What is "islamaphobia"?

The media and leftist democraptic pols love to use that term, but how can someone who hates a totalitarian death cult be considered as having a "phobia"? It's like claiming people who fear drowning have an uncontrollable fear of water.

There are 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world. 5 million live in the United States. If they were a "Death Cult", we'd have some serious problems.

This is simply another bottom-feeding terms used by the democraps towards their identity politics failed agenda; it is a meaningless term which sane, normal people feel given the relentless number of muslim-driven terrorist attacks (another one at an Ohio college campus just yesterday).

Well, not really. When a white person goes on a shooting rampage, then you guys cite "mental illness" as an excuse. (Which I would agree with, except these people were mentally ill and able to get guns.) Nobody talks about the religion of a Roof, Loughner, Holmes, Lanza, all nice white boys brought up in nice middle class homes. Nope, if they go on a murderous rampage, it's because they were mentally ill.

When a Muslim goes on a rampage, then it must be a "Terrorism". Even though there is usually just as much evidence for "Mental Illness" (and again, it being all too easy for them to get guns)
Actually, we have discussed Roof being an Obama supporter...

Now some more facts you need to know...

Why are all Mass Murderers Democrats?

Would you care to explain why we shouldn't just ban ALL Democrats from owning guns (or any sharp objects)???
If you believe that Islamic people in the US Army are going to kill you, than you might be on the phobic side.

If you believe that the very term Islamophobia is part of an evil conspiracy to silence good people, you might have a touch of Islamophobia.

If you're afraid of people motivated by religion, I'm with you but I'd rather you blame people for their actions rather than the religion, nation or skin color into which they are born.
another foreigner , hows it going ?? How is Lee Rigby doing Londoner ??
The media and leftist democraptic pols love to use that term,

I use that term to describe religious bigots who are bigoted towards people because they happen to Muslims, regardless of their actions.

You know- people like you.
If you believe that Islamic people in the US Army are going to kill you, than you might be on the phobic side.

If you believe that the very term Islamophobia is part of an evil conspiracy to silence good people, you might have a touch of Islamophobia.

If you're afraid of people motivated by religion, I'm with you but I'd rather you blame people for their actions rather than the religion, nation or skin color into which they are born.

Whereas, you refuse to hold select groups accountable at all even when their actions spring directly from their cultish religious ideology.

You don't work for Rotherham child protective services, by any chance, do you? You would fit right in.
another foreigner , hows it going ?? How is Lee Rigby doing Londoner ??

I'm sure he feels pretty damn smug, safe in the knowledge that he is part of the contingent that facilitates the behavior. He knows that British children are being raped on a massive scale. He knows women are being degraded. He knows that people are being decapitated in the street. That pales in comparison to the ego boost he gets when he calls people names for wanting to confront it.

He and the rest of his disgusting ilk are enablers. They are appeasers. They are nothing but cowards who are quite willing to look the other way because THEY are more important than the victims, and the smugness they feel is all that counts, here.
The media and leftist democraptic pols love to use that term, but how can someone who hates a totalitarian death cult be considered as having a "phobia"? It's like claiming people who fear drowning have an uncontrollable fear of water.

This is simply another bottom-feeding terms used by the democraps towards their identity politics failed agenda; it is a meaningless term which sane, normal people feel given the relentless number of muslim-driven terrorist attacks (another one at an Ohio college campus just yesterday).

It's the fear of Islam without a rational basis.
The media and leftist democraptic pols love to use that term, but how can someone who hates a totalitarian death cult be considered as having a "phobia"? It's like claiming people who fear drowning have an uncontrollable fear of water.

This is simply another bottom-feeding terms used by the democraps towards their identity politics failed agenda; it is a meaningless term which sane, normal people feel given the relentless number of muslim-driven terrorist attacks (another one at an Ohio college campus just yesterday).
I would say "islamophobia" is perfectly normal and "islamofilia" is acute insanity with "islamomania" being complete fatacism.

