What is more important, paying illegal immigrants, or paying our military

A Compromise was on THE TABLE. Schumer, Graham and Durbin scuttled it, and intentionally sabotaged it, because Dem Leadership do not want Immigration Reform. They want Open Borders and Amnesty for all Criminal Illegal Immigrants.

They want this as an unresolved Identity Politics Issue they can used in the 2018 midterms, and they furthermore show where their priorities are.....Not with Veterans, or The Military, or Children who need Health Insurance, or Americans in General....

They only care about Normalizing and Legitimizing The CRIME of Illegal IMMIGRATION!
We have a Commerce Clause, we could be making money off of each and every foreigner that wants come over.

Tourism is one of the largest employers in about twenty-nine States.

The right wing prefers the socialism of more nationalism and laws, to Commerce, well regulated.

That's what Passports and Travel Visas, Student Visas, and Work Visas are for IDIOT!

Lord these Liberals ares stupid.

Lord give me strength to tolerate these inbred dullards.
A Compromise was on THE TABLE. Schumer, Graham and Durbin scuttled it, and intentionally sabotaged it, because Dem Leadership do not want Immigration Reform. They want Open Borders and Amnesty for all Criminal Illegal Immigrants.

They want this as an unresolved Identity Politics Issue they can used in the 2018 midterms, and they furthermore show where their priorities are.....Not with Veterans, or The Military, or Children who need Health Insurance, or Americans in General....

They only care about Normalizing and Legitimizing The CRIME of Illegal IMMIGRATION!
We have a Commerce Clause, we could be making money off of each and every foreigner that wants come over.

Tourism is one of the largest employers in about twenty-nine States.

The right wing prefers the socialism of more nationalism and laws, to Commerce, well regulated.

That's what Passports and Travel Visas, Student Visas, and Work Visas are for IDIOT!

Lord these Liberals ares stupid.

Lord give me strength to tolerate these inbred dullards.
A Compromise was on THE TABLE. Schumer, Graham and Durbin scuttled it, and intentionally sabotaged it, because Dem Leadership do not want Immigration Reform. They want Open Borders and Amnesty for all Criminal Illegal Immigrants.

They want this as an unresolved Identity Politics Issue they can used in the 2018 midterms, and they furthermore show where their priorities are.....Not with Veterans, or The Military, or Children who need Health Insurance, or Americans in General....

They only care about Normalizing and Legitimizing The CRIME of Illegal IMMIGRATION!
We have a Commerce Clause, we could be making money off of each and every foreigner that wants come over.

Tourism is one of the largest employers in about twenty-nine States.

The right wing prefers the socialism of more nationalism and laws, to Commerce, well regulated.

That's what Passports and Travel Visas, Student Visas, and Work Visas are for IDIOT!

Lord these Liberals ares stupid.

Lord give me strength to tolerate these inbred dullards.

How the fuck does this IDIOT think you can use THE COMMERCE CLAUSE to make money off of "UNDOCUMENTED ILLEGALS" when you don't know who they are unless they happen to get arrested by ICE?
A Compromise was on THE TABLE. Schumer, Graham and Durbin scuttled it, and intentionally sabotaged it, because Dem Leadership do not want Immigration Reform. They want Open Borders and Amnesty for all Criminal Illegal Immigrants.

They want this as an unresolved Identity Politics Issue they can used in the 2018 midterms, and they furthermore show where their priorities are.....Not with Veterans, or The Military, or Children who need Health Insurance, or Americans in General....

They only care about Normalizing and Legitimizing The CRIME of Illegal IMMIGRATION!
We have a Commerce Clause, we could be making money off of each and every foreigner that wants come over.

Tourism is one of the largest employers in about twenty-nine States.

The right wing prefers the socialism of more nationalism and laws, to Commerce, well regulated.

That's what Passports and Travel Visas, Student Visas, and Work Visas are for IDIOT!

Lord these Liberals ares stupid.

Lord give me strength to tolerate these inbred dullards.

How the fuck does this IDIOT think you can use THE COMMERCE CLAUSE to make money off of "UNDOCUMENTED ILLEGALS" when you don't know who they are unless they happen to get arrested by ICE?
And what will the people choose as the answer in 2020.

