What is the average IQ of a Bernie supporter?

I know you are kidding right? So if most if not all of the low skill labor jobs are eliminated by robotics, you think everyone is able to learn how to be a mechanical engineer? a nurse? a teacher? I know some people that are too dumb to use a mop bucket, that doesn't mean we should let them starve and die like you said. I thought you were intelligent?

SwimExpert - "Sure, whatever. Or they could die. I really don't care."

You said it, now own it.

So, if someone is too dumb to use a mop bucket, we should all just have to pay for whatever they want? How about they stop being so fucking stupid.
I know you are kidding right? So if most if not all of the low skill labor jobs are eliminated by robotics, you think everyone is able to learn how to be a mechanical engineer? a nurse? a teacher? I know some people that are too dumb to use a mop bucket, that doesn't mean we should let them starve and die like you said. I thought you were intelligent?

SwimExpert - "Sure, whatever. Or they could die. I really don't care."

You said it, now own it.

So, if someone is too dumb to use a mop bucket, we should all just have to pay for whatever they want? How about they stop being so fucking stupid.

Right, most serendipitist one, change their genetic make-up and get more intelligent. Brilliant!
I know you are kidding right? So if most if not all of the low skill labor jobs are eliminated by robotics, you think everyone is able to learn how to be a mechanical engineer? a nurse? a teacher? I know some people that are too dumb to use a mop bucket, that doesn't mean we should let them starve and die like you said. I thought you were intelligent?

SwimExpert - "Sure, whatever. Or they could die. I really don't care."

You said it, now own it.

So, if someone is too dumb to use a mop bucket, we should all just have to pay for whatever they want? How about they stop being so fucking stupid.

Right, most serendipitist one, change their genetic make-up and get more intelligent. Brilliant!

Unless someone has an actual intellectual disability, there is no reason for someone to be too dumb to use a mop bucket. That's nothing more than a willful decision to not apply themselves.
LMAO George Orwell was not a right wing conservative: he was a progressive and liberal. LOL You guys are hilarious.

George Orwell wasn't a Progressive in the sense Progressive is meant today, have you read "Animal Farm"?

"Animal Farm" is a devastating critique of Marxist Utopia ie. Totalitarian Leftism, which is exactly what today's Progressives are, they're Totalitarian Leftist's, illustrated on a daily basis by the fanatical intolerance they exhibit towards anyone who disagrees with either them or The Leftist Agenda.

George Orwell (Eric Blair) would be horrified at today's Progressives, just like John F. Kennedy would.
No, I think the totalitarianism Orwell was referring to would not allow you to voice your opinion, Lucy H.

"No, I think the totalitarianism Orwell was referring to would not allow you to voice your opinion"

It's happening, if someone says that they don't agree with Transgenderism or allowing men with penises to use female bathrooms, immediately those people are branded "bigots"

The same with if people say that they don't want immense amounts of Muslims being brought into their nations, immediately those people are branded "racists" EVEN though Muslim isn't even a race.
Yep, people are already being arrested and losing their jobs for believing men should not be in bathrooms with 10 year old girls.

Exactly and if this insanity isn't stopped, then society is heading toward the type of Totalitarian Leftist nightmare that George Orwell was so vehemently against.

Look at the quote in my sig line; Orwell was a seer. He predicted what would happen and it is happening. The reference to pig and man represents the two parties. Can you tell the difference between the two parties in the U.S. anymore?
That's true in every job in every industry. What does it have to do with anything? I spent years on Wall Street and my career is in management and corporate management. It's like everything else, there are good and bad ones.

Free markets sort all that out, they let the bad ones fail
Free markets don't sort that all out. That's my point. When they drag one company under, they tend to move on to the next.

I don't even know what that means, but neither do you. You don't trust people to make our own choices, but you trust government to make them for us. Now that's just stupid
Government has traditionally played the role of the mediator. Now we have a bunch of small government right wingers who've decided it would be just fine to put the foxes in charge of the hen house. And guess what, the foxes are looting the place and the hens are getting slaughtered. Who could've seen that coming.

