What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

Quote: Actually, those who win marathons are in amazing shape. They are in no way tortured​

Obviously, you did not train very hard to win a marathon or to be the best runner that you can be.

Quote: God and Satan are involved in a sick bet.
Obviously, you did not know that God knew the outcome ahead of time; Satan did not.

Quote: Not only is Job tortured but his children are killed
Obviously you cannot recall what his children were doing at the time they were killed, nor do you know that every life from God is a predetermined gift.

Quote: How do you justify killing innocent children to settle a sick bet?​

Justification comes from God, not man.

Quote: Not something a loving god would do.​

With all that criticism coming from you to disparage God in public is heard. I hope you change your mind before your life ends.
Same old, how dare you question God?

I hold God to a higher standard than I hold man

I would not hold a man in high regard who killed someone’s children just to win a bet

First, let's run that kind of standard to which are you holding Job's adult sons and daughters You think because they had a wealthy and righteous father that they were righteous too?

Let's review the tapes, sir, and I quote from the first chapter of Job::

His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. 5 And when the days of the feast had run their course, Job would send and consecrate them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually.​

Sounds to me like Job loved his children even though they may have been into drunken incestuous, even adulterous orgies: cunnilingus, fellatio, paedicatio, sexual pugilism, and zoophilia. Now what were you saying about "killing innocent children to settle a sick bet."

Laws of mercy.
Mercy killing?

In fact they were killed to piss off Job
Like something a mafia boss would do
You said they were innocent. Job sacrificed animals in the hope that God would save them from the wrongs they were committing. You lefto's just can't admit saying, "well, maybe I was mistaken."
Nothing worthy of killing to settle a bet
To quote a lovely song about America, "May God thy gold refine." I mean that only in a way that will enrich thee, sir. Have a lovely day.
Same old, how dare you question God?

I hold God to a higher standard than I hold man

I would not hold a man in high regard who killed someone’s children just to win a bet

First, let's run that kind of standard to which are you holding Job's adult sons and daughters You think because they had a wealthy and righteous father that they were righteous too?

Let's review the tapes, sir, and I quote from the first chapter of Job::

His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. 5 And when the days of the feast had run their course, Job would send and consecrate them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually.​

Sounds to me like Job loved his children even though they may have been into drunken incestuous, even adulterous orgies: cunnilingus, fellatio, paedicatio, sexual pugilism, and zoophilia. Now what were you saying about "killing innocent children to settle a sick bet."

Laws of mercy.
Mercy killing?

In fact they were killed to piss off Job
Like something a mafia boss would do
You said they were innocent. Job sacrificed animals in the hope that God would save them from the wrongs they were committing. You lefto's just can't admit saying, "well, maybe I was mistaken."
Nothing worthy of killing to settle a bet

Do you guys realize that the book of Job is pure fiction? The conflict between God and Satan is a literary device, a thought exercise written by ancient people who were trying to understand why bad things happen to good people.

Its very cute to see such advance and educated modern people taking their first wobbly steps trying to resolve the same problems that the children of uneducated shepherds mastered thousands of years ago, but in reality God didn't actually kill anyone over a bet . So,...... damn.
Are you certain? If an allegory makes believers more devoted to living lives within the parameters of the Commandments of God, and it results in peace on earth when people realize the importance of higher achievement goals than lives of ascribing wrongs to lies rather than evidence, what's preferable: a dictatorship that kills people who do not tow the mark, or living with the goal of not hurting another person because of commandments that require us to be merciful--not to break up a neighbor's marriage, not to put an innocent person in prison with false witness borne, to give elderly parents some small justification for spending many years doing their best to produce helping members of society rather than sponges absorbing the efforts of others to no good purpose, and respecting elders, raising children to accept what they have without stealing from other people what they may have earned the hard way or inherited from parents who intended their children should have what is left over from their lives to enrich their own children with, to give people a sense that they did all they could to bring peace on earth by living right, at the end of their lives. That's all we believe that God requires--to love justice, to show mercy, and to walk humbly, not all fluffed up with self-importance. Believers feel it's right to do good, which often comes down to avoiding what would hurt one's fellow man.

