What is "islamaphobia"?

From perhaps the nastiest bigot on the board.

You just HAVE to toss these words around, diluting them more and more. You're becoming a dinosaur.

You're blind. And now the GOP has total control.

I wonder if you even see THAT.

Naw, I think every decade, our fixed system puts the GOP in charge to rape working people, and then we send the Democrats in to do it more subtly. Except the people are getting wise to it, so they have to steal elections to put the GOP in.

But I don't blame the dumb-ass white trash in the trailer park who voted for Trumpenfuhrer because he done got him a reality TV Show, Cleetus.

I blame the Bernie Bros who voted for Stein or Stayed home or even voted for Trump because Hillary spoke to Goldman Sachs once.

I blame the media who elevated Trump because they thought he was good for ratings or they thought Hillary could beat him easily, and didn't question the absolutely outrageous things he said.

But there will be plenty of time for blame as the Trumpenfuhrer wrecks the country.
From perhaps the nastiest bigot on the board.

You just HAVE to toss these words around, diluting them more and more. You're becoming a dinosaur.

You're blind. And now the GOP has total control.

I wonder if you even see THAT.

Naw, I think every decade, our fixed system puts the GOP in charge to rape working people, and then we send the Democrats in to do it more subtly. Except the people are getting wise to it, so they have to steal elections to put the GOP in.

But I don't blame the dumb-ass white trash in the trailer park who voted for Trumpenfuhrer because he done got him a reality TV Show, Cleetus.

I blame the Bernie Bros who voted for Stein or Stayed home or even voted for Trump because Hillary spoke to Goldman Sachs once.

I blame the media who elevated Trump because they thought he was good for ratings or they thought Hillary could beat him easily, and didn't question the absolutely outrageous things he said.

But there will be plenty of time for blame as the Trumpenfuhrer wrecks the country.
Yes, Joe, whatever you do, don't look in the mirror.

Anyone who dares to disagree with you is a RACIST, a HOMOPHOBE, an ISLAMOPHOBE, a ______________, a ____________, and a _______________.

That's working out REAL well for you.

Yes, Joe, whatever you do, don't look in the mirror.

Anyone who dares to disagree with you is a RACIST, a HOMOPHOBE, an ISLAMOPHOBE, a ______________, a ____________, and a _______________.

That's working out REAL well for you.

No, guy, YOU are an Islamophobe.

Deal with it.

You try to dress your racism up in nice clothes but you are still this.


Now, frankly, you guys won Trump. Good work. You got someone who can live your dream of demeaning women and minorities because you are too afraid of HR and an imaginary PC Police and a punch in the mouth to say the things you really want to say about "those people", but he's rich enough to never suffer any consequences.

SO, uh, "hurrah", I guess?

You do remind me of Santayana's definition of a fanatic. Someone who redoubles his effort while losing sight of his goal.
Yes, Joe, whatever you do, don't look in the mirror.

Anyone who dares to disagree with you is a RACIST, a HOMOPHOBE, an ISLAMOPHOBE, a ______________, a ____________, and a _______________.

That's working out REAL well for you.

No, guy, YOU are an Islamophobe.

Deal with it.

You try to dress your racism up in nice clothes but you are still this.


Now, frankly, you guys won Trump. Good work. You got someone who can live your dream of demeaning women and minorities because you are too afraid of HR and an imaginary PC Police and a punch in the mouth to say the things you really want to say about "those people", but he's rich enough to never suffer any consequences.

SO, uh, "hurrah", I guess?

You do remind me of Santayana's definition of a fanatic. Someone who redoubles his effort while losing sight of his goal.
Perfect. My point illustrated precisely. Again.

Have you received your Thank You card from the RNC yet?
A bit bitchy today, huh Joey? What happened? Your Klan Rally get cancelled or sumptin' ?

No, just pointing out that we shouldn't be surprised that when you murder a people with impunity, they take joy in your misery.

Thanks Captain Obvious....

Of course that explains your support for Hillary the Warhawk and her entourage of blood thirsty, globalist savages. :lmao:
Thanks Captain Obvious....

Of course that explains your support for Hillary the Warhawk and her entourage of blood thirsty, globalist savages.

Yawn, guy, the Jews are going to be dictating our foreign policy no matter who is in. Let's get real here.

Trump is bringing in the same Neo-Con clowns who Republicans always bring in.

The fact is, we've been at war with the Middle East since 1980, pretty much. Doesn't matter who is in the White House.

Our Middle east policy is sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then whining about getting stung. that isn't going to change.
Perfect. My point illustrated precisely.

Have you received your Thank You card from the RNC yet?

So you can't answer the points, declare victory and win.

Let me know when you have a cogent argument, okay, bud.
I do it all the time, Joe. You're just too encased in your ideological cocoon to understand it.

White House, Senate, House, Supreme Court, state houses. Thanks loads, Joe.

I can only hope that dinosaurs like you are marginalized soon.
I do it all the time, Joe. You're just too encased in your ideological cocoon to understand it.

White House, Senate, House, Supreme Court, state houses. Thanks loads, Joe.

I can only hope that dinosaurs like you are marginalized soon.

Guy, again, I'm a registered Republican. I have no dog in the fight of who runs the Democratic Party.

Nor do I take any concern about the ebb and flow of politics, In 2008, the Democrats were riding high. It's two sides of the same coin.

None of this has anything to do with the fact that you can't tell dirty jokes around the office. You still can't. Because businesses will still act like businesses.

So I leave you with the words of Roger Waters...

