What Is The Best Way To Deal With Street Protesters That Hold Up Traffic?

How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

  • Stop and wait for the cops

  • Drive over them

  • Tackle and body-slam them and take their pants off

  • Roll over them with a steam roller

  • Break out my softball bat and go to town

  • Other

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Take a different route to work. It's not that hard, or hard to figure out.

If you came upon a wreck of 12 vehicles you would find another way around it, knowing that otherwise emergency vehicles would have you sitting there for 45 minutes. This is no different, other than your impotent rage.

The leftist says we must entertain leftists, accept they've inconvenienced us and find alternative ways to go around them. You're a selfish self-righteous bastard.

Like I mentioned above, the common leftist has the mentality of a spoiled young child, and you're one of them.

And comparing protestors to a fucking 12 car accident, you're a dick. It's ironic however, leftists are an accident.
The leftist says we must entertain leftists, accept they've inconvenienced us and find alternative ways to go around them. You're a selfish self-righteous bastard.

Like I mentioned above, the common leftist has the mentality of a spoiled young child, and you're one of them.

And comparing protestors to a fucking 12 car accident, you're a dick. It's ironic however, leftists are an accident.
So, you're sticking with impotent rage?
I've seen water cannons used to great effect.
Tshirt cannons are more fun though.
Stupid response, but you're right - this is you. The WHOLE point of having a protest is to make other people aware of your opinion so keeping it "away from other people" would be a complete waste of their time.

Nobody should have to do a lot of things in this life, like suffer idiots, but we do.
Nope, my response is spot on and 100% accurate. You do not have the right to force other people to be burdened by your protest. Your protest is YOUR protest.

Also, you have the right to petition the GOVERNMENT for the redress of grievances. This means your protest is to be directed at the government, not the citizens, and you have the right to protest in appropriate places, like in front of the capitol, or a government office. If you are in the street, blocking traffic and hindering other people, you are disturbing the peace and in an unlawful assembly.
Referring to people who disagree with you as "vermin" and threatening them with violence is so Trumpian of you.

Interesting that you think that people protesting or expressing an opinion different from yours is "interfering with your life" and that justifies extreme violence on your part.

Stupid, entitled and prone to violence is no way to go through life, fool. Donald Trump is modelling the worst behaviour possible to his Cult, and you lap up his shit with a fork and spoon.

No, I fully support their right to protest, for whatever reason the like, it’s only when they interfere with other people’s lives that it becomes a problem.
Moving the goal posts are you???? This thread is about street protests disrupting traffic and what's the best solution for it.

Rightwingers favour confronting protestors and using violence, or banning protests altogether. Sane people favour going around it and avoiding the problem, altogether.

No, I don’t think violence is the answer, but a bundle of heavy duty 3/4” zip ties is the answer. Drag them out of the street and zip tie them to a railing or a street post or something, so they can’t crawl back into the street. Someone will eventually come and cut them free.

What you don’t realize is your actions are what is creating the violence. When you block the roads for hours on end and people are stuck because if you…THAT causes violence. So…stop doing it and people won’t have a need to be angry.
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Physically blocking roadways, walkways doesn't harm anyone. Forcing you to go around the protest is not a violation of YOUR rights at all. The ONLY people being "assaulted", are assholes who are trying to assert their "rights" by physically attacking the protestors, or trying to push them aside.

But gay couples who are denied their legal right to a marriage license may lose custody of their children if not allowed to marry and one of them dies, or trans children may become suicidal if they are denied treatment. Women are dying by the thousands because of lack of access to abortion care.

These people are protesting for the rights guaranteed them under the Constitution. You're just being an asshole.

Forcing you to go around the protest is not a violation of YOUR rights at all.

Yes, they are. People have the right to not have their lives interferes with by someone else. When you illegally block the road, you are causing a hinderance, and in the case of causing people to be stuck there for hours is a significant hinderance and illegal detainment.

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