Maybe you could tone down the Marxist rhetoric and be a little more specific
I'll give you some recent, personal history. Our company hired a consultant to give us a course on agile methodology. I'll even admit that he did a good job at that. But they hired him on in spite of the fact that he knew nothing about our industry, he knew nothing about DSP, he knew nothing about firmware and as near as I can figure, hadn't written a line of code in about 15 years. Good at self promotion as all of these guys are. Nevertheless, he convinced a small group of like-minded, shoot from the hip, go with your gut upper level managers that he knew how to make us stellar. I can appreciate that there are times when information is sketchy and you do have to go with your gut but there were a bunch of people with 15, 20, 25 years of experience who could have told them all where it would blow up and they never bothered to listen. Here we are, after losing a bunch of good people and with productivity in the tank trying to keep this ship afloat. It appears we might do that but now we're working twice as hard for the same results. The only consolation is that all of these guys are gone now - one was forced into retirement, one saw the writing on the wall and found someplace else to go, one was outright fired (he found another place too) and the last went to a different division where hopefully he won't have any further impact.

These are the types of guys who want to outsource my job for their own gain but darn it, they just can't.

That there are a lot of bad consultants is why I make the $$$ that I do and why I get called in after a lot of them fail. That goes to prove capitalism, not disprove it. Successful companies learn from their mistakes. Unsuccessful ones don't. So you worked for a bad company. Next time, hire me ...
Math seems hard for Bernie supporters. Hard to believe I know.

Math Is Hard for Sanders Supporters | The American Spectator

Seventy years ago, George Orwell explained why so many bad ideas are unquestioningly accepted and advocated by the left: “At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it.” This is precisely why the Urban Institute (UI) is under attack from Bernie Sanders supporters and other progressives. The left-of-center think tank recently released a study that says the unsayable — Medicare for All is an unaffordable fantasy.
Medicare for All is the single-payer health care system that most progressives support as a replacement for Obamacare. Sanders, the Vermont senator who is ostensibly running against Hillary Clinton for the Democrat presidential nomination, has made it the centerpiece of his campaign. His website assures us that “Bernie’s plan” will save the country $6 trillion over the next ten years, but UI committed the sin of checking the math, and the study’s authors are not feeling the Bern: “[N]ational health expenditures would increase … by 6.6 trillion (16.6 percent) between 2017 and 2026.”
And this is just a drop in the bucket compared to how much it will increase thegovernment’s health spending:

not sure about that question

however the number one group by far

who donate to his campaign

are from the "not working" group

go figure

25% of the money donated has been by unemployed (or retired, I guess). How does 1 in 4 dollars become #1?

well it is quite obvious by the chart that that group is by far the largest group donating
Free markets don't sort that all out. That's my point. When they drag one company under, they tend to move on to the next.

I don't even know what that means, but neither do you. You don't trust people to make our own choices, but you trust government to make them for us. Now that's just stupid
Government has traditionally played the role of the mediator. Now we have a bunch of small government right wingers who've decided it would be just fine to put the foxes in charge of the hen house. And guess what, the foxes are looting the place and the hens are getting slaughtered. Who could've seen that coming.

Maybe you could tone down the Marxist rhetoric and be a little more specific
I'll give you some recent, personal history. Our company hired a consultant to give us a course on agile methodology. I'll even admit that he did a good job at that. But they hired him on in spite of the fact that he knew nothing about our industry, he knew nothing about DSP, he knew nothing about firmware and as near as I can figure, hadn't written a line of code in about 15 years. Good at self promotion as all of these guys are. Nevertheless, he convinced a small group of like-minded, shoot from the hip, go with your gut upper level managers that he knew how to make us stellar. I can appreciate that there are times when information is sketchy and you do have to go with your gut but there were a bunch of people with 15, 20, 25 years of experience who could have told them all where it would blow up and they never bothered to listen. Here we are, after losing a bunch of good people and with productivity in the tank trying to keep this ship afloat. It appears we might do that but now we're working twice as hard for the same results. The only consolation is that all of these guys are gone now - one was forced into retirement, one saw the writing on the wall and found someplace else to go, one was outright fired (he found another place too) and the last went to a different division where hopefully he won't have any further impact.

