What Is It With The Right These Days?

They are taxed. And FYI, Romney paid more in taxes last year than you probably earn in 10 years. In which case, you're nobody to be criticizing him.

So drop the obnoxious hate speech.

You don't get it do you?

That lousey son-of-a-bitch paid at the same rate my wife and I paid on $100,000 and he ended up after taxes netting a million dollars a month.....A MONTH

Have you ever heard of the Warren Buffet rule? It gets back to a progressive tax system which we havn't had since Ronald Reagan cut it for his rich buds and quadrupled the debt to cover the shortfall. In Sept. 2009 Reagan and the Bushes had borrowed 80% of all the debt accrued by this nation in 232 years.

So he's a lousy sob for using tax laws to save money?

Would you have done the same thing, or purposely told your accountant to disregard all the exemptions and ignore all the deductions so you'd end up paying the highest rate possible?

I sure as hell wouldn't do that, I highly doubt any sane American would do that, and I also doubt you would do that.

You don't watch much news do you? The Republican house of representatives is what has been standing in the way of closing loopholes for the wealthy. Wait till 2016....we'll kick your asses again.The Republican party has lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. They would have lost another one if Jeb and Katherine hadn't stole it. FIZU HOSS I'd be lookin' to change something. The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different outcome.

Obama 332
Romney 206
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I sincerely wish you would get off this partisan nonsense and write more coherently. You could be much more effective in fixing problems.

It's a fact. The only difference today is the dupes are arrogant brainwashed loudmouths- and may be breaking their party apart...

BTW, a 5% flat tax would have us a new Somalia. 20% might work, but would be unfair to the poor.

You are seriously going to try to argue that by the government taking significantly less of everyones money, that we would turn into Somalia?:cuckoo:

In my home state we have about nine and a half million citizens. The average income is about $46,000 per year. There are many of the 159 counties where the average is about $25,000. About half of the folks pay no income tax. What will adding income tax to their other necessities do to them? "STARVE THEM TO DEATH!"

This country was built with a progressive tax system. For nearly fifty years between the mid thirties and early eighties the wealthy paid their share and debt was kept at a manageable level. Reagan slashed taxes for the rich to approximately where the rates were just before the great depression. Clinton began to straighten things out some and then along came slo talkin, slo walkin George who cut tax rates twice, start two wars and for the first time in our history began to borrow from Communist Chinese banks. I have news for the Republicans. If you are not paying for your spending you should hang onto your income. Cutting taxes for the wealthy while continuing to spend is like a guy with three credit cards maxed out quitting his second job. Ain't Too Smart!

Keep it up....you've lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. People have just flat caught onto your rich man's schemes.

If the Republican party doesn't figure out some way to win elections except gerrymandering and interfering with people's right to vote they will soon be a relic from the past.
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The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty. Now the only thing they stand for is corporations and the wealthy. For 50 years the wealthy paid taxes. Even with tax write offs and other schemes they still had to pay much more than 14%. When I saw that in taxable year 2011 Romney cleared a million dollars a month after he paid his 14% taxes I wanted to vomit. My wife and I gross a little less than $100,000 and we pay about 14%. Question for you. Romney has five sons......how many of them have been in the wars?

If people don't want to interrupt their education with any kind of inconvenience let them pay $100,000 a year extra tax to avoid it. That way the lily livered chickenhawk bastards can at least help pay down their debt.

When did they stand for those things?
If the right is insists on destroying the GOP, don't stop them. Let them rave on that people may know them mad. THEN we might get somewhere in this country with a REAL opposition party.
What Is It With The Right These Days?

There is nothing conservative about the GOP.

Far as I can tell there never was.

That party has always been the party of big government just like the Dems are.
They are taxed. And FYI, Romney paid more in taxes last year than you probably earn in 10 years. In which case, you're nobody to be criticizing him.

So drop the obnoxious hate speech.

You don't get it do you?

That lousey son-of-a-bitch paid at the same rate my wife and I paid on $100,000 and he ended up after taxes netting a million dollars a month.....A MONTH

Have you ever heard of the Warren Buffet rule? It gets back to a progressive tax system which we havn't had since Ronald Reagan cut it for his rich buds and quadrupled the debt to cover the shortfall. In Sept. 2009 Reagan and the Bushes had borrowed 80% of all the debt accrued by this nation in 232 years.

