What is "islamaphobia"?

There is a lot of reiteration of the requirement to donate generously to your local mosque and imam.

So how is any of that different than the Bible?

From reading the Quran in English (already considered a crime because you are supposed to read it in Arabic) the reader quickly surmises that it is an endless rant. It is the only book more boring that Adolf's "Mein Kampf".

And we all know Mein Kampf is your favorite book.
If an idiot on USMB posted supporting terrorism, I would point out that they are idiots also. You are a bigot because you think all Muslims are bad because of their religious point of view- no different than someone who thinks all Jews are bad. You don't condemn terrorism- you condemn people because of their religious beliefs. How come Right Wing trash like you never attacks the ones committing terrorist attacks, but just use terrorist attacks to pursue your bigoted agenda?

Do monkeys like you get paid a nickel every time you call someone "racist" or "bigoted"?

First off moron, muslims are not a race.

Second of all, when a muslim country expresses 60% or more support for terrorism, then attacking muslims is not undeserved. You don't sound smart enough to continue conversing with me, go away.
The media and leftist democraptic pols love to use that term, but how can someone who hates a totalitarian death cult be considered as having a "phobia"? It's like claiming people who fear drowning have an uncontrollable fear of water.

There are 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world. 5 million live in the United States. If they were a "Death Cult", we'd have some serious problems.

This is simply another bottom-feeding terms used by the democraps towards their identity politics failed agenda; it is a meaningless term which sane, normal people feel given the relentless number of muslim-driven terrorist attacks (another one at an Ohio college campus just yesterday).

Well, not really. When a white person goes on a shooting rampage, then you guys cite "mental illness" as an excuse. (Which I would agree with, except these people were mentally ill and able to get guns.) Nobody talks about the religion of a Roof, Loughner, Holmes, Lanza, all nice white boys brought up in nice middle class homes. Nope, if they go on a murderous rampage, it's because they were mentally ill.

When a Muslim goes on a rampage, then it must be a "Terrorism". Even though there is usually just as much evidence for "Mental Illness" (and again, it being all too easy for them to get guns)

Chicago's gun murders would call bullshit on everything you just stated.
And by 'muslim apologists' you mean those of us who believe Muslims have the same right to freedom of religion as every other American.

islam is not a religion, it is a cult. That 1.5 BBN morons follow that cult does not change that fact.

Islam is a cult or religion as is Christianity or Judaism or any other religion or cult.

That a few morons like yourself decide you can declare a religion of 1.5 billion people is not a religion just shows how far removed you are from facts.
If an idiot on USMB posted supporting terrorism, I would point out that they are idiots also. You are a bigot because you think all Muslims are bad because of their religious point of view- no different than someone who thinks all Jews are bad. You don't condemn terrorism- you condemn people because of their religious beliefs. How come Right Wing trash like you never attacks the ones committing terrorist attacks, but just use terrorist attacks to pursue your bigoted agenda?

Do monkeys like you get paid a nickel every time you call someone "racist" or "bigoted"? .

Do assholes like you get paid a nickel every time you bravely go onto the boards to attack people because of their religion?
If an idiot on USMB posted supporting terrorism, I would point out that they are idiots also. You are a bigot because you think all Muslims are bad because of their religious point of view- no different than someone who thinks all Jews are bad. You don't condemn terrorism- you condemn people because of their religious beliefs. How come Right Wing trash like you never attacks the ones committing terrorist attacks, but just use terrorist attacks to pursue your bigoted agenda?

First off moron, muslims are not a race..

Wow...what relevance that has to my post for your teeny tiny little bigot brain- which doesn't mention race- I have no idea.

So I will repost my post

If an idiot on USMB posted supporting terrorism, I would point out that they are idiots also. You are a bigot because you think all Muslims are bad because of their religious point of view- no different than someone who thinks all Jews are bad. You don't condemn terrorism- you condemn people because of their religious beliefs. How come Right Wing trash like you never attacks the ones committing terrorist attacks, but just use terrorist attacks to pursue your bigoted agenda?
Second of all, when a muslim country expresses 60% or more support for terrorism, then attacking muslims is not undeserved. You don't sound smart enough to continue conversing with me, go away.

You can always go the cowardly bigot route and put me on ignore.

Feel free to attack anyone who supports terrorism.

But you don't- you attack people because of their religious beliefs.

You are no different than the anti-semite bigots who condemn all Jews- just another small minded intollerant bigot.
The media and leftist democraptic pols love to use that term, but how can someone who hates a totalitarian death cult be considered as having a "phobia"? It's like claiming people who fear drowning have an uncontrollable fear of water.

