What Is It That The Left Just Don't Get About Trump?

The mindless believe anything they are told. But when you look at the evidence, Biden/Harris have earned a second term.
Of course, your self love is probably telling you everyone else is wrong and that you are absolutely right.
That's funny. I think the best, longest lasting answers come from communication, collaboration and innovation. Both sides, and everyone in between.

Wingers think that they and their tribes have all the answers, and that anyone who disagrees with them is stupid.

So really, it's the wingers with the egos and the self love. Not the majority of the country, where I am.

And regarding the man you adore, I will not support a person who is a reflection of the ugliest parts of us. I want to believe we are better than that.
That's funny. I think the best, longest lasting answers come from communication, collaboration and innovation. Both sides, and everyone in between.

Wingers think that they and their tribes have all the answers, and that anyone who disagrees with them is stupid.

So really, it's the wingers with the egos and the self love. Not the majority of the country, where I am.

And regarding the man you adore, I will not support a person who is a reflection of the ugliest parts of us. I want to believe we are better than that.
How does he represent the worst of us when his policies are common sense? I don't adore Trump, but he at least did things that made sense. You bring up communication, but you essentially are calling everyone who supports Trump because of good policies duped, rube, wingers. This seems to point to something about you.
How does he represent the worst of us when his policies are common sense? I don't adore Trump, but he at least did things that made sense. You bring up communication, but you essentially are calling everyone who supports Trump because of good policies duped, rube, wingers. This seems to point to something about you.
Yes, as I've said about a thousand times, this is not about him. It has never been about him. It's never about people like him.

This is about those who support and enable him, and it says a great deal about the decay of our society. We should be better than this.

Temperament matters. Behavior matters. Decency matters. Before issues and policy. That should be fundamental. Expected.

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My default is everyone is innocent untill there is serious evidence of wrongdoing (criminal or otherwise)

There is is not a different standard for Trump. He is a PROVEN piece of shit against who there is strong evidence of criminality.

Rightwingers point to Biden having lunch with his son's associates as some sort of proof of wrongdoing. It's just laughable.
If you think that's all it was, then you go ahead and think it, but the house oversight committee is going to prove you wrong in a big embarrassing way.

You know the truth, but you are playing the leftist puppet on a string whose name is Pinocchio...
How does he represent the worst of us when his policies are common sense? I don't adore Trump, but he at least did things that made sense. You bring up communication, but you essentially are calling everyone who supports Trump because of good policies duped, rube, wingers. This seems to point to something about you.
Now that's common sense right here. 👍
Yes, as I've said about a thousand times, this is not about him. It has never been about him. It's never about people like him.

This is about those who support and enable him, and it says a great deal about the decay of our society. We should be better than this.

Temperament matters. Behavior matters. Decency matters. Before issues and policy. That should be fundamental. Expected.

Neither your agreement nor your approval are required.
You want to talk about decay in our society ? Well in order for you to be legit, then you best become a conservative Republican. If not, then you'll be a dummy full of ironic bull shite that never ends.
You want to talk about decay in our society ? Well in order for you to be legit, then you best become a conservative Republican. If not, then you'll be a dummy full of ironic bull shite that never ends.
The Republican party has sold its soul to a blatantly immoral con man. The Democrats have lowered cultural standards plenty on their own.

Neither party has any claim whatsoever to maintaining or improving social standards. Yet both pretend to.
The Republican party has sold its soul to a blatantly immoral con man. The Democrats have lowered cultural standards plenty on their own.

Neither party has any claim whatsoever to maintaining or improving social standards. Yet both pretend to.
Go on and admit it (you're almost there), that the Democrat's have lost their freaking minds literally. You ignoring the evidence is unbelievable really, but then again not really.
The Republican party has sold its soul to a blatantly immoral con man. The Democrats have lowered cultural standards plenty on their own.

Neither party has any claim whatsoever to maintaining or improving social standards. Yet both pretend to.
He hates Trump's personality so much, he doesn't care about policy or common sense. Look where that has gotten us. Somehow, wanting someone who pushes for common sense is selling your soul. How is being a jerk the peak of immorality? When people have been in office for decades, and gotten rich off of slush funds, I find it hard to believe that someone like Trump is the problem.
He hates Trump's personality so much, he doesn't care about policy or common sense. Look where that has gotten us. Somehow, wanting someone who pushes for common sense is selling your soul. How is being a jerk the peak of immorality? When people have been in office for decades, and gotten rich off of slush funds, I find it hard to believe that someone like Trump is the problem.
Gotten rich in other ways as well, but of course the investigation continues, cough, cough. Hell we have a lot of politicians who are FILTHY rich, and it definitely wasn't off of their government pay and benefits for serving.
If you think that's all it was, then you go ahead and think it, but the house oversight committee is going to prove you wrong

Sure sure, I know you've got your wishful fantasies to enduldge but I go with the facts.

Fact: House oversight has produced no criminal refferals against Joe Bide.
How does he represent the worst of us when his policies are common sense? I don't adore Trump, but he at least did things that made sense. You bring up communication, but you essentially are calling everyone who supports Trump because of good policies duped, rube, wingers. This seems to point to something about you.
What policies?

Family separation?


What policies?

Family separation?


Better than Joe's non-policies any day of the week ..........How's that bidennomics working out for ya ? Don't lie now. It ain't, so there I said it for ya, that way you didn't have to lie.

No I didn't lie for you, I just saved you from lying by telling the truth that you refuse to tell.
How does he represent the worst of us when his policies are common sense? I don't adore Trump, but he at least did things that made sense. You bring up communication, but you essentially are calling everyone who supports Trump because of good policies duped, rube, wingers. This seems to point to something about you.
Trump inherited a growing economy, his polices reduced the growth. His tax cuts ran up record deficits in less than 4 years. Our allies could not stand him. Our top military saved us from wars and stopped trump from trying to use the military on American citizens. Trump does indeed represent the worst of us, his whole thing is about division, and playing on fears and resentment. If you csupport trrump it says something about you that is not positive.
Go on and admit it (you're almost there), that the Democrat's have lost their freaking minds literally. You ignoring the evidence is unbelievable really, but then again not really.
The nutters on both ends have. That's what makes them nutters.

But I realize, for both ends, it's only the "other" guys.
He hates Trump's personality so much, he doesn't care about policy or common sense. Look where that has gotten us. Somehow, wanting someone who pushes for common sense is selling your soul. How is being a jerk the peak of immorality? When people have been in office for decades, and gotten rich off of slush funds, I find it hard to believe that someone like Trump is the problem.
Correct. He's not the problem. I've only said that about a thousand times.

I said, clearly, that he is a reflection. If you don't understand that, that's fine. Most of you don't.

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