Zone1 What Is Meant When It Is Said That a Person Has a White Supremacist Mindset (or is a Racist)

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Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
There is a member here on the site who indicated that he'd be willing to discuss racism but that he needs definitions first, I'm guessing to ensure that we're all adhering to the same set of criteria. So this is why I'm posting this and in actuality it's connected to another much more detailed thread I just put up regarding what the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics actually tell us.

People with a white supremacist mindset here in the U.S. will often display one or more of the following traits. There are a few here on this site who display practically all of the traits:

1. Use of Racial Slurs and Derogatory Language

  • Racial Slurs: Using explicit racial slurs or derogatory terms for Black people.
  • Code Words and Dog Whistles: Using coded language or euphemisms that convey racist sentiments without overtly racist words (e.g., referring to Black people as "thugs" or talking about "urban crime" OP Note: euphemism we often see here is "Black culture" used to disparage Black people in general).

2. Promotion of Stereotypes

  • Negative Generalizations: Making sweeping generalizations about Black people, attributing negative traits or behaviors to the entire group (e.g., "All Black people are lazy" or "Black people are naturally violent").
  • Cultural Inferiority: Suggesting that Black culture is inferior or inherently problematic compared to white culture.

3. Belief in Racial Hierarchies

  • Superiority Claims: Expressing beliefs that white people are superior to Black people in terms of intelligence, morality, or capability.
  • Segregation Advocacy: Advocating for segregation or the separation of races, whether in schools, neighborhoods, or other public spaces.

4. Historical Revisionism

  • Denial of Racism: Denying or downplaying the historical and ongoing impact of racism and discrimination against Black people.
  • Glorification of Confederate Symbols: Defending or glorifying symbols and figures associated with the Confederacy and its defense of slavery.

5. Opposition to Equality Measures

  • Anti-Affirmative Action: Strong opposition to affirmative action and other policies designed to address racial inequalities, often arguing that these policies unfairly disadvantage white people.
  • Against Civil Rights Movements: Speaking negatively about civil rights movements or leaders (e.g., Martin Luther King Jr., Black Lives Matter).

6. Blaming the Victim

  • Responsibility Shift: Blaming Black people for the issues they face, such as poverty or high incarceration rates, without acknowledging systemic factors.
  • Lack of Empathy: Showing a lack of empathy for the experiences of Black people, especially in discussions about police brutality, discrimination, or other racial injustices.

7. Use of Pseudoscience

  • Biological Racism: Citing debunked or pseudoscientific studies to claim biological differences between races that suggest inherent superiority or inferiority.

8. Associations and Affiliations

  • Membership in Hate Groups: Being a member of or expressing support for white supremacist groups or organizations.
  • Sharing Racist Content: Posting or sharing content from known racist or white supremacist sources, including literature, websites, or social media accounts.

9. Expressions of Fear or Paranoia

  • Replacement Theory: Promoting the idea that white people are being systematically replaced or oppressed by Black people and other minorities.
  • Paranoia About Crime: Exaggerating the threat of crime supposedly posed by Black people, often without basis in fact.

10. Hostility in Discussions on Race

  • Defensive Reactions: Reacting defensively or aggressively when confronted with discussions about racism or privilege.
  • Whataboutism: Using deflection tactics, such as "what about Black-on-Black crime" when discussing police violence against Black people.
There is a member here on the site who indicated that he'd be willing to discuss racism but that he needs definitions first, I'm guessing to ensure that we're all adhering to the same set of criteria. So this is why I'm posting this and in actuality it's connected to another much more detailed thread I just put up regarding what the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics actually tell us.

People with a white supremacist mindset here in the U.S. will often display one or more of the following traits. There are a few here on this site who display practically all of the traits:

1. Use of Racial Slurs and Derogatory Language

  • Racial Slurs: Using explicit racial slurs or derogatory terms for Black people.
  • Code Words and Dog Whistles: Using coded language or euphemisms that convey racist sentiments without overtly racist words (e.g., referring to Black people as "thugs" or talking about "urban crime" OP Note: euphemism we often see here is "Black culture" used to disparage Black people in general).

