What is freedom and equality? Are these things real in Government?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
It has taken me aback, as I peruse the annals of our history... To see the various views of freedom and equality our peoples had, none of which can truly define nor epitomize these things. Freedom and equality nowadays is subject to interpretation, not the finality for which they are expected to instill.

How can one man be equal to another, when his very actions set him apart from his peers? Would that alone not render him superior or inferior to them? Men deserve to be equal in the sight of the law. There can be no such thing as equality, when we are all the time separated by mere ideological premises. By delusions of arrogant pride.

Freedom? What freedom? How can we be free when we are willingly held hostage by our own emotional attachment to these ideological premises? Republican? Democrat? Independent? Nothing but the stuff of slavery. There will never be equality nor freedom; when one person fights for one version, and another for another. There can be neither. They cannot exist within a nation whom itself is willing to delegate its wills and notions to an incompetent authority.

Real freedom comes on the day when we meet in the middle. Challenging the wrongs our government has perpetrated, its wonton advancements on our collective rights. Equality is maintained when no man sees himself as superior to another, where no man sees equality as preventing another man from attaining a higher, more privileged position than he. There will always be leaders and followers, but a real leader brings himself to the level of those for whom he leads. True leaders lead not with arrogance and selfishness, but with humility and selfless devotion to their subordinates. When we fail to come together for a common cause, we are not equal; when we cannot fight for a common cause--we are not free.

Freedom? Equality? Can such things exist in our government anymore? That is for all of you to decide.
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