What is Obama's Endgame?

As more and more people are affected by the R's lunacy, more and more won't vote for them. And, even if they are directly affected, people see what the Rs are doing. Like yesterday, most people now know that, thanks to the Rs, the cops who rushed to the rescue of congress people are not getting paid but still have to work. IOW, while the cops had their backs, the Rs had long ago, kicked the cops to the curb and then stepped on them.

OTOH, most of these Repub jerks have successfully gerrymandered their districts and/or been successful in getting voter suppression laws passed that they are virtually untouchable. They are set for life in jobs where they are on paid vacation for 2/3 of the year.

Earlier, I heard a news story about GObP money drying up. Apparently, even some of the wealthy are fed up with the R's steadfast refusal to even pretend to work for the good of the US.

The idiocy of this shutdown will go far beyond a few weeks

The Republicans are entrenching themselves as the party willing to put the country through any hardship to satisfy their agenda

Young people ask...Why would I want to belong to THAT party?

Most people are asking, If this is the shutdown, what's the problem here? Why do we need this extra 15% of gov't? Because the other 85% is still functioning.
I have a simple solution

How about the GOP and democrats pass what they agree on

The Appropriations bill is something they agree on--so pass that!

Defunding the affordable Care act is something they do not agree on--so leave that out.

See--Negotiations are easy so that leaves the question

Why won't the Boner put the spending bill up for a vote?
(Yes--this is a joke--now fill in your own punchline!!)
Like everyone else I am trying to see a way out of this shutdown. With Obama refusing to negotiate at all, and Reid backing him up I do not see anything that would push him towards doing anything.
The next event coming up is the gov't running out of money, sometime in the next 2 weeks. At that point what will happen? Will Obama knuckle under and say he will negotiate? I dont think so. He has shown himself to be totally intrasigent, the President of No.
I believe he will invoke his "14th Amendment Power" and unilaterally order the Treasury to borrow money to fulfill debt payments.
At that point we essentially have a dictatorship in this country, as Obama has no 14thA power.

There is enough revenue to cover debt payments and the military and SS and Medicare and Medicaid and much much more. No further loans/debts are required for the necessary functions. The US PS might be in trouble though.
Back in 82, when the Reagan tax cuts proved too expensive to finance the military build up, and more revenue has to be raised, Tip should have just shut down the govt unless Reagan agreed to raise marginal rates on the rich.

Gee, I wonder if Reagan would have caved. Anyone, anyone? LOL

Idiot....the Reagan tax-cuts simply put the marginal rate back down from Peanut Man's absurd confiscation of wealth, and fueled the biggest economic expansion in our history. Destroyed the soviet union and paved the way for an even sweeter tax-cut as our "peace dividend". Then along came Bush41, lied to Saddam about Kuwait, and then dove into an ME war we are still fighting.. That led to Clinturd, the single most traitorous piece of garbage ever spawned in the USA. He sold our missle telemetry to the chinese for campaign funds, refused to take bin-Laden at least twice when he was offered, ignored the '93 attack on the WTC, ignored the attack on the Cole, and did nothing about Saddam's assassination attempt on Bush41. Thanks for 9/11 Slick....may your rotten carcass burn in Hell.
Obama's end game was when Obamacare was passed and then proven constitutional by the Republican Supremes..
Obama's end game was when Obamacare was passed and then proven constitutional by the Republican Supremes..

Only the mandate (as a tax) was decided to be constitutional, no need to make stuff up.

So the Republicans continue to try to repeal it to the point of shutting down government. No need to minimize Obama's big win with healthcare now.
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Obama's end game was when Obamacare was passed and then proven constitutional by the Republican Supremes..

No, it was narrowly DEEMED constitutional by Roberts and Barry's lesbo-trolls in a very narrow uphold claiming CONgress held taxing power. I'm amazed you progs showed your faces after that when for two years your masters claimed it wasn't a tax. :lol:
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Obama's end game was when Obamacare was passed and then proven constitutional by the Republican Supremes..

Only the mandate (as a tax) was decided to be constitutional, no need to make stuff up.

So the Republicans continue to try to repeal it to the point of shutting down government. No need to minimize Obama's big win with healthcare now.

But, but, but surely you now believe the TPM no longer wants to get rid of Obamacare to reopen the govt, and they'd moderated their aims and now only want a chance to fairly negotiate changes and delay it's implementation for a year so more studies can be done? Surely? It's really about "fairness." Not getting rid of a law they lack the votes to get rid of. Surely not that.
Do the Democrats have the votes to raise the debt ceiling?