So he's a lousy sob for using tax laws to save money?

Would you have done the same thing, or purposely told your accountant to disregard all the exemptions and ignore all the deductions so you'd end up paying the highest rate possible?

I sure as hell wouldn't do that, I highly doubt any sane American would do that, and I also doubt you would do that.

Fuking hypicrosy writ large right here folks.

Mitt Rommney and his kind use their money to make campaign contibutions to secure favorable tax treatment for their income. Rethugs support it without question.

But let a poor person use the same fuking tax code to get their money back and it is somehow a travesty to God and country.

In other words according to the hypocritical rethugs asshole on here, the rich can influence and use the tax code to their advantage but you all want to condemn the poor person for doing the same.

And the poor person didn't even have a lobbyist to help "tweak" the tax code on their behalf.

And you asshole rethugs can't even see the hypocrisy.
You don't get it do you?

That lousey son-of-a-bitch paid at the same rate my wife and I paid on $100,000 and he ended up after taxes netting a million dollars a month.....A MONTH

Have you ever heard of the Warren Buffet rule? It gets back to a progressive tax system which we havn't had since Ronald Reagan cut it for his rich buds and quadrupled the debt to cover the shortfall. In Sept. 2009 Reagan and the Bushes had borrowed 80% of all the debt accrued by this nation in 232 years.

So he's a lousy sob for using tax laws to save money?

Would you have done the same thing, or purposely told your accountant to disregard all the exemptions and ignore all the deductions so you'd end up paying the highest rate possible?

I sure as hell wouldn't do that, I highly doubt any sane American would do that, and I also doubt you would do that.

Fuking hypicrosy writ large right here folks.

Mitt Rommney and his kind use their money to make campaign contibutions to secure favorable tax treatment for their income. Rethugs support it without question.

But let a poor person use the same fuking tax code to get their money back and it is somehow a travesty to God and country.

In other words according to the hypocritical rethugs asshole on here, the rich can influence and use the tax code to their advantage but you all want to condemn the poor person for doing the same.

And the poor person didn't even have a lobbyist to help "tweak" the tax code on their behalf.

And you asshole rethugs can't even see the hypocrisy.

You see, that's why I refuse to be a silly ass partisan. It's not what you DO, it's who you ARE! Their balls turn into acorns when they see a welfare mama get 78 bucks a week, but think it's a nifty idea to channel millions to corporate welfare. Fuckers.
So he's a lousy sob for using tax laws to save money?

Would you have done the same thing, or purposely told your accountant to disregard all the exemptions and ignore all the deductions so you'd end up paying the highest rate possible?

I sure as hell wouldn't do that, I highly doubt any sane American would do that, and I also doubt you would do that.

Fuking hypicrosy writ large right here folks.

Mitt Rommney and his kind use their money to make campaign contibutions to secure favorable tax treatment for their income. Rethugs support it without question.

But let a poor person use the same fuking tax code to get their money back and it is somehow a travesty to God and country.

In other words according to the hypocritical rethugs asshole on here, the rich can influence and use the tax code to their advantage but you all want to condemn the poor person for doing the same.

And the poor person didn't even have a lobbyist to help "tweak" the tax code on their behalf.

And you asshole rethugs can't even see the hypocrisy.

You see, that's why I refuse to be a silly ass partisan. It's not what you DO, it's who you ARE! Their balls turn into acorns when they see a welfare mama get 78 bucks a week, but think it's a nifty idea to channel millions to corporate welfare. Fuckers.

Hey Knobby. It does drive me crazy when these assholes on here start pounding on the poor person with a job who get their full tax contribuution amount refunded. They act like the poor people went to Washington and DEMANDED that they be given this tax break.

Yet the rich, by giving nice big campaign contributions do EXACTLY that. Demand that their income be given favorable treatment.

But that's aok because the rethugs love them some real rich people. Worship might be closer to the truth.
So Avatars answer to keep america from going broke is not to close loopholes, take money out of politics, etc. His simple answer is to change Americas culture. Another impossible, guaranteed never to happen solution that requires 300 million Ppl to change their way of thinking.