Nancy Pelosi will still choose her $2,000.00 shoes, this we know
please stop calling illegals immigrants. they are not immigrants. fk I hate that. They are foreigners illegal in our country.
all we need Is a market friendly visa to make money off of them. Capitalism not a right wing forte?
again, illegals have no money. why don't you educate yourself.
that is your bigotry.
definitely pay the illegals because what good is a military if the invaders can just come in on United Airlines--they don't need landing craft, ships, LCACS, AAVs--
the invaders can just WALK across the undefended border
and some idiot American traitors leave supplies for the invaders
Aid group: Border Patrol agents destroyed water jugs left for illegal border crossers
We are not at war; our Commerce Clause applies. The right wing needs wartime tax rates, to convince the left wing; in Any conflict of laws.
definitely pay the illegals because what good is a military if the invaders can just come in on United Airlines--they don't need landing craft, ships, LCACS, AAVs--
the invaders can just WALK across the undefended border
and some idiot American traitors leave supplies for the invaders
Aid group: Border Patrol agents destroyed water jugs left for illegal border crossers
We are not at war; our Commerce Clause applies. The right wing needs wartime tax rates, to convince the left wing; in Any conflict of laws.
1. we need to protect our borders--illegal immigration is an ''attack'' on America for many reasons
--we need to post our military there
2. we are at war--with terrorist!! who can just walk across the border or use fake IDs
definitely pay the illegals because what good is a military if the invaders can just come in on United Airlines--they don't need landing craft, ships, LCACS, AAVs--
the invaders can just WALK across the undefended border
and some idiot American traitors leave supplies for the invaders
Aid group: Border Patrol agents destroyed water jugs left for illegal border crossers
We are not at war; our Commerce Clause applies. The right wing needs wartime tax rates, to convince the left wing; in Any conflict of laws.
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports

Syrians with fake IDs trying to get to the US--and we shouldn't protect our borders???!!!!!????
from Honduras to Mexico to the US to terrorist bombing
definitely pay the illegals because what good is a military if the invaders can just come in on United Airlines--they don't need landing craft, ships, LCACS, AAVs--
the invaders can just WALK across the undefended border
and some idiot American traitors leave supplies for the invaders
Aid group: Border Patrol agents destroyed water jugs left for illegal border crossers
We are not at war; our Commerce Clause applies. The right wing needs wartime tax rates, to convince the left wing; in Any conflict of laws.
1. we need to protect our borders--illegal immigration is an ''attack'' on America for many reasons
--we need to post our military there
2. we are at war--with terrorist!! who can just walk across the border or use fake IDs
Enemies at the gate
Then, you need to convince the republicans to enact, wartime tax rates or it is just, phony times of war capitalists can, cash in on with enough capital.
definitely pay the illegals because what good is a military if the invaders can just come in on United Airlines--they don't need landing craft, ships, LCACS, AAVs--
the invaders can just WALK across the undefended border
and some idiot American traitors leave supplies for the invaders
Aid group: Border Patrol agents destroyed water jugs left for illegal border crossers
We are not at war; our Commerce Clause applies. The right wing needs wartime tax rates, to convince the left wing; in Any conflict of laws.
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports

Syrians with fake IDs trying to get to the US--and we shouldn't protect our borders???!!!!!????
from Honduras to Mexico to the US to terrorist bombing
And, You believe we can lower taxes and not raise taxes to at least, green alert level if not yellow alert level?
definitely pay the illegals because what good is a military if the invaders can just come in on United Airlines--they don't need landing craft, ships, LCACS, AAVs--
the invaders can just WALK across the undefended border
and some idiot American traitors leave supplies for the invaders
Aid group: Border Patrol agents destroyed water jugs left for illegal border crossers
We are not at war; our Commerce Clause applies. The right wing needs wartime tax rates, to convince the left wing; in Any conflict of laws.
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports

Syrians with fake IDs trying to get to the US--and we shouldn't protect our borders???!!!!!????
from Honduras to Mexico to the US to terrorist bombing
And, You believe we can lower taxes and not raise taxes to at least, green alert level if not yellow alert level?
we need to cut taxes ......there is so much waste...
my dad worked for the government--he said a lot of the workers were plain lazy, would sleep on the job/etc

we can save $$$ by posting the military on the borders:
1. we cut some US overseas bases
2. we stop paying these countries for overseas bases
--stop spending $$ to foreign countries for the maintenance/supplies of these bases/etc etc etc
--stop employing civilian foreigners and employ American civilians
3. the servicemen that come back to the US will spend their $$ in the US and not overseas
4. we don't have to spend $$$ to ship/transport the servicemen overseas--there and back
MUCHO US tax $$$ goes into America and not out of it
win win win for everyone---except the illegals---so the Dems/lefties might not like that
Last edited:
definitely pay the illegals because what good is a military if the invaders can just come in on United Airlines--they don't need landing craft, ships, LCACS, AAVs--
the invaders can just WALK across the undefended border
and some idiot American traitors leave supplies for the invaders
Aid group: Border Patrol agents destroyed water jugs left for illegal border crossers
We are not at war; our Commerce Clause applies. The right wing needs wartime tax rates, to convince the left wing; in Any conflict of laws.
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports

