What IS National Socialism

The terms Nazi and Neo-Nazi get thrown around a lot, usually as a shallow smear against people we disagree with. I wonder if people ever wonder what national socialism really is. Or are they content to just use it as a mindless smear? George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, explains what national socialism is in this video.

Oh great another thread with a bunch of uneducated right wing shitheads trying to "figure something out".
The irony is that as a U-boat commander in WWI he almost certainly killed more people than Hitler.

In WWI, most of the time the Germans surfaced and took a ship as a prize instead of sinking it.
And torpedoing a ship usually did not cause large loss of life, because people would just take to the life boats.
It was in WWII that submarines could no longer risk surfacing, do to airplanes.
If you give Hitler credit for the 6 million Jews, then that would beat all the deaths caused by submarines by a large margin.
By the end of World War I, 344 U-boats had been commissioned, sinking more than 5,000 ships and resulting in the loss of 15,000 lives.
That is only 3 deaths per sinking.
National socialism is left wing.......

What's nothing else than pure nonsense. Ask a German if you find one. For example me. The Commies, Socialists and Social Democrats had been the first who landed in prisons and concentration camps of the Nazis. The first concentration camps had not been as dangerous as the later concentration camps but now in our time it is very easy to find good reliable facts about Hitlers fake-Germany.

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Leftists are for individual liberties.

Lefties are idiots - same as the fake right wingers in the USA. Unfortunatelly seems a growing idiocy to be the only common element between right and left. And as a compromise all other politicians like also only to be idiots any longer. And the worst: We need very most of all this idiots because they are the only experts.
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Hmmm...you didn't know the Germans had subs in WW1?

The Lusitania was sunk by one.....

Lusitania? ... Ah yeaa - I remember. Your weapons exploded on the Lusitania and so it sank because of a silly torpedo attack. It was a submarine - U20 - which controlled them in the economic war of America against Germany. And it was a crime of the USA and GB to transport weapons with passenger ships. About 2 years - ¿was it 2 years? - after this had happened you used this as an excuse to go from your passive war on Germany into a hot war on Germany.

Ps: The Lusitania sank in May 7th 1915 - your declaration of war was on April 2nd 1917. By the way: Is this declaration of war still active? And in general: Did you ever end any war or do you have only phases with more and less aggressions?
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No another thread tree of revisionist history about Nationalist Socialists not being Socialists .

The words "national-socialist" = "right-wing + left wing" was a propaganda strategy of the Natzis to get more votes, that's all. The Nazis had been pragmatists. The words they used had only been empty phrases.
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In WWI, most of the time the Germans surfaced and took a ship as a prize instead of sinking it.
And torpedoing a ship usually did not cause large loss of life, because people would just take to the life boats.
It was in WWII that submarines could no longer risk surfacing, do to airplanes.
If you give Hitler credit for the 6 million Jews, then that would beat all the deaths caused by submarines by a large margin.
By the end of World War I, 344 U-boats had been commissioned, sinking more than 5,000 ships and resulting in the loss of 15,000 lives.
That is only 3 deaths per sinking.
I don't buy the 6 million number. It's a sacred number, not a historical one. However, even if it were a real number no one has ever shown that Hitler gave an order to exterminate Jews. If I'm not mistaken Himmler was in charge of the labor camps.
The words "national-socialist" = "right-wing + left wing" was a propaganda strategy of the Natzis to get more votes, that's all. The Nazis had been pragmatists. The words they used had only been empty phrases.

Wrong......national socialists are socialists....

Here....learn something...

This is an academic paper on how the left created the myth that national socialists are on the Right......

Wrong......national socialists are socialists....

What's an absurde and senseless statement which has nothing to do with reality. Come to Germany - visit the model and first concentration camp Dachau and try to find out what really had happened in 1933 - the first year of the transformation of the democratic republic of Weimar into Hitlers tyranny.

Das war noch ein goldenes Zeitalter bis 1914, dann ist der Saustall losgegangen.
(That was still a golden age until 1914, then the pigsty started.)
Karl Valentin

Sicher ist, dass nichts sicher ist, drum bin ich vorsichtshalber misstrauisch.
(What is certain is that nothing is certain, so I am suspicious as a precaution.)
Karl Valentin

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I don't buy the 6 million number. It's a sacred number, not a historical one.

6 milllion is the number between 5,596,022 (minimum) - 6,316,522 (maximum) in three independent sources. In my family the Nazis had murdered five Jews who are not in any of this statistics.

Here a German card with the extermination camps and concentration camps and ghettos from the year 1942:


Here a picture from Bergen Belsen:

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... However, even if it were a real number no one has ever shown that Hitler gave an order to exterminate Jews. ...

Saul Friedländer verwies auf Exekutionsbefehle Hitlers und von ihm angeforderte und erhaltene Berichte von SS-Massenmorden an sowjetischen Juden:

„Wenn Hitler […] das Wissen um die Vernichtung der Juden verdrängte oder ihm aus psychologischen Gründen auswich, dann fragt man sich doch, warum er in seiner letzten politischen Erklärung, seinem Testament vom 29. April 1945, geschrieben am Vorabend seines Todes, sich mit eben dieser Vernichtung der Juden brüstete und sie als den größten Dienst hinstellte, den der Nationalsozialismus der Menschheit erwiesen habe.“

source: Politisches Testament Adolf Hitlers – Wikipedia


Saul Friedländer referred to Hitler's execution orders and reports of SS mass murders of Soviet Jews that he had requested and received:

"If Hitler [...] repressed the knowledge of the extermination of the Jews or evaded it for psychological reasons, one wonders why, in his last political statement, his will of April 29, 1945, written on the eve of his death, he boasted of this very extermination of the Jews and presented it as the greatest service that National Socialism had rendered to humanity."
Y'all might know much of these already, but for posterity ....

