What Is It With The Right These Days?

I'm surprised you don't feel like vomiting every time our government stupidly spends and wastes more of your tax dollars.

Yet Mitt Romney's use of our tax laws makes you have a fit. Some interesting logic you liberals have.

Ah, so conservatives cannot think taxes should be progressive?

The rich should pay the same tax rate as everyone else.

In 2011, the rich (married couples who file jointly and make over $379,150) have a 35 percent federal income tax rate. The middle class ($69,001-$139,350) have a 25 percent rate and the working class and poor ($17,001-$69,000) have a 15 percent rate.

The rich pay a higher rate of their income to the government than other groups. The Tax Foundation found in 2009, that the top 1 percent of earners earned roughly 17 percent of income but paid roughly 37 percent of federal income taxes. The super rich (top 0.1 percent) of earners made 8 percent of all income, but paid 17 percent of all federal income taxes.

If we look at effective tax rates (what tax rates people actually pay), we see the same pattern. The rich paid the highest percentage of their income, 24 percent, to the federal government versus 11 percent for everyone else. The rate was a mere 8 percent for the upper middle class. Because the rich make most of the capital gains, they undoubtedly paid a far larger share of other weighty taxes (for example, corporate and dividend taxes). Even the claims of investors like Warren Buffet that they pay a lower rate of taxes on their income can be seen to be false once we realize the income is double-taxed, initially as corporate income and later as capital gains or dividends. Payroll taxes do not reverse this overall trend.

As usual, the poor ride free on others. In 2009, nearly 47 percent of U.S. households paid no income taxes. A significant number of those filing (more than 36 percent in 2008) paid no income tax and a significant number of them made money via the tax code because of the earned income tax credit and other child-tax credits.

The moral case for progressive taxation is surprisingly weak.

35 or 25 %?!?!?!

Neither my family nor the Romneys paid that percentage.

A series of well placed loopholes give me deductions which lower my tax rate for home interest, retirement and education spending.

Other deductions help the Romney income group I guess.

Corporate jet expenses lol.

Sorry, place where I work was just looking at deductions on company expenses.

Back to the point, I did not pay 30% in Federal taxes last year.
The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty. Now the only thing they stand for is corporations and the wealthy. For 50 years the wealthy paid taxes. Even with tax write offs and other schemes they still had to pay much more than 14%. When I saw that in taxable year 2011 Romney cleared a million dollars a month after he paid his 14% taxes I wanted to vomit. My wife and I gross a little less than $100,000 and we pay about 14%. Question for you. Romney has five sons......how many of them have been in the wars?

If people don't want to interrupt their education with any kind of inconvenience let them pay $100,000 a year extra tax to avoid it. That way the lily livered chickenhawk bastards can at least help pay down their debt.

Well, that's an impressively stupid post.


she is terrified to hang arround and face her past.

Ah, so conservatives cannot think taxes should be progressive?

The rich should pay the same tax rate as everyone else.

In 2011, the rich (married couples who file jointly and make over $379,150) have a 35 percent federal income tax rate. The middle class ($69,001-$139,350) have a 25 percent rate and the working class and poor ($17,001-$69,000) have a 15 percent rate.

The rich pay a higher rate of their income to the government than other groups. The Tax Foundation found in 2009, that the top 1 percent of earners earned roughly 17 percent of income but paid roughly 37 percent of federal income taxes. The super rich (top 0.1 percent) of earners made 8 percent of all income, but paid 17 percent of all federal income taxes.

If we look at effective tax rates (what tax rates people actually pay), we see the same pattern. The rich paid the highest percentage of their income, 24 percent, to the federal government versus 11 percent for everyone else. The rate was a mere 8 percent for the upper middle class. Because the rich make most of the capital gains, they undoubtedly paid a far larger share of other weighty taxes (for example, corporate and dividend taxes). Even the claims of investors like Warren Buffet that they pay a lower rate of taxes on their income can be seen to be false once we realize the income is double-taxed, initially as corporate income and later as capital gains or dividends. Payroll taxes do not reverse this overall trend.