And there is the very good chance that Job is based on a for-real experience in antiquity. After all, truth is stranger than fiction, and this is a strange teaching incidence, but it follows the thread that it's good to be firm in one's convictions that there is a better way of living than being mired down in hatred. That's why we try to mend our ways if we've misstepped, and felt happy in glorifying God when we acknowledge wrong and become more into living according to time-honored good behaviors in our daily living.

Our soldiers know it best when "who more than self their country loved, and mercy, more than life" "America," says the song, "America, may God thy gold refine. And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea."
I’m not discussing Jesus, dumb ass.

I wasn't discussing Jesus either. Dumbass yourself.

I was showing you what you asked for. Proof that you have been disproven and not even by me, by your own words, your own professed beliefs that idolatry leads to eternal life which contradicts the entirety of scripture and proof that what you do is under the condemnation of God, your sin murder, in the same exact way that the talking serpent, satan, was a murderer from the beginning in the fairy tale forever condemned by God as the lowest form of low-lifes.

Did you read Genesis 3:14? What was the serpent condemned by God for?

The exact same thing that you openly do here every day and night. How can you even try and deny it? You teach people to set aside the law of God. Thats what you do by advocating the worship of a trinity that became a man that you eat for spiritual life in the form of a matzo made by human hands that can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, is not God, and has no life.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
No. You didn’t actually. It was totally unrelated to my proof of the existence of God.

lol... I know that you feel that your pseudo religious psycho science babble has been a magnificent display of brilliance but you might want to apply whats left of intelligence in that addled mind of yours into questioning why your openly displayed religious expression of your love for God is to defy his commands every Sunday, desecrate the teachings of Jesus by turning to a lifeless cracker for spiritual life, and attempting to mislead other people every single day and night as if your life depended on fucking up someone else's mind like yours was fucked up.

Your mind, the seat of your conscious existence, has become overrun by demon weeds, thorns, thistles, dog shit, trash, and vermin like the ruins of an abandoned building in a vacant lot, the untended growing mounds of demon weeds, thorns, thistles, dog shit, trash, and vermin are perverting everything you see, hear, feel, touch, smell, and think.

You are not a very tidy person.

But as long as it makes you happy....
I am full of flaws. I never claimed to be a saint.

But I’m not judgmental like you.

Let me summarize what you took offense at.

Genesis is the allegorical account of the history of the world that all people share. Chapter 1 and 2 of Genesis is the allegorical account of creation. Specifically, that the universe did have a beginning and that man is a product of the universe. We need to stop reading the Bible like we think it is a fairy tale. These are allegorical accounts of history that ancient man deemed important enough to orally pass down from generation to generation for thousands of years. We shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. We are so far removed from these events that we have lost all original meaning which is why some modern men view these accounts as fairy tales instead of what they really are; ancient man's allegorical account of world history.

The closest thing we can come to perceiving God is that God is consciousness without a body. A case for spirit creating the material world can be made by examining the evidence that we have at our disposal. Some of the most compelling evidence is man's belief in universal right and wrong and his unwillingness to abandon this concept even when he violates it.

Good reasons do exist for us to keep an open mind about the possibility of the creator of space and time communicating with us. We can use our own experiences as proxies to better understand what form these revelations may take. When taken in this light, ancient man's revelation that the universe did have a beginning and that man is a product of the universe is not that far fetched.

I can see why such a staunch supporter of God like you got so upset about this. :lol:

Wow. That was an impressive display of irrelevance.

And no, I did not take offense at anything. I exposed you as an actor and lying fraud. Thats what is actually happening.

You asked me to show you how you were proven wrong about your posted beliefs and I chose an example that cannot be refuted.

