What IS National Socialism

The entire party was socialist.........you twit.
2aguy the twisted twit :) does not realize that Hitler and his SS were killing his and their socialists, communists, democrats, democratic socialists.

2aguy has all of the requirements that the SS needed.
2aguy the twisted twit :) does not realize that Hitler and his SS were killing his and their socialists, communists, democrats, democratic socialists.

2aguy has all of the requirements that the SS needed.

He was murdering his political rivals to consolidate power..........I know you idiots have to pretend hitler was Right wing because if you can't get that lie into the main stream, then people will realize that the worst mass murderers since 1917 have all been left wing socialists..........and that hurts your ability to follow in their footsteps...
the SA were intellectuals and teachers and bureaucrats laborers and delivery guys and border guards and criminals and veterans and plumbers and mechanics and thugs who were socialists. Hitler had a lot of them killed, like he did democrats, social democrats, communists, etc.
Wrong. They didn't like "intellectuals" that was one of their maim targets cause those intellectuals and teachers were pushing gender nonsense like today
the SA were intellectuals and teachers and bureaucrats laborers and delivery guys and border guards and criminals and veterans and plumbers and mechanics and thugs who were socialists. Hitler had a lot of them killed, like he did democrats, social democrats, communists, etc.
Uh the Night of the Long knives rooted out the uncontrollable Bisexual & Proto NAMBLA hedonist Brownshirt hierarchy in one place over a few hours , not countrywide at every Beer garden where the Marxist Elements could argue with the Kaiser supporting elements .
Wrong. They didn't like "intellectuals" that was one of their maim targets cause those intellectuals and teachers were pushing gender nonsense like today
He crowded intellectuals around him like they were stamps & he was a stamp collector ( The smartest intellectuals on the planet in fields such as Rocketry , Medicine , physics , Art , Music , Industry , Maritime , Mathematics ... he was not Pol Pot
He crowded intellectuals around him like they were stamps & he was a stamp collector ( The smartest intellectuals on the planet in fields such as Rocketry , Medicine , physics , Art , Music , Industry , Maritime , Mathematics ... he was not Pol Pot
I think you're confusing actual intelligent people working in a field with the bourgeois intellectual types Hitler railed against

Its the same intellectuals today telling us there are 57 genders, that men can get pregnant and about trannies

"Nazism outside of Germany Lists Related topics Category Germany portal v t e The propaganda of the Nazi regime that governed Germany from 1933 to 1945 promoted Nazi ideology by demonizing the enemies of the Nazi Party, notably Jews and communists, but also capitalists and intellectuals"
I think you're confusing actual intelligent people working in a field with the bourgeois intellectual types Hitler railed against

Its the same intellectuals today telling us there are 57 genders, that men can get pregnant and about trannies

"Nazism outside of Germany Lists Related topics Category Germany portal v t e The propaganda of the Nazi regime that governed Germany from 1933 to 1945 promoted Nazi ideology by demonizing the enemies of the Nazi Party, notably Jews and communists, but also capitalists and intellectuals"
I think your not willing to accept that Germany
Created it’s on variation on the Socialist Theme ( Populist Nationalist Socialism ) and eschewed the Trotskyite variant so prevalent today
Uh the Night of the Long knives rooted out the uncontrollable Bisexual & Proto NAMBLA hedonist Brownshirt hierarchy in one place over a few hours , not countrywide at every Beer garden where the Marxist Elements could argue with the Kaiser supporting elements .
... who were socialists. Learn your history, Failzero. Hitler was no socialist.
Here are the little Failzeros in action.

I think your not willing to accept that Germany
Created it’s on variation on the Socialist Theme ( Populist Nationalist Socialism ) and eschewed the Trotskyite variant so prevalent today
I never said they didn't create their own spin on socialism

NATIONAL SOCIALISM its in the name. Doesn't mean they didn't take right side values and combine those with left side values
The terms Nazi and Neo-Nazi get thrown around a lot, usually as a shallow smear against people we disagree with. I wonder if people ever wonder what national socialism really is. Or are they content to just use it as a mindless smear? George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, explains what national socialism is in this video.

At 3:20 he says that he "believes in private property and free enterprise". How is that socialist? Why use the word "socialist" if you defend private property and free enterprise? You're capitalists, not socialists. In socialism, we defend personal property, but not private property that comprises the means of production. Such property is often used to exploit other human beings and enslave them, because only a few people in society own those expensive "private" productive properties. In socialism, mass production is considered a social endeavor and work, not a private one. So why use the word "socialism", when you are really capitalists?

More, the video states that animals have different traits, strengths and weaknesses. You're claiming that the white race or white human "breed" is the most superior one of humanity, but that's not necessarily the case. What's your metric for determining that? It's most likely a fallacious one based on subjective, baseless assumptions about what constitutes superior intellect, strength, survivability, aesthetics, values..etc. As far as IQ, East Asians score the highest, not Europeans. Does that mean we're inferior to them? Your metric for superiority might be flawed.

