What Is It With The Right These Days?

So he's a lousy sob for using tax laws to save money?

Would you have done the same thing, or purposely told your accountant to disregard all the exemptions and ignore all the deductions so you'd end up paying the highest rate possible?

I sure as hell wouldn't do that, I highly doubt any sane American would do that, and I also doubt you would do that.

Apparently, it's evil to want to keep the money you earn and use it as you see fit to bless your community.
Actually, according to this you actually did take advantage of the tax laws: US Tax Calculator - UltimateCalculators.com

If you and your wife earned $100k and filed jointly, your effective tax rate should've been around ~17.36% - Not 14%. So you must have taken advantage of some deductions in order to pay the lower percentage.

You're just jealous Mitt Romney nets over a million a month, because you both used the tax laws to save as much money on your tax returns. Talk about being a hypocrite..
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Actually, according to this you actually did take advantage of the tax laws: US Tax Calculator - UltimateCalculators.com

If you and your wife earned $100k and filed jointly, your effective should've been around ~17.36% - Not 14%. So you must have taken advantage of some deductions in order to pay the lower percentage.

You're just jealous Mitt Romney nets over a million a month, because you both tried to save as much money on your tax returns. Talk about being a hypocrite..

Pointing out hypocrisy rarely works in my experience. Of course, it hasnt stopped me from trying.
This is the United States. We don't have classes in this nation.

???????????????? Don't have classes??????????:eek:

Nope. We don't have classes. We are all equal regardless of how much money we make.

I have to disagree with that....it DOES matter how much money we make.
If i broke the same law as someone that has a million dollars did, that person would probably buy his way out and have the best paid lawyer, where I would have to get a court appointed attorney to represent me and i would spend time in jail.
Actually, according to this you actually did take advantage of the tax laws: US Tax Calculator - UltimateCalculators.com

If you and your wife earned $100k and filed jointly, your effective tax rate should've been around ~17.36% - Not 14%. So you must have taken advantage of some deductions in order to pay the lower percentage.

You're just jealous Mitt Romney nets over a million a month, because you both used the tax laws to save as much money on your tax returns. Talk about being a hypocrite..

That is exactly right. The left, as a whole, is jealous of rich people. It is the driving force that very easy for their demigogues to exploit.
I'm jealous that everyones tax burden goes up when the richest skip out on their tax bill. Yep...call me crazy. Now tell us more about how the lowest amongst us pay no income taxes and why that's hurts you. You'll find that our reasons are the same except you just choose a weaker opponent to be jealous of.
???????????????? Don't have classes??????????:eek:

Nope. We don't have classes. We are all equal regardless of how much money we make.

I have to disagree with that....it DOES matter how much money we make.
If i broke the same law as someone that has a million dollars did, that person would probably buy his way out and have the best paid lawyer, where I would have to get a court appointed attorney to represent me and i would spend time in jail.

My experience tells me that those court appointed attorneys are generally pretty good attorneys. In fact, they are often much better than those high price attorneys. Of course, the difference is they usually are swamped with cases and can't focus on every individual person where a private attorney, theoretically, would have more time to focus on the individual case.

But for the sake of argument, let's say what you say is true. I dont believe that is an indication that we have a class society. Class is an artificial political construct designed to divide people.
I'm jealous that everyones tax burden goes up when the richest skip out on their tax bill. Yep...call me crazy. Now tell us more about how the lowest amongst us pay no income taxes and why that's hurts you. You'll find that our reasons are the same except you just choose a weaker opponent to be jealous of.

How is someone paying the taxes they owe according to the law skipping out on their tax bill?
Actually, according to this you actually did take advantage of the tax laws: US Tax Calculator - UltimateCalculators.com

If you and your wife earned $100k and filed jointly, your effective tax rate should've been around ~17.36% - Not 14%. So you must have taken advantage of some deductions in order to pay the lower percentage.

You're just jealous Mitt Romney nets over a million a month, because you both used the tax laws to save as much money on your tax returns. Talk about being a hypocrite..

That is exactly right. The left, as a whole, is jealous of rich people. It is the driving force that very easy for their demigogues to exploit.

Jealousy and hypocrisy - the foundations of the leftist ideology.

I want what you have, and corruption is only acceptable when we do it.
Actually, according to this you actually did take advantage of the tax laws: US Tax Calculator - UltimateCalculators.com

If you and your wife earned $100k and filed jointly, your effective tax rate should've been around ~17.36% - Not 14%. So you must have taken advantage of some deductions in order to pay the lower percentage.

You're just jealous Mitt Romney nets over a million a month, because you both used the tax laws to save as much money on your tax returns. Talk about being a hypocrite..

That is exactly right. The left, as a whole, is jealous of rich people. It is the driving force that very easy for their demigogues to exploit.

Jealousy and hypocrisy - the foundations of the leftist ideology.

I want what you have, and corruption is only acceptable when we do it.

Not sure that they are foundations. They may just be the fruits of it.
Nope. We don't have classes. We are all equal regardless of how much money we make.

I have to disagree with that....it DOES matter how much money we make.
If i broke the same law as someone that has a million dollars did, that person would probably buy his way out and have the best paid lawyer, where I would have to get a court appointed attorney to represent me and i would spend time in jail.

My experience tells me that those court appointed attorneys are generally pretty good attorneys. In fact, they are often much better than those high price attorneys. Of course, the difference is they usually are swamped with cases and can't focus on every individual person where a private attorney, theoretically, would have more time to focus on the individual case.

But for the sake of argument, let's say what you say is true. I dont believe that is an indication that we have a class society. Class is an artificial political construct designed to divide people.

Absolutely. I don't buy into the class ideology thing either. We're all human beings capable of accomplishing great things. If you decide you want to belong to a certain societal-class, that's on you.

