots every 2 seconds
That’s 15 shots in ten seconds
Why would anyone need more?

What's wrong with one round per trigger pull?

Opens up too much ambiguity

The OP and other gun enthusiasts mockingly say you can’t define an Assault Weapon
I’m saying limit magazine capacity and firing rate and you have a definition
No it doesn't

Almost every firearm in existence today fires one round per trigger pull

WHat you are trying to do is label every single firearm as an "assault" weapon

The actual definition has been given

And assault rifle is a military weapon with the capability of burst and or fully automatic fire
So you want to negotiate on firing rate?

An AR-15 fires three rounds per second
What rate do you want as a threshold for Assault Weapon?
So can a 22
So can a revolver.
OK....lets compromise

3 shots every 2 seconds
That’s 15 shots in ten seconds
Why would anyone need more?

What's wrong with one round per trigger pull?

Opens up too much ambiguity

The OP and other gun enthusiasts mockingly say you can’t define an Assault Weapon
I’m saying limit magazine capacity and firing rate and you have a definition
No it doesn't

Almost every firearm in existence today fires one round per trigger pull

WHat you are trying to do is label every single firearm as an "assault" weapon

The actual definition has been given

And assault rifle is a military weapon with the capability of burst and or fully automatic fire
So you want to negotiate on firing rate?

An AR-15 fires three rounds per second
What rate do you want as a threshold for Assault Weapon?
So can a 22
So can a revolver.

Fire at a rate above the legal limit......
Get banned
In a Fox poll released yesterday, 67 percent of Americans support a ban on assault weapons

So let’s get it done.
Source? How many of those are legally owned guns responsible for? How many are suicides? How many are by law enforcement?

Automobiles kill over a million people a year. Should we ban those too?

It’s actually closer to 33,000 a year, I rounded off

And no, automobiles do not kill over a million people a year
That is just stupid

yes they do

List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia
We are not responsible for the worlds traffic deaths any more than they are responsible for our gun deaths
Fair enough. In 2016 there were 37,461 people killed in car crashes in the U.S., an average of 102 per day.

So should we ban automobiles too while we're at it?

Oh, and here is my source, even though you never provide sources for your bogus statistics.

Motor vehicle fatality rate in U.S. by year - Wikipedia

Maybe instead of banning automobiles we could make them safer, crash resistant, add seat belts and airbags, make roads safer, register cars and operators and make operators carry insurance

We should do the same with guns

hey dumbass,,,that was done a long time ago and this is all it got,,,more dead people,,,

just face it buttercup,,the world is a dangerous place and at any given time you could die from anything from a bug bite to a falling piano,,,
rightwinger - Yea, you can tag it "funny", but you can't explain how you would implement a "one round per second" mechanism.

What's really funny is the inherent dishonesty of the "gun control" nuts. If they had the slightest bit of sincerity they'd educate themselves about firearms and propose real-world solutions based on knowledge.

The fact is, every cartridge based firearm in existence can be fired faster than one round per second. Yes, this even includes single-shot guns.
Not my problem

A firing rate and magazine capacity requirement can be established. Anything above is labeled an “assault weapon”

Up to gun manufacturers to figure out how to comply
Who gave you the authority to impose that rule on anyone?
The OP asked to define an assault weapon

I did
So, you really want a complete ban and confiscation of all firearms manufactured after 1830?

That is exactly what we thought.

Thank you for confirming.

I want to keep America safe
AKA ban and confiscate.

We know.

The OP mockingly claims......You are unable to define an assault weapon

I am merely providing an enforceable definition
One round per second

Rate of fire is definable and enforceable
And eliminates all guns have xcept muskets.

Like I said, keep showing why compromises will never happen.
OK....lets compromise

3 shots every 2 seconds
That’s 15 shots in ten seconds
Why would anyone need more?

What's wrong with one round per trigger pull?

Opens up too much ambiguity

The OP and other gun enthusiasts mockingly say you can’t define an Assault Weapon
I’m saying limit magazine capacity and firing rate and you have a definition
No it doesn't

Almost every firearm in existence today fires one round per trigger pull

WHat you are trying to do is label every single firearm as an "assault" weapon

The actual definition has been given

And assault rifle is a military weapon with the capability of burst and or fully automatic fire

and the 2nd A is for weapons of war, so even those are legal
And eliminates all guns have xcept muskets.