Syrians with fake IDs trying to get to the US--and we shouldn't protect our borders???!!!!!????
from Honduras to Mexico to the US to terrorist bombing
And, You believe we can lower taxes and not raise taxes to at least, green alert level if not yellow alert level?
we need to cut taxes ......there is so much waste...
my dad worked for the government--he said a lot of the workers were plain lazy, would sleep on the job/etc

we can save $$$ by posting the military on the borders:
1. we cut some US overseas bases
2. we stop paying these countries for overseas bases
--stop spending $$ to foreign countries for the maintenance/supplies of these bases/etc etc etc
--stop employing civilian foreigners and employ American civilians
3. the servicemen that come back to the US will spend their $$ in the US and not overseas
4. we don't have to spend $$$ to ship/transport the servicemen overseas--there and back
MUCHO US tax $$$ goes into America and not out of it
win win win for everyone---except the illegals---so the Dems/lefties might not like that
you disagree this a win win situation for the US?? please explain??
definitely pay the illegals because what good is a military if the invaders can just come in on United Airlines--they don't need landing craft, ships, LCACS, AAVs--
the invaders can just WALK across the undefended border
and some idiot American traitors leave supplies for the invaders
Aid group: Border Patrol agents destroyed water jugs left for illegal border crossers
We are not at war; our Commerce Clause applies. The right wing needs wartime tax rates, to convince the left wing; in Any conflict of laws.
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports

Syrians with fake IDs trying to get to the US--and we shouldn't protect our borders???!!!!!????
from Honduras to Mexico to the US to terrorist bombing
And, You believe we can lower taxes and not raise taxes to at least, green alert level if not yellow alert level?
we need to cut taxes ......there is so much waste...
my dad worked for the government--he said a lot of the workers were plain lazy, would sleep on the job/etc

we can save $$$ by posting the military on the borders:
1. we cut some US overseas bases
2. we stop paying these countries for overseas bases
--stop spending $$ to foreign countries for the maintenance/supplies of these bases/etc etc etc
--stop employing civilian foreigners and employ American civilians
3. the servicemen that come back to the US will spend their $$ in the US and not overseas
4. we don't have to spend $$$ to ship/transport the servicemen overseas--there and back
US tax $$$ goes into America and not out of it
win win win for everyone---except the illegals---so the Dems/lefties might not like that
no, it won't. Our Commerce Clause applies if You believe we can cut waste by lowering taxes and not raising taxes to self-defense, green alert level, at minimum.

all the right gave us is more debt.

But not the $10 trillion that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama gave us. Even more than that if you go back to 2007 and 2008 when the filthy Democrats controlled both houses of Congress.

You are either a confused Moon Bat or a delusional one. Which one is it? In your case probably both.
definitely pay the illegals because what good is a military if the invaders can just come in on United Airlines--they don't need landing craft, ships, LCACS, AAVs--
the invaders can just WALK across the undefended border
and some idiot American traitors leave supplies for the invaders
Aid group: Border Patrol agents destroyed water jugs left for illegal border crossers
We are not at war; our Commerce Clause applies. The right wing needs wartime tax rates, to convince the left wing; in Any conflict of laws.
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports

Syrians with fake IDs trying to get to the US--and we shouldn't protect our borders???!!!!!????
from Honduras to Mexico to the US to terrorist bombing
And, You believe we can lower taxes and not raise taxes to at least, green alert level if not yellow alert level?
we need to cut taxes ......there is so much waste...
my dad worked for the government--he said a lot of the workers were plain lazy, would sleep on the job/etc

we can save $$$ by posting the military on the borders:
1. we cut some US overseas bases
2. we stop paying these countries for overseas bases
--stop spending $$ to foreign countries for the maintenance/supplies of these bases/etc etc etc
--stop employing civilian foreigners and employ American civilians
3. the servicemen that come back to the US will spend their $$ in the US and not overseas
4. we don't have to spend $$$ to ship/transport the servicemen overseas--there and back
US tax $$$ goes into America and not out of it
win win win for everyone---except the illegals---so the Dems/lefties might not like that
no, it won't. Our Commerce Clause applies if You believe we can cut waste by lowering taxes and not raising taxes to self-defense, green alert level, at minimum.
we won't save $$$ by not transporting servicemen --to overseas bases AND back?
if we don't have to pay foreign countries $$$--we won't save $$$?
$$$ won't be put into the economy by servicemen buying things in the US instead of overseas??
And what will the people choose as the answer in 2020.