As usual, the poor ride free on others. In 2009, nearly 47 percent of U.S. households paid no income taxes. A significant number of those filing (more than 36 percent in 2008) paid no income tax and a significant number of them made money via the tax code because of the earned income tax credit and other child-tax credits.

The moral case for progressive taxation is surprisingly weak.

35 or 25 %?!?!?!

Neither my family nor the Romneys paid that percentage.

A series of well placed loopholes give me deductions which lower my tax rate for home interest, retirement and education spending.

Other deductions help the Romney income group I guess.

Corporate jet expenses lol.

Sorry, place where I work was just looking at deductions on company expenses.

Back to the point, I did not pay 30% in Federal taxes last year.

Not everyone pays the exact same percentage. It depends on what deductions can be applied and I'm guessing you didn't make your money entirely on investments.

You idiots just can't comprehend the difference in tax rates between income and capital gains.

Please read the entire article I linked to and maybe, just maybe you'll get it.
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So, you'd be surprised if Mitt paid a lower rate that I?

Does Obama pay more in taxes than he is legally obliged to? As far as I am aware, Mitt Romney paid exactly what he was obliged to pay - in fact, more than he was legally obliged to.

Let me know when y'all have a valid argument... because this constant bullshit is seriously boring.

Cali, I think you're aware that the argument is not whether or not he paid what he was legally obligated to pay, but rather whether the current tax structure is fair.
The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty. Now the only thing they stand for is corporations and the wealthy. For 50 years the wealthy paid taxes. Even with tax write offs and other schemes they still had to pay much more than 14%. When I saw that in taxable year 2011 Romney cleared a million dollars a month after he paid his 14% taxes I wanted to vomit. My wife and I gross a little less than $100,000 and we pay about 14%. Question for you. Romney has five sons......how many of them have been in the wars?

If people don't want to interrupt their education with any kind of inconvenience let them pay $100,000 a year extra tax to avoid it. That way the lily livered chickenhawk bastards can at least help pay down their debt.

Typical Liberal talking points. Regardless of what you've been indoctrinated to believe the majority of Republicans still believe in the principals of individual liberties, balanced budgets, and small Government. Liberals want to believe that Republicans only stand for big evil corporations because it is what their handlers have chosen for them to believe. Liberals never address the fact that many of the people they defend so admirably simply because they have a (D) after their name, are the very people who have enjoyed the successes that only a Law degree, and Corporate influence can give them. A bunch of hypocrites have their entire voting base snow balled. John Kerry doesn't care about some OWS schmuck camping out in a tent in some stinking city park, he just wants to use the idea of that person to further his own political ambitions. Nancy Pelosi doesn't invite you to sip wine with her on her vineyard any more than Al Gore expects you to ride a bike while he kicks his massive carbon footprint across the skies in a private jet. Wake up clowns, you're being used, and abused. But by all means, attack Romney's success because he has an (R) after his name. :cuckoo: Just don't forget to ask how high the next time a rich elitist Democrat tells you to jump. :lol: A bunch of fools being handled like indentured servants by Democrats who profess to have their interests in mind (yet enjoy the same Corporate Tax write offs that Romney does) and will make every effort to ensure an OWS protester who hasn't bathed in weeks will never set foot in their upscale gated community. It must be so nice to be part of the "yes sir", and :"I am hoodwinked" herd. Democrats have got your vote without even an afterthought of giving you any rational substance for it... You're nothing but another D lever pulling subhuman animal to them, that they occasionally toss a table scrap in the form of a finite entitlement to. But you buy into it because they tell you that your ideological utopian dream is the same one they seek. Except their dream has quite a bit more in Bank holdings than yours does. :cuckoo:
So, you'd be surprised if Mitt paid a lower rate that I?

