What is Obama's Endgame?

Like everyone else I am trying to see a way out of this shutdown. With Obama refusing to negotiate at all, and Reid backing him up I do not see anything that would push him towards doing anything.
The next event coming up is the gov't running out of money, sometime in the next 2 weeks. At that point what will happen? Will Obama knuckle under and say he will negotiate? I dont think so. He has shown himself to be totally intrasigent, the President of No.
I believe he will invoke his "14th Amendment Power" and unilaterally order the Treasury to borrow money to fulfill debt payments.
At that point we essentially have a dictatorship in this country, as Obama has no 14thA power.

Demrats regaining the house in 2014, setting up a qusai govt dependent one party state resembling the dirtiest politcal organization the the USA....the Chicago democrat party.

At that point, they can bankrupt the entire country, just as they have done in Detroit and Chicago.
Obama is a radical and his endgame is radical.......which is exactly why Republicans need to radically deal with this anti-American radical....

Didn't you try to "deal" with him in the last election?

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Obama is a radical and his endgame is radical.......which is exactly why Republicans need to radically deal with this anti-American radical....

Yes, and I would like them to go on more TV shows, that the low-info people watch...:eusa_whistle:
Endgame? President For Life Barack Obama. How's that sound? From Constitutional Republic to a one man Tyrannical Dictatorship in just eight short years. Talk about "Fundamental Transformations".

Take back the Senate. Impeach, then wait for Comissar Barack to refuse to leave office despite the Senate's and the Supreme Court's decision. Interesting times ahead, indeed. His argument will be "The people elected me. I won! Therefore I stay until I decide to leave"

Never try to obstruct a Narcissist. Just ask all those old Soviets who ran afoul of Joseph Stalin. Somewhere around the time of Pereistroika, when George HW Bush was vomiting his dinner up at Michael Gorbachov's feet during a Summit Meeting somewhere, the Wall Street Journal ran a front page article about the rivers of the Soviet Union. Seems there was this river in Siberia that changed course and was now chewing its way through a suddenly nearby river bank. Ordinarily something like that is hardly ever a problem, but this particular river bank happened to have been a mass burial pit for victims of one of Stalin's purges. Because the bodies had been interred in permafrost over the years they were as lifelike and recognizable as they day they were shot when they floated out. The KGB along with a fleet of tugs were dispatched to the bank site, where the tugs would be placed nose to nose in order to remain stationary in the current while the KGB agents on board would fish the bodies floating down the river out of the flow, wrap them with enough wire and weights to sink them to the bottom.
Ted Cruz is the General Custer of the Republican Party
Leading his loyal forces into a massacre

The American People are a bunch of outraged Indians

yes they are, but they are outraged at the entire DC bunch. The latest polls show equal blame between dems and pubs.

BUT, the house GOP has offered to try to find a compromise, but reid and obozo have refused to even talk, the shutdown belongs to them.

lets see your polls

Throw the bums out? Budget deadlock portends 2014 backlash | Fox News
Ted Cruz is the General Custer of the Republican Party
Leading his loyal forces into a massacre

The American People are a bunch of outraged Indians

yes they are, but they are outraged at the entire DC bunch. The latest polls show equal blame between dems and pubs.

BUT, the house GOP has offered to try to find a compromise, but reid and obozo have refused to even talk, the shutdown belongs to them.

lets see your polls

you read my mind


Ted Cruz is the General Custer of the Republican Party
Leading his loyal forces into a massacre

The American People are a bunch of outraged Indians

yes they are, but they are outraged at the entire DC bunch. The latest polls show equal blame between dems and pubs.

BUT, the house GOP has offered to try to find a compromise, but reid and obozo have refused to even talk, the shutdown belongs to them.

compromise? To what? :eusa_eh: The ACA is the law. :banghead: Chief Justice Roberts said so. He was appointed by Bush II (R) if you weren't aware of that :confused:

Repubs are simply doing this to show the teabaggers that they tried although, in reality, theres nothing they can do. The High Court has spoken.