I can appreciate your desire to preserve European culture and ethnicity, but I don't agree with the notion of the Europeans being the superior race. Such ideas lead to unnecessary strife between nations and often to war. We'll see others, including their needs and interests as being less legitimate than ours. We might go on further and delude ourselves into thinking that we can do whatever we want to them, including stealing their resources and inflicting genocide on them.

I do agree, that Europe is being destroyed by liberals, of a certain ethnic group, that I won't mention here. They've gone out of their way to make Europe a so-called "melting pot" in an effort to destroy it, wiping out its identity, culture, and people. In that respect the "neo-Nazis" are correct. They have a right to be concerned. But where I differ from them, is in their view that Europeans are the "superior race" and perhaps have a privileged position over other nations, in international affairs, when it comes to meeting their needs and interests. They might fall into the error of thinking they have a natural right to dominate other nations militarily and engage in imperialistic colonialism, as they did in the past.

We should respect each other, and recognize not just are differences but the fact that we are also united by a common humanity, despite our differences. There are different "breeds" of man, but we are all nonetheless, of the family of man. We are human beings.

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Nazi Germany was fascist as was Franco's Spain and Italy under il Duce. What separates Nazism from the others is the very specific racial element against the Jews
National socialism and fascism come from very different intellectual developments. They are similar in that they both reject democracy, liberalism, and egalitarianism. Both started from Marxism but came to reject Marxism through different routes. National socialism developed from ideas of Ferdinand Lasalle combined with Ariosophy and other nationalist thought. Fascism developed through Sorel, Hegel, Proudhon, Gentile, Marinetti, Pope Pius XI, and others.
As far as I know Nazi Germany is the only example, but why do you need more than one example for it to be real?
If it only occurred in one country during one time period, it is not applicable to other countries and and time periods. Hitlerism, Stalinisn, Saddamism and Maoism were all examples of authoritarian governments, but each were unique. This is especially true of Nazi Germany. Without Hitler, there would have been no "national socialism" in that country or anywhere else.
There probably are/were regimes that combined nationalism and socialism and authoritarianism, but the German one was very specific and used the Aryan myth and the hatred of Jews, it was very specific, so in that sense it would be very hard for it to exist in the same form in another place and time as a widespread movement.
I have found out that there was a short lived national socialist government in Hungary. In fairness though, I haven't been able to find out too much about the Arrow Cross Party which ran the government. Many sources use national socialism and fascism interchangeably, so it's possible that they were actually fascists not national socialists.

A distinction needs to be made between Aryan and Germanic, as there were not considered the same by Hitler (and, indeed, they aren't the same). Hitler viewed the Germanic people as the most perfect expression of Aryans. Germanic includes not just Germans, but also Dutch, Nordics, Austrians, Frisians, and Anglo-Saxons. Technically the French are Germanic as well (descending from the Franks), but I don't know if Hitler included them in his ideas of Germanic.

Aryan is a broader classification in which Hitler often combined genetics and politics. For examples Slavs were not considered Aryan (even though they are genetically) because of politics. Persians are Aryans and Hitler considered them to be Aryans. Hitler also considered Native Americans to be Aryans. Genetically they aren't, but Hitler used the American treatment of Native Americans in his political propaganda, so it was convenient to call them Aryans. Even some people who were partially Jewish were considered Aryan. His friend Emil Maurice was one of the top people in the SS. However, a birth record search revealed that he was too Jewish to be in the SS. Himmler wanted him to be kicked out, but Hitler overrode that decision. This wasn't a political decision, however. Emil Maurice had been with Hitler for a long time so it was a matter of loyalty.

Even if the requirement is that national socialism is Germanic then theoretically many countries could adopt national socialism. Sweden, being a Nordic country, could adopt national socialism. During the war it had a national socialist government, but since it was controlled by Germany I don't count it as a historical example of a national socialist country. However, I don't see why the idea of national socialism couldn't be transferred to another group like Pan-Slavic.
At 3:20 he says that he "believes in private property and free enterprise". How is that socialist? Why use the word "socialist" if you defend private property and free enterprise? You're capitalists, not socialists. In socialism, we defend personal property, but not private property that comprises the means of production. Such property is often used to exploit other human beings and enslave them, because only a few people in society own those expensive "private" productive properties. In socialism, mass production is considered a social endeavor and work, not a private one. So why use the word "socialism", when you are really capitalists?

Yes, the socialism in national socialism is not the same as in the Marxist sense. That's what causes so much confusion and one of the reasons why I started this thread. National socialists are not communists but they are not free market libertarians either. They believe in private ownership of the means of production, but production must be constrained to be for the benefit of society. Elsewhere in this thread I linked to a research paper showing that Germany denationalized many industries, even as the rest of Europe was going in the opposite direction. However, along with denationalization came increased regulation.

