What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

I believe that morality is objective
That would be your subjective pov. Be that as it may, all I've asked for is your definition of 'morality', as I have given mine.

Actually, when it comes to the nature of morality itself, it's either objective or not. The existence of an objective moral standard is not a matter of taste, it either exists or it does not. If it does not, if morality is entirely subjective, then there is no "right" or true morality, and there are so many problems with that I wouldn't know where to begin. That would make Jeffrey Dahmer's "morality" just as right as someone like Ghandi or Mother Theresa.
What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?
How come I’ve never seen Satan? People say I don’t see god because I don’t believe in god. Well god shouldn’t be offended because I don’t believe in Satan either. Great story though.
People who win marathons put themselves through the ultimate torture of pain and perseverance in order to win a prize. I suppose if you spin winners enough times, you can blame God to discourage others, Mr. Devil's Advocate. :rolleyes:
Actually, those who win marathons are in amazing shape. They are in no way tortured

But back to the Book of Job

God and Satan are involved in a sick bet
Not only is Job tortured but his children are killed

How do you justify killing innocent children to settle a sick bet?

Not something a loving god would do
Quote: Actually, those who win marathons are in amazing shape. They are in no way tortured​

Obviously, you did not train very hard to win a marathon or to be the best runner that you can be.

Quote: God and Satan are involved in a sick bet.
Obviously, you did not know that God knew the outcome ahead of time; Satan did not.

Quote: Not only is Job tortured but his children are killed
Obviously you cannot recall what his children were doing at the time they were killed, nor do you know that every life from God is a predetermined gift.

Quote: How do you justify killing innocent children to settle a sick bet?​

Justification comes from God, not man.

Quote: Not something a loving god would do.​

With all that criticism coming from you to disparage God in public is heard. I hope you change your mind before your life ends.
Same old, how dare you question God?

I hold God to a higher standard than I hold man

I would not hold a man in high regard who killed someone’s children just to win a bet

First, let's run that kind of standard to which are you holding Job's adult sons and daughters You think because they had a wealthy and righteous father that they were righteous too?

Let's review the tapes, sir, and I quote from the first chapter of Job::

His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. 5 And when the days of the feast had run their course, Job would send and consecrate them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually.​

Sounds to me like Job loved his children even though they may have been into drunken incestuous, even adulterous orgies: cunnilingus, fellatio, paedicatio, sexual pugilism, and zoophilia. Now what were you saying about "killing innocent children to settle a sick bet."

Laws of mercy.
Mercy killing?

In fact they were killed to piss off Job
Like something a mafia boss would do
Why are you blaming Satan's deeds on Almighty God?

God didn't have them done away with.

Satan did.

Even today, we do not hold a child responsible for the wrongdoing of his father, nor a father for the blatant wrongdoing of his children when they plot against his standards.

Why would you ever blame God's high standards for the Satan's snake snot level ones?
If so, they've made judgements informed by their subjective position on what behaviour is moral. I see no contradiction.

It's illogical. If you truly believe that morality is subjective, or a matter of personal taste, like what flavor of ice cream is best, then you wouldn't tell others they are wrong. Because there would be no actual right or wrong, there cannot be an actual right or wrong, if morality is subjective.
God killed all creatures on earth in a flood, killed the first born of Egypt, caused famine and pestilence

What did Satan ever do that was that bad?

^^ enter the Satan worshiper.