Show me in the Law of the PPACA where a Stuttering Clusterfuck is allowed to unilaterally delay the Employer Mandate while costing us $12,000,000,000 (12 BILLION DOLLARS)

CBO: Oh, by the way, the ObamaCare employer-mandate delay is going to cost $12 billion extra « Hot Air

Show me.

I'll show you opinions and a Court Case that say it's illegal.

Show me where the POS in the White House has the authority to ignore the Law?

Did Obama Flout the Law by Delaying Obamacare? | The Fiscal Times

Yes, Delaying Obamacare?s Employer Mandate Is Illegal | Cato @ Liberty

ACU's Cardenas: Delay in Obamacare Employer Mandate Illegal
Ted Cruz is the General Custer of the Republican Party
Leading his loyal forces into a massacre

The American People are a bunch of outraged Indians

yes they are, but they are outraged at the entire DC bunch. The latest polls show equal blame between dems and pubs.

BUT, the house GOP has offered to try to find a compromise, but reid and obozo have refused to even talk, the shutdown belongs to them.

compromise? To what? :eusa_eh: The ACA is the law. :banghead: Chief Justice Roberts said so. He was appointed by Bush II (R) if you weren't aware of that :confused:

The Repubs are simply doing this to show the teabaggers that they "tried" so they can fundraise from retards. The High Court has spoken.

You got one right. The ACA is a law and just like the Supreme Court ruled. it is a TAX law. The TAX code is changed frequently, some taxes are increased, some decreased and some done away with.

Do you see where this is going?
yes they are, but they are outraged at the entire DC bunch. The latest polls show equal blame between dems and pubs.

BUT, the house GOP has offered to try to find a compromise, but reid and obozo have refused to even talk, the shutdown belongs to them.

compromise? To what? The ACA is the law. Chief Justice Roberts said so. He was appointed by Bush II (R) if you weren't aware of that :eusa_eh:

congress has no obligation to fully fund any law, thats why they call it a budget. The fact that SCOTUS found it constitutional does not mandate that congress fully fund it.

BTW, slavery was once the law of the land, as was women not being allowed to vote, and prohibition.

congress has an obligation to repeal or amend bad laws, and ACA is bad law. If you read the SCOTUS opinion, that was their real conclusion.

ummm..... NEWSFLASH!!! The Court decides what is and what isn't the law. :eusa_whistle: As a matter of fact, the judiciary is one of the three branches of gubmint. Quelle surprise!!!..... not. Glad to help :)
yes they are, but they are outraged at the entire DC bunch. The latest polls show equal blame between dems and pubs.

BUT, the house GOP has offered to try to find a compromise, but reid and obozo have refused to even talk, the shutdown belongs to them.

compromise? To what? :eusa_eh: The ACA is the law. :banghead: Chief Justice Roberts said so. He was appointed by Bush II (R) if you weren't aware of that :confused:

The Repubs are simply doing this to show the teabaggers that they "tried" so they can fundraise from retards. The High Court has spoken.

You got one right. The ACA is a law and just like the Supreme Court ruled. it is a TAX law. The TAX code is changed frequently, some taxes are increased, some decreased and some done away with.

Do you see where this is going?

And how many ADD-ONs to the "law" did O make "after" it became a tax law?? Isn't it 17? And how was that a constitutional thing to do?

I would think his actions would negate the Unaffordable HealthCare Law. You just don't go in after the fact and make your own regime change...:cuckoo: and get away with it. Or....do you...with the backing of the MSM??? :eusa_whistle:
This is the majr reason I have no respect for dimocraps. They make outlandish assumptions and even when proven totally wrong will SCREAM their brains out rather than admit it.

Yeah, the ACA is the "Law of The Land"

So what? So fucking what?

We repeal laws ALL the time. A partial list...