Like I said, keep showing why compromises will never happen.
OK....lets compromise

3 shots every 2 seconds
That’s 15 shots in ten seconds
Why would anyone need more?

What's wrong with one round per trigger pull?

Opens up too much ambiguity

The OP and other gun enthusiasts mockingly say you can’t define an Assault Weapon
I’m saying limit magazine capacity and firing rate and you have a definition
No it doesn't

Almost every firearm in existence today fires one round per trigger pull

WHat you are trying to do is label every single firearm as an "assault" weapon

The actual definition has been given

And assault rifle is a military weapon with the capability of burst and or fully automatic fire
So you want to negotiate on firing rate?

An AR-15 fires three rounds per second
What rate do you want as a threshold for Assault Weapon?
An AR-15 fires at the same rate as almost any other firearm manufactured within the last 100 years.

You are comparing the AR to a full-auto.

Assault rifle - Wikipedia

An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine.

Selective fire means the capability of a weapon to be adjusted to fire in semi-automatic, burst mode, and/or fully automatic firing mode.

We can't get assault rifles as civilians.


yes we can,,,
Practically speaking, no we can't.


reality speaking yes we can,,,,
Ok, if we give you the money and you get to keep the gun, you say you can go to a gun store right now and buy a select-fire weapon and walk out with it?
Is one of these an "assault rifle"? If so, which one?


Neither one is, unless you have assaulted someone with it.
OK....lets compromise

3 shots every 2 seconds
That’s 15 shots in ten seconds
Why would anyone need more?

Hilarious - just like the rest of the Commies.

You're cancelled.
The question is
How do we define an assault weapon?

What is your definition
My definition of "assault weapon" is the same as that of an "assault rifle" that has been the definition since the original--the Sturmgewehr 44 (literally translated as "storm rifle" which means assault rifle).

An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine.[1][2][3][4][5] Assault rifles were first used during World War II.[6][7][8] Though Western nations were slow to accept the assault rifle concept, by the end of the 20th century they had become the standard weapon in most of the world's armies, replacing full-powered rifles and sub-machine guns in most roles.
Assault rifle - Wikipedia
StG 44 - Wikipedia
you said - any gun that can fire more than a round a second you'd call an assault rifle.

You Can Shoot a Bolt-Action Almost as Fast as a Semi-Auto

now then yes, you're desire to snark on and get "cute" encompasses even bolt action rifles and again, makes you look the fool for chasing something you obviously don't understand as if that gives you some right to dictate control over it.

go study up and stop looking so stupid with every passing statement.
Ok...if you insist, we can ban those too

You got one shot per second. If gun owners start suffering huge casualties because they can’t fire faster than a shot per second, we can reassess the requirement
Your ever changing rules are a strong indicator of your dumbassness.

But you have shown why "common sense" laws will never happen.
The OP mockingly claims......You are unable to define an assault weapon

I am merely providing an enforceable definition
One round per second

Rate of fire is definable and enforceable
And eliminates all guns have xcept muskets.

Like I said, keep showing why compromises will never happen.
OK....lets compromise

3 shots every 2 seconds
That’s 15 shots in ten seconds
Why would anyone need more?
Let's not compromise. Any hand carried weapon up to and including machine guns and anti-tank missile launchers is included in the 2nd Amendment definition of "arms."
rightwinger - Yea, you can tag it "funny", but you can't explain how you would implement a "one round per second" mechanism.

What's really funny is the inherent dishonesty of the "gun control" nuts. If they had the slightest bit of sincerity they'd educate themselves about firearms and propose real-world solutions based on knowledge.

The fact is, every cartridge based firearm in existence can be fired faster than one round per second. Yes, this even includes single-shot guns.
Not my problem

A firing rate and magazine capacity requirement can be established. Anything above is labeled an “assault weapon”

Up to gun manufacturers to figure out how to comply
Who gave you the authority to impose that rule on anyone?
The OP asked to define an assault weapon

I did
So, you really want a complete ban and confiscation of all firearms manufactured after 1830?

That is exactly what we thought.

Thank you for confirming.

I want to keep America safe
You're proposal would do exactly the opposite. Who is going to defend us from Antifa and BLM thugs? Obviously, not the government.
Assault rifle - Wikipedia

An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine.

Selective fire means the capability of a weapon to be adjusted to fire in semi-automatic, burst mode, and/or fully automatic firing mode.

