What Is The Best Way To Deal With Street Protesters That Hold Up Traffic?

How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

  • Stop and wait for the cops

  • Drive over them

  • Tackle and body-slam them and take their pants off

  • Roll over them with a steam roller

  • Break out my softball bat and go to town

  • Other

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This is about the right of way, everyday life of innocent Americans. This event and many others like it certainly are violent and deadly. You people consider this a form of “peaceful protests”.
Are you saying no walkways were blocked on Jan 6th?

I also don't know how you get the idea that I or for that matter anyone on the left support any driver being beaten up?

I... and most people on the left are perfectly capable of distinguishing between a peaceful protests and violent ones. Violent ones are riots. And just because some protests are riots the reason for the protest can still be valid.

For instance. I supported the peaceful protests as a result of Floyd. At the same time I disagreed with any violence that occurred during those protest. It's not a duality in my book.

I don't think the rally on Jan 6th was wrong. People have a right to rally even if I thought of the reasoning for it as moronic. On the other hand storming the Capitol. Especially in the context of trying to stop the transfer of power is a coup.

The way I see it. Most people on the left understand that riots are bad and aren't worthy of support. This includes those that happened after George Floyd. There is no call to free the over ten thousand people who got arrested. On the other hand, a significant part of the right even now considers the violence on Jan 6th justified and the perpetrators of that violence victims.
Take a different route to work. It's not that hard, or hard to figure out.

If you came upon a wreck of 12 vehicles you would find another way around it, knowing that otherwise emergency vehicles would have you sitting there for 45 minutes. This is no different, other than your impotent rage.
Here's the diff. A wreck of 12 vehicles is an ACCIDENT. No one intended to block the road by crashing their vehicle. A bunch of people milling around in the street yelling and carrying signs, OTOH, is....wait for it....a DELIBERATE attempt to cause trouble.

Normal people understand the difference.
Are you saying no walkways were blocked on Jan 6th?

I also don't know how you get the idea that I or for that matter anyone on the left support any driver being beaten up?

I... and most people on the left are perfectly capable of distinguishing between a peaceful protests and violent ones. Violent ones are riots. And just because some protests are riots the reason for the protest can still be valid.

For instance. I supported the peaceful protests as a result of Floyd. At the same time I disagreed with any violence that occurred during those protest. It's not a duality in my book.

I don't think the rally on Jan 6th was wrong. People have a right to rally even if I thought of the reasoning for it as moronic. On the other hand storming the Capitol. Especially in the context of trying to stop the transfer of power is a coup.

The way I see it. Most people on the left understand that riots are bad and aren't worthy of support. This includes those that happened after George Floyd. There is no call to free the over ten thousand people who got arrested. On the other hand, a significant part of the right even now considers the violence on Jan 6th justified and the perpetrators of that violence victims.
What is your science that most of the right considers Jan6 justified? To me, it was a riot not unlike all that we saw throughout 2020. It was not an insurrection. The Peoples business was disrupted but within hours, the election was certified and order was immediately restored which I cheered. Contrast that with the immigrant and brown store owners whose livelihoods were burnt and looted.
What is your science that most of the right considers Jan6 justified? To me, it was a riot not unlike all that we saw throughout 2020. It was not an insurrection. The Peoples business was disrupted but within hours, the election was certified and order was immediately restored which I cheered. Contrast that with the immigrant and brown store owners whose livelihoods were burnt and looted.
If more than half of the people running for president amounting to something like 90 percent of the primary votes argue pardoning and portraying them as victims I can argue that's the position of most on the right.
Show us where conservatives are physically blocking roadways and walkways or assaulting people trying to do the activities you listed? Where is the gay couple that got assaulted trying to get married? Same with the car load of trans children riding to get medical care?

Physically blocking roadways, walkways doesn't harm anyone. Forcing you to go around the protest is not a violation of YOUR rights at all. The ONLY people being "assaulted", are assholes who are trying to assert their "rights" by physically attacking the protestors, or trying to push them aside.

But gay couples who are denied their legal right to a marriage license may lose custody of their children if not allowed to marry and one of them dies, or trans children may become suicidal if they are denied treatment. Women are dying by the thousands because of lack of access to abortion care.