2. Promotion of Stereotypes

  • Negative Generalizations: Making sweeping generalizations about Black people, attributing negative traits or behaviors to the entire group (e.g., "All Black people are lazy" or "Black people are naturally violent").
  • Cultural Inferiority: Suggesting that Black culture is inferior or inherently problematic compared to white culture.

3. Belief in Racial Hierarchies

  • Superiority Claims: Expressing beliefs that white people are superior to Black people in terms of intelligence, morality, or capability.
  • Segregation Advocacy: Advocating for segregation or the separation of races, whether in schools, neighborhoods, or other public spaces.

4. Historical Revisionism

  • Denial of Racism: Denying or downplaying the historical and ongoing impact of racism and discrimination against Black people.
  • Glorification of Confederate Symbols: Defending or glorifying symbols and figures associated with the Confederacy and its defense of slavery.

5. Opposition to Equality Measures

  • Anti-Affirmative Action: Strong opposition to affirmative action and other policies designed to address racial inequalities, often arguing that these policies unfairly disadvantage white people.
  • Against Civil Rights Movements: Speaking negatively about civil rights movements or leaders (e.g., Martin Luther King Jr., Black Lives Matter).

6. Blaming the Victim

  • Responsibility Shift: Blaming Black people for the issues they face, such as poverty or high incarceration rates, without acknowledging systemic factors.
  • Lack of Empathy: Showing a lack of empathy for the experiences of Black people, especially in discussions about police brutality, discrimination, or other racial injustices.

7. Use of Pseudoscience

  • Biological Racism: Citing debunked or pseudoscientific studies to claim biological differences between races that suggest inherent superiority or inferiority.

8. Associations and Affiliations

  • Membership in Hate Groups: Being a member of or expressing support for white supremacist groups or organizations.
  • Sharing Racist Content: Posting or sharing content from known racist or white supremacist sources, including literature, websites, or social media accounts.

9. Expressions of Fear or Paranoia

  • Replacement Theory: Promoting the idea that white people are being systematically replaced or oppressed by Black people and other minorities.
  • Paranoia About Crime: Exaggerating the threat of crime supposedly posed by Black people, often without basis in fact.

10. Hostility in Discussions on Race

  • Defensive Reactions: Reacting defensively or aggressively when confronted with discussions about racism or privilege.
  • Whataboutism: Using deflection tactics, such as "what about Black-on-Black crime" when discussing police violence against Black people.
Where did this definition come from?
There is a member here on the site who indicated that he'd be willing to discuss racism but that he needs definitions first, I'm guessing to ensure that we're all adhering to the same set of criteria. So this is why I'm posting this and in actuality it's connected to another much more detailed thread I just put up regarding what the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics actually tell us.

People with a white supremacist mindset here in the U.S. will often display one or more of the following traits. There are a few here on this site who display practically all of the traits:

1. Use of Racial Slurs and Derogatory Language

  • Racial Slurs: Using explicit racial slurs or derogatory terms for Black people.
  • Code Words and Dog Whistles: Using coded language or euphemisms that convey racist sentiments without overtly racist words (e.g., referring to Black people as "thugs" or talking about "urban crime" OP Note: euphemism we often see here is "Black culture" used to disparage Black people in general).

2. Promotion of Stereotypes

  • Negative Generalizations: Making sweeping generalizations about Black people, attributing negative traits or behaviors to the entire group (e.g., "All Black people are lazy" or "Black people are naturally violent").
  • Cultural Inferiority: Suggesting that Black culture is inferior or inherently problematic compared to white culture.

3. Belief in Racial Hierarchies

  • Superiority Claims: Expressing beliefs that white people are superior to Black people in terms of intelligence, morality, or capability.
  • Segregation Advocacy: Advocating for segregation or the separation of races, whether in schools, neighborhoods, or other public spaces.