These are my workable definitions.

The islamics will simply be gadflies for the next 50 to 100 years until they all become extinct eventually.

There is nothing you can do about them except arm yourself and get training and practice regularly.

That's what I do.
"Islamophobia" is a made up term to describe anybody in the west who actually knows a thing or two about Islam and rejects it's hatred, totalitarianism and primitive value structures.

That's why those who use the term are so very careful to maintain a perfect vacuum between their two ears.

Yawn, guy, I bet you couldn't write a paragraph on Islamic beliefs if your life depended on it.
From reading the Quran in English (already considered a crime because you are supposed to read it in Arabic) the reader quickly surmises that it is an endless rant. It is the only book more boring that Adolf's "Mein Kampf".

As you work your way through the Quran you can see a lot of plagiarism from the Christian Bible and the Jewish Tanakh. It rants over an over against the Jews, and the Christians, and the Arabic local folk religions. Coincidentally the Arabic folk religions apply equally to Hinduism and their pantheon of gods.

There is a lot of reiteration of the requirement to donate generously to your local mosque and imam.

For the most part the book is a bunch of crap. I realize this is demeaning to Thomas Crapper the importer of the British flush toilet from which our term "crap" comes.

The moron fanatics who believe in the Quran and like brain dead zombies.

So be alert and be safe, whenever you see one monster walking near you or dressed up in a rag hat or rag dress and veil.

Don't get close to them and don't let them get close to you. The range of a suicide vest is about 15 yards diameter or 50 ft.

Make sure you can draw from concealment within 1 second (one-thousand-one) and double tap them once in the chest and once between the eyes. That will prevent them from detonating themselves.

Any knife or machete wielding islamist should be a piece of cake.
I use that term to describe religious bigots who are bigoted towards people because they happen to Muslims, regardless of their actions. You know- people like you.

"Bigoted" people? Pulling out the 'ole racist card, idiot? Thanks so very much for proving my point in my OP so nicely, good job liberal monkey.

As for the FACTS, polls show WIDESPREAD support for terrorism in arab muslim countries. How come liberal trash like you never attacks the mass support of arab muslims for terrorism against Israel?
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I use that term to describe religious bigots who are bigoted towards people because they happen to Muslims, regardless of their actions. You know- people like you.

"Bigoted" people? Pulling out the 'ole racist card, idiot? Thanks so very much for proving my point in my OP so nicely, good job liberal monkey.

As for the FACTS, polls show WIDESPREAD support for terrorism in arab muslim countries. How come liberal trash like you never attacks the mass support of arab muslims for terrorism against Israel?

If an idiot on USMB posted supporting terrorism, I would point out that they are idiots also.

You are a bigot because you think all Muslims are bad because of their religious point of view- no different than someone who thinks all Jews are bad.

You don't condemn terrorism- you condemn people because of their religious beliefs. How come Right Wing trash like you never attacks the ones committing terrorist attacks, but just use terrorist attacks to pursue your bigoted agenda?
It's the fear of Islam without a rational basis.

Anyone alive and breathing who has any awareness of the world would wisely be concerned about the cancerous death cult of islam, which could hardly be called "irrational."

Many of these muslim apologists are alive and breathing, they just have no common sense or reasoning ability.

And by 'muslim apologists' you mean those of us who believe Muslims have the same right to freedom of religion as every other American.
The media and leftist democraptic pols love to use that term, but how can someone who hates a totalitarian death cult be considered as having a "phobia"? It's like claiming people who fear drowning have an uncontrollable fear of water.

This is simply another bottom-feeding terms used by the democraps towards their identity politics failed agenda; it is a meaningless term which sane, normal people feel given the relentless number of muslim-driven terrorist attacks (another one at an Ohio college campus just yesterday).

Phobia is NOT hate. Phobia is FEAR. Big difference.

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