What Is The Best Way To Deal With Street Protesters That Hold Up Traffic?

How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

  • Stop and wait for the cops

  • Drive over them

  • Tackle and body-slam them and take their pants off

  • Roll over them with a steam roller

  • Break out my softball bat and go to town

  • Other

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It's not your place to make protestors do anything. Sorry.

It's not their place to hold human beings prisoner.

Nor is it their place to consider themselves immune to severe consequences for committing any such crime, including the legitimate use of possibly deadly force by those being held prisoner, in order to escape.
Oops, you confused yourself. My solution is to leave them alone, which is obviously completely peaceful.

It is not the responsibility of human beings to leave subhuman criminals shit alone, that are in the act of committing violent crimes against those human beings.

It is not the responsibility of human beings to allow themselves to be illegally held prisoner by subhuman criminal shit, nor to refrain from he use of whatever force is necessary to escape from that situation.
Ok, and then you call the police and if the police refuse to do anything, then you leave the motorists no other choice but to drag you out of the street and zip tie you to a post.

Or just beat the shit out of them.

But better yet, and safer, stay in your car and run over the subhuman criminal shit that are trying to block you.
So you would get out of your car and assault them?

No, I would stay in my car, and run over the pieces of subhuman shit if they refused to get out of my way. Getting out of my car would be a major part of the same stupid, nearly-fatal mistake that Reginald Denny made.
Yes, they are. People have the right to not have their lives interferes with by someone else. When you illegally block the road, you are causing a hinderance, and in the case of causing people to be stuck there for hours is a significant hinderance and illegal detainment.
You have no such right at all. People can mess with your life all they want.

Why would anyone be "stuck for hours"? Are you so stupid you can't back up and find another way.
You have no such right at all. People can mess with your life all they want.

Why would anyone be "stuck for hours"? Are you so stupid you can't back up and find another way.
Another clueless fool withh no clue how traffic works in a city.

Cars will instantly back up behind you making it IMPOSSIBLE

This is precisely where and when such protestors pick to pull their illegal crap

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