4. Historical Revisionism

  • Denial of Racism: Denying or downplaying the historical and ongoing impact of racism and discrimination against Black people.
  • Glorification of Confederate Symbols: Defending or glorifying symbols and figures associated with the Confederacy and its defense of slavery.

5. Opposition to Equality Measures

  • Anti-Affirmative Action: Strong opposition to affirmative action and other policies designed to address racial inequalities, often arguing that these policies unfairly disadvantage white people.
  • Against Civil Rights Movements: Speaking negatively about civil rights movements or leaders (e.g., Martin Luther King Jr., Black Lives Matter).

6. Blaming the Victim

  • Responsibility Shift: Blaming Black people for the issues they face, such as poverty or high incarceration rates, without acknowledging systemic factors.
  • Lack of Empathy: Showing a lack of empathy for the experiences of Black people, especially in discussions about police brutality, discrimination, or other racial injustices.

7. Use of Pseudoscience

  • Biological Racism: Citing debunked or pseudoscientific studies to claim biological differences between races that suggest inherent superiority or inferiority.

8. Associations and Affiliations

  • Membership in Hate Groups: Being a member of or expressing support for white supremacist groups or organizations.
  • Sharing Racist Content: Posting or sharing content from known racist or white supremacist sources, including literature, websites, or social media accounts.

9. Expressions of Fear or Paranoia

  • Replacement Theory: Promoting the idea that white people are being systematically replaced or oppressed by Black people and other minorities.
  • Paranoia About Crime: Exaggerating the threat of crime supposedly posed by Black people, often without basis in fact.

10. Hostility in Discussions on Race

  • Defensive Reactions: Reacting defensively or aggressively when confronted with discussions about racism or privilege.
  • Whataboutism: Using deflection tactics, such as "what about Black-on-Black crime" when discussing police violence against Black people.

that covers about 95% of white people, and 98% of black people.

that covers about 95% of white people, and 98% of black people.
Seems like the leftists have expanded the definition of racism while limiting the the definition of antisemitism.


- Saying that the high crime rate among blacks is correlated with poverty, and that poverty is correlated to out-of-wedlock births: racist!

- Screaming “Death to Jews” and “we’ll turn you Jews back into lampshades!” or lying about Jews committing genocide: Eh. Free speech.

5. Opposition to Equality Measures

  • Anti-Affirmative Action: Strong opposition to affirmative action and other policies designed to address racial inequalities, often arguing that these policies unfairly disadvantage white people.
  • Against Civil Rights Movements: Speaking negatively about civil rights movements or leaders (e.g., Martin Luther King Jr., Black Lives Matter).

White people deserve accomidationis to achieve “equity” with what Asians earn.

Do you agree NewsVine_Mariyam?

Notice how the definition above excludes white people from expecting “equity” or even “equality”? According the this woke definition, it’s “racist” if white people complain about being excluded from the job market, university campuses, or intersectional privilege. The left’s woke ideology is baked right into these definitions.
I’m still waiting for OP to link her source as to the definition.
It doesn't matter. I've been listening to this claptrap for years. Very few people are racist. Very few. What they are is done with the crap. Not just done, exhausted. Fed up. Disgusted. DONE. I no longer am moved by their accusations or labels.
Where did this definition come from?
From people who want to squelch all discussions on race.

For peeps who are always twaddling on about needing to have " a conversation about race", they sure do set a fuckton of limitations on how said "conversation" may or may not manifest itself.
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White people deserve accomidationis to achieve “equity” with what Asians earn.

Do you agree NewsVine_Mariyam?

Notice how the definition above excludes white people from expecting “equity” or even “equality”? According the this woke definition, it’s “racist” if white people complain about being excluded from the job market, university campuses, or intersectional privilege. The left’s woke ideology is baked right into these definitions.
True. The DEI programs that favor minorities over whites are of racist, but according to the definition OP gave (source, please), even mentioning that is “racist” because it’s “whataboutism.”
1. Use of Racial Slurs and Derogatory Language
  • Racial Slurs: Using explicit racial slurs or derogatory terms for Black people.
  • Code Words and Dog Whistles: Using coded language or euphemisms that convey racist sentiments without overtly racist words (e.g., referring to Black people as "thugs" or talking about "urban crime" OP Note: euphemism we often see here is "Black culture" used to disparage Black people in general).
Yeah, we have “white culture” “white privilege” “white fragility” “whiteness” and “white anger”. But how dare we speak of “black culture” in the same condescending manner.….. That is the vary definition of “fragility”. Black people are the most fragile people in the world.
People who want to squelch all discussions on race.