Pull out your Bible and point out evil deeds of satan
The Book of Job, the Bible, all verses. It shows the extent of Satan's disrespect of the Almighty's influence upon a man, who suffers but survives without denying God whom he firmly believes will bring him through all forms of other people's disbelief, and guess what: Satan loses the famous bet, and God wins because He knew Job's faith was absolute. Because he believes in God and not himself through all the garbage Satan put him through using his frail body and his friends to harass him--because of his faith in God, he not only defeats the purposes of Satan, he wins not only restoration of all he lost, he is rewarded by becoming a beacon to future generations whenever his story is seen and comprehended by others who chuck doubts for faith in God, the creator. Job's life is like the olive branch that God extends to those who see no value in beliefs but are changed by their full understanding of what God can do when life itself hands you the lemon of disbelief.
The story of Job is some pretty sick shit

Job is used in a sick bet between God and Satan. Kind of like the movie Trading Places

Job is a good person and God allows him to be tortured beyond belief just to make a point
I think God knew what it would take to convince some people. And without significant challenges in the example of Job, the weak of heart who would read the story might give up hope in real life after a moderately difficult challenge left him unfulfilled.

The challenge is to remain faithful and of good cheer even when things look bleak.

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^^ enter the Satan worshiper.

Pull out your Bible and point out evil deeds of satan
The Book of Job, the Bible, all verses. It shows the extent of Satan's disrespect of the Almighty's influence upon a man, who suffers but survives without denying God whom he firmly believes will bring him through all forms of other people's disbelief, and guess what: Satan loses the famous bet, and God wins because He knew Job's faith was absolute. Because he believes in God and not himself through all the garbage Satan put him through using his frail body and his friends to harass him--because of his faith in God, he not only defeats the purposes of Satan, he wins not only restoration of all he lost, he is rewarded by becoming a beacon to future generations whenever his story is seen and comprehended by others who chuck doubts for faith in God, the creator. Job's life is like the olive branch that God extends to those who see no value in beliefs but are changed by their full understanding of what God can do when life itself hands you the lemon of disbelief.
The story of Job is some pretty sick shit

Job is used in a sick bet between God and Satan. Kind of like the movie Trading Places

Job is a good person and God allows him to be tortured beyond belief just to make a point
People who win marathons put themselves through the ultimate torture of pain and perseverance in order to win a prize. I suppose if you spin winners enough times, you can blame God to discourage others, Mr. Devil's Advocate. :rolleyes:
Actually, those who win marathons are in amazing shape. They are in no way tortured

But back to the Book of Job

God and Satan are involved in a sick bet
Not only is Job tortured but his children are killed

How do you justify killing innocent children to settle a sick bet?

Not something a loving god would do
Who the hell are you to question God?

You are an arrogant enemy of America.

And you blaspheme with such nonchalance that it is worthy of note.

Blaspheme: Great disrespect shown to God or to something holy. : something said or done that is disrespectful to God or to something holy.

Merriam-Webster › dictionary › blasphe...

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No. "Pure Evil" is Hell. Thank God, (literally), none of us know that yet. We are all of us, even if we reject God, under what is called "common grace" now. That is, we can enjoy His good gifts even if we don't care about Him or, worse, even reject and curse Him. Good gifts? Air to breathe, food to eat, water to satiate thirst. Love, music, rest, all the very good things in life. All of those things, believe me, are not "pure evil".

When those things are absent, then you will know "pure evil".

I hope and pray you will never have to know it.

So Satan is not evil now?

I guess the nuns at my school had it wrong

Satan is evil, that is true. God has not "unleashed" him on the world unhindered. That will be Hell.
But who created Hell?

It was not Satan, it was God who created it and cast Satan down to Hell

More Old Testament, you will be punished for eternity if you anger God

Ummm....well, you're not far off. If you don't like it, you can join Satan's team and be bitter and jaded for your entire earthly life, and see where that gets your in eternity.

God will give you that choice. He's giving it to you right now--until, finally, your heart hardens to the point you don't really have a choice anymore. (shrug)
Again back to the OP

It is God who has to create a place to torture people for eternity. Wasn’t Satan, he just resides there

God sends billions of people to Hell, just because they chose the wrong religion
You just don't care, do you?

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The Bible is written for those with the intellect of a child. Easily frightened, trusting, willing to believe what they are told without question
That couldn’t be farther from the truth. It takes a great deal of intellect and effort to decipher ancient accounts in their proper context.

