What is "islamaphobia"?

The term is nothing more than a tool the PC zealots use to put you on the defensive and avoid an honest conversation.

If you challenge something, they immediately accuse you of "______phobia" and they no longer have to defend it.

Uh, guy, if anything, we aren't having an honest discussion about our problems in the middle east because you wingnuts say things like "They hate our freedom" and "Their religion is screwed up".

An honest discussion would be, "Why are we invading other people's countries?"

Of course, there's an element of racism involved. MOcking their religion is a way to dehumanize them and not have the above conversation. "They don't value life like we do". It's something we ALWAYS tell ourselves about our "enemies" (read the people the rich get the working class to fight because they have resources they want.) . I'm old enough to remember when people said that about the Vietnamese when they wouldn't just lay down when we invaded them.

So Islamophobia is an accurate criticism. Most of you don't understand Islam, but man, it's scary that someone will lay down his life for his country and his God with no regard to his personal safety!

Trump's win, in large part, was fueled by a national backlash against this dishonest, cowardly and counterproductive tactic.

No, buddy. Trump didn't win. And Trump did use exactly the same kind of distractions- fear of "the Other". Muslims want to kill you. (Even though you are far more likely to be killed by a white trash loser with a gun) Mexicans want to rape you! anything to distract from the fact that more and more of the wealth is shifting from the working class to the investing class.

We'll see how much longer they try the tactic, now that it has come back and punched them square in the nose.

Sorry, man, you still can't tell dirty jokes in the office, buddy. Trump's bad boy attitude will only last him as long as people don't realize he has no clue as to what he is doing.
The White House. The Senate. The House. The Supreme Court. State Houses.

Thanks loads, Joe.

Islamophobia is that feeling a Tranny gets when he asks to use the Girls Bathroom in Arabia, Persia, or North Africa.

In the LGBTQQ Community, it is the fear of getting thrown off a tall building by barbarians still living in the 9th Century.

If you are a woman, it is the fear of going to jail for driving a car or trying to vote.

Okay, you realize that isn't the customs in the whole of the Islamic World, right? That most of the worlds Muslims live in countries that are a lot more progressive than that?

Or are you just trying to validate your bigotry by finding the most extreme examples?
The White House. The Senate. The House. The Supreme Court. State Houses.

Thanks loads, Joe.


Uh, Democrats got more votes for the White House. They picked up 2 seats in the Senate and 6 in the House. You did not "win" anything. You just didn't lose as badly as you have in the past.

And while the bigots have always voted Republican and always will, what really tipped the scales was that working class whites bought Trumps false promises that "the other" could be punished to their economic benefit.

When they figure out they won't be... that if anything, they'll be WORSE off, well, it's going to kind of suck to be you.

Now, part of the problem is, of course, is that there are no permanent majorities. Yes, Trump rode in on a racist as shit backlash against Obama (again, I hope your're proud)justlike Obama rode in on reaction to Bush's incompetence and Bush road in on a reaction to Clinton's scandals. Every president in my lifetime has been a reaction to the last one.

So I figure, two years of Trump's clown show, and people are going to do something about it.

But don't worry, you've got two years of railing against racial and gender progress, buddy!
The White House. The Senate. The House. The Supreme Court. State Houses.

Thanks loads, Joe.


Uh, Democrats got more votes for the White House. They picked up 2 seats in the Senate and 6 in the House. You did not "win" anything. You just didn't lose as badly as you have in the past.

And while the bigots have always voted Republican and always will, what really tipped the scales was that working class whites bought Trumps false promises that "the other" could be punished to their economic benefit.

When they figure out they won't be... that if anything, they'll be WORSE off, well, it's going to kind of suck to be you.

Now, part of the problem is, of course, is that there are no permanent majorities. Yes, Trump rode in on a racist as shit backlash against Obama (again, I hope your're proud)justlike Obama rode in on reaction to Bush's incompetence and Bush road in on a reaction to Clinton's scandals. Every president in my lifetime has been a reaction to the last one.

So I figure, two years of Trump's clown show, and people are going to do something about it.

But don't worry, you've got two years of railing against racial and gender progress, buddy!
And you remain in abject denial.

