What IS National Socialism

So does the right wing and the religionists. Look at the Inquisition. Look at the genocide in the Americas. Look at colonialism in Africa and Asia.

Man can be an awful animal.

The inquisition?


That is what you have?

The Inquisition lasted about 356 years........and murdered a total of between 3,000-5,000 people......

A middle ages organization that murdered between 3-5,000 people during it's entire history? When everyone in the middle ages was murdering everyone, and torturing everyone?

Compared to leftists since 1917....the modern age with modern universities, philosophy, the rule of law, democratic institutions?

The left has murdered close to, likely well over 200 million people.......between 1917 and the 1960s.............

Leftist atheists have been the worst mass murderers in history....

There was no genocide in the U.S.....the vast majority of indians died from diseases brought here by the Europeans......
The inquisition? Really? That is what you have? The Inquisition lasted about 356 years........and murdered a total of between 3,000-5,000 people...... A middle ages organization that murdered between 3-5,000 people during it's entire history? When everyone in the middle ages was murdering everyone, and torturing everyone?
Compared to leftists since 1917....the modern age with modern universities, philosophy, the rule of law, democratic institutions? The left has murdered close to, likely well over 200 million people.......between 1917 and the 1960s............. Leftist atheists have been the worst mass murderers in history.... There was no genocide in the U.S.....the vast majority of indians died from diseases brought here by the Europeans......
You will not be allowed, your MAGA ilk, to recreate here what the despots have done in the past. No matter how much you struggle, you are imprisoned by the truths of history: your kind always fails in the end.
Was a fascist government run by a fascist dictator. The government did not own the means of production.
Then how did they build thousands of ME109s and an Aircraft Carrier and develop Jet Fighters and Delta Wing Fighters & Bombers and the 4th largest Battleship in the world and Race Cars With 500 HP & 200 MPH for the Military & Sports prestige of the State ( after Being more broke than Albania just a few short years prior
You will not be allowed, your MAGA ilk, to recreate here what the despots have done in the past. No matter how much you struggle, you are imprisoned by the truths of history: your kind always fails in the end.

You really need to stop drinking during the day.......
Then how did they build thousands of ME109s and an Aircraft Carrier and develop Jet Fighters and Delta Wing Fighters & Bombers and the 4th largest Battleship in the world and Race Cars With 500 HP & 200 MPH for the Military & Sports prestige of the State ( after Being more broke than Albania just a few short years prior
Yes, because their businesses were left along to produce these items. Business was not socialized.
Who paid them for those items and did they abandon production of Civilian products almost entirely during production of said items ( Planes / Ships / Tanks ,,,
Not until 1942. America shut off almost all civilian production in early 1942. You really have no idea at all about any of this.
Saul Friedländer verwies auf Exekutionsbefehle Hitlers und von ihm angeforderte und erhaltene Berichte von SS-Massenmorden an sowjetischen Juden:

source: Politisches Testament Adolf Hitlers – Wikipedia


Saul Friedländer referred to Hitler's execution orders and reports of SS mass murders of Soviet Jews that he had requested and received:
This is what his political testament says:

More than thirty years have passed since I contributed my modest strength in 1914 as a volunteer in the First World War, which was forced upon the Reich.

In these three decades only love and loyalty to my people have guided me in my thinking, my actions and my life. They gave me the strength to make the difficult decisions, such as have never before confronted mortal man. I have used up my time, my working strength and my health in these three decades.

It is untrue that I or anybody else in Germany wanted war in 1939....

But nor have I left any doubt that if the nations of Europe are once more to be treated only as collections of stocks and shares of these international conspirators in money and finance, then those who carry the real guilt for the murderous struggle, this people will also be held responsible: the Jews! I have further left no one in doubt that this time it will not be only millions of children of Europeans of the Aryan peoples who will starve to death, not only millions of grown men who will suffer death, and not only hundreds of thousands of women and children who will be burned and bombed to death in the cities, without those who are really responsible also having to atone for their crime, even if by more humane means....

But before everything else I call upon the leadership of the nation and those who follow it to observe the racial laws most carefully, to fight mercilessly against the poisoners of all the peoples of the world, international Jewry.

Set down in Berlin, April 29, 1945, 4.00 o’clock.

Hitler's Political Testament (April 1945)

Where does it say that he killed millions of Jews?​
Then how did they build thousands of ME109s and an Aircraft Carrier and develop Jet Fighters and Delta Wing Fighters & Bombers and the 4th largest Battleship in the world and Race Cars With 500 HP & 200 MPH for the Military & Sports prestige of the State ( after Being more broke than Albania just a few short years prior
Fascist and Nazi governments controlled industry, but did not own it. The businesses were mostly privately owned, but the government essentially required them to play ball and make the government their number one (if not only) customer. That's why, for example, the ME in ME109 stood for "Messerschmitt," the private company that made the German planes. You can also see this dramatically in Schindler's List; Oskar Schindler owned his company, but the government basically told him what to make, and what they will pay. In return, the government also guaranteed their business and assured that personnel overhead was nice and low because they squashed union and (in the case of Nazis) also provided Jewish labor.

Fascist governments also seized a lot of resources.
The terms Nazi and Neo-Nazi get thrown around a lot, usually as a shallow smear against people we disagree with. I wonder if people ever wonder what national socialism really is. Or are they content to just use it as a mindless smear? George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, explains what national socialism is in this video.

National Socialism is....

1) extreme Nationalism.
2) socialism because they started off as socialists before Hitler turned up.

There are many other things that are attached to Nazism that are there simply because that's how Hitler made it.

Anti-semitism, anti-democratic, social Darwinism mostly define it.
Nazism is very simple. White people good. Non-white people bad, and Jews are the worst because they are smarter than white people.
Nazism is very simple. White people good. Non-white people bad, and Jews are the worst because they are smarter than white people.
The Nazis didn't like Slavs even though they are White, so your theory doesn't work.

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