What Is Defined As A Weapon Of War?

Thank you to whoever moved my thread since I accidentally put it in the wrong forum.
Maybe it's because I was born nearly thirty years later.
So damn what. You entered this thread talking about the AR-15 not being a weapon of war and there it is, 1962. Project Agile, IT WAS FLIPPIN CREATED AS A WEAPON OF WAR. The damn military was singing its praises, how effective it was, how much damage it delivered. Now, more than fifty years later some snot nosed little pencil dick wants to pretend the AR-15 is not a weapon of war. Lame.
So damn what. You entered this thread talking about the AR-15 not being a weapon of war and there it is, 1962. Project Agile, IT WAS FLIPPIN CREATED AS A WEAPON OF WAR. The damn military was singing its praises, how effective it was, how much damage it delivered. Now, more than fifty years later some snot nosed little pencil dick wants to pretend the AR-15 is not a weapon of war. Lame.

Maybe there was a time when it was but it's not listed now. That's the point.

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