These are the types of guys who want to outsource my job for their own gain but darn it, they just can't.

That there are a lot of bad consultants is why I make the $$$ that I do and why I get called in after a lot of them fail. That goes to prove capitalism, not disprove it. Successful companies learn from their mistakes. Unsuccessful ones don't. So you worked for a bad company. Next time, hire me ...
All consultants think they're God's gift. Hence, the laughable resumes I see on LinkedIn. Much of corporate upper management is just as bad. One truth I've found from working in a variety of corporations is that the founders are generally very sharp and respectful of the people who work for them. Once they're out of the picture, the corporate slime move in and it becomes a frat party.
I don't even know what that means, but neither do you. You don't trust people to make our own choices, but you trust government to make them for us. Now that's just stupid
Government has traditionally played the role of the mediator. Now we have a bunch of small government right wingers who've decided it would be just fine to put the foxes in charge of the hen house. And guess what, the foxes are looting the place and the hens are getting slaughtered. Who could've seen that coming.

Maybe you could tone down the Marxist rhetoric and be a little more specific
I'll give you some recent, personal history. Our company hired a consultant to give us a course on agile methodology. I'll even admit that he did a good job at that. But they hired him on in spite of the fact that he knew nothing about our industry, he knew nothing about DSP, he knew nothing about firmware and as near as I can figure, hadn't written a line of code in about 15 years. Good at self promotion as all of these guys are. Nevertheless, he convinced a small group of like-minded, shoot from the hip, go with your gut upper level managers that he knew how to make us stellar. I can appreciate that there are times when information is sketchy and you do have to go with your gut but there were a bunch of people with 15, 20, 25 years of experience who could have told them all where it would blow up and they never bothered to listen. Here we are, after losing a bunch of good people and with productivity in the tank trying to keep this ship afloat. It appears we might do that but now we're working twice as hard for the same results. The only consolation is that all of these guys are gone now - one was forced into retirement, one saw the writing on the wall and found someplace else to go, one was outright fired (he found another place too) and the last went to a different division where hopefully he won't have any further impact.

These are the types of guys who want to outsource my job for their own gain but darn it, they just can't.

That there are a lot of bad consultants is why I make the $$$ that I do and why I get called in after a lot of them fail. That goes to prove capitalism, not disprove it. Successful companies learn from their mistakes. Unsuccessful ones don't. So you worked for a bad company. Next time, hire me ...
All consultants think they're God's gift. Hence, the laughable resumes I see on LinkedIn. Much of corporate upper management is just as bad. One truth I've found from working in a variety of corporations is that the founders are generally very sharp and respectful of the people who work for them. Once they're out of the picture, the corporate slime move in and it becomes a frat party.

"All" consultants? It's hilarious that you call us "all" arrogant, yet you know all about us "all." Hypocrisy much?
Government has traditionally played the role of the mediator. Now we have a bunch of small government right wingers who've decided it would be just fine to put the foxes in charge of the hen house. And guess what, the foxes are looting the place and the hens are getting slaughtered. Who could've seen that coming.

Maybe you could tone down the Marxist rhetoric and be a little more specific
I'll give you some recent, personal history. Our company hired a consultant to give us a course on agile methodology. I'll even admit that he did a good job at that. But they hired him on in spite of the fact that he knew nothing about our industry, he knew nothing about DSP, he knew nothing about firmware and as near as I can figure, hadn't written a line of code in about 15 years. Good at self promotion as all of these guys are. Nevertheless, he convinced a small group of like-minded, shoot from the hip, go with your gut upper level managers that he knew how to make us stellar. I can appreciate that there are times when information is sketchy and you do have to go with your gut but there were a bunch of people with 15, 20, 25 years of experience who could have told them all where it would blow up and they never bothered to listen. Here we are, after losing a bunch of good people and with productivity in the tank trying to keep this ship afloat. It appears we might do that but now we're working twice as hard for the same results. The only consolation is that all of these guys are gone now - one was forced into retirement, one saw the writing on the wall and found someplace else to go, one was outright fired (he found another place too) and the last went to a different division where hopefully he won't have any further impact.

These are the types of guys who want to outsource my job for their own gain but darn it, they just can't.

