What Is Bernie Sanders' Foreign Policy?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Oh, that's right. He doesn't have one.

Really. He does not have one. At all. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

He is actually proud of that. When asked about ISIS, he says we should all be concerned about ISIS but let's talk about the billionaire class instead.

So why the fuck is he running for President, since foreign affairs is one of the primary jobs of the Chief Executuve?



In case you think I am joking, which I am most definitely not: Bernie Sanders Has Stuck To The Same Message For 40 Years

Sanders held an event this week in a Baltimore neighborhood where riots broke out in April. His press secretary asked reporters to keep the questions to the issues the senator was there to discuss — poverty, unemployment and the criminal justice system. "Don't ask about ISIS today," said Symone Sanders, the campaign's press secretary.

What she means is, "Don't ask about ISIS...ever."

So, as the press conference was wrapping up, a reporter asked Bernie Sanders if there was a reason he didn't want to talk about ISIS.

Sanders scoffed.

"What I have said is that obviously ISIS and terrorism are a huge national issue that we've got to address, but so is poverty, so is unemployment, so is education, so is health care," said Sanders. "So is the need to protect working families. And I will, I will continue to talk about those issues."
Clinton has laid out a plan for ISIS. A detailed plan. Most of the rubes on here probably have no idea what it is.

Sanders? Zip. Zilch. Nada. Nothing.

Most of that is from the past, as a Senator. So that's where he should stay.

There's nothing about what he would do about ISIS in there. He only addresses what he thinks about Russia's actions in Syria, and only because he was asked during the debates. Nothing about what he would do.

He has nothing.
This is why Clinton will be the Democratic nominee and not the commie.

Okay. Not the MALE commie. :D
So why the fuck is he running for President, since foreign affairs is one of the primary jobs of the Chief Executuve?
He is mainly running just to give the apperance that Hillary Clintons nomination was actually earned and something she had to fight for not simply a coronation for her. Any idea that Sanders was even remotely a challenge to her ended after the first Democratic debate since then you have not heard much if anything about Bernie on the rise or Bernie mania.
Oh, that's right. He doesn't have one.

Really. He does not have one. At all. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

He is actually proud of that. When asked about ISIS, he says we should all be concerned about ISIS but let's talk about the billionaire class instead.

So why the fuck is he running for President, since foreign affairs is one of the primary jobs of the Chief Executuve?



Hes got my vote then.
Oh, that's right. He doesn't have one.

Really. He does not have one. At all. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

He is actually proud of that. When asked about ISIS, he says we should all be concerned about ISIS but let's talk about the billionaire class instead.

So why the fuck is he running for President, since foreign affairs is one of the primary jobs of the Chief Executuve?




What do you need beyond, "The Soviet Union is groovy, kill the greedy kulaks"?
Here's Bernie on foreign policy. More @

On the Issues: War and Peace

Senator Sanders believes that the test of a great and powerful nation is not how many wars it can engage in, but how it can resolve international conflicts in a peaceful manner. From the Middle East, to Ukraine, to North Korea, to the South China Sea, to civil war in the world’s newest nation – South Sudan, we face a multitude of serious foreign policy challenges.

Senator Sanders will protect America, defend our interests and values, embrace our commitments to defend freedom and support human rights, and be relentless in combating terrorists who would do us harm. However, after nearly fourteen years of ill-conceived and disastrous military engagements in the Middle East, it is time for a new approach. We must move away from policies that favor unilateral military action and preemptive war, and that make the United States the de facto policeman of the world.

Senator Sanders believes that foreign policy is not just deciding how to react to conflict around the world, but also includes redefining America’s role in the increasingly global economy.

Most of that is from the past, as a Senator. So that's where he should stay.

There's nothing about what he would do about ISIS in there. He only addresses what he thinks about Russia's actions in Syria, and only because he was asked during the debates. Nothing about what he would do.

He has nothing.

The best way to judge a politician is by their past voting record.

Most of that is from the past, as a Senator. So that's where he should stay.

There's nothing about what he would do about ISIS in there. He only addresses what he thinks about Russia's actions in Syria, and only because he was asked during the debates. Nothing about what he would do.

He has nothing.

It's easy to be so mesmerized by All Trump All the Time that you're incapable of doing a little drill-down research.

Most of that is from the past, as a Senator. So that's where he should stay.

There's nothing about what he would do about ISIS in there. He only addresses what he thinks about Russia's actions in Syria, and only because he was asked during the debates. Nothing about what he would do.

He has nothing.

The best way to judge a politician is by their past voting record.

Exactly. In addition, Sanders is adamant about not being the World's Policeman. He voted against the invasion of Iraq in '03, he believes ME countries like the Saudis should deploy their own troops to fight ISIS, and he's the only candidate I can think of who isn't dick-waving about Iran.

Little things like that.
Where exactly is it written that it's the United States 'responsibility' to 'do something' about ISIS – the United States should certainly participate with in an international effort to address the problem, but the notion that an American president should bear the sole burden to check the threat is idiocy.

Just as idiotic is the notion that conventional American ground forces should be sent to the Region to fight and die in another pointless war – a war that will not only fail to 'defeat' ISIS, but will actually end up advancing the terrorists' efforts.

Sanders is clearly correct on this issue.
Everything The BERN does revolves around this.....

Where exactly is it written that it's the United States 'responsibility' to 'do something' about ISIS – the United States should certainly participate with in an international effort to address the problem, but the notion that an American president should bear the sole burden to check the threat is idiocy.

Just as idiotic is the notion that conventional American ground forces should be sent to the Region to fight and die in another pointless war – a war that will not only fail to 'defeat' ISIS, but will actually end up advancing the terrorists' efforts.

Sanders is clearly correct on this issue.

The kiddies are bored. They need to watch things blow up on a screen to compensate them for the meaninglessness of their lives. While they wait, they post lame-ass Photoshops.,

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