Be sure to yuck it up during the Supreme Court hearings.

Trump owes people like you a great big Thank You card.
The media and leftist democraptic pols love to use that term, but how can someone who hates a totalitarian death cult be considered as having a "phobia"? It's like claiming people who fear drowning have an uncontrollable fear of water.

This is simply another bottom-feeding terms used by the democraps towards their identity politics failed agenda; it is a meaningless term which sane, normal people feel given the relentless number of muslim-driven terrorist attacks (another one at an Ohio college campus just yesterday).
You are looking at Islam as a whole, yet it is illogical to assume that all are the same..
The White House. The Senate. The House. The Supreme Court. State Houses.

Thanks loads, Joe.


Uh, Democrats got more votes for the White House. They picked up 2 seats in the Senate and 6 in the House. You did not "win" anything. You just didn't lose as badly as you have in the past.

And while the bigots have always voted Republican and always will, what really tipped the scales was that working class whites bought Trumps false promises that "the other" could be punished to their economic benefit.

When they figure out they won't be... that if anything, they'll be WORSE off, well, it's going to kind of suck to be you.

Now, part of the problem is, of course, is that there are no permanent majorities. Yes, Trump rode in on a racist as shit backlash against Obama (again, I hope your're proud)justlike Obama rode in on reaction to Bush's incompetence and Bush road in on a reaction to Clinton's scandals. Every president in my lifetime has been a reaction to the last one.

So I figure, two years of Trump's clown show, and people are going to do something about it.

But don't worry, you've got two years of railing against racial and gender progress, buddy!

Just like when I voted for Reagan in 1980, after amnesty I never voted for a repub for 10 years...
The media and leftist democraptic pols love to use that term, but how can someone who hates a totalitarian death cult be considered as having a "phobia"? It's like claiming people who fear drowning have an uncontrollable fear of water.

This is simply another bottom-feeding terms used by the democraps towards their identity politics failed agenda; it is a meaningless term which sane, normal people feel given the relentless number of muslim-driven terrorist attacks (another one at an Ohio college campus just yesterday).
You are looking at Islam as a whole, yet it is illogical to assume that all are the same..
Ironically, that is what the American Left has been doing with Christianity for decades.

And non-liberal white people.

So, Trump.
The media and leftist democraptic pols love to use that term, but how can someone who hates a totalitarian death cult be considered as having a "phobia"? It's like claiming people who fear drowning have an uncontrollable fear of water.

This is simply another bottom-feeding terms used by the democraps towards their identity politics failed agenda; it is a meaningless term which sane, normal people feel given the relentless number of muslim-driven terrorist attacks (another one at an Ohio college campus just yesterday).
You are looking at Islam as a whole, yet it is illogical to assume that all are the same..
Ironically, that is what the American Left has been doing with Christianity for decades.

And non-liberal white people.

So, Trump.
I understand that, yet, this subject matter is about Islam...
The media and leftist democraptic pols love to use that term, but how can someone who hates a totalitarian death cult be considered as having a "phobia"? It's like claiming people who fear drowning have an uncontrollable fear of water.

This is simply another bottom-feeding terms used by the democraps towards their identity politics failed agenda; it is a meaningless term which sane, normal people feel given the relentless number of muslim-driven terrorist attacks (another one at an Ohio college campus just yesterday).
You are looking at Islam as a whole, yet it is illogical to assume that all are the same..
Ironically, that is what the American Left has been doing with Christianity for decades.

And non-liberal white people.

So, Trump.
I understand that, yet, this subject matter is about Islam...
Just trying to give you some context, and it does apply. The behavior of the Left has fueled the anti-Islamic sentiment.

In other words, the Left is indirectly responsible for some of this.
You gotta love this hysterical "we're invading their countries!!" platitude offered by the uneducated in order to support and defend terrorism.

MILLIONS of Muslims have been moving steadily into the west, transforming sections of most major European cities into mini caliphates and it is US invading THEM, is it?
It's the fear of Islam without a rational basis.

Anyone alive and breathing who has any awareness of the world would wisely be concerned about the cancerous death cult of islam, which could hardly be called "irrational."

Many of these muslim apologists are alive and breathing, they just have no common sense or reasoning ability.