That there are a lot of bad consultants is why I make the $$$ that I do and why I get called in after a lot of them fail. That goes to prove capitalism, not disprove it. Successful companies learn from their mistakes. Unsuccessful ones don't. So you worked for a bad company. Next time, hire me ...
All consultants think they're God's gift. Hence, the laughable resumes I see on LinkedIn. Much of corporate upper management is just as bad. One truth I've found from working in a variety of corporations is that the founders are generally very sharp and respectful of the people who work for them. Once they're out of the picture, the corporate slime move in and it becomes a frat party.

"All" consultants? It's hilarious that you call us "all" arrogant, yet you know all about us "all." Hypocrisy much?
Ok, fair enough. All consultants that I've ever known... How's that? Not that I really know you but your posts here don't exactly counter my impressions.
Maybe you could tone down the Marxist rhetoric and be a little more specific
I'll give you some recent, personal history. Our company hired a consultant to give us a course on agile methodology. I'll even admit that he did a good job at that. But they hired him on in spite of the fact that he knew nothing about our industry, he knew nothing about DSP, he knew nothing about firmware and as near as I can figure, hadn't written a line of code in about 15 years. Good at self promotion as all of these guys are. Nevertheless, he convinced a small group of like-minded, shoot from the hip, go with your gut upper level managers that he knew how to make us stellar. I can appreciate that there are times when information is sketchy and you do have to go with your gut but there were a bunch of people with 15, 20, 25 years of experience who could have told them all where it would blow up and they never bothered to listen. Here we are, after losing a bunch of good people and with productivity in the tank trying to keep this ship afloat. It appears we might do that but now we're working twice as hard for the same results. The only consolation is that all of these guys are gone now - one was forced into retirement, one saw the writing on the wall and found someplace else to go, one was outright fired (he found another place too) and the last went to a different division where hopefully he won't have any further impact.

These are the types of guys who want to outsource my job for their own gain but darn it, they just can't.

That there are a lot of bad consultants is why I make the $$$ that I do and why I get called in after a lot of them fail. That goes to prove capitalism, not disprove it. Successful companies learn from their mistakes. Unsuccessful ones don't. So you worked for a bad company. Next time, hire me ...
All consultants think they're God's gift. Hence, the laughable resumes I see on LinkedIn. Much of corporate upper management is just as bad. One truth I've found from working in a variety of corporations is that the founders are generally very sharp and respectful of the people who work for them. Once they're out of the picture, the corporate slime move in and it becomes a frat party.

"All" consultants? It's hilarious that you call us "all" arrogant, yet you know all about us "all." Hypocrisy much?
Ok, fair enough. All consultants that I've ever known... How's that? Not that I really know you but your posts here don't exactly counter my impressions.

Yes, free enterprise is ridiculous. People can't make their own choices, government has to do it for us ... I'm completely lost. There is one problem with your theory. Government is comprised of ... people ... Didn't realize that, did you?
I'll give you some recent, personal history. Our company hired a consultant to give us a course on agile methodology. I'll even admit that he did a good job at that. But they hired him on in spite of the fact that he knew nothing about our industry, he knew nothing about DSP, he knew nothing about firmware and as near as I can figure, hadn't written a line of code in about 15 years. Good at self promotion as all of these guys are. Nevertheless, he convinced a small group of like-minded, shoot from the hip, go with your gut upper level managers that he knew how to make us stellar. I can appreciate that there are times when information is sketchy and you do have to go with your gut but there were a bunch of people with 15, 20, 25 years of experience who could have told them all where it would blow up and they never bothered to listen. Here we are, after losing a bunch of good people and with productivity in the tank trying to keep this ship afloat. It appears we might do that but now we're working twice as hard for the same results. The only consolation is that all of these guys are gone now - one was forced into retirement, one saw the writing on the wall and found someplace else to go, one was outright fired (he found another place too) and the last went to a different division where hopefully he won't have any further impact.

These are the types of guys who want to outsource my job for their own gain but darn it, they just can't.

