What is an "assault rifle"?

67 percent of Americans support an assault weapons ban
Among Republicans, 46 percent support, 46 percent approve

A stunning number lands in the middle of the gun debate - CNNPolitics
and those same 67% can't define an assault rifles characteristics that don't bleed into every other gun out there.

We can work on it and make it bigger when you guys whine ........Why isn’t this an assault rifle too?
see what i mean? you can't even define what you want to ban - you just will ban MORE when you find out you've been wrong about what you THOUGHT you knew.

and it's a rugar 10/22 accessorized. if you're calling this an assault rifle then you are simply going by the look and not the performance nor features of the gun.

THAT is the issue. gun grabbers won't learn about guns, they just broaden their hate and in the end come after guns ALL THE WHILE saying they're not doing that.
It’s an inaccurate term used to describe a semi automatic rifle in order to get an emotional response after a mass shooting.
Exactly. This is my point.

There is ZERO "need" for any type of semi-auto magazine fed weapon
So who determines what a law abiding citizen "needs"? I don't have to prove I "need" a semi-auto magazine fed rifle, it is my right to have one.
It’s an inaccurate term used to describe a semi automatic rifle in order to get an emotional response after a mass shooting.

That type of hyperbole is strictly allowed from both sides in the US Court of Public Opinion.
Are saying the term assault rifle is not another way of describing a semi automatic rifle and it does not evoke a more emotional response than semi automatic? If not then why not simply call the rifle a semi automatic?

I'm simply saying that the issue is being tried in the court of public opinion via the press, and both side are compelled to employ that tried a true practice.
You use the term hyperbole is it hyperbole if it’s true? The overwhelming majority of gun violence and deaths come from handguns which are also semi automatic yet no one calls them assault pistols. I find it interesting that the assault weapon or rifle label is only applied to one type of weapon.
I agree with you. There is ZERO "need" for any type of semi-auto magazine fed weapon
That is pretty much every type of gun that can be legally purchased so you are basically calling for a gun ban.
67 percent of Americans support an assault weapons ban
Among Republicans, 46 percent support, 46 percent approve

A stunning number lands in the middle of the gun debate - CNNPolitics
and those same 67% can't define an assault rifles characteristics that don't bleed into every other gun out there.

We can work on it and make it bigger when you guys whine ........Why isn’t this an assault rifle too?
see what i mean? you can't even define what you want to ban - you just will ban MORE when you find out you've been wrong about what you THOUGHT you knew.

and it's a rugar 10/22 accessorized. if you're calling this an assault rifle then you are simply going by the look and not the performance nor features of the gun.

THAT is the issue. gun grabbers won't learn about guns, they just broaden their hate and in the end come after guns ALL THE WHILE saying they're not doing that.
Easy to come up with an initial definition based on firing rate
We can refine it as you guys start to whine about it

As a start, we can limit magazines to 15 rounds
That should slow you down when you want to slaughter school children
It’s an inaccurate term used to describe a semi automatic rifle in order to get an emotional response after a mass shooting.

It’s an inaccurate term used to describe a semi automatic rifle in order to get an emotional response after a mass shooting.

That type of hyperbole is strictly allowed from both sides in the US Court of Public Opinion.
Are saying the term assault rifle is not another way of describing a semi automatic rifle and it does not evoke a more emotional response than semi automatic? If not then why not simply call the rifle a semi automatic?

The genie has been out of the Bottle for over 243 yrs. I don't think it's going back in without a fight! Arms is arms no matter what else they are called , The right to keep and bear them is non negotiable Constitutionally!
It’s an inaccurate term used to describe a semi automatic rifle in order to get an emotional response after a mass shooting.

It’s an inaccurate term used to describe a semi automatic rifle in order to get an emotional response after a mass shooting.

That type of hyperbole is strictly allowed from both sides in the US Court of Public Opinion.
Are saying the term assault rifle is not another way of describing a semi automatic rifle and it does not evoke a more emotional response than semi automatic? If not then why not simply call the rifle a semi automatic?