These people are protesting for the rights guaranteed them under the Constitution. You're just being an asshole.
Physically blocking roadways, walkways doesn't harm anyone. Forcing you to go around the protest is not a violation of YOUR rights at all. The ONLY people being "assaulted", are assholes who are trying to assert their "rights" by physically attacking the protestors, or trying to push them aside.

But gay couples who are denied their legal right to a marriage license may lose custody of their children if not allowed to marry and one of them dies, or trans children may become suicidal if they are denied treatment. Women are dying by the thousands because of lack of access to abortion care.

These people are protesting for the rights guaranteed them under the Constitution. You're just being an asshole.

Having streets and roadways blocked does cause harm

There is no such right within the constitution and NO cause is ever so important that it justifies the basic right of others to move freely

The people you defend are vile pigs
If more than half of the people running for president amounting to something like 90 percent of the primary votes argue pardoning and portraying them as victims I can argue that's the position of most on the right.
Show some validated stats.
Physically blocking roadways, walkways doesn't harm anyone. Forcing you to go around the protest is not a violation of YOUR rights at all. The ONLY people being "assaulted", are assholes who are trying to assert their "rights" by physically attacking the protestors, or trying to push them aside.

But gay couples who are denied their legal right to a marriage license may lose custody of their children if not allowed to marry and one of them dies, or trans children may become suicidal if they are denied treatment. Women are dying by the thousands because of lack of access to abortion care.

These people are protesting for the rights guaranteed them under the Constitution. You're just being an asshole.
Blocking roadways most certainly does violate the rights of people trying to get to work, a loved one to a medical appointment, or home to a sick child…. In some cases, also blocking or preventing people from turning around and /or attacking the vehicle or pulling the driver out of the car and beating them as we saw in social justice protests in 2020.

See if you take the same position you are taking now when it impacts a loved one or people that share your views.
Show some validated stats.
Lol. Do you deny that presidential candidates representing the overwhelming majority of the GOP have stated that they would pardon those jailed for Jan 6th and portray them as victims? If you want me to cite stats first answer that basic question?
Lol. Do you deny that presidential candidates representing the overwhelming majority of the GOP have stated that they would pardon those jailed for Jan 6th and portray them as victims? If you want me to cite stats first answer that basic question?
You can choose or not choose to put stats to back your claim.
You can choose or not choose to put stats to back your claim.
You can choose or not choose to take a position on what you contest. Not doing so just offers you the opportunity to move the goalposts ad nauseam.

To begin with both polling data and candidates' positions are widely reported. Making me suspect the question is posed in bad faith.
You can choose or not choose to take a position on what you contest. Not doing so just offers you the opportunity to move the goalposts ad nauseam.

To begin with both polling data and candidates' positions are widely reported. Making me suspect the question is posed in bad faith.
I haven’t moved the goalpost. The topic is how to deal with protestors who block roadways; not vandalize the US Capitol.
Here in Ohio if you unlawfully block somebody's freedom of movement without their consent it's called false imprisonment and is a misdemeanor punishable by 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.

That may not seem like much, but if they blocked 500 motorists they could be charged with 500 separate counts. That would be over 80 years in jail and a quarter million dollar fine for ever single one of those scumbags.

All it would take is for that to happen once and none of these other leftist fuckwads will ever think about blocking traffic again. We just need a prosecutor with the balls to charge these fucks.

And before anyone argues that they were not falsely imprisoned because the victims could have just got out of their cars and walked away, there is already precedent, it's settled law.

If you block someone traveling in their car you're still guilty of false imprisonment even if they could have got out and walked away.

A Mother with kids is not getting out and walking to the next on ramp or exit ramp on an interstate. And yes they have blocked bigger roads also. See Minnesota. See CA HWY 1.
Take a different route to work. It's not that hard, or hard to figure out.

If you came upon a wreck of 12 vehicles you would find another way around it, knowing that otherwise emergency vehicles would have you sitting there for 45 minutes. This is no different, other than your impotent rage.

BS. In CA it is bumper to bumper always. By the time you realize anything is up you are lined up in 50 cars.
I've seen water cannons used to great effect.
The common leftist has the mental capacity of a spoiled young child. They often play a intellect role trying to make up for it, which describes these guys to a tee.

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