What is Obama's Endgame?

It ends when Boehner caves. Which he wants to do now, he just needs a face-saving excuse. He's taking fire from all sides, but especially from Wall Street, who are not happy with the representatives that they purchased.
This is the majr reason I have no respect for dimocraps. They make outlandish assumptions and even when proven totally wrong will SCREAM their brains out rather than admit it.

Yeah, the ACA is the "Law of The Land"

So what? So fucking what?

We repeal laws ALL the time. A partial list...

"United States repealed legislation"

1. 1933 Banking Act
Act in Relation to Service
Alaska Native Allotment Act
Anti-Gold Futures Act of 1864
Anti-miscegenation laws in the United States
Bankruptcy Act of 1898
Bankruptcy Act of 1938
Black Codes (United States)
Byrd Amendment (1971)
Chinese Exclusion Act
Dawes Act
Edmunds–Tucker Act
Espionage Act of 1917
E cont.
Expatriation Act of 1907
Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law
Food and Fuel Control Act
Decline of the Glass–Steagall Act
Glass–Steagall Legislation
Legislation, limits and loopholes related to the Glass–Steagall Act
The aftermath of the repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act
Immigration Act of 1924
Jarod's law
Jim Crow laws
Job Training Partnership Act of 1982
Massachusetts 1913 law
National Maximum Speed Law
N cont.
Naturalization Act of 1790
Naturalization Act of 1798
Page Act of 1875
Racial Integrity Act of 1924
Revised statute 2477
Sedition Act of 1918
Smith–Hughes Act
Sodomy laws in the United States
Title 6 of the United States Code
Title 34 of the United States Code
Women's Health and Human Life Protection Act

I hate dimocraps. They're just too stupid to live

Works for me

Have the Republicns get the votes to repeal Obamacare

Do the Democrats have the votes to raise the debt ceiling?
It ends when Boehner caves. Which he wants to do now, he just needs a face-saving excuse. He's taking fire from all sides, but especially from Wall Street, who are not happy with the representatives that they purchased.

He wont cave. He won't have any credibility left if he does. He'd have to join the Democrat Party.
It ends when Boehner caves. Which he wants to do now, he just needs a face-saving excuse. He's taking fire from all sides, but especially from Wall Street, who are not happy with the representatives that they purchased.

Wall Street is THRILLED with this shutdown you moron. Only the pros in the financial houses are in the market anymore. This gives them free-rein to completely stop lending to Joe America and deal only with their own kind...apostate Jews. Once Barry gets the word everybody is seeing it's HIM that's simply burying the Benghazi and Syrian WMDs fiascos, oops, I left out "fast and furious"....Holder is about to get a perjury charge filed against him. In the end, Boner can't cave and get reelected much less keep the Speaker gavel. GOP can win this if they can last through the weekend. :eusa_eh:
It ends when Boehner caves. Which he wants to do now, he just needs a face-saving excuse. He's taking fire from all sides, but especially from Wall Street, who are not happy with the representatives that they purchased.

Wall Street is THRILLED with this shutdown you moron. Only the pros in the financial houses are in the market anymore. This gives them free-rein to completely stop lending to Joe America and deal only with their own kind...apostate Jews. Once Barry gets the word everybody is seeing it's HIM that's simply burying the Benghazi and Syrian WMDs fiascos, oops, I left out "fast and furious"....Holder is about to get a perjury charge filed against him. In the end, Boner can't cave and get reelected much less keep the Speaker gavel. GOP can win this if they can last through the weekend. :eusa_eh:

I agree with everything but your silly slam on the joooooooooooz.
It ends when Boehner caves. Which he wants to do now, he just needs a face-saving excuse. He's taking fire from all sides, but especially from Wall Street, who are not happy with the representatives that they purchased.

Wall Street is THRILLED with this shutdown you moron. Only the pros in the financial houses are in the market anymore. This gives them free-rein to completely stop lending to Joe America and deal only with their own kind...apostate Jews. Once Barry gets the word everybody is seeing it's HIM that's simply burying the Benghazi and Syrian WMDs fiascos, oops, I left out "fast and furious"....Holder is about to get a perjury charge filed against him. In the end, Boner can't cave and get reelected much less keep the Speaker gavel. GOP can win this if they can last through the weekend. :eusa_eh:

I agree with everything but your silly slam on the joooooooooooz.

:lol: Okay, but take a look at who's been running our Treasury since Clinton.....guys who earned their bones at Goldman Sachs, one of the world's oldest running criminal enterprises....they put Meyer Lansky to shame. I got nothing but respect for Israel, but your typical Long Island heeb isn't somebody I can deal with for more than a minute or two.
what's his end game? a totalitarian socialist regime.
Wall Street is THRILLED with this shutdown you moron. Only the pros in the financial houses are in the market anymore. This gives them free-rein to completely stop lending to Joe America and deal only with their own kind...apostate Jews. Once Barry gets the word everybody is seeing it's HIM that's simply burying the Benghazi and Syrian WMDs fiascos, oops, I left out "fast and furious"....Holder is about to get a perjury charge filed against him. In the end, Boner can't cave and get reelected much less keep the Speaker gavel. GOP can win this if they can last through the weekend. :eusa_eh:

I agree with everything but your silly slam on the joooooooooooz.

:lol: Okay, but take a look at who's been running our Treasury since Clinton.....guys who earned their bones at Goldman Sachs, one of the world's oldest running criminal enterprises....they put Meyer Lansky to shame. I got nothing but respect for Israel, but your typical Long Island heeb isn't somebody I can deal with for more than a minute or two.