Or anything else, really. That is the whole reason they are fanbois for Islamic terrorism in that they are worthless, they know they are worthless and so they support those who wish to destroy our way of life. They act out in their nihilistic rage rather than actually doing anything to improve themselves. They blame their entire culture for the fact they don't amount to anything, and so join Islamists in the spirit of destruction.
I could write a veritable book about your utter stupidity.

Somehow, I doubt you could read a book, much less write one.

My S.A.T scores got me into a University, the likes of which you could only dream.

You are an uneducated twit.

My SAT put me in the top 3% of America. So you lose. lol

The abject banality of your political positions belies this statement, even assuming it WAS truly something distinguished.
My S.A.T scores got me into a University, the likes of which you could only dream.

You are an uneducated twit.

Your SAT scores? What are you like 19?

Get back to me when you grow up and have accomplished something, boy!

Says mister "when I was young I was a cowboy, but NOW I have decided to be an Indian!"

You are obviously incapable of understanding that conservatism and liberalism are actual political ideologies instead of teams you join. Yeah, we know you hate Jews while calling people bigots, we know you defend terrorism because you think it is cool, and we know you have learned to parrot every radical leftist theme imaginable. What you have yet to display is that you are capable of so much as a single original thought.
"Bigoted" people? Pulling out the 'ole racist card, idiot? Thanks so very much for proving my point in my OP so nicely, good job liberal monkey.

Well, authoritarian leftist monkey, anyway, although I believe you have overestimated the position on the evolutionary chain. .

Most people are simply too stupid to figure out the difference between an ideology and a race or ethnicity, and so use terms interchangeably. Now, certainly Islam acts like a cult in that one is born into it with severe punishments for leaving it up to and including death, but any ideology that commands it's followers to rape women in front of their husband before killing the men SHOULD be the sort of thing one can criticize.

These politically correct little drones do not use similar terms for those who oppose the KKK. They do not use them for those (like themselves) who are incredibly hostile to Christianity. They do not use them for those who oppose Conservatism, Libertarianism, Capitalism, or any other system of political, religious or economic thought -- only Islam which incorporates all three into its very fabric.

The term "Islamophobia" is uttered as a fashion statement and nothing more. It is offered by the vacuous for the purpose of identification to others similarly vacuous who seek to derive a sense of virtue through their unquestioning use of such a made-up term.
Islamophobia is a word used to stop criticism of Islam by implying the critic is a hater. It attaches a stigma to the critic like there are no reasons for his or her criticism other than hate. Totally bogus and now totally debunked.

Words like microaggression, xenophobe, and safe spaces are tools to stifle other valid opinions. A child could see the their purpose. Too bad adults(so called) cannot.
Islamophobia is a word used to stop criticism of Islam by implying the critic is a hater. It attaches a stigma to the critic like there are no reasons for his or her criticism other than hate. Totally bogus and now totally debunked.

Words like microaggression, xenophobe, and safe spaces are tools to stifle other valid opinions. A child could see the their purpose. Too bad adults(so called) cannot.

The problem is that the national democraptic party and various adherents of its lunatic agenda such as obama and diblasio give these people political cover, using code words like "islamaphobia" and phrases like "progressive agenda at all costs" that stir this garbage up.
Name calling. Yes, it really is that simple. It's the tactic of the intellectually weak and lazy.
When you look at exactly what using that word(Islamophobia) does you can figure out the user is enforcing Sharia law. Sharia allows no criticism of Islam or its prophet. The user is actually submitting to the Islamists making them superior, which is what they claim to be.
Islamophobia is that feeling a Tranny gets when he asks to use the Girls Bathroom in Arabia, Persia, or North Africa.

In the LGBTQQ Community, it is the fear of getting thrown off a tall building by barbarians still living in the 9th Century.

If you are a woman, it is the fear of going to jail for driving a car or trying to vote.

Okay, you realize that isn't the customs in the whole of the Islamic World, right? That most of the worlds Muslims live in countries that are a lot more progressive than that?

Or are you just trying to validate your bigotry by finding the most extreme examples?

Fuck you and every other half-wit asshole who cannot make a post without calling someone a racist or bigot.

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