What is Obama's legacy?

Carter destroyed the economy

Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union

Bush Sr was a weak one termer who got stabbed in the back by Dems over taxes

Clinton got his dick sucked in the Oval Office and lied about it so he was impeached and disbarred

Bush had the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq


Carter's the only POTUS since Hoover who never had a war, never dropped a bomb, never fired a shot.

Reagan trickled down flooded the deficit trying to outrun the Soviet Union (which was still in place when he left)

Bush I invaded a sovereign country to play cop. Also threw up on Japanese PM...

Clinton weaseled the CFMA while no one was looking and TelComm 96 while no one was reporting...

Bush II -- pointless war and of course many contributions to the English nonlaguage

Obama got economy turned back upright, but foisted the ACA

So, mixed. I'd say economy was the more important of the two.

Obama got economy turned back upright,

The recession ended in June 2009. What did he do to fix the economy?

Yes. What specific Obama policies led to the economy being turned back upright?
I think it was the one where he invited criminals to the white house and helped get lots of cops murdered.
Managed America through a global crisis caused in large part by the previous administration, led us through a steady recovery as the world economy continued to stumble, made healthcare available to every American, withdrew our troops from battle in pointless reigious conflicts, tripled the stock market, and much more. All in the face of rabid opposition from powerful domestic political forces seeking to sabotage his Presidency and the well-being of the nation at every turn.

Yeah, stayed high when they went low. And oh my thunder how low they would go. That showed class.
Now we get to go as low as we want, because the fat, incompetent bozo they elected lives as deep in the gutter as it's possible to get
You imbeciles wont have a dim in office for the next 50 years. You are too stupid to see what you are doing.
Motherfucker I'm sitting here praying this country survives the next 4 years. Don't talk to me about 50 years from now, when you voted in a reality TV star for promising to shove his foot up this country's ass. Fuck him and fuck you :fu:
Well.... you certainly sucked the air out of that room.
Carter destroyed the economy

Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union

Bush Sr was a weak one termer who got stabbed in the back by Dems over taxes

Clinton got his dick sucked in the Oval Office and lied about it so he was impeached and disbarred

Bush had the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq


Carter's the only POTUS since Hoover who never had a war, never dropped a bomb, never fired a shot.

Reagan trickled down flooded the deficit trying to outrun the Soviet Union (which was still in place when he left)

Bush I invaded a sovereign country to play cop. Also threw up on Japanese PM...

Clinton weaseled the CFMA while no one was looking and TelComm 96 while no one was reporting...

Bush II -- pointless war and of course many contributions to the English nonlaguage

Obama got economy turned back upright, but foisted the ACA

So, mixed. I'd say economy was the more important of the two.

Obama got economy turned back upright,

The recession ended in June 2009. What did he do to fix the economy?

Isn't the question, is it.

Causation; legacy. Know the difference.

It's my question, what did he do to fix the economy?

Is your answer nothing?

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