No, because he was double taxed on the same money, once when he earned it and again when he made money from investing it.

Capital gains tax rate is lower than ordinary income tax rates.

Ordinary income can be simply defined as the income earned from providing services or the sale of goods (inventory). This category includes income earned from interest, wages, rents, royalties and similar income streams. Ordinary income is taxed at different rates depending on the amount of income received by a taxpayer in a given tax year. In 2012, there are currently six tax brackets for taxing ordinary income: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, and 35%. These ordinary income marginal tax brackets are scheduled to expire at the end of 2012. In 2013, the 10% through 28% tax rates will remain the same and the top two rates of 33% and 35% will be replaced with higher rates, 36% and 39.6% respectively.

Capital gains are usually associated with the sale or exchange of property characterized as capital assets. The amount of gain is measured as the difference between the amount received by the taxpayer on the sale less the original purchase price, adjusted through the date of the sale (purchase price plus any improvements less depreciation taken). For more information on the formula to calculate capital gain on the sale of a property, see Calculating Capital Gain.

After watching the stock market/bank bailouts happen twice in 30 years I think capital gains should be taxed higher than regular income. There is a certain liability liberal welfare lovin Ronald Reagan signed us up for.
So, you'd be surprised if Mitt paid a lower rate that I?

Does Obama pay more in taxes than he is legally obliged to? As far as I am aware, Mitt Romney paid exactly what he was obliged to pay - in fact, more than he was legally obliged to.

Let me know when y'all have a valid argument... because this constant bullshit is seriously boring.

Cali, I think you're aware that the argument is not whether or not he paid what he was legally obligated to pay, but rather whether the current tax structure is fair.

It's obviously not fair.

The only fair taxation system would tax everyone's income at the same percentage.

Take a look at the Fair Tax - H.R. 25.
Many on the right still are... unfortunately both party's politicians have gone the way of big government spending, pet projects, etc.... Which is why the whole congress needs a cleaning out

And we have an all volunteer military.. if they did not join, no big deal.. there were enough of us who did volunteer for duty... not joining while supporting a war is not a bad thing.. taxing 'extra' for someone not joining the military IS


This argument is often repeated and funny as hell. Yeah let's fire everyone (something that cannot and will not ever happen so it's a GREAT idea if you engage in fallacy) but leave the money in politics because, hey, corporations have that right...and it's right! And hopefully the new bunch will ignore campaign contributions and represent we the people!

Yeah! Money won't matter to the new bunch because...uhh...money won't matter then!

Sure! Sounds like a plan!
The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty. Now the only thing they stand for is corporations and the wealthy. For 50 years the wealthy paid taxes. Even with tax write offs and other schemes they still had to pay much more than 14%. When I saw that in taxable year 2011 Romney cleared a million dollars a month after he paid his 14% taxes I wanted to vomit. My wife and I gross a little less than $100,000 and we pay about 14%. Question for you. Romney has five sons......how many of them have been in the wars?

If people don't want to interrupt their education with any kind of inconvenience let them pay $100,000 a year extra tax to avoid it. That way the lily livered chickenhawk bastards can at least help pay down their debt.

Many on the right still are... unfortunately both party's politicians have gone the way of big government spending, pet projects, etc.... Which is why the whole congress needs a cleaning out

And we have an all volunteer military.. if they did not join, no big deal.. there were enough of us who did volunteer for duty... not joining while supporting a war is not a bad thing.. taxing 'extra' for someone not joining the military IS


America would not be what it is today, if we did not have patriots(poor kids who can't afford college) willing to sacrifice a great deal, along with their families, by serving in the military. Even though people may wish to do so and existing technology would indicate otherwise, growing numbers of Americans are unaware of how few have chosen to serve in uniform. Today, less than 10% of current Americans have ever served in the military, and less than 1% serves today. A combined force of about 2,400,000, reserves and active duty personnel from a population of 300,000,000.