You defy the Law of God and desecrate the teaching of Jesus as a matter of religious devotion. You brag about it.

So now you are confounded but instead of acknowledging or amending your error you ignored it completely and started yapping about Genesis as if that somehow absolves you of your guilt or conceals your deception.

Your refusal (or inability) to acknowledge such an obvious truth is extremely shameful and pathetic, worthy of the lowest of low-lifes, that is my judgment, but to each his own and all that...

Its a free country.

You are free to try and deceive as many people as you can, and I am free to undo the work of the devil.


Praise God, thank you Jesus, hallelujah, Amen.
How was it irrelevant?

That was literally in the post you responded to without actually addressing anything I wrote.

So it is ironic that you claim it was irrelevant when your response to it was irrelevant.
Same old, how dare you question God?

I hold God to a higher standard than I hold man

I would not hold a man in high regard who killed someone’s children just to win a bet

First, let's run that kind of standard to which are you holding Job's adult sons and daughters You think because they had a wealthy and righteous father that they were righteous too?

Let's review the tapes, sir, and I quote from the first chapter of Job::

His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. 5 And when the days of the feast had run their course, Job would send and consecrate them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually.​

Sounds to me like Job loved his children even though they may have been into drunken incestuous, even adulterous orgies: cunnilingus, fellatio, paedicatio, sexual pugilism, and zoophilia. Now what were you saying about "killing innocent children to settle a sick bet."

Laws of mercy.
Mercy killing?

In fact they were killed to piss off Job
Like something a mafia boss would do
You said they were innocent. Job sacrificed animals in the hope that God would save them from the wrongs they were committing. You lefto's just can't admit saying, "well, maybe I was mistaken."
Nothing worthy of killing to settle a bet

Do you guys realize that the book of Job is pure fiction?The conflict between God and Satan is a literary device, a thought exercise written by ancient people who were trying to understand why bad things happen to good people.

Its very cute to see such advance and educated modern people taking their first wobbly steps trying to resolve the same problems that the children of uneducated shepherds mastered thousands of years ago, but in reality God didn't actually kill anyone over a bet . So,...... damn.
Actually Jews weren’t trying to understand why bad things happen to good people. Jews were explaining that we are being tested. Jews believe that Satan is an angel that works for God. His job is to test us; to tempt us.
The world in which we live is indeed "flat", what means: The sum of the three angles in a triangle is 180° in our universe - even if the triangle has a size of thousands of lightyears. This is a very strange result, because normally we would say more than 180° and/or less than 180° has a much higher probability of occurence. But looks like it are indeed exactly 180°. This means our universe is not "open" and not "closed" but it is "flat".
Alternate physics ?

What do you call "alternate physics"? This is trivial simple physics. Physics is by the way the most simple of all natural sciences. The other natural sciences base on physics.


You evaluated what I said here with the marker "funny", what shows to me that you do not have a big idea about physics. Astronoms use the mathematics of Euclid and not a mathematics for a space which has the form of spheres (or hyper-spheres) or a mathematics which is comparable with the mathematics of Riemann - (except in special situations of very big masses, extremely high speed and so on ...). The space is flat like a piece of paper. But why? A piece of paper is only flat because it is on a desk or a floor - but not when the gravity ... ah sorry ... the wind moves the paper. Why do we see paper - why do we see wind (although there's nearly no wind) ... but why not the desk or the ground of the space? Is there a desk somewhere or is none? A stupid question, isn't it? But it needs often hundreds, thousands and even millions of stupid questions and often thousands of years until an Aha-effect shows a deeper form of reality to us. And sometimes a frog becomes a knight, when a lady is kissing him ... and sometimes god has a message, which helps us, if we feel the person behind the kiss and if we hear the words which are not only "quack".