For peeps who are always tawaddling on about needing to have " a conversation about race", they sure do set a fuckton of limitations on how said "conversation" may or may not manifest itself.
Exactly. Look at the claim that “whataboutism” is racist. How can you claim that ”whataboutism” is racist when it’s a way to show that something is NOT racist?

It’s like OP is saying that blacks can claim something is racist, and whites cannot show that it happens to others to:

Black: The manager didn‘t promote me, and I had two years of experience! He’s racist!

White: What about me? I’ve been here almost four years, and I didn’t get the job, either.
There is a member here on the site who indicated that he'd be willing to discuss racism but that he needs definitions first, I'm guessing to ensure that we're all adhering to the same set of criteria. So this is why I'm posting this and in actuality it's connected to another much more detailed thread I just put up regarding what the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics actually tell us.

People with a white supremacist mindset here in the U.S. will often display one or more of the following traits. There are a few here on this site who display practically all of the traits:

1. Use of Racial Slurs and Derogatory Language

  • Racial Slurs: Using explicit racial slurs or derogatory terms for Black people.
  • Code Words and Dog Whistles: Using coded language or euphemisms that convey racist sentiments without overtly racist words (e.g., referring to Black people as "thugs" or talking about "urban crime" OP Note: euphemism we often see here is "Black culture" used to disparage Black people in general).

2. Promotion of Stereotypes

  • Negative Generalizations: Making sweeping generalizations about Black people, attributing negative traits or behaviors to the entire group (e.g., "All Black people are lazy" or "Black people are naturally violent").
  • Cultural Inferiority: Suggesting that Black culture is inferior or inherently problematic compared to white culture.

3. Belief in Racial Hierarchies

  • Superiority Claims: Expressing beliefs that white people are superior to Black people in terms of intelligence, morality, or capability.
  • Segregation Advocacy: Advocating for segregation or the separation of races, whether in schools, neighborhoods, or other public spaces.

4. Historical Revisionism

  • Denial of Racism: Denying or downplaying the historical and ongoing impact of racism and discrimination against Black people.
  • Glorification of Confederate Symbols: Defending or glorifying symbols and figures associated with the Confederacy and its defense of slavery.

5. Opposition to Equality Measures

  • Anti-Affirmative Action: Strong opposition to affirmative action and other policies designed to address racial inequalities, often arguing that these policies unfairly disadvantage white people.
  • Against Civil Rights Movements: Speaking negatively about civil rights movements or leaders (e.g., Martin Luther King Jr., Black Lives Matter).

6. Blaming the Victim

  • Responsibility Shift: Blaming Black people for the issues they face, such as poverty or high incarceration rates, without acknowledging systemic factors.
  • Lack of Empathy: Showing a lack of empathy for the experiences of Black people, especially in discussions about police brutality, discrimination, or other racial injustices.

7. Use of Pseudoscience

  • Biological Racism: Citing debunked or pseudoscientific studies to claim biological differences between races that suggest inherent superiority or inferiority.

8. Associations and Affiliations

  • Membership in Hate Groups: Being a member of or expressing support for white supremacist groups or organizations.
  • Sharing Racist Content: Posting or sharing content from known racist or white supremacist sources, including literature, websites, or social media accounts.

9. Expressions of Fear or Paranoia

  • Replacement Theory: Promoting the idea that white people are being systematically replaced or oppressed by Black people and other minorities.
  • Paranoia About Crime: Exaggerating the threat of crime supposedly posed by Black people, often without basis in fact.