That there are a lot of bad consultants is why I make the $$$ that I do and why I get called in after a lot of them fail. That goes to prove capitalism, not disprove it. Successful companies learn from their mistakes. Unsuccessful ones don't. So you worked for a bad company. Next time, hire me ...
All consultants think they're God's gift. Hence, the laughable resumes I see on LinkedIn. Much of corporate upper management is just as bad. One truth I've found from working in a variety of corporations is that the founders are generally very sharp and respectful of the people who work for them. Once they're out of the picture, the corporate slime move in and it becomes a frat party.

"All" consultants? It's hilarious that you call us "all" arrogant, yet you know all about us "all." Hypocrisy much?
Ok, fair enough. All consultants that I've ever known... How's that? Not that I really know you but your posts here don't exactly counter my impressions.

Yes, free enterprise is ridiculous. People can't make their own choices, government has to do it for us ... I'm completely lost. There is one problem with your theory. Government is comprised of ... people ... Didn't realize that, did you?
As bad as government is, it doesn't seem to be as completely infested with greedy mutherfuckers as the corporate world. I think it's funny how you believe that the move to send my job to India is proof that capitalism works. Are you going to be all-in when your companies start calling the consultants there? I have news for you, MBAs are a lot easier to get than engineers.
That there are a lot of bad consultants is why I make the $$$ that I do and why I get called in after a lot of them fail. That goes to prove capitalism, not disprove it. Successful companies learn from their mistakes. Unsuccessful ones don't. So you worked for a bad company. Next time, hire me ...
All consultants think they're God's gift. Hence, the laughable resumes I see on LinkedIn. Much of corporate upper management is just as bad. One truth I've found from working in a variety of corporations is that the founders are generally very sharp and respectful of the people who work for them. Once they're out of the picture, the corporate slime move in and it becomes a frat party.

"All" consultants? It's hilarious that you call us "all" arrogant, yet you know all about us "all." Hypocrisy much?
Ok, fair enough. All consultants that I've ever known... How's that? Not that I really know you but your posts here don't exactly counter my impressions.

Yes, free enterprise is ridiculous. People can't make their own choices, government has to do it for us ... I'm completely lost. There is one problem with your theory. Government is comprised of ... people ... Didn't realize that, did you?
As bad as government is, it doesn't seem to be as completely infested with greedy mutherfuckers as the corporate world. I think it's funny how you believe that the move to send my job to India is proof that capitalism works. Are you going to be all-in when your companies start calling the consultants there? I have news for you, MBAs are a lot easier to get than engineers.

Yo Vernon , If bureaucrats are not greedy motherfuckers why do they spend MILLIONS for a job that pays $200,000.00 ? If they are not greedy, why have they shredded the Constitution in order to feed the parasites and increase their power?

Moving jobs to India has NOTHING to do with "capitalism" .

It means that their survival instinct is intact and they escape massive regulations. and confiscatory taxation.
As bad as government is, it doesn't seem to be as completely infested with greedy mutherfuckers as the corporate world.


OMG, you are a complete lunatic, that's incredible
Tell me this, who is the highest paid government employee out there?

I don't know, maybe the Clintons who make a killing based on their government jobs.

How The Clintons Have Made $230 Million Since Leaving The White House
Bad example. The Clintons are just about the most corporatist politicians out there. They're Wall Street's darlings. I don't think Trump could be much worse in that respect. But given that's the case, how would it be better if corporations just wrote their own rules? At least whoever is in office is under some scrutiny. According to people like you, it's none of our business what goes on in a company. If they chose to screw us then so be it.
All consultants think they're God's gift. Hence, the laughable resumes I see on LinkedIn. Much of corporate upper management is just as bad. One truth I've found from working in a variety of corporations is that the founders are generally very sharp and respectful of the people who work for them. Once they're out of the picture, the corporate slime move in and it becomes a frat party.

"All" consultants? It's hilarious that you call us "all" arrogant, yet you know all about us "all." Hypocrisy much?
Ok, fair enough. All consultants that I've ever known... How's that? Not that I really know you but your posts here don't exactly counter my impressions.

