What is "islamaphobia"?

Uh-Huh, hate to break the bad news to you Adolph, while holding Individuals accountable for their actions isn't bigotry, holding JEWS accountable for the actions of a few Jewish Individuals is bigotry, well at least by rational folk standards.

Yet again you get your bigot card punched, congrats, 2 more and your Klan mates say you get to be the "Grand Cyclops".

Yawn, guy... again, we checked your HitlerCard.. and it came back "Expired".

Yeah, yeah, I know, your solution was choosing hemlock over cyanide because it's less filling.:rolleyes:

Which still qualifies you as a fucking moron that has no place bitching about things not changing; It's you and all the other "I know you are but what am I?" partisan infants that are responsible for the blood, treasure and liberty devouring warfare/welfare/police state that's bleeding the Republic to death.

Well, no. You see, this is where you are confused, like most Third Party Fringe Nuts.

The thing is, most Americans are comfortable with status quo. They are fine with the oil companies and the Jews running our foreign policy because they like cheap gas and they like the illusion that we need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back.

And don't worry, if anyone ever points out the stupidity of being involved in religious fights on the other side of the planet, we can always count on useful idiots like you calling them Nazis because their kids won't be the ones dying over in the sandbox.
just more words and name-calling used by the left to promote globalization and equalization of all nations
Uh-Huh, hate to break the bad news to you Adolph, while holding Individuals accountable for their actions isn't bigotry, holding JEWS accountable for the actions of a few Jewish Individuals is bigotry, well at least by rational folk standards.

Yet again you get your bigot card punched, congrats, 2 more and your Klan mates say you get to be the "Grand Cyclops".

Yawn, guy... again, we checked your HitlerCard.. and it came back "Expired".
Must be an echo in here.. either that or deputy dumbfuck forgot what he posted earlier.... AGAIN.

Well, no. You see, this is where you are confused, like most Third Party Fringe Nuts.
Wouldn't know, since I'm not a member of any "Third Party" ....... but yeah, I am confused, the fact that you can on the one hand whine about things never changing and on other keep following the same old sheeple script is fucking confusing since I wasn't aware that such magnitudes of cognitive dissonance could be contained in a single individual.

The thing is, most Americans are comfortable with status quo.
How would you know what "most Americans" are comfortable with? you can't even manage to keep your own spittle off your chin and now you're imagining you can actually relate to a majority of the citizenry? In case no one came down to whatever lunatic asylum you inhabit and told ya, the overwhelming consensus is that MOST (nearly 70% is actually most, unless of course you're using Joe Math in which case it represents a minority) believe that the country is on the wrong track.....

And don't worry, if anyone ever points out the stupidity of being involved in religious fights on the other side of the planet, we can always count on useful idiots like you calling them Nazis because their kids won't be the ones dying over in the sandbox.
"religious fights on the other side of the planet" have nothing to do with people calling you a Nazi, people call you a Nazi because of your rabid bigotry; I on the other hand, call you a Klansman because the reaction is funny (and because you're a bigot).
Wouldn't know, since I'm not a member of any "Third Party" ....... but yeah, I am confused, the fact that you can on the one hand whine about things never changing and on other keep following the same old sheeple script is fucking confusing since I wasn't aware that such magnitudes of cognitive dissonance could be contained in a single individual.

Wow, do you think you sound smart if you use big words?

Okay, try to break it down for you. I voted for Hillary because even though I thought she's an awful person, she's an awful person who knows how to run the country.

As opposed to Trump who is an awful person who has no idea what he is doing.

Now, if it was Kasich vs. Hillary, I'd have voted for Kasich.

But some things are simply not going to change, ever. Big corporations are always going to get their way. Always. No matter who is in.

No matter who is in, we will keep getting involved in the middle east.

Its a sucky system, but I'd rather have it run by people who know what they are doing
"religious fights on the other side of the planet" have nothing to do with people calling you a Nazi, people call you a Nazi because of your rabid bigotry; I on the other hand, call you a Klansman because the reaction is funny (and because you're a bigot).

Oh, I thought you called names because you have the maturity of a five year old throwing a tantrum...

And I still think that after your "explanation".

Now, if you ever want to actually discuss a point, let me know.
Wouldn't know, since I'm not a member of any "Third Party" ....... but yeah, I am confused, the fact that you can on the one hand whine about things never changing and on other keep following the same old sheeple script is fucking confusing since I wasn't aware that such magnitudes of cognitive dissonance could be contained in a single individual.

Wow, do you think you sound smart if you use big words?
OOPS, Sorry Joe, I forgot you have a hard time comprehending things without pictures. :rolleyes:
How would you know what "most Americans" are comfortable with? you can't even manage to keep your own spittle off your chin and now you're imagining you can actually relate to a majority of the citizenry? In case no one came down to whatever lunatic asylum you inhabit and told ya, the overwhelming consensus is that MOST (nearly 70% is actually most, unless of course you're using Joe Math in which case it represents a minority) believe that the country is on the wrong track.....

I'm sure they do.

But then they keep rewarding the people who've put us on the wrong track.

How many Senators and Congressmen got voted out last month?

Answer- very few.
OOPS, Sorry Joe, I forgot you have a hard time comprehending things without pictures.

I forgot I'm dealing with a child who hasn't evolved above pictures...

Sorry, man, won't make that mistake again. Do you need a time out?
LOL, Was that your best attempt at a flame? trying in your usual callow fashion to parrot what I just said?

... okay since I'm a magnanimous chap, I'll give you another crack at it but hurry up, you're starting to bore me again.

.. okay since I'm a magnanimous chap, I'll give you another crack at it but hurry up, you're starting to bore me again.

No, actually, I'm done with you. So let's get this Thread back on track.

What is "Islamophobia".

It's people not understanding when you go to the other side of the planet, bomb people, steal their land and resources, they aren't going to be very keen on it.

No matter what sky pixie they pray to.

Trying to pretend that they are "Savages" because they worship a different imaginary sky friend than you do is just kind of silly.

And not even original.

I'm old enough to remember when people said the same things about the Vietnamese because they kept fighting us no matter how many bombs we dropped on them. "Why, they don't value life the way we do." "They send their children out to die". It's tiresome.

I'm sure the same things were said during the Philippine War 100 years ago. Except most Americans don't even know we ever fought a war in the Philippines.

Now, if we were honest, and just admitted, we aren't here to liberate you, we are just here to take your stuff because we want it, maybe we'd have honest examinations as to why we do things.

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