More, the video states that animals have different traits, strengths and weaknesses. You're claiming that the white race or white human "breed" is the most superior one of humanity, but that's not necessarily the case. What's your metric for determining that? It's most likely a fallacious one based on subjective, baseless assumptions about what constitutes superior intellect, strength, survivability, aesthetics, values..etc. As far as IQ, East Asians score the highest, not Europeans. Does that mean we're inferior to them? Your metric for superiority might be flawed.

Neither I nor Rockwell said that Whites are the most superior one. Whites would be superior, on average, in certain things, but as you say you'd need some kind of objective metric to determine which race is the most superior race, but such an objective metric doesn't exist.

I can appreciate your desire to preserve European culture and ethnicity, but I don't agree with the notion of the Europeans being the superior race. Such ideas lead to unnecessary strife between nations and often to war. We'll see others, including their needs and interests as being less legitimate than ours. We might go on further and delude ourselves into thinking that we can do whatever we want to them, including stealing their resources and inflicting genocide on them.

Superiority really means political superiority. White people should be politically superior in White majority countries. Unfortunately we've allowed ourselves to become politically neutered in countries where we're the majority. Unless Whites can be cured of our ethnomasochism we're going to go the way of the dodo bird in a hundred years.

I do agree, that Europe is being destroyed by liberals, of a certain ethnic group, that I won't mention here. They've gone out of their way to make Europe a so-called "melting pot" in an effort to destroy it, wiping out its identity, culture, and people. In that respect the "neo-Nazis" are correct. They have a right to be concerned. But where I differ from them, is in their view that Europeans are the "superior race" and perhaps have a privileged position over other nations, in international affairs, when it comes to meeting their needs and interests. They might fall into the error of thinking they have a natural right to dominate other nations militarily and engage in imperialistic colonialism, as they did in the past.

There's a certain ethnic group that does everything in their power to destroy us, but they couldn't do it without our help. Our ethnomasochism is destroying us. And it's not confined to liberals. Yes, they are explicitly anti-White, but Conservatives never even put up a fight. Just look at the recent SCOTUS decision about affirmative action. It was only done away with because Asians were being discriminated against. Previous court cases where Whites sued for discrimination did not overturn affirmative action. Conservatives are perfectly happy with the browning of America, because conservatives like cheap labor for corporations. Conservative would never go along with any pro-White legislation. They'd actually denounce it as racist.

We should respect each other, and recognize not just are differences but the fact that we are also united by a common humanity, despite our differences. There are different "breeds" of man, but we are all nonetheless, of the family of man. We are human beings.

This Enlightenment thinking is exactly the problem. We aren't united and it's a mistake to be deluded into thinking that we are. The best path towards peaceful co-existence is separation. Good fences make good neighbors.
If it only occurred in one country during one time period, it is not applicable to other countries and and time periods. Hitlerism, Stalinisn, Saddamism and Maoism were all examples of authoritarian governments, but each were unique. This is especially true of Nazi Germany. Without Hitler, there would have been no "national socialism" in that country or anywhere else.
Every government is unique, but that doesn't mean that types of government can't be grouped into classes of government.
National socialism and fascism come from very different intellectual developments. They are similar in that they both reject democracy, liberalism, and egalitarianism. Both started from Marxism but came to reject Marxism through different routes. National socialism developed from ideas of Ferdinand Lasalle combined with Ariosophy and other nationalist thought. Fascism developed through Sorel, Hegel, Proudhon, Gentile, Marinetti, Pope Pius XI, and others.

What IS National Socialism​

This question remembers me to a film who played in "the Third Empire" (="das Dritte Reich"). A very little scene in this film had been: A boy of a Nazi asked his Daddy what's the party program of the NSDAP. His Daddy had not any idea about and answered: "Our party program is Adolf Hitler".

So it was a strange feeling for me when the republican party in the USA made no election program and said their party program for the election is Donald Trump. And Adolf Hitler waived his sallary for to be chancellor and president of Germany. And the same liked to do president Donald Trump. I do not say Donald Trump is a Nazi - but this two parallels create really a very very strange feeling.

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This question remembers me to a film who played in "the Third Empire" (="das Dritte Reich"). A very little scene in this film had been: A boy of a Nazi asked his Daddy what's the party program of the NSDAP. His Daddy had not any idea about and answered: "Our party program is Adolf Hitler".

So it was a strange feeling for me when the republican party in the USA made no election program and said their party program for the elections is Donald Trump. And Adolf Hitler waived his sallary for to be chancellor and president of Germany. And the same liked to do president Donald Trump. I do not say Donald Trump is a Nazi - but this two parallels create really a very very strange feeling.

What about the parallels of BHO being a Closet Maoist Bisexual ?

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