Yes, free enterprise is ridiculous. People can't make their own choices, government has to do it for us ... I'm completely lost. There is one problem with your theory. Government is comprised of ... people ... Didn't realize that, did you?
As bad as government is, it doesn't seem to be as completely infested with greedy mutherfuckers as the corporate world. I think it's funny how you believe that the move to send my job to India is proof that capitalism works. Are you going to be all-in when your companies start calling the consultants there? I have news for you, MBAs are a lot easier to get than engineers.

Yo Vernon , If bureaucrats are not greedy motherfuckers why do they spend MILLIONS for a job that pays $200,000.00 ? If they are not greedy, why have they shredded the Constitution in order to feed the parasites and increase their power?

Moving jobs to India has NOTHING to do with "capitalism" .

It means that their survival instinct is intact and they escape massive regulations. and confiscatory taxation.
That's not why they go to India. It's for relatively high performing knowledge jobs at slave labor wages.
"All" consultants? It's hilarious that you call us "all" arrogant, yet you know all about us "all." Hypocrisy much?
Ok, fair enough. All consultants that I've ever known... How's that? Not that I really know you but your posts here don't exactly counter my impressions.

Yes, free enterprise is ridiculous. People can't make their own choices, government has to do it for us ... I'm completely lost. There is one problem with your theory. Government is comprised of ... people ... Didn't realize that, did you?
As bad as government is, it doesn't seem to be as completely infested with greedy mutherfuckers as the corporate world. I think it's funny how you believe that the move to send my job to India is proof that capitalism works. Are you going to be all-in when your companies start calling the consultants there? I have news for you, MBAs are a lot easier to get than engineers.

Yo Vernon , If bureaucrats are not greedy motherfuckers why do they spend MILLIONS for a job that pays $200,000.00 ? If they are not greedy, why have they shredded the Constitution in order to feed the parasites and increase their power?

Moving jobs to India has NOTHING to do with "capitalism" .

It means that their survival instinct is intact and they escape massive regulations. and confiscatory taxation.
That's not why they go to India. It's for relatively high performing knowledge jobs at slave labor wages.

And you know that for a fact how?

And they do not have a right to pay the least for labor because?
As bad as government is, it doesn't seem to be as completely infested with greedy mutherfuckers as the corporate world.


OMG, you are a complete lunatic, that's incredible
Tell me this, who is the highest paid government employee out there?

I don't know, maybe the Clintons who make a killing based on their government jobs.

How The Clintons Have Made $230 Million Since Leaving The White House
Bad example. The Clintons are just about the most corporatist politicians out there. They're Wall Street's darlings. I don't think Trump could be much worse in that respect. But given that's the case, how would it be better if corporations just wrote their own rules? At least whoever is in office is under some scrutiny. According to people like you, it's none of our business what goes on in a company. If they chose to screw us then so be it.

Perfect point, that's the fucking point about how politicians use their government jobs to sell interest. You think it's just the Clintons? You're delusional. You're not supposed to stick your head in the punch bowl, just get a cup and sip the kool-aid
"All" consultants? It's hilarious that you call us "all" arrogant, yet you know all about us "all." Hypocrisy much?
Ok, fair enough. All consultants that I've ever known... How's that? Not that I really know you but your posts here don't exactly counter my impressions.

Yes, free enterprise is ridiculous. People can't make their own choices, government has to do it for us ... I'm completely lost. There is one problem with your theory. Government is comprised of ... people ... Didn't realize that, did you?
As bad as government is, it doesn't seem to be as completely infested with greedy mutherfuckers as the corporate world. I think it's funny how you believe that the move to send my job to India is proof that capitalism works. Are you going to be all-in when your companies start calling the consultants there? I have news for you, MBAs are a lot easier to get than engineers.

Yo Vernon , If bureaucrats are not greedy motherfuckers why do they spend MILLIONS for a job that pays $200,000.00 ? If they are not greedy, why have they shredded the Constitution in order to feed the parasites and increase their power?

Moving jobs to India has NOTHING to do with "capitalism" .

It means that their survival instinct is intact and they escape massive regulations. and confiscatory taxation.
That's not why they go to India. It's for relatively high performing knowledge jobs at slave labor wages.

It's both, they are both costs, you're such a moron. I can't believe being a hard core Marxist is something you think is "normal"

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