During the second world war millions were killed and every able bodied man up to forty years old served. The women were left at home to do everything. It's when many women let their homes or worked two jobs and built tanks, planes, packed K rations, etc. while the men did the dirty work.

As long as all the bullshit from the right breaks out at every ball game, NASCAR race, church gathering with the "Support Out Troops" deal it means one thing. Those at the top who worry about nothing concerning their kids want to keep it that way. It lets them keep the industrial/military complex well fed. All able bodied Americans should be required to serve three years or two tours and if they find it's a real strain on them they should have to pay $100,000 per year per kid. It's too damn easy for a lily livered chicken hawk to rear up and get rough if it's no skin off of his family's ass.

If they elect not to serve....their ass should at least be taxed.
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Many on the right still are... unfortunately both party's politicians have gone the way of big government spending, pet projects, etc.... Which is why the whole congress needs a cleaning out

And we have an all volunteer military.. if they did not join, no big deal.. there were enough of us who did volunteer for duty... not joining while supporting a war is not a bad thing.. taxing 'extra' for someone not joining the military IS


"Our Nation would not be what it is today, if we did not have Americans willing to sacrifice a great deal, along with their families, by serving in the military. Even though people may wish to do so and existing technology would indicate otherwise, growing numbers of Americans are unaware of how to properly honor and support those who have chosen to serve in uniform. Today, less than 10% of current Americans have ever served in the military, and less than 1% serves today.

As long as all the bullshit from the right breaks out at every ball game, NASCAR race, church gathering with the "Support Out Troops" deal it means one thing. Those at the top who worry about nothing concerning their kids want to keep it that way. It lets them keep the industrial/military complex well fed.

If they elect not to serve....their ass should at least be taxed.

They are taxed. And FYI, Romney paid more in taxes last year than you probably earn in 10 years. In which case, you're nobody to be criticizing him.

So drop the obnoxious hate speech.
So, you'd be surprised if Mitt paid a lower rate that I?

Does Obama pay more in taxes than he is legally obliged to? As far as I am aware, Mitt Romney paid exactly what he was obliged to pay - in fact, more than he was legally obliged to.

Let me know when y'all have a valid argument... because this constant bullshit is seriously boring.

Cali, I think you're aware that the argument is not whether or not he paid what he was legally obligated to pay, but rather whether the current tax structure is fair.

I dont think there is a question that the progressive income tax is unfair.
So, you'd be surprised if Mitt paid a lower rate that I?

No, because he was double taxed on the same money, once when he earned it and again when he made money from investing it.

Capital gains tax rate is lower than ordinary income tax rates.

Ordinary income can be simply defined as the income earned from providing services or the sale of goods (inventory). This category includes income earned from interest, wages, rents, royalties and similar income streams. Ordinary income is taxed at different rates depending on the amount of income received by a taxpayer in a given tax year. In 2012, there are currently six tax brackets for taxing ordinary income: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, and 35%. These ordinary income marginal tax brackets are scheduled to expire at the end of 2012. In 2013, the 10% through 28% tax rates will remain the same and the top two rates of 33% and 35% will be replaced with higher rates, 36% and 39.6% respectively.

Capital gains are usually associated with the sale or exchange of property characterized as capital assets. The amount of gain is measured as the difference between the amount received by the taxpayer on the sale less the original purchase price, adjusted through the date of the sale (purchase price plus any improvements less depreciation taken). For more information on the formula to calculate capital gain on the sale of a property, see Calculating Capital Gain.

After watching the stock market/bank bailouts happen twice in 30 years I think capital gains should be taxed higher than regular income. There is a certain liability liberal welfare lovin Ronald Reagan signed us up for.

You must be TM's offspring.
So, you'd be surprised if Mitt paid a lower rate that I?

No, because he was double taxed on the same money, once when he earned it and again when he made money from investing it.