Sure...Change the culture and leave the influence. Because once the entire American culture is changed...money won't have value. Suuuure
???????????????? Don't have classes??????????:eek:

Nope. We don't have classes. We are all equal regardless of how much money we make.

I have to disagree with that....it DOES matter how much money we make.
If i broke the same law as someone that has a million dollars did, that person would probably buy his way out and have the best paid lawyer, where I would have to get a court appointed attorney to represent me and i would spend time in jail.

How does someone buy their way out of criminal charges?
Not claiming it hasn't happened but please point to a recent specific case where cash was what dismissed the charges.

Fuking hypicrosy writ large right here folks.

Mitt Rommney and his kind use their money to make campaign contibutions to secure favorable tax treatment for their income. Rethugs support it without question.

But let a poor person use the same fuking tax code to get their money back and it is somehow a travesty to God and country.

In other words according to the hypocritical rethugs asshole on here, the rich can influence and use the tax code to their advantage but you all want to condemn the poor person for doing the same.

And the poor person didn't even have a lobbyist to help "tweak" the tax code on their behalf.

And you asshole rethugs can't even see the hypocrisy.

You see, that's why I refuse to be a silly ass partisan. It's not what you DO, it's who you ARE! Their balls turn into acorns when they see a welfare mama get 78 bucks a week, but think it's a nifty idea to channel millions to corporate welfare. Fuckers.

Hey Knobby. It does drive me crazy when these assholes on here start pounding on the poor person with a job who get their full tax contribuution amount refunded. They act like the poor people went to Washington and DEMANDED that they be given this tax break.

Yet the rich, by giving nice big campaign contributions do EXACTLY that. Demand that their income be given favorable treatment.

But that's aok because the rethugs love them some real rich people. Worship might be closer to the truth.

You know, fuckin' whatever about the rich, I mean TRULY rich. They own everything and they have the congress and everything else in their hip pockets. We get that. The whole goal is so low-life scum like "we the people" don't show up and mingle with them - they don't want to see us, hear us nor think about us. And that's perfectly fine with me because I dont' want to be around those cocksuckers either.

The ones who REALLY piss me off are the "wanna bes" who think they're rich and vote Republican because they actually think Republicans give a shit about them. You can smell these ones miles away - debt up to their dicks playing "I'm an up and coming 1%er" and spewing GOP talking points like they're really one of "them." They have no idea they're being laughed at by the REALLY wealthy who own and run shit.
The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty. Now the only thing they stand for is corporations and the wealthy. For 50 years the wealthy paid taxes. Even with tax write offs and other schemes they still had to pay much more than 14%. When I saw that in taxable year 2011 Romney cleared a million dollars a month after he paid his 14% taxes I wanted to vomit. My wife and I gross a little less than $100,000 and we pay about 14%. Question for you. Romney has five sons......how many of them have been in the wars?

If people don't want to interrupt their education with any kind of inconvenience let them pay $100,000 a year extra tax to avoid it. That way the lily livered chickenhawk bastards can at least help pay down their debt.

When did they stand for those things?

Any time before Reagan slashed tax rates for his wealthy buds, never cut spending a dime and he and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Trickle Down didn't work. Trickle Down has never worked, Trickle Down will never work. All that ever was amounted to borrowing money from foreign banks and funneling it into the pockets of the rich in the form of lower taxes.

One might say Trickle Down worked if you count the warm urine which ran down the backs of the ordinary working man.
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The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty. Now the only thing they stand for is corporations and the wealthy. For 50 years the wealthy paid taxes. Even with tax write offs and other schemes they still had to pay much more than 14%. When I saw that in taxable year 2011 Romney cleared a million dollars a month after he paid his 14% taxes I wanted to vomit. My wife and I gross a little less than $100,000 and we pay about 14%. Question for you. Romney has five sons......how many of them have been in the wars?

If people don't want to interrupt their education with any kind of inconvenience let them pay $100,000 a year extra tax to avoid it. That way the lily livered chickenhawk bastards can at least help pay down their debt.

When did they stand for those things?