It’s much easier to do what you do.
Rational, scientific evaluation contradict with faith based belief

Hence, you cannot cover the earth with water, you can’t part the seas, the earth is more than 6000 years old
Again that is you reading the Bible literally. Why would you do such a stupid thing?

Besides does Genesis say the earth is 6000 years old? Or is that just more of your confirmation bias?

Lastly reason, experience and science are the reasons I believe in a creator.

"...militant atheists"? So, like, "Up against the wall if you don't renounce your religion"?
No. More like the precursor to that.

God commits "genocide" on all of us. We are all going to die. He alone has the right to determine when, how, and even why. He is Creator. He gets to say. Even in a flood, even in cancer, even in a car accident. It is His right.
Again you describe a vengeful god. So vengeful that you dare not question his actions

What I am highlighting is not that Satan is good, God is bad

I am demonstrating that the Bible was written by man for the people of the time

Old Testament God is a god to be feared. People were simple. Worship God or you will be punished. Question God and you will be punished. Punishment is severe. Destroy the earth, kill your children. Punish not just you but future generations

The New Testament is a God of Love. Be a good person. Help the needy, feed the poor, cure the sick. Being good is helping others in the New Testament. Being good in the Old Testament is worshiping God completely
New Testament is the carrot
Old Testament is the stick

Same God just targeted to different audiences

That's too simplistic even for the first graders I teach in Sunday School. I'm not being the least bit facetious. It's just the truth.
Please expand

Your first graders don’t understand the differences between an Old Testament and New Testament God?

You are not a very good teacher

She is even a worse Christian; haughty, spiteful, spreading gossip & falsehoods, etc., the attributes The Gospel warned of
No, she is a person who studies God's word, her church's curriculum and guidelines, and teaches children to love others as the Lord loves each one of us.
You who seek out the speck in someone else's eye cannot see for the log in your own eye.
A wall of words is the last gasp of a defeated moron.
If you could disprove even one thing I wrote you would, but you can't.

You have been disproven every time you post by many people. You just can't grasp that truth because you are dead and in hell. You have confused faith with obstinate stupidity.

Some people have the audacity to profess to believe that God is present in the host simply because they believe and then they eat him without noticing that that practice has been openly condemned by God in scripture for thousands of years under penalty of death.

The dead know nothing. They don't even that they are dead.
No I haven’t. Show me.

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,"

You have openly set aside the law of God and teach others to do the same by worshipping a trinity that became a human being that you eat in the form of a matzo made by human hands for spiritual life even though it is not God and has no life, which amounts to intentional sin of murder in the sight of God, not to mention insane.

To understand what Jesus meant by saying that people like you would be called " least" in the kingdom of heaven, see genesis 3:14
I’m not discussing Jesus, dumb ass.

I wasn't discussing Jesus either. Dumbass yourself.

I was showing you what you asked for. Proof that you have been disproven and not even by me, by your own words, your own professed beliefs that idolatry leads to eternal life which contradicts the entirety of scripture and proof that what you do is under the condemnation of God, your sin murder, in the same exact way that the talking serpent, satan, was a murderer from the beginning in the fairy tale forever condemned by God as the lowest form of low-lifes.

Did you read Genesis 3:14? What was the serpent condemned by God for?

The exact same thing that you openly do here every day and night. How can you even try and deny it? You teach people to set aside the law of God. Thats what you do by advocating the worship of a trinity that became a man that you eat for spiritual life in the form of a matzo made by human hands that can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, is not God, and has no life.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
I’m not blaming you, brother. I am telling you that what you read is beyond your comprehension because you make no effort to understand it. It’s easier for you to build straw men then to make an honest effort.
Again....I didn’t write the Bible but I understand what killing and torture is.
It is not Satan doing it, it comes from God

No straw man, just an honest assessment of what is in the Bible
Oh bullshit. There is nothing honest about what you do.

