What Is It With The Right These Days?

Nobody's jealous of the rich, dupes, just sick of the greedy GOP ones making society unfair the last 30 years, and then W's RWers robbing them blind. Read something fcs, not PPM.
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It's very tough to help a jealous person, as they're typically not looking for help. In my experience, the best help we can give them is prayer. As change has to come from within.

But you're right; we should be looking to help them, not criticize them.

I think all of us need to lift ourselves a little higher and do better at lifting one another instead of tearing them down. I don't leave myself out of this. I find myself using sarcasm far more than I like and sarcasm tears down alot. That's not what we are called to do.

We need to stop mocking one another. Yes. We disagree. And to each other the other person may look insane or stupid. But we all have different experiences and we have to remember that and be patient and civil with one another.

Not an easy task. But we need to commit to do it. Or else we may become so divide that it turns to violence. I don't want that. There is too much violence as it is. We need to start creating peace among one another.

I was surprised when the ACLU, Code Pink, and even Van Jones were speaking out in support of Rand's fillibuster. I am against them in almost everything they do. But if there is common ground to build on with anyone, I want to find it. We need to knit ourselves together and not let our political representatives (regardless of party) rip us apart for their own sake.
Nobodies jealous of the rich, dupes, just sick of the greedy GOP ones making society unfair the last 30 years, and then W's RWers robbing them blind. Read something fcs, not PPM.

Unfair society? We have one of the greatest societies of all time. Even the poor in our society have some of the most state of the art technologies. I see people i know are poorer than I am with Iphones and plasma tvs.

What is so unfair about other people making more money than you do? I dont think it's unfair at all. I congratulate them on their blessing and I hope they can do good with what they have.
STHU, and see sig pp1. Your argument is fantasy. I'm a retired teacher with no compalints about MY personal life. Ever consider some book learning? lol
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The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty. Now the only thing they stand for is corporations and the wealthy. For 50 years the wealthy paid taxes. Even with tax write offs and other schemes they still had to pay much more than 14%. When I saw that in taxable year 2011 Romney cleared a million dollars a month after he paid his 14% taxes I wanted to vomit. My wife and I gross a little less than $100,000 and we pay about 14%. Question for you. Romney has five sons......how many of them have been in the wars?

If people don't want to interrupt their education with any kind of inconvenience let them pay $100,000 a year extra tax to avoid it. That way the lily livered chickenhawk bastards can at least help pay down their debt.

The Right is intellectually bankrupt. Their social agenda is in ruins. Their fiscal/economic agenda is a dog's breakfast of bad policy, unpopular policy, and bought and paid for policy. And their foreign policy defies description.
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PPM talking points and stupid personal insults...hater dupes zzzzzzz. The US has the worst rich/poor gap and upward mobilty EVER and in the modern world, BEFORE the GOP corruption and cronyism MELTDOWN.
I'm jealous that everyones tax burden goes up when the richest skip out on their tax bill. Yep...call me crazy. Now tell us more about how the lowest amongst us pay no income taxes and why that's hurts you. You'll find that our reasons are the same except you just choose a weaker opponent to be jealous of.

How is someone paying the taxes they owe according to the law skipping out on their tax bill?

Tell me how you want to simplify the tax code.

The reason that the damn tax code is the size of the sears tower is because weasel tax lawyers on behalf of their clients are allowed to influence Vogt directly combined with campaign contributions...now you have at least an open door. They complicate the tax code in order to create loopholes or "lawful actions" as you would put it, to benefit the rich, corporations etc.

You support all those things then don't understand why america is running a monster debt, mad about borrowing from China daddy etc. It's a disconnect that I don't understand. Sure it's legal, but it's not the right thing anyone except them and society, America is not and was not founded on greed and can't continue to go in debt.

You'll suggest stop spending. Again, spending on what. Oh, the shit forthe little guys...why would the little guys be jealous of that? Just shift the burden onto the little guys. Reduce taxes! Oh, again that cuts services for..you guessed, the little guys...the least.
Nothing is unfair kid, you are just a lazy ass who thinks everyone owes you something.

STHU, and see sig pp1. Your argument is fantasy. I'm a retired teacher with no compalints about MY personal life. Ever consider some book learning? lol
"The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty."

They've ALWAYS been FOS megarich elitist cronies and silly dupes lol.
Poor little robot, there is no way I'd have ever let you teach my kid.

I taught them people like you just are warped.

"The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty."

They've ALWAYS been FOS megarich elitist cronies and silly dupes lol.
STHU, and see sig pp1. Your argument is fantasy. I'm a retired teacher with no compalints about MY personal life. Ever consider some book learning? lol

You were a teacher??? That explains a lot of our problems.