The genie has been out of the Bottle for over 243 yrs. I don't think it's going back in without a fight! Arms is arms no matter what else they are called , The right to keep and bear them is non negotiable Constitutionally!
The second amendment is not unconditional
Even Heller said so
Many people are dying and the right is still talking definitions. Sad.
You people dont know what the fuck youre even talking about when it comes to guns. We are tired of your ignorance. If you dont understand a subject, you arent qualified to comment on it.
67 percent of Americans support an assault weapons ban
Among Republicans, 46 percent support, 46 percent approve

A stunning number lands in the middle of the gun debate - CNNPolitics
and those same 67% can't define an assault rifles characteristics that don't bleed into every other gun out there.

We can work on it and make it bigger when you guys whine ........Why isn’t this an assault rifle too?
see what i mean? you can't even define what you want to ban - you just will ban MORE when you find out you've been wrong about what you THOUGHT you knew.

and it's a rugar 10/22 accessorized. if you're calling this an assault rifle then you are simply going by the look and not the performance nor features of the gun.

THAT is the issue. gun grabbers won't learn about guns, they just broaden their hate and in the end come after guns ALL THE WHILE saying they're not doing that.
Easy to come up with an initial definition based on firing rate
We can refine it as you guys start to whine about it

As a start, we can limit magazines to 15 rounds
That should slow you down when you want to slaughter school children

Not really bone head tape two 15 rounders together back to back, 3 seconds to flip the mags and rock on. Your neighbors with guns will probably not shoot "you" just the school children. What an idiot you are.
It’s an inaccurate term used to describe a semi automatic rifle in order to get an emotional response after a mass shooting.

It’s an inaccurate term used to describe a semi automatic rifle in order to get an emotional response after a mass shooting.

That type of hyperbole is strictly allowed from both sides in the US Court of Public Opinion.
Are saying the term assault rifle is not another way of describing a semi automatic rifle and it does not evoke a more emotional response than semi automatic? If not then why not simply call the rifle a semi automatic?

The genie has been out of the Bottle for over 243 yrs. I don't think it's going back in without a fight! Arms is arms no matter what else they are called , The right to keep and bear them is non negotiable Constitutionally!
The second amendment is not unconditional
Even Heller said so
I didn't say "Unconditional" I said "Non negotiable" there's a difference. Word games is all you have and we're not listening or playing!
Is one of these an "assault rifle"? If so, which one?


inanimate objects can't assault anything so neither are.
67 percent of Americans support an assault weapons ban
Among Republicans, 46 percent support, 46 percent approve

A stunning number lands in the middle of the gun debate - CNNPolitics
and those same 67% can't define an assault rifles characteristics that don't bleed into every other gun out there.

We can work on it and make it bigger when you guys whine ........Why isn’t this an assault rifle too?
see what i mean? you can't even define what you want to ban - you just will ban MORE when you find out you've been wrong about what you THOUGHT you knew.

and it's a rugar 10/22 accessorized. if you're calling this an assault rifle then you are simply going by the look and not the performance nor features of the gun.

THAT is the issue. gun grabbers won't learn about guns, they just broaden their hate and in the end come after guns ALL THE WHILE saying they're not doing that.
Easy to come up with an initial definition based on firing rate
We can refine it as you guys start to whine about it

As a start, we can limit magazines to 15 rounds
That should slow you down when you want to slaughter school children

Not really bone head tape two 15 rounders together back to back, 3 seconds to flip the mags and rock on. Your neighbors with guns will probably not shoot "you" just the school children. What an idiot you are.
I’m fine with making you do that

Just so you are denied the convenience of a 50 round magazine
It’s an inaccurate term used to describe a semi automatic rifle in order to get an emotional response after a mass shooting.

It’s an inaccurate term used to describe a semi automatic rifle in order to get an emotional response after a mass shooting.

That type of hyperbole is strictly allowed from both sides in the US Court of Public Opinion.
Are saying the term assault rifle is not another way of describing a semi automatic rifle and it does not evoke a more emotional response than semi automatic? If not then why not simply call the rifle a semi automatic?