You try to disprove God through the words in a book rather than through the natural world. Everything you do is backwards. If you study the natural world you cannot help but believe that there is a creator and then the words in that book might make more sense to you. At the very least you will stop treating it as a fairy tale. There is a very good reason why everything you read in that book is skewed. It's the result you are seeking.


The Bible is a group of parables written by man to get other men to commit to their religion. None of it is true, there is no Satan, there is no Hell, there are no pearly gates
That’s the argument of a child.
The Bible is written for those with the intellect of a child. Easily frightened, trusting, willing to believe what they are told without question

You are very close to the truth.

When Jesus said that a person must humble themselves like a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven he was telling people that they have to understand that those stories in scripture were originally intended to instruct children.

There is really nothing mystical, mythological, mysterious, superstitious, supernatural, or too complicated for a child to understand about the deeper implications of a talking serpent, angels, demons, children of God, children of the devil, swine that do not ruminate, teeming vermin who go down on all fours, opening the eyes of the blind, raising the dead, demonic possession, wild beasts of the field, heaven, hell, etc.

The problems arose when talking serpents usurped authority over the stories and taught people that they were sacred documents about some magical time in the past as if those fantastical things recorded in scripture were actual historical events.

Now crazy people under the guise of being dedicated patriotic religious believers have usurped positions of authority in government (after hypnotizing, (demonically possessing), millions of numbskulls) and are trying their very best to save the world from the evils of truth, freedom, equality, justice, and sanity.

Thats how much they love Jesus.
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That couldn’t be farther from the truth. It takes a great deal of intellect and effort to decipher ancient accounts in their proper context.

It’s much easier to do what you do.
Rational, scientific evaluation contradict with faith based belief

Hence, you cannot cover the earth with water, you can’t part the seas, the earth is more than 6000 years old
Again that is you reading the Bible literally. Why would you do such a stupid thing?

Besides does Genesis say the earth is 6000 years old? Or is that just more of your confirmation bias?

Lastly reason, experience and science are the reasons I believe in a creator.

"...militant atheists"? So, like, "Up against the wall if you don't renounce your religion"?
No. More like the precursor to that.

It’s a short distance from thoughts to deeds.
If you could disprove even one thing I wrote you would, but you can't.

You have been disproven every time you post by many people. You just can't grasp that truth because you are dead and in hell. You have confused faith with obstinate stupidity.

Some people have the audacity to profess to believe that God is present in the host simply because they believe and then they eat him without noticing that that practice has been openly condemned by God in scripture for thousands of years under penalty of death.

The dead know nothing. They don't even that they are dead.
No I haven’t. Show me.

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,"

You have openly set aside the law of God and teach others to do the same by worshipping a trinity that became a human being that you eat in the form of a matzo made by human hands for spiritual life even though it is not God and has no life, which amounts to intentional sin of murder in the sight of God, not to mention insane.

To understand what Jesus meant by saying that people like you would be called " least" in the kingdom of heaven, see genesis 3:14
I’m not discussing Jesus, dumb ass.

I wasn't discussing Jesus either. Dumbass yourself.

I was showing you what you asked for. Proof that you have been disproven and not even by me, by your own words, your own professed beliefs that idolatry leads to eternal life which contradicts the entirety of scripture and proof that what you do is under the condemnation of God, your sin murder, in the same exact way that the talking serpent, satan, was a murderer from the beginning in the fairy tale forever condemned by God as the lowest form of low-lifes.

Did you read Genesis 3:14? What was the serpent condemned by God for?

The exact same thing that you openly do here every day and night. How can you even try and deny it? You teach people to set aside the law of God. Thats what you do by advocating the worship of a trinity that became a man that you eat for spiritual life in the form of a matzo made by human hands that can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, is not God, and has no life.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
No. You didn’t actually. It was totally unrelated to my proof of the existence of God.
You have been disproven every time you post by many people. You just can't grasp that truth because you are dead and in hell. You have confused faith with obstinate stupidity.

Some people have the audacity to profess to believe that God is present in the host simply because they believe and then they eat him without noticing that that practice has been openly condemned by God in scripture for thousands of years under penalty of death.