Please tell me you didn't teach English.
It's very tough to help a jealous person, as they're typically not looking for help. In my experience, the best help we can give them is prayer. As change has to come from within.

But you're right; we should be looking to help them, not criticize them.

I think all of us need to lift ourselves a little higher and do better at lifting one another instead of tearing them down. I don't leave myself out of this. I find myself using sarcasm far more than I like and sarcasm tears down alot. That's not what we are called to do.

We need to stop mocking one another. Yes. We disagree. And to each other the other person may look insane or stupid. But we all have different experiences and we have to remember that and be patient and civil with one another.

Not an easy task. But we need to commit to do it. Or else we may become so divide that it turns to violence. I don't want that. There is too much violence as it is. We need to start creating peace among one another.

I was surprised when the ACLU, Code Pink, and even Van Jones were speaking out in support of Rand's fillibuster. I am against them in almost everything they do. But if there is common ground to build on with anyone, I want to find it. We need to knit ourselves together and not let our political representatives (regardless of party) rip us apart for their own sake.

Thank you for reminding us what we should be doing.

It's very easy to lose ones cool and be offensive, but that's not the best or correct way to do things.

We may not all agree, but we all want what's best for our country, and our individual experiences have led us to a path that we believe to be the right one.
I'm jealous that everyones tax burden goes up when the richest skip out on their tax bill. Yep...call me crazy. Now tell us more about how the lowest amongst us pay no income taxes and why that's hurts you. You'll find that our reasons are the same except you just choose a weaker opponent to be jealous of.

How is someone paying the taxes they owe according to the law skipping out on their tax bill?

Tell me how you want to simplify the tax code.

The reason that the damn tax code is the size of the sears tower is because weasel tax lawyers on behalf of their clients are allowed to influence Vogt directly combined with campaign contributions...now you have at least an open door. They complicate the tax code in order to create loopholes or "lawful actions" as you would put it, to benefit the rich, corporations etc.

You support all those things then don't understand why america is running a monster debt, mad about borrowing from China daddy etc. It's a disconnect that I don't understand. Sure it's legal, but it's not the right thing anyone except them and society, America is not and was not founded on greed and can't continue to go in debt.

You'll suggest stop spending. Again, spending on what. Oh, the shit forthe little guys...why would the little guys be jealous of that? Just shift the burden onto the little guys. Reduce taxes! Oh, again that cuts services for..you guessed, the little guys...the least.

Everyone pays 5% of their income, no matter how they made their money and no matter what their income is. No deductions. No exceptions. No loopholes. That will expand the tax base, decrease the tax rate on everyone, and eliminate 95% of the bureaucracy we have collecting taxes. Not to mention it will free up the people currently in the wealth protection industry, to move to the wealth creation instead.

It will never happen in our current culture because our politicians like trying to manipulate our actions through the tax code. But it would be fair. And it would give everyone a stake in our government.

If we do that, and get serious about eliminating spending. Especially the wasteful activities in Washington, we would see some serious economic growth and individual empowerment.

That's why we need to start changing our culture.
"The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty."

They've ALWAYS been FOS megarich elitist cronies and silly dupes lol.

I sincerely wish you would get off this partisan nonsense and write more coherently. You could be much more effective in fixing problems.
Thank you for reminding us what we should be doing.

It's very easy to lose ones cool and be offensive, but that's not the best or correct way to do things.

We may not all agree, but we all want what's best for our country, and our individual experiences have led us to a path that we believe to be the right one.

It is very easy to do. In fact, ive already done it again. But I just need to try better then next time.

I am not sure we all want what's best for our country. In fact, i think there are some who want what they want regardless of what's best for the country. But I hope the remain in the minority.
"The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty."

They've ALWAYS been FOS megarich elitist cronies and silly dupes lol.

I sincerely wish you would get off this partisan nonsense and write more coherently. You could be much more effective in fixing problems.

It's a fact. The only difference today is the dupes are arrogant brainwashed loudmouths- and may be breaking their party apart...

BTW, a 5% flat tax would have us a new Somalia. 20% might work, but would be unfair to the poor.
"The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty."

They've ALWAYS been FOS megarich elitist cronies and silly dupes lol.

I sincerely wish you would get off this partisan nonsense and write more coherently. You could be much more effective in fixing problems.

It's a fact. The only difference today is the dupes are arrogant brainwashed loudmouths- and may be breaking their party apart...

BTW, a 5% flat tax would have us a new Somalia. 20% might work, but would be unfair to the poor.

You are seriously going to try to argue that by the government taking significantly less of everyones money, that we would turn into Somalia?:cuckoo:

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