"United States repealed legislation"

1. 1933 Banking Act
Act in Relation to Service
Alaska Native Allotment Act
Anti-Gold Futures Act of 1864
Anti-miscegenation laws in the United States
Bankruptcy Act of 1898
Bankruptcy Act of 1938
Black Codes (United States)
Byrd Amendment (1971)
Chinese Exclusion Act
Dawes Act
Edmunds–Tucker Act
Espionage Act of 1917
E cont.
Expatriation Act of 1907
Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law
Food and Fuel Control Act
Decline of the Glass–Steagall Act
Glass–Steagall Legislation
Legislation, limits and loopholes related to the Glass–Steagall Act
The aftermath of the repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act
Immigration Act of 1924
Jarod's law
Jim Crow laws
Job Training Partnership Act of 1982
Massachusetts 1913 law
National Maximum Speed Law
N cont.
Naturalization Act of 1790
Naturalization Act of 1798
Page Act of 1875
Racial Integrity Act of 1924
Revised statute 2477
Sedition Act of 1918
Smith–Hughes Act
Sodomy laws in the United States
Title 6 of the United States Code
Title 34 of the United States Code
Women's Health and Human Life Protection Act

I hate dimocraps. They're just too stupid to live
compromise? To what? The ACA is the law. Chief Justice Roberts said so. He was appointed by Bush II (R) if you weren't aware of that :eusa_eh:

congress has no obligation to fully fund any law, thats why they call it a budget. The fact that SCOTUS found it constitutional does not mandate that congress fully fund it.

BTW, slavery was once the law of the land, as was women not being allowed to vote, and prohibition.

congress has an obligation to repeal or amend bad laws, and ACA is bad law. If you read the SCOTUS opinion, that was their real conclusion.

ummm..... NEWSFLASH!!! The Court decides what is and what isn't the law. :eusa_whistle: As a matter of fact, the judiciary is one of the three branches of gubmint. Quelle surprise!!!..... not. Glad to help :)


Good God but you really are a stupid little shit, aren't you?

The 'Court' doesn't decide shit other than the Constitutionality of a Law if it's challenged.

How can someone so brain-damaged survive?
compromise? To what? The ACA is the law. Chief Justice Roberts said so. He was appointed by Bush II (R) if you weren't aware of that :eusa_eh:

congress has no obligation to fully fund any law, thats why they call it a budget. The fact that SCOTUS found it constitutional does not mandate that congress fully fund it.

BTW, slavery was once the law of the land, as was women not being allowed to vote, and prohibition.

congress has an obligation to repeal or amend bad laws, and ACA is bad law. If you read the SCOTUS opinion, that was their real conclusion.

ummm..... NEWSFLASH!!! The Court decides what is and what isn't the law. :eusa_whistle: As a matter of fact, the judiciary is one of the three branches of gubmint. Quelle surprise!!!..... not. Glad to help :)

ummm....NEWSFLASH!!!! The Court is out of order.....i.e. broken.....ever since radical judges have served their political masters/idiologies instead of being arbitrary interpreters of the U.S. Constitution as written.....

Like everyone else I am trying to see a way out of this shutdown. With Obama refusing to negotiate at all, and Reid backing him up I do not see anything that would push him towards doing anything.
The next event coming up is the gov't running out of money, sometime in the next 2 weeks. At that point what will happen? Will Obama knuckle under and say he will negotiate? I dont think so. He has shown himself to be totally intrasigent, the President of No.
I believe he will invoke his "14th Amendment Power" and unilaterally order the Treasury to borrow money to fulfill debt payments.
At that point we essentially have a dictatorship in this country, as Obama has no 14thA power.

He's going to push the country into default on Oct 17, declare martial law, and blame the Republicans
OK, let me try this again.

What will resolve this problem? What pressure will come on Obama to make him compromise? And if he doesn't, what will happen?

The only outcome I see is quasi dictatorship with him ordering the Treasury to borrow money, effectively making Congress irrelevant.

ETA: Oh yeah, the Obamazombies here will tell us it was the GOP's fault for failing to knuckle under to Obama.
Like everyone else I am trying to see a way out of this shutdown. With Obama refusing to negotiate at all, and Reid backing him up I do not see anything that would push him towards doing anything.
The next event coming up is the gov't running out of money, sometime in the next 2 weeks. At that point what will happen? Will Obama knuckle under and say he will negotiate? I dont think so. He has shown himself to be totally intrasigent, the President of No.
I believe he will invoke his "14th Amendment Power" and unilaterally order the Treasury to borrow money to fulfill debt payments.
At that point we essentially have a dictatorship in this country, as Obama has no 14thA power.