10. Hostility in Discussions on Race

  • Defensive Reactions: Reacting defensively or aggressively when confronted with discussions about racism or privilege.
  • Whataboutism: Using deflection tactics, such as "what about Black-on-Black crime" when discussing police violence against Black people.
The true definition of a racist is very simple

They see a particular race of people as inferior due to certain immutable traits

The left is quick to accuse white conservatives of that when all that is happening is criticism of black culture and performsnce
There is a member here on the site who indicated that he'd be willing to discuss racism but that he needs definitions first, I'm guessing to ensure that we're all adhering to the same set of criteria. So this is why I'm posting this and in actuality it's connected to another much more detailed thread I just put up regarding what the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics actually tell us.

People with a white supremacist mindset here in the U.S. will often display one or more of the following traits. There are a few here on this site who display practically all of the traits:

1. Use of Racial Slurs and Derogatory Language

  • Racial Slurs: Using explicit racial slurs or derogatory terms for Black people.
  • Code Words and Dog Whistles: Using coded language or euphemisms that convey racist sentiments without overtly racist words (e.g., referring to Black people as "thugs" or talking about "urban crime" OP Note: euphemism we often see here is "Black culture" used to disparage Black people in general).

2. Promotion of Stereotypes

  • Negative Generalizations: Making sweeping generalizations about Black people, attributing negative traits or behaviors to the entire group (e.g., "All Black people are lazy" or "Black people are naturally violent").
  • Cultural Inferiority: Suggesting that Black culture is inferior or inherently problematic compared to white culture.

3. Belief in Racial Hierarchies

  • Superiority Claims: Expressing beliefs that white people are superior to Black people in terms of intelligence, morality, or capability.
  • Segregation Advocacy: Advocating for segregation or the separation of races, whether in schools, neighborhoods, or other public spaces.

4. Historical Revisionism

  • Denial of Racism: Denying or downplaying the historical and ongoing impact of racism and discrimination against Black people.
  • Glorification of Confederate Symbols: Defending or glorifying symbols and figures associated with the Confederacy and its defense of slavery.

5. Opposition to Equality Measures

  • Anti-Affirmative Action: Strong opposition to affirmative action and other policies designed to address racial inequalities, often arguing that these policies unfairly disadvantage white people.
  • Against Civil Rights Movements: Speaking negatively about civil rights movements or leaders (e.g., Martin Luther King Jr., Black Lives Matter).

6. Blaming the Victim

  • Responsibility Shift: Blaming Black people for the issues they face, such as poverty or high incarceration rates, without acknowledging systemic factors.
  • Lack of Empathy: Showing a lack of empathy for the experiences of Black people, especially in discussions about police brutality, discrimination, or other racial injustices.

7. Use of Pseudoscience

  • Biological Racism: Citing debunked or pseudoscientific studies to claim biological differences between races that suggest inherent superiority or inferiority.

8. Associations and Affiliations

  • Membership in Hate Groups: Being a member of or expressing support for white supremacist groups or organizations.
  • Sharing Racist Content: Posting or sharing content from known racist or white supremacist sources, including literature, websites, or social media accounts.

9. Expressions of Fear or Paranoia

  • Replacement Theory: Promoting the idea that white people are being systematically replaced or oppressed by Black people and other minorities.
  • Paranoia About Crime: Exaggerating the threat of crime supposedly posed by Black people, often without basis in fact.

10. Hostility in Discussions on Race

  • Defensive Reactions: Reacting defensively or aggressively when confronted with discussions about racism or privilege.
  • Whataboutism: Using deflection tactics, such as "what about Black-on-Black crime" when discussing police violence against Black people.
Yes there are people who have the mindset or many or maybe most or all of the points you listed. Those people are in a very tiny minority and I know for a fact exist within all political parties.

But you know what? The USA has a Constitution that allows ALL Americans to believe and speak whatever they believe or think, however repugnant, so long as they do not violate the unalienable or legal rights of others. The white supremacist, or any other 'supremacists' harm nobody just by what they think. The only way to harm others is to put into action those thoughts in ways that are materially or physically harmful to others.