Nancy Pelosi will still choose her $2,000.00 shoes, this we know
please stop calling illegals immigrants. they are not immigrants. fk I hate that. They are foreigners illegal in our country.
all we need Is a market friendly visa to make money off of them. Capitalism not a right wing forte?
again, illegals have no money. why don't you educate yourself.
that is your bigotry.
You mean fact. I know you're misunderstanding of what an illegal foreigner is, is not my problem and also understand that bigotry is one of your favorite words.

all the right gave us is more debt.

But not the $10 trillion that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama gave us. Even more than that if you go back to 2007 and 2008 when the filthy Democrats controlled both houses of Congress.

You are either a confused Moon Bat or a delusional one. Which one is it? In your case probably both.
means nothing; both terms, promote and provide apply to the general welfare.

You claim the right wing cannot fund government; but were able to cut taxes.

Our Commerce Clause applies if the right wing believes it is not real times of War, sufficient for real times of war tax rates. Cutting taxes is the example.
definitely pay the illegals because what good is a military if the invaders can just come in on United Airlines--they don't need landing craft, ships, LCACS, AAVs--
the invaders can just WALK across the undefended border
and some idiot American traitors leave supplies for the invaders
Aid group: Border Patrol agents destroyed water jugs left for illegal border crossers
We are not at war; our Commerce Clause applies. The right wing needs wartime tax rates, to convince the left wing; in Any conflict of laws.
1. we need to protect our borders--illegal immigration is an ''attack'' on America for many reasons
--we need to post our military there
2. we are at war--with terrorist!! who can just walk across the border or use fake IDs
Enemies at the gate
Then, you need to convince the republicans to enact, wartime tax rates or it is just, phony times of war capitalists can, cash in on with enough capital.
who are we at war with?
We are not at war; our Commerce Clause applies. The right wing needs wartime tax rates, to convince the left wing; in Any conflict of laws.
Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports

Syrians with fake IDs trying to get to the US--and we shouldn't protect our borders???!!!!!????
from Honduras to Mexico to the US to terrorist bombing
And, You believe we can lower taxes and not raise taxes to at least, green alert level if not yellow alert level?
we need to cut taxes ......there is so much waste...
my dad worked for the government--he said a lot of the workers were plain lazy, would sleep on the job/etc

we can save $$$ by posting the military on the borders:
1. we cut some US overseas bases
2. we stop paying these countries for overseas bases
--stop spending $$ to foreign countries for the maintenance/supplies of these bases/etc etc etc
--stop employing civilian foreigners and employ American civilians
3. the servicemen that come back to the US will spend their $$ in the US and not overseas
4. we don't have to spend $$$ to ship/transport the servicemen overseas--there and back
US tax $$$ goes into America and not out of it
win win win for everyone---except the illegals---so the Dems/lefties might not like that
no, it won't. Our Commerce Clause applies if You believe we can cut waste by lowering taxes and not raising taxes to self-defense, green alert level, at minimum.
we won't save $$$ by not transporting servicemen --to overseas bases AND back?
if we don't have to pay foreign countries $$$--we won't save $$$?
$$$ won't be put into the economy by servicemen buying things in the US instead of overseas??
Real times of War cost real times of war tax rates.

If the right wing believes it is ok to lower taxes as a national policy and priority, then our Commerce Clause must apply.

all the right gave us is more debt.

But not the $10 trillion that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama gave us. Even more than that if you go back to 2007 and 2008 when the filthy Democrats controlled both houses of Congress.

You are either a confused Moon Bat or a delusional one. Which one is it? In your case probably both.
means nothing; both terms, promote and provide apply to the general welfare.

You claim the right wing cannot fund government; but were able to cut taxes.

Our Commerce Clause applies if the right wing believes it is not real times of War, sufficient for real times of war tax rates. Cutting taxes is the example.
don't need a war to fund our military. see you've been misled for many of years. Security is the government's job. you should educate yourself.

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