He's going to push the country into default on Oct 17, declare martial law, and blame the Republicans

That was supposed to be a Prog secret Frank!!! :mad:
OK, let me try this again.

What will resolve this problem? What pressure will come on Obama to make him compromise? And if he doesn't, what will happen?

The only outcome I see is quasi dictatorship with him ordering the Treasury to borrow money, effectively making Congress irrelevant.

ETA: Oh yeah, the Obamazombies here will tell us it was the GOP's fault for failing to knuckle under to Obama.

I believe he will invoke his "14th Amendment Power" and unilaterally order the Treasury to borrow money to fulfill debt payments.
At that point we essentially have a dictatorship in this country, as Obama has no 14thA power.

I believe a stunt like that would be in front of a federal judge within a couple hours and an injuction issued. Barry already floated the idea he could borrow unilaterally and his own advisors pulled that trial ballon back. He's back to campaigning which is all he was ever good at....teleprompters in front of a crowd of moonbats, telling lies.

The GOP is in a box canyon. The MSM are screaming the WH theme, Harry Reid is defining the issue, and Boner is reacting instead of leading the charge. SS and Medicare payments will continue as will VA benefits and Military pay. Only folks hurt so far are Barry's workers who will not get back-pay during the shutdown.

Hold serve....Barry is a girl....he'll find a way to back down if given the opportunity....Putin showed the world how to do it....make a delay in the individual-mandate seem like Barry thought it up, and there will be a budget passed.
This is the majr reason I have no respect for dimocraps. They make outlandish assumptions and even when proven totally wrong will SCREAM their brains out rather than admit it.

Yeah, the ACA is the "Law of The Land"

So what? So fucking what?

We repeal laws ALL the time. A partial list...

"United States repealed legislation"

1. 1933 Banking Act
Act in Relation to Service
Alaska Native Allotment Act
Anti-Gold Futures Act of 1864
Anti-miscegenation laws in the United States
Bankruptcy Act of 1898
Bankruptcy Act of 1938
Black Codes (United States)
Byrd Amendment (1971)
Chinese Exclusion Act
Dawes Act
Edmunds–Tucker Act
Espionage Act of 1917
E cont.
Expatriation Act of 1907
Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law
Food and Fuel Control Act
Decline of the Glass–Steagall Act
Glass–Steagall Legislation
Legislation, limits and loopholes related to the Glass–Steagall Act
The aftermath of the repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act
Immigration Act of 1924
Jarod's law
Jim Crow laws
Job Training Partnership Act of 1982
Massachusetts 1913 law
National Maximum Speed Law
N cont.
Naturalization Act of 1790
Naturalization Act of 1798
Page Act of 1875
Racial Integrity Act of 1924
Revised statute 2477
Sedition Act of 1918
Smith–Hughes Act
Sodomy laws in the United States
Title 6 of the United States Code
Title 34 of the United States Code
Women's Health and Human Life Protection Act

I hate dimocraps. They're just too stupid to live

Works for me

Have the Republicns get the votes to repeal Obamacare
Like everyone else I am trying to see a way out of this shutdown. With Obama refusing to negotiate at all, and Reid backing him up I do not see anything that would push him towards doing anything.
The next event coming up is the gov't running out of money, sometime in the next 2 weeks. At that point what will happen? Will Obama knuckle under and say he will negotiate? I dont think so. He has shown himself to be totally intrasigent, the President of No.
I believe he will invoke his "14th Amendment Power" and unilaterally order the Treasury to borrow money to fulfill debt payments.
At that point we essentially have a dictatorship in this country, as Obama has no 14thA power.

This is Obama's objective:

Obama has told us :"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Amid hunt for Navy Yard shooters, Obama attacks Republicans on budget | The Daily Caller

Does Obama UNDERSTAND the net costs in doing that?
A minimum LOSS of Federal/state/local and local property taxes of over $100 billion A YEAR!
A loss of 400,000 jobs that pay an average of $40,000 each!

This destruction of 1,300 companies , $100 billion in taxes all because of 1% of the population!

Corporate welfare at its finest.

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