What Is Racial Justice?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Coyote mentioned to me in another topic that people were protesting this and getting harmed by it. Is she talking about BLM or something because so far all I've seen of racial injustice is certain black people getting offended by every little thing and creating issues about it. If you're talking about protesting for racial justice us white Americans should be the one protesting until we are treated better by these arrogant black people.
Coyote mentioned to me in another topic that people were protesting this and getting harmed by it. Is she talking about BLM or something because so far all I've seen of racial injustice is certain black people getting offended by every little thing and creating issues about it. If you're talking about protesting for racial justice us white Americans should be the one protesting until we are treated better by these arrogant black people.
Woah. You realize, right, if I answer this honestly, you will end up getting pissed off?
Woah. You realize, right, if I answer this honestly, you will end up getting pissed off?

I think we can discuss this like civil adults and btw,.. I'm not talking about all black people obviously, but way too many of them are shaming us with non-existent white privilege.
Ok. I’ll bite then.

First, who has personally shamed you with “white privilege”?
Racial Justice =

What hard core, extremist racists chant and shout when they want something for free.
They use and abuse "racism" to get what they want instead of working for it, or doing something for the GOOD of society or humanity to get it.

Akin to how the DementiacRats get their freebies..........lying, stealing, coercing, harassing, tormenting, destroying, and murdering.
Ok. I’ll bite then.

First, who has personally shamed you with “white privilege”?

A member on this message board right after calling our race hateful and arrogant people and that we were slavedrivers and Nazis and when I reported it nobody did a thing about it.
Coyote mentioned to me in another topic that people were protesting this and getting harmed by it. Is she talking about BLM or something because so far all I've seen of racial injustice is certain black people getting offended by every little thing and creating issues about it. If you're talking about protesting for racial justice us white Americans should be the one protesting until we are treated better by these arrogant black people.
Your ignorance is only exceeded by your hate!
Your ignorance is only exceeded by your hate!

Your problem is that you hate the truth. I'm sorry if I don't sugarcoat anything, I just tell it how it is. That's the exactly same reason why people hate Trump.
Racial Justice =

What hard core, extremist racists chant and shout when they want something for free.
They use and abuse "racism" to get what they want instead of working for it, or doing something for the GOOD of society or humanity to get it.

Akin to how the DementiacRats get their freebies..........lying, stealing, coercing, harassing, tormenting, destroying, and murdering.
Another hater.
A member on this message board right after calling our race hateful and arrogant people and that we were slavedrivers and Nazis and when I reported it nobody did a thing about it.

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Your problem is that you hate the truth. I'm sorry if I don't sugarcoat anything, I just tell it how it is. That's the exactly same reason why people hate Trump.
I don't hate truth or anything or anyone, not even trump. My problem? I've never encountered a problem I wasn't able to fix.
A member on this message board right after calling our race hateful and arrogant people and that we were slavedrivers and Nazis and when I reported it nobody did a thing about it.
Well…first off. It is an anonymous messageboard, it means nothing. In terms of the rules…it probably wasn’t violating them.

In real life, I’ve never been shamed for being white, have you?
Yeah,.. but that's not happening right now in this country so what's your plan B?
Coyote mentioned to me in another topic that people were protesting this and getting harmed by it. Is she talking about BLM or something because so far all I've seen of racial injustice is certain black people getting offended by every little thing and creating issues about it. If you're talking about protesting for racial justice us white Americans should be the one protesting until we are treated better by these arrogant black people.
Your idea of racial justice is white Americans be treated better than protesting arrogant black people? Did I understand your adjectives and basic message correctly?
Oh and my last response was meant to Rye Catcher btw, as whether or not I've ever been shamed by being white in real life not yet, but just you wait and it depends who they are of whether or not we should be treated better than them. *Cough* BLM
And Rye Catcher, I meant that you were a fucking idiot! (Sorry I can't quote right now until I respond in another thread.)

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