What is Obama offering us for the next Four Years?


All you care about is your Obamaphone.

All you care about is having a white President.

And his unemployment checks continue so that he can spend all day bashing liberals and big government.

That's what really blows my mind is these people are obviously of low intelligence and have a menial job if any job at all. They can't use English correctly or even a spell check. Yet they want to cut their own throats by putting in a rich sociopath who's obviously going to gang fuck 'em as soon as he gets into office.

The Libtard compelling argument for 4 more years:

OK...I'll ask the questions nobody has.

Much the same as the details that have been demanded of Romney....how will he pay for investments in infrastructure (didn't we do that already?)? How will he pay for investments in education (adding 100,000 teachers)?

Healthcare....you gave us that one word...is that it? Can he deliver healthcare that doesn't suck? Can he deliver healthcare that is affordable AND accessible? Can he make good on the promises that he made in the rush to pass the bill before it ever got reviewed? And if he can do those things, HOW? You want to demand details, then back up your demands with some details of your own.

Every expert report I have read on the Obama plan INCREASES taxes. The healthcare fine is leveed as a TAX....but he's gonna cut taxes??? HOW??? DETAILS LADIES AND GENTS....I WANT DETAILS.
OK...I'll ask the questions nobody has.

Much the same as the details that have been demanded of Romney....how will he pay for investments in infrastructure (didn't we do that already?)? How will he pay for investments in education (adding 100,000 teachers)?

Healthcare....you gave us that one word...is that it? Can he deliver healthcare that doesn't suck? Can he deliver healthcare that is affordable AND accessible? Can he make good on the promises that he made in the rush to pass the bill before it ever got reviewed? And if he can do those things, HOW? You want to demand details, then back up your demands with some details of your own.

Every expert report I have read on the Obama plan INCREASES taxes. The healthcare fine is leveed as a TAX....but he's gonna cut taxes??? HOW??? DETAILS LADIES AND GENTS....I WANT DETAILS.

The end of the Bush tax cuts, removal of American forces from Afghanistan, and an improved tax plan is where the money will come from. Also, these three things will go a long way to removing this nation's debt.
All you care about is having a white President.

And his unemployment checks continue so that he can spend all day bashing liberals and big government.

That's what really blows my mind is these people are obviously of low intelligence and have a menial job if any job at all. They can't use English correctly or even a spell check. Yet they want to cut their own throats by putting in a rich sociopath who's obviously going to gang fuck 'em as soon as he gets into office.

They're also all 'economic experts' who claim that all poor people are poor because they are just lazy and they all could be millionaires if they wanted to. Yet they themselves are poor but when asked why they aren't millionaires it's because "money isn't everything".

And his unemployment checks continue so that he can spend all day bashing liberals and big government.

That's what really blows my mind is these people are obviously of low intelligence and have a menial job if any job at all. They can't use English correctly or even a spell check. Yet they want to cut their own throats by putting in a rich sociopath who's obviously going to gang fuck 'em as soon as he gets into office.

They're also all 'economic experts' who claim that all poor people are poor because they are just lazy and they all could be millionaires if they wanted to. Yet they themselves are poor but when asked why they aren't millionaires it's because "money isn't everything".


Careful, or I might cut back on your tip at the baitshop next time.

That's what really blows my mind is these people are obviously of low intelligence and have a menial job if any job at all. They can't use English correctly or even a spell check. Yet they want to cut their own throats by putting in a rich sociopath who's obviously going to gang fuck 'em as soon as he gets into office.

They're also all 'economic experts' who claim that all poor people are poor because they are just lazy and they all could be millionaires if they wanted to. Yet they themselves are poor but when asked why they aren't millionaires it's because "money isn't everything".


Careful, or I might cut back on your tip at the baitshop next time.


At least you concede that I work and you spend your day doing nothing.

It’s what the president doesn’t offer that’s more important:

No reactionary conservative ideologues appointed to Federal courts or the Supreme Court.

No efforts to destroy privacy rights, due process rights, or equal protection rights.

No efforts to reinstate failed republican fiscal policies.

No efforts to reinstate failed neo-con foreign policy.

And most important of all: no war with Iran.
The TRUTH, ferchrissake, and a stable recovery not based on cronyism, corruption, pandering to the greedy rich, screwing the workers and the environment.
OK...I'll ask the questions nobody has.

Much the same as the details that have been demanded of Romney....how will he pay for investments in infrastructure (didn't we do that already?)? How will he pay for investments in education (adding 100,000 teachers)?

Healthcare....you gave us that one word...is that it? Can he deliver healthcare that doesn't suck? Can he deliver healthcare that is affordable AND accessible? Can he make good on the promises that he made in the rush to pass the bill before it ever got reviewed? And if he can do those things, HOW? You want to demand details, then back up your demands with some details of your own.

Every expert report I have read on the Obama plan INCREASES taxes. The healthcare fine is leveed as a TAX....but he's gonna cut taxes??? HOW??? DETAILS LADIES AND GENTS....I WANT DETAILS.

The end of the Bush tax cuts, removal of American forces from Afghanistan, and an improved tax plan is where the money will come from. Also, these three things will go a long way to removing this nation's debt.

So, what would the end of Bush tax cuts look like in a high unemployment environment? The new tax plan I have seen adds an additional average of 2500 per middle class household. Check out this article from the Chicago Tribune. Report: 'Fiscal cliff' would raise average household tax bill by $3,500 - chicagotribune.com

Troops out of Afghanistan...whew...that's a tough one. While I hate that we have so many men and women in harms way there, the region is not stable enough for us to vacate at this time. We have even given the enemy a time frame. VP Biden made it VERY clear that we will be gone in 2014. So all they have to do is sit and wait...and of course train and arm themselves.

I wish I could feel as optimistic as you do about Mr. Obama's plan.

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