The dead know nothing. They don't even that they are dead.
No I haven’t. Show me.

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,"

You have openly set aside the law of God and teach others to do the same by worshipping a trinity that became a human being that you eat in the form of a matzo made by human hands for spiritual life even though it is not God and has no life, which amounts to intentional sin of murder in the sight of God, not to mention insane.

To understand what Jesus meant by saying that people like you would be called " least" in the kingdom of heaven, see genesis 3:14
I’m not discussing Jesus, dumb ass.

I wasn't discussing Jesus either. Dumbass yourself.

I was showing you what you asked for. Proof that you have been disproven and not even by me, by your own words, your own professed beliefs that idolatry leads to eternal life which contradicts the entirety of scripture and proof that what you do is under the condemnation of God, your sin murder, in the same exact way that the talking serpent, satan, was a murderer from the beginning in the fairy tale forever condemned by God as the lowest form of low-lifes.

Did you read Genesis 3:14? What was the serpent condemned by God for?

The exact same thing that you openly do here every day and night. How can you even try and deny it? You teach people to set aside the law of God. Thats what you do by advocating the worship of a trinity that became a man that you eat for spiritual life in the form of a matzo made by human hands that can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, is not God, and has no life.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
No. You didn’t actually. It was totally unrelated to my proof of the existence of God.

lol... I know that you feel that your pseudo religious psycho science babble has been a magnificent display of brilliance but you might want to apply whats left of intelligence in that addled mind of yours into questioning why your openly displayed religious expression of your love for God is to defy his commands every Sunday, desecrate the teachings of Jesus by turning to a lifeless cracker for spiritual life, and attempting to mislead other people every single day and night as if your life depended on fucking up someone else's mind like yours was fucked up.

Your mind, the seat of your conscious existence, has become overrun by demon weeds, thorns, thistles, dog shit, trash, and vermin like the ruins of an abandoned building in a vacant lot, the untended growing mounds of demon weeds, thorns, thistles, dog shit, trash, and vermin are perverting everything you see, hear, feel, touch, smell, and think.

You are not a very tidy person.

But as long as it makes you happy....
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Rational, scientific evaluation contradict with faith based belief

Hence, you cannot cover the earth with water, you can’t part the seas, the earth is more than 6000 years old
Again that is you reading the Bible literally. Why would you do such a stupid thing?

Besides does Genesis say the earth is 6000 years old? Or is that just more of your confirmation bias?

Lastly reason, experience and science are the reasons I believe in a creator.

"...militant atheists"? So, like, "Up against the wall if you don't renounce your religion"?
No. More like the precursor to that.

It’s a short distance from thoughts to deeds.

….well, OK. Whatever...…
... Since Satan loves misery and starvation then he is obviously a Socialist. ...

What a bad luck that Amazon is a poor "socialistic" company, which is not able to pay adequate taxes everywhere in the world and needs for example 9 billion Dollars from the taxpayers and a helicopter landing place for free for an investement in NY, which Amazon is suddenly not able to do any longer because of the uncompromissingness "everything or nothing". The politics "everything or nothing" of the pseudo-president Donald Trump for example took care that he had destroyed lots of important international treaties, connections and leagues which were in his ignorant view on the real problems of the world "not good enough", so he replaced them with "nothing". The result of the politics "everything or nothing" will be by the way in the end always only "nothing". "Everything" never will happen.

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Again that is you reading the Bible literally. Why would you do such a stupid thing?

Besides does Genesis say the earth is 6000 years old? Or is that just more of your confirmation bias?

Lastly reason, experience and science are the reasons I believe in a creator.

"...militant atheists"? So, like, "Up against the wall if you don't renounce your religion"?
No. More like the precursor to that.

It’s a short distance from thoughts to deeds.

….well, OK. Whatever...…
We covet what we see and we act on what we think. This is especially true for people who get easily worked up over things.

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