We can't get assault rifles as civilians.


yes we can,,,
Practically speaking, no we can't.


reality speaking yes we can,,,,
Ok, if we give you the money and you get to keep the gun, you say you can go to a gun store right now and buy a select-fire weapon and walk out with it?

which gun store?? not all are licensed for them,,,

there are a few close to me that carry full auto and are more than happy to get me started on the process,,,

and I can also get one from a private owner,,,
And eliminates all guns have xcept muskets.

Like I said, keep showing why compromises will never happen.
OK....lets compromise

3 shots every 2 seconds
That’s 15 shots in ten seconds
Why would anyone need more?

What's wrong with one round per trigger pull?

Opens up too much ambiguity

The OP and other gun enthusiasts mockingly say you can’t define an Assault Weapon
I’m saying limit magazine capacity and firing rate and you have a definition
No it doesn't

Almost every firearm in existence today fires one round per trigger pull

WHat you are trying to do is label every single firearm as an "assault" weapon

The actual definition has been given

And assault rifle is a military weapon with the capability of burst and or fully automatic fire
So you want to negotiate on firing rate?

An AR-15 fires three rounds per second
What rate do you want as a threshold for Assault Weapon?
No, he doesn't want to negotiate on firing rate. Once you make that concession, where does it end? You got it, single shot rifles and pistols.
They had no idea we would have 30,000 gun deaths a year

They also had no idea that a single person could, on their own with no fact check or restraint, write something that could be read by virtually everyone in the world in a matter of seconds. If you are going to allow changing circumstances to justify voiding a part of the Constitution without going through the legal process to amend it, you're opening up the other parts of it to the same treatment. IOW, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
A2 was already changed or is being ignored. You have no right to militia capable arms
No gun is mentioned in the 2nd Amendment much less any type of rifle or modern military hardware. Just Arms.
This must mean the right to own and use an AR15 is protected by the constitution.

But then again didn't the Constitution ban a standing army too?
Nothing in the Constitution even hints as such a thing.
"but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years"
Thank you for confirming that nothing in the constitution hints at a ban on a standing army.
depending on the use both are assault rifles,,,

thankfully the 2nd amendment covers both
The second amendment covers all arms, and fools do not even know that all arms are not available to them so a2 is moot
Covers all arms? Ummmm no it doesn't. It seems to leave out machine guns...and I would argue assault weapons for the same reason

No gun is mentioned in the 2nd Amendment much less any type of rifle or modern military hardware. Just Arms.

But then again didn't the Constitution ban a standing army too?
When Founding Fathers said "arms," they meant all arms that a professional army might employ, including cannon.

Well not a professional army but at least ones that a Well Regulated Militia might need to protect the free state while the government raises an provisions an Army if necessary. Wow, times sure have changed.

That would include machine guns and shoulder fired anti-tank missiles.
Your ever changing rules are a strong indicator of your dumbassness.

But you have shown why "common sense" laws will never happen.
The OP mockingly claims......You are unable to define an assault weapon

I am merely providing an enforceable definition
One round per second

Rate of fire is definable and enforceable
And eliminates all guns have xcept muskets.

Like I said, keep showing why compromises will never happen.
OK....lets compromise

3 shots every 2 seconds
That’s 15 shots in ten seconds
Why would anyone need more?

What's wrong with one round per trigger pull?

Opens up too much ambiguity

The OP and other gun enthusiasts mockingly say you can’t define an Assault Weapon
I’m saying limit magazine capacity and firing rate and you have a definition
I'm saying you are full of shit. There's nothing ambiguous about firing one round for every pull of the trigger. You just want to expand the definition to include a lot of weapons that were previously protected. manufacturing a mechanism that limits the firing rate to so a specific number of rounds per second is not a trivial task. It would make weapons vastly more complicated, unreliable and expensive.

Go fuck yourself.
Assault rifle - Wikipedia

An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine.

Selective fire means the capability of a weapon to be adjusted to fire in semi-automatic, burst mode, and/or fully automatic firing mode.

We can't get assault rifles as civilians.


yes we can,,,
Practically speaking, no we can't.


reality speaking yes we can,,,,
Ok, if we give you the money and you get to keep the gun, you say you can go to a gun store right now and buy a select-fire weapon and walk out with it?

which gun store?? not all are licensed for them,,,

there are a few close to me that carry full auto and are more than happy to get me started on the process,,,

and I can also get one from a private owner,,,
Troll status confirmed.

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