What Is The Best Way To Deal With Street Protesters That Hold Up Traffic?

How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

  • Stop and wait for the cops

  • Drive over them

  • Tackle and body-slam them and take their pants off

  • Roll over them with a steam roller

  • Break out my softball bat and go to town

  • Other

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Yep, it is frustrating, and your approach to this is then entire reason violence breaks out at these things, and you don’t realize that then protestors are the entire cause of it.
Oops, you confused yourself. My solution is to leave them alone, which is obviously completely peaceful.

If you're feeling especially Karen-y, call the police. So they can laugh at you.
Oops, you confused yourself. My solution is to leave them alone, which is obviously completely peaceful.

If you're feeling especially Karen-y, call the police. So they can laugh at you.
Nope, by leaving them alone, they are blocking people from going about their way, and you are forcing others to be subjected to your protest. That isn’t your right. And calling the police, if they are doing their job, should result in going to jail.

Somehow the left thinks their right to petition the government somehow includes the right to inconvenience others. That isn’t the case.
Nope, by leaving them alone, they are blocking people from going about their way, and you are forcing others to be subjected to your protest.
I didn't force anyone to do anything, when I turned my car around. What a bizarre thing to say. I don't think you're following.

And you aren't a cop. So this is the complete list of the actions you have the right to take:

Turn around
Call the police (so they can laugh at you)
Are we also in agreement that you just accomplished nothing? You pointed at some strangers and gave them an order. Then they laughed at you.

Ok, and then you call the police and if the police refuse to do anything, then you leave the motorists no other choice but to drag you out of the street and zip tie you to a post.

There is no argument you can make that validates this kind of action. And if your solution is “well we’ll just do it anyway”…then you have to understand that that will anger people, and yes, violence will occur.
I didn't force anyone to do anything, when I turned my car around. What a bizarre thing to say. I don't think you're following.

And you aren't a cop. So this is the complete list of the actions you have the right to take:

Turn around
Call the police (so they can laugh at you)
Incorrect. Call the police and have them come and arrest the protestors for blocking the right of way. It’s not their responsibility to alter their route so you can block traffic. It’s the protestors responsibility to have their protest in an appropriate place.
No, that's felony assault. The protestors definitely have a right to fk you up, then.

But hey, it's your life. But I think we both know this is hot air.
Something tells me your approach to this is nothing more than “haha, I’m blocking you and you can’t do anything about it”…is that about right?

No, that's felony assault. The protestors definitely have a right to fk you up, then

And your blocking the road is illegal detainment. And no, when cars are backed up for miles, people don’t have the ability to turn around…aside from that, if it’s in a freeway, it’s a safety issue because then you are asking them to drive the wrong way on the road.
You can call the police.

Then they will probably laugh at you. Maybe after you hang up, but they will laugh all the same.
If they do, then they are not doing their job. I doubt they would laugh at you, by not addressing the situation, that makes them culpable for any violence that causes, because they have a duty to enforce the law, and if they refuse, people will do what they have to order to stop their illegal detainment.
Something tells me your approach to this is nothing more than “haha, I’m blocking you and you can’t do anything about it”…is that about right?
My approach would be to turn my car around and find a different route. I really could not be more clear about that.

blocking the road is illegal detainment
Oh, then you could show me plenty of times that people have been charged with illegal detainment for that. And convicted. Is that even a real charge? Did you just completely make that up? Honest question.
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How would you deal with a street protest that was keeping you from getting to work?

Remember Reginald Denny.

As far as I am concerned, any motorist who finds his ability to travel blocked by idiot protesters on the road has every right to assume that this is a Reginald-Denny-like situation, and to respond accordingly.

BTW, this happened a few years ago, here in Sacramento.

Remember Reginald Denny.

As far as I am concerned, any motorist who finds his ability to travel blocked by idiot protesters on the road has every right to assume that this is a Reginald-Denny-like situation, and to respond accordingly.

BTW, this happened a few years ago, here in Sacramento.

He was trying to be nice to protesters and they beat him nearly to death.

Nope.....I'll run them over....or get out and practice my swing with my aluminum softball bat.
No, I don’t think violence is the answer, but a bundle of heavy duty 3/4” zip ties is the answer. Drag them out of the street and zip tie them to a railing or a street post or something, so they can’t crawl back into the street. Someone will eventually come and cut them free.

What you don’t realize is your actions are what is creating the violence. When you block the roads for hours on end and people are stuck because if you…THAT causes violence. So…stop doing it and people won’t have a need to be angry.

Blocking roads, effectively holding people prisoner against their will, is violence. It is entirely appropriate to respond to violence with violence. I do like your idea about zip ties, assuming you're strong enough to do so. But considering that you're likely to be outnumbers, it's probably not wise to attempt. Best to just run them over.
Physically blocking roadways, walkways doesn't harm anyone. Forcing you to go around the protest is not a violation of YOUR rights at all. The ONLY people being "assaulted", are assholes who are trying to assert their "rights" by physically attacking the protestors, or trying to push them aside.

But gay couples who are denied their legal right to a marriage license may lose custody of their children if not allowed to marry and one of them dies, or trans children may become suicidal if they are denied treatment. Women are dying by the thousands because of lack of access to abortion care.

These people are protesting for the rights guaranteed them under the Constitution. You're just being an asshole.


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