Socialism is an economic model, in which industry is owned by every member of the public equally and therefore administered by the government. That government can be democratic, autocratic, or anything else; socialism is just a system they use for their money things. It is built around the promise of equality.

Capitalism is a very different economic model, in which industry is privately owned and goods and services are traded on the free market. It both requires and promotes a class structure of the rich and poor, management and workers and so on, so it is reliant on the premise of hierarchy.

Communism is an autocratic system of government that envisioned itself as the natural extreme of socialism; a worldwide commune in which everything and everyone is perfectly equal. Unfortunately for the Communists, it also required an authoritarian dictator to get there, so it ended up being, well, Communism. It is an autocracy that promises equality.

Fascism is a form of extreme nationalism developed by Mussolini in the 20s. It says we are the best people, we will regain our former glory, all the bad stuff is someone else's fault, come join my army. It is inherent hierarchical, so the last thing it ever wanted was equality for all. A lot of people listened to Mussolini, and the idea spread. It is an autocracy that is based on hierarchy.

Robert Paxton pointed out that one of the characteristics of fascism was that it adapted itself to each society. This is what happened when Hitler adapted it for Germany; he called his party National Socialists, not because they adhered to socialist ideas (the whole 'equality' thing would have turned his stomach) but because it marketed well. It occupies the same place as fascism.

Because fascism/Nazism and capitalism are both hierarchical, they both support social classes and private ownership of industry, but the last thing fascists ever want is a free market. They want to be able to control the industries themselves, so it will benefit their own people, not all of those unclean, unworthy others.

Because both Communism and fascism/Nazism are both autocracies, many people lump them together because they are equally non-democratic and completely non-libertarian, but they are very different in their views and methods. Communist ideology is built around tearing down social classes, and fascists are all about putting themselves alone at the top of the social classes. The last thing Mussolini, Hitler, etc. ever want is to be on the same level as the "others."

Probably the easiest, pop-culture-friendly way to think of the differences between Communists and fascists is to think of them as Klingons and Romulans. They both hate the Federation, but they also can't stand each other.
What's an absurde and senseless statement which has nothing to do with reality. Come to Germany - visit the model and first concentration camp Dachau and try to find out what really had happened in 1933 - the first year of the transformation of the democratic republic of Weimar into Hitlers tyranny.

Das war noch ein goldenes Zeitalter bis 1914, dann ist der Saustall losgegangen.
(That was still a golden age until 1914, then the pigsty started.)
Karl Valentin

Sicher ist, dass nichts sicher ist, drum bin ich vorsichtshalber misstrauisch.
(What is certain is that nothing is certain, so I am suspicious as a precaution.)
Karl Valentin

Yeah.....and the communists in Russia murdered 25 million, the communists in China over 70 million....leftists in Germany between 15-20 million........reality is that leftists use mass murder against their enemies.......the national socialists, the socialist communists....they use mass murder when they take control of a country....
Y'all might know much of these already, but for posterity ....

Socialism is an economic model, in which industry is owned by every member of the public equally and therefore administered by the government. That government can be democratic, autocratic, or anything else; socialism is just a system they use for their money things. It is built around the promise of equality.

Capitalism is a very different economic model, in which industry is privately owned and goods and services are traded on the free market. It both requires and promotes a class structure of the rich and poor, management and workers and so on, so it is reliant on the premise of hierarchy.

Communism is an autocratic system of government that envisioned itself as the natural extreme of socialism; a worldwide commune in which everything and everyone is perfectly equal. Unfortunately for the Communists, it also required an authoritarian dictator to get there, so it ended up being, well, Communism. It is an autocracy that promises equality.

Fascism is a form of extreme nationalism developed by Mussolini in the 20s. It says we are the best people, we will regain our former glory, all the bad stuff is someone else's fault, come join my army. It is inherent hierarchical, so the last thing it ever wanted was equality for all. A lot of people listened to Mussolini, and the idea spread. It is an autocracy that is based on hierarchy.

Robert Paxton pointed out that one of the characteristics of fascism was that it adapted itself to each society. This is what happened when Hitler adapted it for Germany; he called his party National Socialists, not because they adhered to socialist ideas (the whole 'equality' thing would have turned his stomach) but because it marketed well. It occupies the same place as fascism.

Because fascism/Nazism and capitalism are both hierarchical, they both support social classes and private ownership of industry, but the last thing fascists ever want is a free market. They want to be able to control the industries themselves, so it will benefit their own people, not all of those unclean, unworthy others.

Because both Communism and fascism/Nazism are both autocracies, many people lump them together because they are equally non-democratic and completely non-libertarian, but they are very different in their views and methods. Communist ideology is built around tearing down social classes, and fascists are all about putting themselves alone at the top of the social classes. The last thing Mussolini, Hitler, etc. ever want is to be on the same level as the "others."

Probably the easiest, pop-culture-friendly way to think of the differences between Communists and fascists is to think of them as Klingons and Romulans. They both hate the Federation, but they also can't stand each other.

No....that isn't the difffernce....fascism is simply another type of socialism...top down control of the economy, and from that, top down control of the population...
Yeah.....and the communists in Russia murdered 25 million, the communists in China over 70 million....leftists in Germany between 15-20 million........reality is that leftists use mass murder against their enemies.......the national socialists, the socialist communists....they use mass murder when they take control of a country....
So does the right wing and the religionists. Look at the Inquisition. Look at the genocide in the Americas. Look at colonialism in Africa and Asia.

Man can be an awful animal.

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