What is causing the increase in school violence?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Is it White Christian Nationalism?

If not, what other societal ill could possibly be causing this?


They do all the right things these days, they teach their gender theories, their race theories, they ban the Bible, yet we see kids acting like animals.

What gives?
It's anyone's guess whether it was poor parenting, poor education or lax law enforcement, but any way you look at it, we sure have spawned a generation of dipshits. Back to MAGA
No, I'm thinking the violence is a result of having too many fathers in the home.

We need to ban toxic Patriarchal fatherhood by mandating women get artificially inseminated to have children and raise them in single parent homes.

Pretty sure that is the cause.

Is it White Christian Nationalism?

If not, what other societal ill could possibly be causing this?


They do all the right things these days, they teach their gender theories, their race theories, they ban the Bible, yet we see kids acting like animals.

What gives?
Stats showing increase in school violence?
It's anyone's guess whether it was poor parenting, poor education or lax law enforcement, but any way you look at it, we sure have spawned a generation of dipshits. Back to MAGA
People say the same things about kids every generation. Well, stupid people say it.
Nationalism is defined as love for one's Country. How in the world could it be twisted around enough to be the alleged cause of school violence? Most likely racism is the problem. Black kids are taught that they don't have to respect (white) authority and shoplifting and robbery is just a way to achieve reparations for slavery. When you factor in the apparent widespread use of personality altering drugs freely administered to "problem" students and the disregard by schools for the use of so-called "recreational" drugs you have a cocktail for insanity.

Is it White Christian Nationalism?

If not, what other societal ill could possibly be causing this?


They do all the right things these days, they teach their gender theories, their race theories, they ban the Bible, yet we see kids acting like animals.

What gives?
Lack of discipline and God in children's upbringings.

That wasn't a brawl, that was an attack by a miscreant on an innocent band member.

Oh, that pisses me off. Back in my day, the blacks that wanted to riot attacked my big black friend, who was a band member. He had a good sense of homor, but was not a fighter whatsoever. The worst thing I remember about that day is I
saw them attacking him, and the teacher immediately locked us in the room, and I couldn't get out to help him. I wish he (the teacher) hadn't have done that. That happened before lunch and it simmered all day. Plans were made at lunch.
We caught them after school and beat the fuck out of them though, so there's that. We were all standing and they were all not after the fight was over, and there was more of them than us. I gave a couple licks in my band-playing friend's honor, I guarantee ya that.
And I wasn't alone, either. I know I knocked one down and helped beat 2 others, oh yeah, it was a brawl! Biggest brawl I've ever seen first hand. Oh, we knew how to help our friends. Yessir. Most fights didn't go too far, especially once someone was helpless back in the day. These days they are going too far. Criminally far, unhumanly far.
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Nationalism is defined as love for one's Country. How in the world could it be twisted around enough to be the alleged cause of school violence? Most likely racism is the problem. Black kids are taught that they don't have to respect (white) authority and shoplifting and robbery is just a way to achieve reparations for slavery. When you factor in the apparent widespread use of personality altering drugs freely administered to "problem" students and the disregard by schools for the use of so-called "recreational" drugs you have a cocktail for insanity.
I was being sarcastic as the leadership in the country points to white Christian nationalism as the source of all our ills.

That is, when you can even understand Biden. "Smitherjism!!""

Is it White Christian Nationalism?

If not, what other societal ill could possibly be causing this?


They do all the right things these days, they teach their gender theories, their race theories, they ban the Bible, yet we see kids acting like animals.

What gives?

they are mimicking their parents.

We have become a society where even common courtesy is seen as a sign of weakness and the "other side" must be opposed at all cost.
Lack of discipline and God in children's upbringings.
This is why Jews are hated so much by the Left.

They are without a doubt the most persecuted people on the face of the planet. Even today, college kids are only allowed to chant, "Gas the Jews". Targeting any other race or people would be unacceptable.

Yet Jews always seem to be at the top of the socioeconomic levels of countries around the world.


They typically have traditional Patriarchal families is a big reason and they emphasize education.
No consequences for their actions when they see people across the country getting away with all kinds of shit without paying any price for it why think the kids will be any different.

Is it White Christian Nationalism?

If not, what other societal ill could possibly be causing this?


They do all the right things these days, they teach their gender theories, their race theories, they ban the Bible, yet we see kids acting like animals.

What gives?
These kids are watching videos on social media.

Most of the violence is happening in cities where the DA is a Soros DEI shithead.

They're going after the innocent and ignoring the criminals.

It started when they shut down schools during COVID and organized flashmob looting on stores.

Meanwhile they started telling kids that whites were racists. They used George Floyd to spread their crap story.,

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