What is Obama's legacy?

Managed America through a global crisis caused in large part by the previous administration, led us through a steady recovery as the world economy continued to stumble, made healthcare available to every American, withdrew our troops from battle in pointless reigious conflicts, tripled the stock market, and much more. All in the face of rabid opposition from powerful domestic political forces seeking to sabotage his Presidency and the well-being of the nation at every turn.
Look! I finally found hid legacy! It was right here the whole time. The mindless gibberish of his supporters trying to salvage a crumb of success in an ocean of failure. That's his legacy.
^ complete fucking nonsense
Managed America through a global crisis caused in large part by the previous administration, led us through a steady recovery as the world economy continued to stumble, made healthcare available to every American, withdrew our troops from battle in pointless reigious conflicts, tripled the stock market, and much more. All in the face of rabid opposition from powerful domestic political forces seeking to sabotage his Presidency and the well-being of the nation at every turn.
Look! I finally found hid legacy! It was right here the whole time. The mindless gibberish of his supporters trying to salvage a crumb of success in an ocean of failure. That's his legacy.

That and we know now that if anyone ever disagrees with a snowflake, they are racist, misogynist xenophobes!
Gutting the American oil fields
the first gay prez
destroying race relations.
massive debt increase
A muslim scum
destabilizing the ME
Gutting the military

To name a few.

Worst bastard that ever held the office. Makes Carter look like a leader.
I think destroying race relations was the worst one. That's all I have ever heard him talk about.

It seems ironic that the first half black President was terrible for race relations.

I attribute that to Obama's horrible flawed personality rather than the fact that he is part black.
Gutting the American oil fields
the first gay prez
destroying race relations.
massive debt increase
A muslim scum
destabilizing the ME
Gutting the military

To name a few.

Worst bastard that ever held the office. Makes Carter look like a leader.
I think destroying race relations was the worst one. That's all I have ever heard him talk about.

It seems ironic that the first half black President was terrible for race relations.

I attribute that to Obama's horrible flawed personality rather than the fact that he is part black.
But that's the sense of entitlement comes from.....is because hes "half black"
Gutting the American oil fields
the first gay prez
destroying race relations.
massive debt increase
A muslim scum
destabilizing the ME
Gutting the military

To name a few.

Worst bastard that ever held the office. Makes Carter look like a leader.
I think destroying race relations was the worst one. That's all I have ever heard him talk about.

It seems ironic that the first half black President was terrible for race relations.

I attribute that to Obama's horrible flawed personality rather than the fact that he is part black.
But that's the sense of entitlement comes from.....is because hes "half black"

Identity is more important than accomplishments for many snowflakes.

Maybe the first black President will be better for race relations than the first part black President was.
Gutting the American oil fields
the first gay prez
destroying race relations.
massive debt increase
A muslim scum
destabilizing the ME
Gutting the military

To name a few.

Worst bastard that ever held the office. Makes Carter look like a leader.
I think destroying race relations was the worst one. That's all I have ever heard him talk about.

It seems ironic that the first half black President was terrible for race relations.

I attribute that to Obama's horrible flawed personality rather than the fact that he is part black.
But that's the sense of entitlement comes from.....is because hes "half black"

Identity is more important than accomplishments for many snowflakes.

Maybe the first black President will be better for race relations than the first part black President was.

You mean Lincoln?
Gutting the American oil fields
the first gay prez
destroying race relations.
massive debt increase
A muslim scum
destabilizing the ME
Gutting the military

To name a few.

Worst bastard that ever held the office. Makes Carter look like a leader.
I think destroying race relations was the worst one. That's all I have ever heard him talk about.

It seems ironic that the first half black President was terrible for race relations.

I attribute that to Obama's horrible flawed personality rather than the fact that he is part black.
But that's the sense of entitlement comes from.....is because hes "half black"

Identity is more important than accomplishments for many snowflakes.

Maybe the first black President will be better for race relations than the first part black President was.

You mean Lincoln?

We have not had the first black President.
The Barack Hussein legacy:
First black American President
The President who whore'd himself out for bottom feeder support more so than any Democrat before him
The last black President
The End.
The Barack Hussein legacy:
First black American President
The President who whore'd himself out for bottom feeder support more so than any Democrat before him
The last black President
The End.