Demonizing, cancelling, prosecuting people for expressing their thoughts and beliefs is far more a problem and detriment in America than ANYTHING the tiny minority of white supremacists might do.

When we stop demonizing people who are politically incorrect but still do the right thing, we will go a long way to restoring the concepts of liberty and unalienable rights the Founders intended.
There is a member here on the site who indicated that he'd be willing to discuss racism but that he needs definitions first, I'm guessing to ensure that we're all adhering to the same set of criteria. So this is why I'm posting this and in actuality it's connected to another much more detailed thread I just put up regarding what the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics actually tell us.

People with a white supremacist mindset here in the U.S. will often display one or more of the following traits. There are a few here on this site who display practically all of the traits:

1. Use of Racial Slurs and Derogatory Language

  • Racial Slurs: Using explicit racial slurs or derogatory terms for Black people.
  • Code Words and Dog Whistles: Using coded language or euphemisms that convey racist sentiments without overtly racist words (e.g., referring to Black people as "thugs" or talking about "urban crime" OP Note: euphemism we often see here is "Black culture" used to disparage Black people in general).

2. Promotion of Stereotypes

  • Negative Generalizations: Making sweeping generalizations about Black people, attributing negative traits or behaviors to the entire group (e.g., "All Black people are lazy" or "Black people are naturally violent").
  • Cultural Inferiority: Suggesting that Black culture is inferior or inherently problematic compared to white culture.

3. Belief in Racial Hierarchies

  • Superiority Claims: Expressing beliefs that white people are superior to Black people in terms of intelligence, morality, or capability.
  • Segregation Advocacy: Advocating for segregation or the separation of races, whether in schools, neighborhoods, or other public spaces.

4. Historical Revisionism

  • Denial of Racism: Denying or downplaying the historical and ongoing impact of racism and discrimination against Black people.
  • Glorification of Confederate Symbols: Defending or glorifying symbols and figures associated with the Confederacy and its defense of slavery.

5. Opposition to Equality Measures

  • Anti-Affirmative Action: Strong opposition to affirmative action and other policies designed to address racial inequalities, often arguing that these policies unfairly disadvantage white people.
  • Against Civil Rights Movements: Speaking negatively about civil rights movements or leaders (e.g., Martin Luther King Jr., Black Lives Matter).

6. Blaming the Victim

  • Responsibility Shift: Blaming Black people for the issues they face, such as poverty or high incarceration rates, without acknowledging systemic factors.
  • Lack of Empathy: Showing a lack of empathy for the experiences of Black people, especially in discussions about police brutality, discrimination, or other racial injustices.

7. Use of Pseudoscience

  • Biological Racism: Citing debunked or pseudoscientific studies to claim biological differences between races that suggest inherent superiority or inferiority.

8. Associations and Affiliations

  • Membership in Hate Groups: Being a member of or expressing support for white supremacist groups or organizations.
  • Sharing Racist Content: Posting or sharing content from known racist or white supremacist sources, including literature, websites, or social media accounts.

9. Expressions of Fear or Paranoia

  • Replacement Theory: Promoting the idea that white people are being systematically replaced or oppressed by Black people and other minorities.
  • Paranoia About Crime: Exaggerating the threat of crime supposedly posed by Black people, often without basis in fact.

10. Hostility in Discussions on Race

  • Defensive Reactions: Reacting defensively or aggressively when confronted with discussions about racism or privilege.
  • Whataboutism: Using deflection tactics, such as "what about Black-on-Black crime" when discussing police violence against Black people.
What do you want?
What do you want?
I think she wants us to focus solely on racism against blacks and not counter with the current racism against whites or the alarming degree of antisemitism against Jews.

Can you imagine how’d she react if whites set up encampments on conservative campuses, yelling for blacks to get back into chains, and then assaulting and bullying them as they try to get to class?
THREAD LOCKED - Need a link to a reputable source that states what is claimed as fact in the opening post.

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