What Is Fascism?

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3]

I love how the liberals twist words out of all recognition.
IMHO, I think Fascism contains elements of both left and right. The ultra-nationalism, racism, and thirst for a strong authoritarian leader is definitely Right wing stuff. The utopianism and government control is definitely Left wing.
Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3]

I love how the liberals twist words out of all recognition.

Why use the word "liberals" here? Using the word "people" would have been closer to the truth.

Fascism, along with Communism, Socialism, genocide, woke, and many others, are words people constantly misunderstand.

I'm sure plenty of Republicans have no idea what a fascist is, they might not use the word, because they're happier using "commie" instead.
So...yeah. Hitler was a leftist. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Well..... far-left and far-right are closer to each other than they are to their respective left and right closer to the center.

People decide, for example, the Socialism is left wing. Did the NSDAP have aspects of Socialism? Yes, but then when government control comes along, controlling the means of production seems quite natural.

The fun thing about "Communism" is that every "Communist" country has had a strong leader, and a very hierarchical system in place, which is part of the Fascism description, and NOT a part of the Communism description which requires, ironically, leaderless society (in the sense of having the job, rather than there actually being leaders).
Hitler was the leader of the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZI)
Fascism is the implementation of the dictatorship of the capitalist class by means of open unrestricted terror against the revolutionary movement of the masses, applied when the bourgeois-democratic instruments of implementing the dictatorship of capital are no longer able to ensure the oppression of the masses.
Fascism is purely a product of capitalism, as a reaction to the growing consciousness of the masses. This is why so many resources are spent on pseudoscience and the spread of obscurantism in every form, from religion to esotericism. Keeping people in darkness is cheaper than maintaining an apparatus of suppression by force.

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