Zone1 What is Evil and Good?

There is no third link in your model - the killer of the predator and the protector of the innocent

no, there will not be heavenly intervention, again you misunderstand - the journey granted a&e for their own self determination ... it's sink or swim for who's free spirit would be judged allowing for admission to the everlasting.
no, there will not be heavenly intervention, again you misunderstand - the journey granted a&e for their own self determination ... it's sink or swim for who's free spirit would be judged allowing for admission to the everlasting.
Heavenly intervention comes through the children of heaven on earth. A hero is born who rebels against evil and destroys the villains. Like Indra
Heavenly intervention comes through the children of heaven on earth. A hero is born who rebels against evil and destroys the villains. Like Indra

you do not understand - what is evil ... when against their will evil has established itself in an unsuspecting victim and requires removal the individual is unaware how that is accomplished.

the awful desert religions are such an evil - truth be told ... the liar moses - the crucifiers that wrote the 4th century c-bible.
you do not understand - what is evil ... when against their will evil has established itself in an unsuspecting victim and requires removal the individual is unaware how that is accomplished.

the awful desert religions are such an evil - truth be told ... the liar moses - the crucifiers that wrote the 4th century c-bible.
Evil cannot "establish itself" in anyone. Evil is a concept not something that can act on its own
Evil cannot "establish itself" in anyone. Evil is a concept not something that can act on its own

that's you and who was being referred in the post - you live in a self induced one dimensional world ... and deny others their due worth. that by choice or not have the explained complexity.


they perished and speculate did not triumph before their passing ...
that's you and who was being referred in the post - you live in a self induced one dimensional world ... and deny others their due worth. that by choice or not have the explained complexity.

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they perished and speculate did not triumph before their passing ...
We all can only perceive 3 dimensions so that is our reality.

Evil is not a thing, it is not a force, it is not a spirit and cannot do anything.

Evil is a human concept and exists only in the minds of humans.

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