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This has always seemed the problem to me; "Satan" knows better than anyone else that 'he' is at most second to 'God' and can never excel 'his' creator. What could be the ultimate motivation in that case?
To have all creation undermine him 4eyeM......which if this thread example.....fairly evident .....~S~
This has always seemed the problem to me; "Satan" knows better than anyone else that 'he' is at most second to 'God' and can never excel 'his' creator. What could be the ultimate motivation in that case?
Is it motivation or is it purpose?

There are two views of Satan. The Jewish view and the Christian view. Jews believe that Satan is an angel that works for God whose job is to test us; to tempt us. Christians view Satan as a fallen angel who was created good and turned evil. In the Christian view evil is the absence of good. Which means that God withdrew his spirit from Satan. So Satan’s motivation is the absence of good in the Christian view. In the Jewish view, Satan’s motivation is to serve God. But the interesting thing is that in both views Satan serves the exact same purpose; his job or role is to tempt us so that good can arise.
That would make Jeffrey Dahmer's "morality" just as right as someone like Ghandi or Mother Theresa.
Morals are community norms. Valid morals are those which aid the survival/prosperity of the community. I believe Dahmer's morals were neither a community norm nor would have assisted his community to survive. This is the second time I've given my definition of morality. I expect you to be incapable of giving yours as you show no shame at discussing what you won't define.
The US Constitution is more moral than the Bible

It recognizes equal rights for all, bans slavery, gives equal rights to gays
That would make Jeffrey Dahmer's "morality" just as right as someone like Ghandi or Mother Theresa.
Morals are community norms. Valid morals are those which aid the survival/prosperity of the community. I believe Dahmer's morals were neither a community norm nor would have assisted his community to survive. This is the second time I've given my definition of morality. I expect you to be incapable of giving yours as you show no shame at discussing what you won't define.
The US Constitution is more moral than the Bible

It recognizes equal rights for all, bans slavery, gives equal rights to gays

So why is the USA a hell for so many people?

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What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?

I'm not going to put myself in Satan's shoes and I don't have to.

Satan understands God's plan, as laid out in the Bible.

Satan understands that he is destined for the pit of Hell.

Satan's simply trying to take as many people down with him as he can.
God killed all creatures on earth in a flood, killed the first born of Egypt, caused famine and pestilence

What did Satan ever do that was that bad?

Somehow he managed to get billions of people who profess to love God and Jesus to turn to a lifeless cracker for spiritual life and then ritually celebrate the torture and death of an imaginary triune mangod every Sunday before eating him for more than a thousand years.

And as soon as they take a bite, they all die a horrible death, always dying every single day and night of their lives without ever finding peace in death.

Still works like a charm.

At least the flood put an end to the violence and insanity of barbaric people running amok like a blight on the planet, even if only for a while.
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That would make Jeffrey Dahmer's "morality" just as right as someone like Ghandi or Mother Theresa.
Morals are community norms. Valid morals are those which aid the survival/prosperity of the community. I believe Dahmer's morals were neither a community norm nor would have assisted his community to survive. This is the second time I've given my definition of morality. I expect you to be incapable of giving yours as you show no shame at discussing what you won't define.
The US Constitution is more moral than the Bible

It recognizes equal rights for all, bans slavery, gives equal rights to gays

Satan found a way around that too. Just legislate laws that criminalize political and philosophical enemies and then systematically take away the civil rights, the constitutional God given birthright, of millions of citizens because they are felons.

Then the subjugated and oppressed can't even peacefully vote the corrupt bastards out of power,.

Its actually a brilliant plan, until the day of reckoning comes. And it always comes.
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Sounds awfully lot like normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises. Which it does.

We are the sum of our choices. Choose wisely.
Actually God and Satan are best buds. One day they were trading shots of Jameson at St. Pat's Bar and Grille. God turns His bleary eyes to Satan and slurs "Ya know, I really ought to think about creating humans". Satan slurs back "Sounds good. Betcha I could flip them to liking me more". "Oh yeah?"
God said incredulously, "You're on!!"
I'm in the dark about what the terms of the bet is.

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