What is released and what is not,

They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.
We should be very disturbed, but we are not, because partisan advantage is a higher priority than intellectual honesty.

Just win, no matter what. Party over country. Instant gratification. Sort it out later.
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.
------------------------------------------------- any TRUE facts released with the purpose of messing with the enemy is a good thing Coyote !!

LOL.. these so called facts are not backed up Pismoe..so you can not call them facts..

If the memo is all fact, why would there need to be a rebuttal memo? That sounds like partisan politics. "let me explain why those people suck"..:smiliehug:
I mean, we dont even know what it says..
What if there was a REASON for it?
You are doing what you are bitching about...
Why dont ALL you people wait until the damn thing comes out?

Harley, the DOJ officer said that he couldn't sign off by himself..

I have heard that it is written by Nunes without backed up facts..so careful when you say factual. This Nunes has shown his loyalty to Trump by sneaking to the WH behind the committees back before, he should have been fired then.

This is alarming to see a non-bipartisan committee supposedly doing the senate investigation.. Total Bullshit..

Remember it was the DEMs who made Nunes go through an eight month long 'ethics committee' investigation and the bipartisan committee exonerated Nunes 100%.
If the memo is all fact, why would there need to be a rebuttal memo? That sounds like partisan politics. "let me explain why those people suck"..:smiliehug:
I mean, we dont even know what it says..
What if there was a REASON for it?
You are doing what you are bitching about...
Why dont ALL you people wait until the damn thing comes out?

Harley, the DOJ officer said that he couldn't sign off by himself..

I have heard that it is written by Nunes without backed up facts..so careful when you say factual. This Nunes has shown his loyalty to Trump by sneaking to the WH behind the committees back before, he should have been fired then.

This is alarming to see a non-bipartisan committee supposedly doing the senate investigation.. Total Bullshit..

Remember it was the DEMs who made Nunes go through an eight month long 'ethics committee' investigation and the bipartisan committee exonerated Nunes 100%.

I can tell you now, Nunes is going down.. Ryan, Gowdy or Trump will not do a thing to save him.. This party eats their own..and throws them under the bus.
If the memo is all fact, why would there need to be a rebuttal memo? That sounds like partisan politics. "let me explain why those people suck"..:smiliehug:
I mean, we dont even know what it says..
What if there was a REASON for it?
You are doing what you are bitching about...
Why dont ALL you people wait until the damn thing comes out?

Harley, the DOJ officer said that he couldn't sign off by himself..

I have heard that it is written by Nunes without backed up facts..so careful when you say factual. This Nunes has shown his loyalty to Trump by sneaking to the WH behind the committees back before, he should have been fired then.

This is alarming to see a non-bipartisan committee supposedly doing the senate investigation.. Total Bullshit..

Remember it was the DEMs who made Nunes go through an eight month long 'ethics committee' investigation and the bipartisan committee exonerated Nunes 100%.

I can tell you now, Nunes is going down.. Ryan, Gowdy or Trump will not do a thing to save him.. This party eats their own..and throws them under the bus.

They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.
------------------------------------------------- any TRUE facts released with the purpose of messing with the enemy is a good thing Coyote !!

LOL.. these so called facts are not backed up Pismoe..so you can not call them facts..

You mean like the 'facts' in the bullshit 'dossier'? You mean the 'facts' in the Fire and Fury book?
Like the 'fact that the author claims Nikki Haley was/is having an affair with President Trump?
Get your tongue out of BONOBO's ass pal.
When this is over it will be the corrupt DEMs who will be sent to federal prisons.
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.
------------------------------------------------- any TRUE facts released with the purpose of messing with the enemy is a good thing Coyote !!

LOL.. these so called facts are not backed up Pismoe..so you can not call them facts..

----------------------------------------- opinions eh EWings . Well opinions are also ok if they mess with YOU enemy types EWings .
what we do know:

Comey got his exoneration written prior to interviews with Hillary.

We do know that Pelosi went into meltdown on air.

That two judges turned down the FISA warrants.

And we have lots and lots of text messages from the coupists.
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.
------------------------------------------------- any TRUE facts released with the purpose of messing with the enemy is a good thing Coyote !!

LOL.. these so called facts are not backed up Pismoe..so you can not call them facts..

----------------------------------------- opinions eh EWings . Well opinions are also ok if they mess with YOU enemy types EWings .

Not messing with me Pismoe.. I just find it amusing when I see people calling this memo factual when it has't even come out yet..

i don't know if its factual or not , i'm not following it , don't really care . I just figure that if its info that hurts 'dems' / enemies then its a good thing EWings .
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.
------------------------------------------------- any TRUE facts released with the purpose of messing with the enemy is a good thing Coyote !!

LOL.. these so called facts are not backed up Pismoe..so you can not call them facts..

----------------------------------------- opinions eh EWings . Well opinions are also ok if they mess with YOU enemy types EWings .

Not messing with me Pismoe.. I just find it amusing when I see people calling this memo factual when it has't even come out yet..


It has to be factual.
Republicans want it out, democrats don't.
what we do know:

Comey got his exoneration written prior to interviews with Hillary.

We do know that Pelosi went into meltdown on air.

That two judges turned down the FISA warrants.

And we have lots and lots of text messages from the coupists.

Trump Jr...Manafart, and Kushner had a meeting with the Russians..(Fact)

Sessions: "I did not have contact with the Russians"
" Ok , I did talk with the Russians, but not about the campaign".
Intelligence heard on surveillance a Russian telling Russia Sessions talked to him about the campaign..

and well we can go on with the arrests...

Question is, who will be the next Deep Throat..

If the memo is all fact, why would there need to be a rebuttal memo? That sounds like partisan politics. "let me explain why those people suck"..:smiliehug:
I mean, we dont even know what it says..
What if there was a REASON for it?
You are doing what you are bitching about...
Why dont ALL you people wait until the damn thing comes out?

Harley, the DOJ officer said that he couldn't sign off by himself..

I have heard that it is written by Nunes without backed up facts..so careful when you say factual. This Nunes has shown his loyalty to Trump by sneaking to the WH behind the committees back before, he should have been fired then.

This is alarming to see a non-bipartisan committee supposedly doing the senate investigation.. Total Bullshit..

Remember it was the DEMs who made Nunes go through an eight month long 'ethics committee' investigation and the bipartisan committee exonerated Nunes 100%.

How? They have no power. They chair no committees. How did Dems make Nunes do anything? They didn't make him lie. And that ethics "investigation" was a farce.

The Circumscribed Ethics Investigation Into Devin Nunes

Those restrictions cast doubt on whether the committee was able to authoritatively compare Nunes’s statements to the press with what he had read in the classified intelligence reports. That, in turn, calls into question the thoroughness of the committee’s investigation, and the accuracy of Nunes’s claims of vindication. A spokesman for the Ethics Committee declined to comment. A spokesman for Nunes did not immediately respond.
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.
They shouldn't be releasing either one to the public, there is an ongoing IG investigation, they can release their findings to the IG and then the results of the IG's investigation can be made public.

That's the closest it's going to get to a politically neutral report.

Congress isn't capable of "investigating" anything without partisan politics morphing the results into nothing more than partisan grand standing and malicious character assassination.

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