Capital gains tax rate is lower than ordinary income tax rates.

Ordinary income can be simply defined as the income earned from providing services or the sale of goods (inventory). This category includes income earned from interest, wages, rents, royalties and similar income streams. Ordinary income is taxed at different rates depending on the amount of income received by a taxpayer in a given tax year. In 2012, there are currently six tax brackets for taxing ordinary income: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, and 35%. These ordinary income marginal tax brackets are scheduled to expire at the end of 2012. In 2013, the 10% through 28% tax rates will remain the same and the top two rates of 33% and 35% will be replaced with higher rates, 36% and 39.6% respectively.

Capital gains are usually associated with the sale or exchange of property characterized as capital assets. The amount of gain is measured as the difference between the amount received by the taxpayer on the sale less the original purchase price, adjusted through the date of the sale (purchase price plus any improvements less depreciation taken). For more information on the formula to calculate capital gain on the sale of a property, see Calculating Capital Gain.

After watching the stock market/bank bailouts happen twice in 30 years I think capital gains should be taxed higher than regular income. There is a certain liability liberal welfare lovin Ronald Reagan signed us up for.

Higher the capital gains tax the more producers put their $$$ in investments where their gains are taxed less such as municipal bonds and existing property that can be depreciated.
Lower the capital gains tax, hopefully to ZERO, and watch the trillions of dollars go into new capital investments.
Hint: MOST ALL new job growth comes from NEW CAPITAL INVESTING.

When you keep the profit motive higher for investors guess what you get more of?
And how do you build new plants, train new workers, advertise the new products, etc., etc, WITHOUT CAPITAL?

You get more of what you reward and less of what you punish.
Accordingly and in conclusion those that want higher capital gains taxes support low or no economic growth and how to no jobs being created.
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Many on the right still are... unfortunately both party's politicians have gone the way of big government spending, pet projects, etc.... Which is why the whole congress needs a cleaning out

And we have an all volunteer military.. if they did not join, no big deal.. there were enough of us who did volunteer for duty... not joining while supporting a war is not a bad thing.. taxing 'extra' for someone not joining the military IS


"Our Nation would not be what it is today, if we did not have Americans willing to sacrifice a great deal, along with their families, by serving in the military. Even though people may wish to do so and existing technology would indicate otherwise, growing numbers of Americans are unaware of how to properly honor and support those who have chosen to serve in uniform. Today, less than 10% of current Americans have ever served in the military, and less than 1% serves today.

As long as all the bullshit from the right breaks out at every ball game, NASCAR race, church gathering with the "Support Out Troops" deal it means one thing. Those at the top who worry about nothing concerning their kids want to keep it that way. It lets them keep the industrial/military complex well fed.

If they elect not to serve....their ass should at least be taxed.

They are taxed. And FYI, Romney paid more in taxes last year than you probably earn in 10 years. In which case, you're nobody to be criticizing him.

So drop the obnoxious hate speech.

You don't get it do you?

That lousey son-of-a-bitch paid at the same rate my wife and I paid on $100,000 and he ended up after taxes netting a million dollars a month.....A MONTH

Have you ever heard of the Warren Buffet rule? It gets back to a progressive tax system which we havn't had since Ronald Reagan cut it for his rich buds and quadrupled the debt to cover the shortfall. In Sept. 2009 Reagan and the Bushes had borrowed 80% of all the debt accrued by this nation in 232 years.
The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty. Now the only thing they stand for is corporations and the wealthy. For 50 years the wealthy paid taxes. Even with tax write offs and other schemes they still had to pay much more than 14%. When I saw that in taxable year 2011 Romney cleared a million dollars a month after he paid his 14% taxes I wanted to vomit. My wife and I gross a little less than $100,000 and we pay about 14%. Question for you. Romney has five sons......how many of them have been in the wars?