The genie has been out of the Bottle for over 243 yrs. I don't think it's going back in without a fight! Arms is arms no matter what else they are called , The right to keep and bear them is non negotiable Constitutionally!
The second amendment is not unconditional
Even Heller said so
I didn't say "Unconditional" I said "Non negotiable" there's a difference. Word games is all you have and we're not listening or playing!
Nobody is negotiating with you
It will just be banned

Let’s start the bidding of an assault weapon ban at.....One round per second
67 percent of Americans support an assault weapons ban
Among Republicans, 46 percent support, 46 percent approve

A stunning number lands in the middle of the gun debate - CNNPolitics
and those same 67% can't define an assault rifles characteristics that don't bleed into every other gun out there.

We can work on it and make it bigger when you guys whine ........Why isn’t this an assault rifle too?
see what i mean? you can't even define what you want to ban - you just will ban MORE when you find out you've been wrong about what you THOUGHT you knew.

and it's a rugar 10/22 accessorized. if you're calling this an assault rifle then you are simply going by the look and not the performance nor features of the gun.

THAT is the issue. gun grabbers won't learn about guns, they just broaden their hate and in the end come after guns ALL THE WHILE saying they're not doing that.
Easy to come up with an initial definition based on firing rate
We can refine it as you guys start to whine about it

As a start, we can limit magazines to 15 rounds
That should slow you down when you want to slaughter school children

Not really bone head tape two 15 rounders together back to back, 3 seconds to flip the mags and rock on. Your neighbors with guns will probably not shoot "you" just the school children. What an idiot you are.

You watch too many Grade B War Movies. No one tapes mags together. It slows you down when changing mags. If you show up with that setup, every veteran will laugh you right off the shooting site. They may die but it won't from being shot, it'll be from dying laughing. Limiting to 15 round capacity does work. It doesn't stop the shooting incident but it does keep the body count down. And if that's all you do then you succeeded.
It’s an inaccurate term used to describe a semi automatic rifle in order to get an emotional response after a mass shooting.

That type of hyperbole is strictly allowed from both sides in the US Court of Public Opinion.
Are saying the term assault rifle is not another way of describing a semi automatic rifle and it does not evoke a more emotional response than semi automatic? If not then why not simply call the rifle a semi automatic?

The genie has been out of the Bottle for over 243 yrs. I don't think it's going back in without a fight! Arms is arms no matter what else they are called , The right to keep and bear them is non negotiable Constitutionally!
The second amendment is not unconditional
Even Heller said so
I didn't say "Unconditional" I said "Non negotiable" there's a difference. Word games is all you have and we're not listening or playing!
Nobody is negotiating with you
It will just be banned

it won't be banned. No Firearms will be banned. It will be heavily regulated. And if you want one, you have to apply for it legally. So stop with the Ban crap. It only gives the Gunnutters the ammunition to spew their stupidity.
Assault rifle - Wikipedia

An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine.

Selective fire means the capability of a weapon to be adjusted to fire in semi-automatic, burst mode, and/or fully automatic firing mode.

We can't get assault rifles as civilians.


yes we can,,,

You can't just walk in and buy a full auto. They quit making them in 1986.

Oh, they still make them and you can still get them but the red tape will be murder. The Paperwork, oh, the Paperwork.
Is one of these an "assault rifle"? If so, which one?



The black gun is the intended meaning of an assault rifle that used in combat and fires multiple shots until empty where as the one on top is a true riffle intended to fire one bullet at a time.
It’s an inaccurate term used to describe a semi automatic rifle in order to get an emotional response after a mass shooting.

That type of hyperbole is strictly allowed from both sides in the US Court of Public Opinion.
Are saying the term assault rifle is not another way of describing a semi automatic rifle and it does not evoke a more emotional response than semi automatic? If not then why not simply call the rifle a semi automatic?

If you wish to ban what MOST believe as an Assault Rifle (meaning the AK and the AR) you have to be specific in the law you write. The proper way for it to fly in the courts is something like "AR and it's variants". Just putting "Assault Rifle" will get it bounced even in the lower courts. But the term "AR and it's variants" has withstood the higher federal courts.

So to answer that stupid person that still keeps presenting the Mini-14 and it's variants, no, cupcake, it's not an assault rifle by legal definition.

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