We will probably have a Mexican President before we have a fully black President.
Carter destroyed the economy

Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union

Bush Sr was a weak one termer who got stabbed in the back by Dems over taxes

Clinton got his dick sucked in the Oval Office and lied about it so he was impeached and disbarred

Bush had the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq


Carter's the only POTUS since Hoover who never had a war, never dropped a bomb, never fired a shot.

Reagan trickled down flooded the deficit trying to outrun the Soviet Union (which was still in place when he left)

Bush I invaded a sovereign country to play cop. Also threw up on Japanese PM...

Clinton weaseled the CFMA while no one was looking and TelComm 96 while no one was reporting...

Bush II -- pointless war and of course many contributions to the English nonlaguage

Obama got economy turned back upright, but foisted the ACA

So, mixed. I'd say economy was the more important of the two.

That is nothing impressive for Carter. His faggot ass allowed for the rise of Islamic Fundamentalist terrorism.

:lol: I didn't even mention his sexuality or anyone else's. Instructive where your mind goes though.

Peace is not an easy challenge. War however is. It's the ultimate human Failure.
No surprise you're a fan of it.

Your Obama analysis is humorous.

Thagyew. It wasn't the funny part but whatever works.

How specifically did he turn the economy back upright?

How?? Why by being half black of course.
I know that makes no sense but I figure you being obsessed with color and all, that's the only thing you'll see anyway.

If your economy is in the red, you want to put it in the black. Voilà.

Now we'll have an Orange one.
I'll leave you to guess what that means, you being obsessed with color and all.

And speaking of your other obsession faggotry --- what would you think of a POTUS who's up at 3:20 in the morning sending troll tweets to "Miss Piggy"? :popcorn:
Carter destroyed the economy

Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union

Bush Sr was a weak one termer who got stabbed in the back by Dems over taxes

Clinton got his dick sucked in the Oval Office and lied about it so he was impeached and disbarred

Bush had the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq


Carter's the only POTUS since Hoover who never had a war, never dropped a bomb, never fired a shot.

Reagan trickled down flooded the deficit trying to outrun the Soviet Union (which was still in place when he left)

Bush I invaded a sovereign country to play cop. Also threw up on Japanese PM...

Clinton weaseled the CFMA while no one was looking and TelComm 96 while no one was reporting...

Bush II -- pointless war and of course many contributions to the English nonlaguage

Obama got economy turned back upright, but foisted the ACA

So, mixed. I'd say economy was the more important of the two.

That is nothing impressive for Carter. His faggot ass allowed for the rise of Islamic Fundamentalist terrorism.

:lol: I didn't even mention his sexuality or anyone else's. Instructive where your mind goes though.

Peace is not an easy challenge. War however is. It's the ultimate human Failure. No surprise you're a fan of it.

Your Obama analysis is humorous.

Thagyew. It wasn't the funny part but whatever works.

How specifically did he turn the economy back upright?

How?? Why by being half black of course.
I know that makes no sense but I figure you being obsessed with color and all, that's the only thing you'll see anyway.

If your economy is in the red, you want to put it in the black. Voilà.

Now we'll have an Orange one. I'll leave you to guess what that means, you being obsessed iwth color and all.
An unmitigated failure celebrating an unmitigated fail....

Managed America through a global crisis caused in large part by the previous administration, led us through a steady recovery as the world economy continued to stumble, made healthcare available to every American, withdrew our troops from battle in pointless reigious conflicts, tripled the stock market, and much more. All in the face of rabid opposition from powerful domestic political forces seeking to sabotage his Presidency and the well-being of the nation at every turn.
I think he's just dreamy.
Carter destroyed the economy

Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union

Bush Sr was a weak one termer who got stabbed in the back by Dems over taxes

Clinton got his dick sucked in the Oval Office and lied about it so he was impeached and disbarred

Bush had the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq


Carter's the only POTUS since Hoover who never had a war, never dropped a bomb, never fired a shot.

Reagan trickled down flooded the deficit trying to outrun the Soviet Union (which was still in place when he left)

Bush I invaded a sovereign country to play cop. Also threw up on Japanese PM...

Clinton weaseled the CFMA while no one was looking and TelComm 96 while no one was reporting...

Bush II -- pointless war and of course many contributions to the English nonlaguage

Obama got economy turned back upright, but foisted the ACA

So, mixed. I'd say economy was the more important of the two.

Obama got economy turned back upright,

The recession ended in June 2009. What did he do to fix the economy?

Isn't the question, is it.

Causation; legacy. Know the difference.

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