What is released and what is not,

If the memo is all fact, why would there need to be a rebuttal memo? That sounds like partisan politics. "let me explain why those people suck"..:smiliehug:
I mean, we dont even know what it says..
What if there was a REASON for it?
You are doing what you are bitching about...
Why dont ALL you people wait until the damn thing comes out?

Harley, the DOJ officer said that he couldn't sign off by himself..

I have heard that it is written by Nunes without backed up facts..so careful when you say factual. This Nunes has shown his loyalty to Trump by sneaking to the WH behind the committees back before, he should have been fired then.

This is alarming to see a non-bipartisan committee supposedly doing the senate investigation.. Total Bullshit..

If the memo is all fact, why would there need to be a rebuttal memo? That sounds like partisan politics. "let me explain why those people suck"..:smiliehug:
I mean, we dont even know what it says..
What if there was a REASON for it?
You are doing what you are bitching about...
Why dont ALL you people wait until the damn thing comes out?

Maybe there are other facts that mitigate the claims of the memo

Presenting only the "facts" that support your position is misleading
Thinking error: black/white thinking
If the memo is all fact, why would there need to be a rebuttal memo? That sounds like partisan politics. "let me explain why those people suck"..:smiliehug:
I mean, we dont even know what it says..
What if there was a REASON for it?
You are doing what you are bitching about...
Why dont ALL you people wait until the damn thing comes out?

Harley, the DOJ officer said that he couldn't sign off by himself..

I have heard that it is written by Nunes without backed up facts..so careful when you say factual. This Nunes has shown his loyalty to Trump by sneaking to the WH behind the committees back before, he should have been fired then.

This is alarming to see a non-bipartisan committee supposedly doing the senate investigation.. Total Bullshit..

I said IF
If the memo is all fact, why would there need to be a rebuttal memo? That sounds like partisan politics. "let me explain why those people suck"..:smiliehug:
I mean, we dont even know what it says..
What if there was a REASON for it?
You are doing what you are bitching about...
Why dont ALL you people wait until the damn thing comes out?

How can we know it is all facts when it was divided on strictly partisan lines? Doesn’t that seem suspiciously one sided?

I am disturbed at the refusal to release all...it is like the Fusion GPS hearing.
Overall, I think it shows that the Intelligence Committee in the House can't be trusted to be fair and nonpartisan in their investigation. They're not even trying.

I see their point in not asking the FBI/DOJ to "brief" the committee on why it shouldn't release the memo--the memo presents damning information against the FBI/DOJ. Of course the committee doesn't want to hear them try to wiggle/lie their way out of it using their standard veil of secrecy and "classified" information. At least, that is how the people who wrote the memo think of it.

I don't like that Nunes didn't read the underlying documents that justify the memo. Many on the committee who are supporting the memo didn't. So to me it certainly seems partisan rather than real, factual concern.

I'm really saddened by this. If the FBI is overstepping its bounds, it won't be the first time, but the timing here? And the underlying concern--the FISA court's decision to re-up an investigation that MAY have included clues from the Steele dossier?
They wanted a week to take the narrative before the truth comes out..I have heard from some senators who have read it , and it is a big nothing conspiracy handwritten by Nunes.

If that is the case, why are they whining so much?

Hello, what the republicans did to get their dumb ass handwritten memo is just a bunch of non factual, or backed up by any facts ..Jibber Jabber...

I heard that it is like the Capone Safe...All hype and when opened there is nothing in it.

If the memo is all fact, why would there need to be a rebuttal memo? That sounds like partisan politics. "let me explain why those people suck"..:smiliehug:
I mean, we dont even know what it says..
What if there was a REASON for it?
You are doing what you are bitching about...
Why dont ALL you people wait until the damn thing comes out?

How can we know it is all facts when it was divided on strictly partisan lines? Doesn’t that seem suspiciously one sided?

I am disturbed at the refusal to release all...it is like the Fusion GPS hearing.
Overall, I think it shows that the Intelligence Committee in the House can't be trusted to be fair and nonpartisan in their investigation. They're not even trying.

I see their point in not asking the FBI/DOJ to "brief" the committee on why it shouldn't release the memo--the memo presents damning information against the FBI/DOJ. Of course the committee doesn't want to hear them try to wiggle/lie their way out of it using their standard veil of secrecy and "classified" information. At least, that is how the people who wrote the memo think of it.

I don't like that Nunes didn't read the underlying documents that justify the memo. Many on the committee who are supporting the memo didn't. So to me it certainly seems partisan rather than real, factual concern.

I'm really saddened by this. If the FBI is overstepping its bounds, it won't be the first time, but the timing here? And the underlying concern--the FISA court's decision to re-up an investigation that MAY have included clues from the Steele dossier?
How do you know he didnt? Did a partisan tell you that?
Democrats believe the democrats
republicans believe the republicans
Imagine that :lol:
Democrats believe the democrats
republicans believe the republicans
Imagine that :lol:
I don't necessarily believe either of them, but the fact that Repubs and Dems have to write two different accounts of the same situation based on the same intelligence shows that you surely can't believe what is in the memos.
They wanted a week to take the narrative before the truth comes out..I have heard from some senators who have read it , and it is a big nothing conspiracy handwritten by Nunes.

It is very sad to see what these people did to the so called Bipartisan committee.. we have to hold down this FBI investigation and see through the drama and noise coming from Trump and the republicans who will do anything to show Trump their loyalness and slow down or try to stop the investigation.. You have to be stupid not to see that.

:sleep: Hey we got some new emojis:safetocomeoutff:;yeah

If its nothing, why is schiff going around saying the world is going to explode?
This is why i laugh at all this shit until i see it...

Because what these snakes did was wrong..they want this hype to do exactly what it is doing.. (Trey Gowdy and Ryan hiding behind Nunes to save their snake skins )

Everyone in law knows that you try to discredit the other side and is exactly what the Trump team has done from the begining to derail the investigation..

They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.
------------------------------------------------- any TRUE facts released with the purpose of messing with the enemy is a good thing Coyote !!

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