If people don't want to interrupt their education with any kind of inconvenience let them pay $100,000 a year extra tax to avoid it. That way the lily livered chickenhawk bastards can at least help pay down their debt.

See, misrepresentation of truths....

It's all the left has. I can't believe that Americans are still buying this BS. Obama stands for Corporations and the wealthy the exact same way as the GOP does. Tax breaks to selective donors interests... If it's bad for the right it's bad for the left.
The party used to stand for balanced budgets, small government and individual liberty. Now the only thing they stand for is corporations and the wealthy. For 50 years the wealthy paid taxes. Even with tax write offs and other schemes they still had to pay much more than 14%. When I saw that in taxable year 2011 Romney cleared a million dollars a month after he paid his 14% taxes I wanted to vomit. My wife and I gross a little less than $100,000 and we pay about 14%. Question for you. Romney has five sons......how many of them have been in the wars?

If people don't want to interrupt their education with any kind of inconvenience let them pay $100,000 a year extra tax to avoid it. That way the lily livered chickenhawk bastards can at least help pay down their debt.

Much of it has to do with the bane of the social right, when republicans struck their Faustian bargain with Christian fundamentalists and the radical fiscal right.

The GOP has gone downhill ever since.
"Our Nation would not be what it is today, if we did not have Americans willing to sacrifice a great deal, along with their families, by serving in the military. Even though people may wish to do so and existing technology would indicate otherwise, growing numbers of Americans are unaware of how to properly honor and support those who have chosen to serve in uniform. Today, less than 10% of current Americans have ever served in the military, and less than 1% serves today.

As long as all the bullshit from the right breaks out at every ball game, NASCAR race, church gathering with the "Support Out Troops" deal it means one thing. Those at the top who worry about nothing concerning their kids want to keep it that way. It lets them keep the industrial/military complex well fed.

If they elect not to serve....their ass should at least be taxed.

They are taxed. And FYI, Romney paid more in taxes last year than you probably earn in 10 years. In which case, you're nobody to be criticizing him.

So drop the obnoxious hate speech.

You don't get it do you?

That lousey son-of-a-bitch paid at the same rate my wife and I paid on $100,000 and he ended up after taxes netting a million dollars a month.....A MONTH

Have you ever heard of the Warren Buffet rule? It gets back to a progressive tax system which we havn't had since Ronald Reagan cut it for his rich buds and quadrupled the debt to cover the shortfall. In Sept. 2009 Reagan and the Bushes had borrowed 80% of all the debt accrued by this nation in 232 years.

So he's a lousy sob for using tax laws to save money?

Would you have done the same thing, or purposely told your accountant to disregard all the exemptions and ignore all the deductions so you'd end up paying the highest rate possible?

I sure as hell wouldn't do that, I highly doubt any sane American would do that, and I also doubt you would do that.
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You don't get it do you?

That lousey son-of-a-bitch paid at the same rate my wife and I paid on $100,000 and he ended up after taxes netting a million dollars a month.....A MONTH

Have you ever heard of the Warren Buffet rule? It gets back to a progressive tax system which we havn't had since Ronald Reagan cut it for his rich buds and quadrupled the debt to cover the shortfall. In Sept. 2009 Reagan and the Bushes had borrowed 80% of all the debt accrued by this nation in 232 years.

Why does it matter that he made more money than you? Why should he pay a different rate just because he earned more? How does it hurt you that someone else makes more money?

I've never understood this. I am not hurt in the slightest because someone else earns more money. And I am not hurting anyone else when i earn more than someone else. What business is it of mine if they making billions of dollars? They are still my brother and fellow citizen. I am grateful that they can succeed in the good things in life. And I can still encourage and persuade them to do good with their resources.

They are accountable before God for how they use their resources. Just as I am accountable for how I use mine.

If you dont think we have a progressive tax system, you havent been paying attention. It's still as inequitable as it was when they past the 16th amendment.

I wish they had never believed the lie that our taxes would never go above 5% of our income.

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