Don't be afraid, it's only business
The alien prophet sighed
The vulture and the magpie took
The cash box from its hook
The monkey in the corner
Wrote the figures in his book
Crazed the checkout lady's fingers
Flash across the till
And the captain posts the menu of the day
And in banks across the world
Christians, Moslems, Hindus, Jews
And every other race, creed, colour, tint or hue
Get down on their knees and pray
The raccoon and the groundhog neatly
Make up bags of change
But the monkey in the corner
Well he's slowly drifting out of range
Thanks Captain Obvious....

Of course that explains your support for Hillary the Warhawk and her entourage of blood thirsty, globalist savages.

Yawn, guy, the Jews are going to be dictating our foreign policy no matter who is in. Let's get real here.
OOPS Joe, better fix your skirt, your antisemitism is showing again.

Trump is bringing in the same Neo-Con clowns who Republicans always bring in.

The fact is, we've been at war with the Middle East since 1980, pretty much. Doesn't matter who is in the White House.

Our Middle east policy is sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then whining about getting stung. that isn't going to change.
It isn't going to change as long as you partisan dildos keep voting for the same bumbling warmongers from the two major parties and then spend all your time trying to convince yourselves that your "team" wears halos and the the "other team" wears horns.

If you want to see the root cause of the endless warfare state, go look in the fucking mirror.
OOPS Joe, better fix your skirt, your antisemitism is showing again.

Hey, guy, we ran your "Hitler Card", and it's expired. You guys used up all the sympathy years ago.

It isn't going to change as long as you partisan dildos keep voting for the same bumbling warmongers from the two major parties and then spend all your time trying to convince yourselves that your "team" wears halos and the the "other team" wears horns.

If you want to see the root cause of the endless warfare state, go look in the fucking mirror.

Except I haven't heard your side tell me how you'd stop it.
OOPS Joe, better fix your skirt, your antisemitism is showing again.

Hey, guy, we ran your "Hitler Card", and it's expired. You guys used up all the sympathy years ago.
Well I guess that would qualify as a "biting retort" If I were Jewish but since I'm not, I'll file it under "Joe's having another antisemitic temper tantrum".

On the bright side, at least your being honest about your rampant bigotry... FOR A CHANGE, which is good because it's not like it's a secret or anything.

Except I haven't heard your side tell me how you'd stop it.
I don't have a "side" ya fucking retard and I just told you how to stop it.

Stop voting for the Democrat/Republican insanity machine, you keep voting for these same morons and then wonder why nothing changes?

... and you Hillary Clinton supporters are the absolute WORST, you supported Hillary Fucking Clinton and then have the temerity to bitch about "nothing changes" ? you folks are absolutely out of your minds, She's the poster child for "More of the Same Bullshit!".

At least Trump represented something of a change; a boisterous, idiotic and infantile sort of change but nonetheless a change from the miserable corrupt class of self styled "let 'em cake" nobility like Clinton.

"The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" -- Albert Einstein
Well I guess that would qualify as a "biting retort" If I were Jewish but since I'm not, I'll file it under "Joe's having another antisemitic temper tantrum".

On the bright at least your being honest about your rampant bigotry... FOR A CHANGE, which is good because it's not like it's a secret or anything.

Holding people to account for what they actually do is not bigotry. The real problem is, no one else says it, because the Jews ruin political careers. Remember Andrew Young. He was the UN Ambassador who lost his job for merely TALKING to Yassir Arafat. But you tell yourselves the Jews don't run both sides of the room in DC.

... and you Hillary Clinton supporters are the absolute WORST, you supported Hillary Fucking Clinton and then have the temerity to bitch about "nothing changes" ? you folks are absolutely out of your minds, She's the poster child for "More of the Same Bullshit!".

No, I voted for Hillary because she wasn't a crazy person like Trump was. Someone who wasn't going to crash the economy like he's going to. You see, I voted for enlightened self interest. I'm too old to be sent off to a war and there are no males in my family of military age, so I'm not that worried about who is going to get us into a war over there.

However, recessions would have an effect on my life, and Trump is more likely to cause one. Mostly because he drinks the same Supply Side, Deregulation Koolaid the GOP always drinks.

At least Trump represented something of a change; a boisterous, idiotic and infantile sort of change but nonetheless a change from the miserable corrupt class of self styled "let 'em cake" nobility like Clinton.

Isn't that like sticking a rabid badger in your trousers to break up the monotony of the day?

Actually, now that Trump is in, he's bringing in all the same clowns who always run things for the GOP. So it really isn't a change.
Holding people to account for what they actually do is not bigotry. The real problem is, no one else says it, because the Jews ruin political careers. Remember Andrew Young. He was the UN Ambassador who lost his job for merely TALKING to Yassir Arafat. But you tell yourselves the Jews don't run both sides of the room in DC.
Uh-Huh, hate to break the bad news to you Adolph, while holding Individuals accountable for their actions isn't bigotry, holding JEWS accountable for the actions of a few Jewish Individuals is bigotry, well at least by rational folk standards.

Yet again you get your bigot card punched, congrats, 2 more and your Klan mates say you get to be the "Grand Cyclops".

No, I voted for Hillary because she wasn't a crazy person like Trump was.
Yeah, yeah, I know, your solution was choosing hemlock over cyanide because it's less filling.:rolleyes:

Which still qualifies you as a fucking moron that has no place bitching about things not changing; It's you and all the other "I know you are but what am I?" partisan infants that are responsible for the blood, treasure and liberty devouring warfare/welfare/police state that's bleeding the Republic to death.

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