What Is It With The Right These Days?

How does the rich keeping more of their money trump, or is more important than making sure America endures?
What is my party Carnac?

"If It Walks Like A Duck..................."

Lame milk weak argument similar to your previous ones.
The problem we have in this country are name callers, labelers and assumption makers that allow their biases to take control of their emotions instead of following fiscal rules and take the appropriate responsibilities associated with them.
"They do not pay their fair share" is the same thing as "We do not want those ******* around our white women"
THEY should never be singled out in any discussion in this great country when they are no different than any other citizen other than they work very hard and have managed their earnings to allow them to have more than others.
Class warfare is alive and well in America today.
Producers are labeled as bad.
Amazing that you believe folks that make more and have more than you as greedy yet you ignore your own greed when you want to take THEIR $$$ and give it to someone else.
Theft is the more accurate term but the root of it is greed.

Evidently I'm not the only one. If losing the popular vote in five out of the last six presidential elections doesn't wake the elitist wealthy up they're doomed. Listening to Fox News talk about what a landslide you're gonna win by won't get it.......the results of the election does.
The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty. Now the only thing they stand for is corporations and the wealthy. For 50 years the wealthy paid taxes. Even with tax write offs and other schemes they still had to pay much more than 14%. When I saw that in taxable year 2011 Romney cleared a million dollars a month after he paid his 14% taxes I wanted to vomit. My wife and I gross a little less than $100,000 and we pay about 14%. Question for you. Romney has five sons......how many of them have been in the wars?

If people don't want to interrupt their education with any kind of inconvenience let them pay $100,000 a year extra tax to avoid it. That way the lily livered chickenhawk bastards can at least help pay down their debt.

When did they stand for those things?

Any time before Reagan slashed tax rates for his wealthy buds, never cut spending a dime and he and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Trickle Down didn't work. Trickle Down has never worked, Trickle Down will never work. All that ever was amounted to borrowing money from foreign banks and funneling it into the pockets of the rich in the form of lower taxes.

One might say Trickle Down worked if you count the warm urine which ran down the backs of the ordinary working man.

It was the plan.

Bankrupt the country and destroy the sytem from within.

Never forget what Grover said about our government.

They follow him like blind mice
When did they stand for those things?

Any time before Reagan slashed tax rates for his wealthy buds, never cut spending a dime and he and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Trickle Down didn't work. Trickle Down has never worked, Trickle Down will never work. All that ever was amounted to borrowing money from foreign banks and funneling it into the pockets of the rich in the form of lower taxes.

One might say Trickle Down worked if you count the warm urine which ran down the backs of the ordinary working man.

It was the plan.

Bankrupt the country and destroy the sytem from within.

Never forget what Grover said about our government.

They follow him like blind mice

If you couple what Reagan and the Bushes did for the upper class with the expansion of the global markets and disappearance of the unions there is no middle class. Now their target is to have American workers doing 60-80 hours a week with no benefits for about the same thing a Maylasian day laborer makes. If you adjust the after tax income for inflation over the last 30+ years most of the country has come up flat or lost ground. I posted it before but in this state of about 9 1/2 million the average income is about $46,000 per year for a family of four. There are 159 counties and many of them average in the $25,000 range. The idea of a family of four living on that and having anything left for retirement, savings, education, vacation etc. is ludicrous. That's why 140,000,000 in this country fall below what the officials say will cover basic needs. If I were the Republicans in this country I would be ashamed of destroying labor unions. That's when we had a middle class:


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