This is simply another bottom-feeding terms used by the democraps towards their identity politics failed agenda; it is a meaningless term which sane, normal people feel given the relentless number of muslim-driven terrorist attacks (another one at an Ohio college campus just yesterday).

It's the fear of Islam without a rational basis.
-------------------------------------------------------- nothing to do with FEAR at least in my case although I can understand FEAR of islam if you just watch and see what muslims do on a daily basis Carbineer .
Islamophobia is that feeling a Tranny gets when he asks to use the Girls Bathroom in Arabia, Persia, or North Africa.

In the LGBTQQ Community, it is the fear of getting thrown off a tall building by barbarians still living in the 9th Century.

If you are a woman, it is the fear of going to jail for driving a car or trying to vote.
killing of FAHRKHUNDA , actually murder , she was accused of burning a 'koran' or similar . --- The Killing of Farkhunda --- the whole village turns out for the event . mother , fathers , kids , cops , everyone is there for the murder party. What a civilization , what a religion eh ??
The media and leftist democraptic pols love to use that term, but how can someone who hates a totalitarian death cult be considered as having a "phobia"? It's like claiming people who fear drowning have an uncontrollable fear of water.

This is simply another bottom-feeding terms used by the democraps towards their identity politics failed agenda; it is a meaningless term which sane, normal people feel given the relentless number of muslim-driven terrorist attacks (another one at an Ohio college campus just yesterday).

It's the fear of Islam without a rational basis.
-------------------------------------------------------- nothing to do with FEAR at least in my case although I can understand FEAR of islam if you just watch and see what muslims do on a daily basis Carbineer .

If you believe that the innocent deserve their innocence then you cannot be Islamophobic.
Second of all, when a muslim country expresses 60% or more support for terrorism, then attacking muslims is not undeserved. You don't sound smart enough to continue conversing with me, go away.

Hey, here's a thing.

When Osama Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan because they might teach girls how to read, Ronald Reagan called him a "Freedom Fighter". When he started killing Americans, we called him a "Terrorist".

But really, it was the same thing. Attacking people who were invading their part of the world. So whining that 60% of people in a Muslim country support those Muslims attacking those who are invading is a little disingenous. We'd do the EXACT SAME THING if America was invaded by Chinese or Martians.

Chicago's gun murders would call bullshit on everything you just stated.

Way to tell a Wingnut has been crushed in an argument...when they start whining about Chicago.
The media and leftist democraptic pols love to use that term, but how can someone who hates a totalitarian death cult be considered as having a "phobia"?
The term is nothing more than a tool the PC zealots use to put you on the defensive and avoid an honest conversation.

If you challenge something, they immediately accuse you of "______phobia" and they no longer have to defend it.

Trump's win, in large part, was fueled by a national backlash against this dishonest, cowardly and counterproductive tactic.

We'll see how much longer they try the tactic, now that it has come back and punched them square in the nose.
The term is nothing more than a tool the PC zealots use to put you on the defensive and avoid an honest conversation.

If you challenge something, they immediately accuse you of "______phobia" and they no longer have to defend it.

Uh, guy, if anything, we aren't having an honest discussion about our problems in the middle east because you wingnuts say things like "They hate our freedom" and "Their religion is screwed up".

An honest discussion would be, "Why are we invading other people's countries?"

Of course, there's an element of racism involved. MOcking their religion is a way to dehumanize them and not have the above conversation. "They don't value life like we do". It's something we ALWAYS tell ourselves about our "enemies" (read the people the rich get the working class to fight because they have resources they want.) . I'm old enough to remember when people said that about the Vietnamese when they wouldn't just lay down when we invaded them.

So Islamophobia is an accurate criticism. Most of you don't understand Islam, but man, it's scary that someone will lay down his life for his country and his God with no regard to his personal safety!

Trump's win, in large part, was fueled by a national backlash against this dishonest, cowardly and counterproductive tactic.

No, buddy. Trump didn't win. And Trump did use exactly the same kind of distractions- fear of "the Other". Muslims want to kill you. (Even though you are far more likely to be killed by a white trash loser with a gun) Mexicans want to rape you! anything to distract from the fact that more and more of the wealth is shifting from the working class to the investing class.

We'll see how much longer they try the tactic, now that it has come back and punched them square in the nose.

Sorry, man, you still can't tell dirty jokes in the office, buddy. Trump's bad boy attitude will only last him as long as people don't realize he has no clue as to what he is doing.

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