I am not a jew, but ethnic generalizations make you look foolish. Kinda like the dems claiming that all republicans hate poor people and sick people.

we need some people in DC who can put all this bullshit aside and get things done. Bring back Clinton/Gingrich and Reagan/O'Neill.
what's his end game? a totalitarian socialist regime.

have you read his books? he is quite clear that that is his goal.

thats why candidates should be fully vetted by the media, whereas they gave obama a complete pass, because they got so wound up with the first black president that they did no do their jobs.
This is the majr reason I have no respect for dimocraps. They make outlandish assumptions and even when proven totally wrong will SCREAM their brains out rather than admit it.

Yeah, the ACA is the "Law of The Land"

So what? So fucking what?

We repeal laws ALL the time. A partial list...

"United States repealed legislation"

1. 1933 Banking Act
Act in Relation to Service
Alaska Native Allotment Act
Anti-Gold Futures Act of 1864
Anti-miscegenation laws in the United States
Bankruptcy Act of 1898
Bankruptcy Act of 1938
Black Codes (United States)
Byrd Amendment (1971)
Chinese Exclusion Act
Dawes Act
Edmunds–Tucker Act
Espionage Act of 1917
E cont.
Expatriation Act of 1907
Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law
Food and Fuel Control Act
Decline of the Glass–Steagall Act
Glass–Steagall Legislation
Legislation, limits and loopholes related to the Glass–Steagall Act
The aftermath of the repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act
Immigration Act of 1924
Jarod's law
Jim Crow laws
Job Training Partnership Act of 1982
Massachusetts 1913 law
National Maximum Speed Law
N cont.
Naturalization Act of 1790
Naturalization Act of 1798
Page Act of 1875
Racial Integrity Act of 1924
Revised statute 2477
Sedition Act of 1918
Smith–Hughes Act
Sodomy laws in the United States
Title 6 of the United States Code
Title 34 of the United States Code
Women's Health and Human Life Protection Act

I hate dimocraps. They're just too stupid to live

Works for me

Have the Republicns get the votes to repeal Obamacare

Do the Democrats have the votes to raise the debt ceiling?

Good question

Are Republicans willing to pay the political price to go there?
I agree with everything but your silly slam on the joooooooooooz.

:lol: Okay, but take a look at who's been running our Treasury since Clinton.....guys who earned their bones at Goldman Sachs, one of the world's oldest running criminal enterprises....they put Meyer Lansky to shame. I got nothing but respect for Israel, but your typical Long Island heeb isn't somebody I can deal with for more than a minute or two.

I am not a jew, but ethnic generalizations make you look foolish. Kinda like the dems claiming that all republicans hate poor people and sick people.

we need some people in DC who can put all this bullshit aside and get things done. Bring back Clinton/Gingrich and Reagan/O'Neill.

"look foolish" to who? You have either never met a NYC Jew or are pulling some PC bullshit here.....I'm entitled to my opinion and believe me, it's shared by millions of others. Whiny, chiseling, self-absorbed nepotists....they're the angry version of a Mormon. :lol:
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As more and more people are affected by the R's lunacy, more and more won't vote for them. And, even if they are directly affected, people see what the Rs are doing. Like yesterday, most people now know that, thanks to the Rs, the cops who rushed to the rescue of congress people are not getting paid but still have to work. IOW, while the cops had their backs, the Rs had long ago, kicked the cops to the curb and then stepped on them.

OTOH, most of these Repub jerks have successfully gerrymandered their districts and/or been successful in getting voter suppression laws passed that they are virtually untouchable. They are set for life in jobs where they are on paid vacation for 2/3 of the year.

Earlier, I heard a news story about GObP money drying up. Apparently, even some of the wealthy are fed up with the R's steadfast refusal to even pretend to work for the good of the US.
As more and more people are affected by the R's lunacy, more and more won't vote for them. And, even if they are directly affected, people see what the Rs are doing. Like yesterday, most people now know that, thanks to the Rs, the cops who rushed to the rescue of congress people are not getting paid but still have to work. IOW, while the cops had their backs, the Rs had long ago, kicked the cops to the curb and then stepped on them.

OTOH, most of these Repub jerks have successfully gerrymandered their districts and/or been successful in getting voter suppression laws passed that they are virtually untouchable. They are set for life in jobs where they are on paid vacation for 2/3 of the year.

Earlier, I heard a news story about GObP money drying up. Apparently, even some of the wealthy are fed up with the R's steadfast refusal to even pretend to work for the good of the US.

The idiocy of this shutdown will go far beyond a few weeks

The Republicans are entrenching themselves as the party willing to put the country through any hardship to satisfy their agenda

Young people ask...Why would I want to belong to THAT party?
I agree with everything but your silly slam on the joooooooooooz.

:lol: Okay, but take a look at who's been running our Treasury since Clinton.....guys who earned their bones at Goldman Sachs, one of the world's oldest running criminal enterprises....they put Meyer Lansky to shame. I got nothing but respect for Israel, but your typical Long Island heeb isn't somebody I can deal with for more than a minute or two.

I am not a jew, but ethnic generalizations make you look foolish. Kinda like the dems claiming that all republicans hate poor people and sick people.

we need some people in DC who can put all this bullshit aside and get things done. Bring back Clinton/Gingrich and Reagan/O'Neill.

Gingrich tried to get Clinton impeached and shut down the government.

O'Neil had Reagan's back.
Back in 82, when the Reagan tax cuts proved too expensive to finance the military build up, and more revenue has to be raised, Tip should have just shut down the govt unless Reagan agreed to raise marginal rates on the rich.

Gee, I wonder if Reagan would have caved. Anyone, anyone? LOL

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