But nobody comes out of the womb with a class stamp on their foreheads. If that was the case, Obama wouldn't be president.
No, because he was double taxed on the same money, once when he earned it and again when he made money from investing it.

Capital gains tax rate is lower than ordinary income tax rates.

Ordinary income can be simply defined as the income earned from providing services or the sale of goods (inventory). This category includes income earned from interest, wages, rents, royalties and similar income streams. Ordinary income is taxed at different rates depending on the amount of income received by a taxpayer in a given tax year. In 2012, there are currently six tax brackets for taxing ordinary income: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, and 35%. These ordinary income marginal tax brackets are scheduled to expire at the end of 2012. In 2013, the 10% through 28% tax rates will remain the same and the top two rates of 33% and 35% will be replaced with higher rates, 36% and 39.6% respectively.

Capital gains are usually associated with the sale or exchange of property characterized as capital assets. The amount of gain is measured as the difference between the amount received by the taxpayer on the sale less the original purchase price, adjusted through the date of the sale (purchase price plus any improvements less depreciation taken). For more information on the formula to calculate capital gain on the sale of a property, see Calculating Capital Gain.

After watching the stock market/bank bailouts happen twice in 30 years I think capital gains should be taxed higher than regular income. There is a certain liability liberal welfare lovin Ronald Reagan signed us up for.

Higher the capital gains tax the more producers put their $$$ in investments where their gains are taxed less such as municipal bonds and existing property that can be depreciated.
Lower the capital gains tax, hopefully to ZERO, and watch the trillions of dollars go into new capital investments.
Hint: MOST ALL new job growth comes from NEW CAPITAL INVESTING.

When you keep the profit motive higher for investors guess what you get more of?
And how do you build new plants, train new workers, advertise the new products, etc., etc, WITHOUT CAPITAL?

You get more of what you reward and less of what you punish.
Accordingly and in conclusion those that want higher capital gains taxes support low or no economic growth and how to no jobs being created.

I disagree politely.

Big companies "create" money to buy eachither with via the stock market capital investments I believe we are talking about.

Small businesses expand and create jobs by selling services and goods for a profit.

GM also hires folks when they sell a good number of automobiles. If they base hirings off market flucuations oh boy, here comes bankruptcy.
Krugman, uh huh.

Of course you'd post Reich and Friedman too.


The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty. Now the only thing they stand for is corporations and the wealthy. For 50 years the wealthy paid taxes. Even with tax write offs and other schemes they still had to pay much more than 14%. When I saw that in taxable year 2011 Romney cleared a million dollars a month after he paid his 14% taxes I wanted to vomit. My wife and I gross a little less than $100,000 and we pay about 14%. Question for you. Romney has five sons......how many of them have been in the wars?

If people don't want to interrupt their education with any kind of inconvenience let them pay $100,000 a year extra tax to avoid it. That way the lily livered chickenhawk bastards can at least help pay down their debt.

Did you make your money through investments or was it earned income?

Romney didn't earn money, he made his money through investments which are taxed differently than income.

So he made millions, what's wrong with that?

Why do you idiots hate the rich?

Nope. We don't have classes. We are all equal regardless of how much money we make.

I have to disagree with that....it DOES matter how much money we make.
If i broke the same law as someone that has a million dollars did, that person would probably buy his way out and have the best paid lawyer, where I would have to get a court appointed attorney to represent me and i would spend time in jail.

My experience tells me that those court appointed attorneys are generally pretty good attorneys. In fact, they are often much better than those high price attorneys. Of course, the difference is they usually are swamped with cases and can't focus on every individual person where a private attorney, theoretically, would have more time to focus on the individual case.

But for the sake of argument, let's say what you say is true. I dont believe that is an indication that we have a class society. Class is an artificial political construct designed to divide people.

You know your stuff on court appointed attorneys. I have done court appointed work as a licensed private detective for 30 years and you are exactly right. However, most court appointed attorneys are no more swamped with work than any other criminal attorney.
LOL, we aren't jealous.

We just laugh at you that are.

I'm jealous that everyones tax burden goes up when the richest skip out on their tax bill. Yep...call me crazy. Now tell us more about how the lowest amongst us pay no income taxes and why that's hurts you. You'll find that our reasons are the same except you just choose a weaker opponent to be jealous of.
LOL, we aren't jealous.

We just laugh at you that are.

I'm jealous that everyones tax burden goes up when the richest skip out on their tax bill. Yep...call me crazy. Now tell us more about how the lowest amongst us pay no income taxes and why that's hurts you. You'll find that our reasons are the same except you just choose a weaker opponent to be jealous of.

Why laugh? I dont laugh at them. I want to help them not feel jealous. And do so without hurting those they are jealous of.
LOL, we aren't jealous.

We just laugh at you that are.

I'm jealous that everyones tax burden goes up when the richest skip out on their tax bill. Yep...call me crazy. Now tell us more about how the lowest amongst us pay no income taxes and why that's hurts you. You'll find that our reasons are the same except you just choose a weaker opponent to be jealous of.

Why laugh? I dont laugh at them. I want to help them not feel jealous. And do so without hurting those they are jealous of.

It's very tough to help a jealous person, as they're typically not looking for help. In my experience, the best help we can give them is prayer. As change has to come from within.

But you're right; we should be looking to help them, not criticize them.
OP- brainwashed by greedy idiot megarich Pubs...the ignorant are susceptible to all kinds of silly conspiracy and bs theories...the ones paying attention are stuck on the Pub Propaganda machine bs alternate universe now...
Tell us kid, how much of our money do you want?

OP- brainwashed by greedy idiot megarich Pubs...the ignorant are susceptible to all kinds of silly conspiracy and bs theories...the ones paying attention are stuck on the Pub Propaganda machine bs alternate universe now...

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