Any time before Reagan slashed tax rates for his wealthy buds, never cut spending a dime and he and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Trickle Down didn't work. Trickle Down has never worked, Trickle Down will never work. All that ever was amounted to borrowing money from foreign banks and funneling it into the pockets of the rich in the form of lower taxes.

One might say Trickle Down worked if you count the warm urine which ran down the backs of the ordinary working man.

It allowed folks to keep more of the $$$ THEY EARNED.
When did they stand for those things?

Any time before Reagan slashed tax rates for his wealthy buds, never cut spending a dime and he and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Trickle Down didn't work. Trickle Down has never worked, Trickle Down will never work. All that ever was amounted to borrowing money from foreign banks and funneling it into the pockets of the rich in the form of lower taxes.

One might say Trickle Down worked if you count the warm urine which ran down the backs of the ordinary working man.

It allowed folks to keep more of the $$$ THEY EARNED.

Yeah....I'm 73 years old and I remember the mid 80's when the TV political ads showed that a millionaire saved enough on taxes to buy a Mercedes while my wife and I (both working full time)were able to afford another six pack of Millers each week. You people are so dense.

What you seem to forget is that every penny of the refunds were borrowed and added to the national debt. Republicans are either stupid or so obsessed with taxes that they think breaking up the whole economy is OK if a Republican does it.

Take this to the bank. Your party has lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections and if you don't develop a new business plan your asses are history.
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Any time before Reagan slashed tax rates for his wealthy buds, never cut spending a dime and he and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Trickle Down didn't work. Trickle Down has never worked, Trickle Down will never work. All that ever was amounted to borrowing money from foreign banks and funneling it into the pockets of the rich in the form of lower taxes.

One might say Trickle Down worked if you count the warm urine which ran down the backs of the ordinary working man.

It allowed folks to keep more of the $$$ THEY EARNED.

Yeah....I'm 73 years old and I remember the mid 80's when the TV political ads showed that a millionaire saved enough on taxes to buy a Mercedes while my wife and I (both working full time)were able to afford another six pack of Millers each week. You people are so dense.

What you seem to forget is that every penny of the refunds were borrowed and added to the national debt. Republicans are either stupid or so obsessed with taxes that they think breaking up the whole economy is OK if a Republican does it.

Take this to the bank. Your party has lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections and if you don't develop a new business plan your asses are history.

What is my party Carnac?
It allowed folks to keep more of the $$$ THEY EARNED.

Yeah....I'm 73 years old and I remember the mid 80's when the TV political ads showed that a millionaire saved enough on taxes to buy a Mercedes while my wife and I (both working full time)were able to afford another six pack of Millers each week. You people are so dense.

What you seem to forget is that every penny of the refunds were borrowed and added to the national debt. Republicans are either stupid or so obsessed with taxes that they think breaking up the whole economy is OK if a Republican does it.

Take this to the bank. Your party has lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections and if you don't develop a new business plan your asses are history.

What is my party Carnac?

"If It Walks Like A Duck..................."
Yeah....I'm 73 years old and I remember the mid 80's when the TV political ads showed that a millionaire saved enough on taxes to buy a Mercedes while my wife and I (both working full time)were able to afford another six pack of Millers each week. You people are so dense.

What you seem to forget is that every penny of the refunds were borrowed and added to the national debt. Republicans are either stupid or so obsessed with taxes that they think breaking up the whole economy is OK if a Republican does it.

Take this to the bank. Your party has lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections and if you don't develop a new business plan your asses are history.

What is my party Carnac?

"If It Walks Like A Duck..................."

Lame milk weak argument similar to your previous ones.
The problem we have in this country are name callers, labelers and assumption makers that allow their biases to take control of their emotions instead of following fiscal rules and take the appropriate responsibilities associated with them.
"They do not pay their fair share" is the same thing as "We do not want those ******* around our white women"
THEY should never be singled out in any discussion in this great country when they are no different than any other citizen other than they work very hard and have managed their earnings to allow them to have more than others.
Class warfare is alive and well in America today.
Producers are labeled as bad.
Amazing that you believe folks that make more and have more than you as greedy yet you ignore your own greed when you want to take THEIR $$$ and give it to someone else.
Theft is the more accurate term but the root of it is greed.

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