Good question

Are Republicans willing to pay the political price to go there?

Why do Republicans need to pay a political price? It is teh Democrats who are obstructing the process. What are they willing to compromise on?

The spending has been close to what Romney/Ryan said the budget should look like because of the sequester.

Republicans have gotten almost everything they wanted.

They are now looking to get bonuses.
Obama's end game was when Obamacare was passed and then proven constitutional by the Republican Supremes..

Only the mandate (as a tax) was decided to be constitutional, no need to make stuff up.

So the Republicans continue to try to repeal it to the point of shutting down government. No need to minimize Obama's big win with healthcare now.

I should hope they are willing to shut down non-essential parts of government to force negotiations on it. If the democrats won't negotiate except to give themselves personal exemptions... why should the republicans not defend the rest of American from this attack on our sovereignty?

Otherwise, if it's such a plus for the nation, why is Obama exempting the democrat half of the country from it? Democrats get all the benefits but none of the pain? Is this what the country has come to, raping and pillaging working Americans for the benefit of particular democrat voters? Obama's green energy checks to his friends were not bad enough? His attack on our coal industry not vile enough?
:lol: Okay, but take a look at who's been running our Treasury since Clinton.....guys who earned their bones at Goldman Sachs, one of the world's oldest running criminal enterprises....they put Meyer Lansky to shame. I got nothing but respect for Israel, but your typical Long Island heeb isn't somebody I can deal with for more than a minute or two.

I am not a jew, but ethnic generalizations make you look foolish. Kinda like the dems claiming that all republicans hate poor people and sick people.

we need some people in DC who can put all this bullshit aside and get things done. Bring back Clinton/Gingrich and Reagan/O'Neill.

Gingrich tried to get Clinton impeached and shut down the government.

O'Neil had Reagan's back.


Evidence it doesn’t have to be this way.
Like Dr. Frankenstein didn't quite think things through before entering the lab, Obama cannot comprehend what he will unleash if he does kill off The Republican Party. Fer sure he won't like it and may feel compelled to join his brother in Kenya when the GOP replacement takes charge. Some chance, tho, that the "compulsion" might not come from within.
Only the mandate (as a tax) was decided to be constitutional, no need to make stuff up.

So the Republicans continue to try to repeal it to the point of shutting down government. No need to minimize Obama's big win with healthcare now.

But, but, but surely you now believe the TPM no longer wants to get rid of Obamacare to reopen the govt, and they'd moderated their aims and now only want a chance to fairly negotiate changes and delay it's implementation for a year so more studies can be done? Surely? It's really about "fairness." Not getting rid of a law they lack the votes to get rid of. Surely not that.

You best hope Barry does back down because a year from now the average American paying TRIPLE for their health insurance will be mad enough to want to hang every stinkin democrat they can get their hands on. That's why the Rats can't budge...they know this dog not only won't hunt, but will shit on the couch and bite the mailman. :lol:
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raping and pillaging. LOL

It's about killing Obamacare. it IS that simple.

I want to kill it... but the republican leadership just wants to exempt everyone that Obama did not exempt. Seems fair.. why should democrats get an exemption and republican not? Why should big business get an exemption and individuals not? Why should unions be exempted and non-union workers not? Why should congress get the gold plan subsidized and I have to pay full price? What's going on here?
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So the Republicans continue to try to repeal it to the point of shutting down government. No need to minimize Obama's big win with healthcare now.

But, but, but surely you now believe the TPM no longer wants to get rid of Obamacare to reopen the govt, and they'd moderated their aims and now only want a chance to fairly negotiate changes and delay it's implementation for a year so more studies can be done? Surely? It's really about "fairness." Not getting rid of a law they lack the votes to get rid of. Surely not that.

You best hope Barry does back down because a year from now the average American paying TRIPLE for their health insurance will be mad enough to want to hang every stinkin democrat they can get their hands on. That's why the Rats can't budge...they know this dog not only won't hunt, but will shit on the couch and bite the mailman. :lol:

Which is why they are trying to stop it now.


You know guy, if they was true, the Republicans would let it happen, then look forward to winning elections for the next six decades.
Good question

Are Republicans willing to pay the political price to go there?

Why do Republicans need to pay a political price? It is teh Democrats who are obstructing the process. What are they willing to compromise on?

Yea...Life sucks don't it?

Every time Republicans shut down the Government they get blamed

They shut it down? Really, the republicans all by themselves? I was not aware a political party could shut down the Government. Interesting. Link please. Can't wait to see your evidence that the republicans have shut down the government. Did Obama hand over his office to Boner?

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